jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
So, I played the Jumin DLC and it wasn’t as bad as I expected. (Spoilers)
Granted, my expectations were very low and I was sure I was going to hate it but the fact that I kind of enjoyed it was a plus.
So, I was very skeptical at the announcement of this DLC. I generally don’t like experiencing bad endings. Mostly because it requires me being a jerk to the characters I like so, I don’t really want to play that. While it was cool that Jumin was getting more content, I was less than thrilled  that it would be on content that I didn’t want to see.
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Remember how I said I might expand on that Jumin bomb idea? Well here you go!
Emergency Alert
A while ago I received a request on my side blog about what would happen if Zen’s bomb plot was in Jumin’s route. I wrote out my ideas but decided to flesh it out into a one-shot. It’s more of an alternate timeline where Jumin and MC have started to really express their feelings before MC arrives at Jumin’s place.
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
1000 Follower Match-Ups
I am back! So, many life things have happened and I thought now is as good of a time as any to open up match-ups. Since I hit 1000 followers and everyone seems to really like my match-ups, I will open them up for an unknown period of time. Here are the rules.
First, let’s talk about the things that I am NOT looking for.
Please do not give me your age, especially if you are under the age of 18. I realized that last time I said give me your age, which was a mistake because I forgot that most people on this website are minors. I just happen to be the weird 23 year-old still on this website. I am just going to assume you are all 18 for my own sanity’s sake. So if you are below the age of 18 just don’t say anything. If you break this rule, I will not answer your match-up request. Last time it was my fault but I am warning you right now, do not send me your age if you are under 18.
Second, no physical appearances. The last couple of times I have said, “if you have distinct feature then tell me about it” but I always end up with a couple people telling me their hair and eye color. Those things do not matter and are not helpful. Unlike age, I will probably not outright ignore your request but it is significantly harder for me to match you up well.
Third, this is random but don’t give your astrological sign. I know nothing about those so it is not really helpful for me.
Now, what am I looking for?
These are just ideas for what you can give me. You do not have to follow them exactly but this is what I find the most helpful. Please do not just go “MU: Taylor. I like books”.
General Information: A name. Like last time, I will be writing this in the second person. However, if I decide to write dialogue for your match-ups, then this could come in handy. I do not need your pronouns, as it’ll be written in second person.
Occupation: If you are a student, then what are you studying. If you have a job, then what is it. Or you could write about your dream job. Or just the main thing you do all day.
Hobbies: What do you like to do outside of your occupation in your free time?
Personality: Are you shy or outgoing? Talkative? Do you like to joke around? Are you serious all of the time? Feel free to give your hogwarts house if that makes it easier.
Example [The things in brackets are just an indication of each piece of info is or notes from me]
MU: [<–Please have MU in the ask so that I can easily find them. If you don’t then I may not answer them] Taylor, 23 [General Information]. I graduated with my poli sci degree and am trying to become a political analyst in Washington DC [Occupation]. My hobbies are reading fantasy books, writing, and watching YouTube videos [Three hobbies would be the most helpful]. I’ve become a pretty outgoing person in recent years. I can talk your ear off and I’m often sarcastic. Though I am also a bit of a perfectionist and overly ambitious. [Just an insight to personality] Faves: Juju, Yoosung, and Saeran [This isn’t required but if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want a specific person then feel free to put this here. If you don’t care then you don’t need to put this]
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Hi! Could you please write hcs for Jumin? If the whole bomb in the apartment happened during his route, like what happened on zen’s route, but it happening again during Jumins route. Please?
Thank you for the request and thank you for your patience! Also this may turn into a fic one day because oh boy, this has is...intense.
Jumin with the bomb in the apartment
Jumin can barely comprehend what he is reading of the chat. There is a bomb in Rika’s apartment. And this Unknown has rigged it to where if anyone leaves or exits it will go off.
MC...MC is in the apartment.
For a split second his mind goes blank. He feels the thousands of strings squeezing his heart.
Then he’s on his feet.
He can barely remember running out of his penthouse, to his car and driving himself to Seven’s place.
He does not care how much money it will take or what seven needs. MC is getting out of this apartment.
He starts organizing a team, Seven is trying to stop him while also working on getting this bomb defused.
Eventually, when Seven does, all Jumin’s plans go out the window.
“Give me the address.”
No screaming. No shouting. There is a cold, calmness that is truly terrifying to Seven. A determination so fierce and unwavering.
He is not taking no for answer and Seven has never seen Jumin like this. There is no stopping this man from getting to that apartment. Even if he needed to spend every penny he had to his name on finding that apartment, he would.
Luckily Driver Kim has arrived and amazed that Jumin and the car are still in one piece.
Jumin gives the address and they just go.
He arrives there with a small team but more are coming in.
Unknown is tackled to the ground by the guards and Jumin takes MC into his arms.
Unknown being Unknown escapes but Jumin calls for a manhunt.
Tells MC to gather anything important for the party because there is no way that she will ever go back to this apartment.
It’s not until it is late at night when MC is safe in bed that Jumin makes the call. “Did you know about it?”
“Jihyun, did you about it?”
“It was for secur--”
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Your writing is amazing
Hi! Thank you, so, so much for saying this! It really makes me happy that people are enjoying my work! I really appreciate it! And I appreciate all the support from this community!
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
may i request jumin noticing MC is depressed after an RFA party went poorly like people angrily complaining and she’s trying her best to put up a tough front but she’s really sad
Hi! Thank you for your patience!
Jumin x MC who is depressed after a poor party
Jumin is very aware of MC’s need to please people.
He has seen her do it with him. She may not outright ask him if he is happy with the way she is doing something but she will look for his approval.
He was happy to give feedback and no matter what she always seems happy.
But something felt off when he criticized something.
Then he noticed it fully when one of the RFA’S parties did not go as planned.
The entire RFA was feeling very stressed at the disaster. But MC tried to smile and assure that it would be better next time.
Even when there were comments from articles online blaming MC she just smiled.
But Jumin could tell it was off.
Then he comes home early one day and notices she is just lying in bed, cuddling Elizabeth.
He quietly goes up to her and notices her slight trembles.
“This is about the party.”
She tries to pass it off but he knows. “MC, it is okay to make mistakes. We will all do better next time.”
For now, a lot of comfort and hugs.
The next day, Jumin being Jumin, he creates a game plan for solving the problems that came up last time.
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
okay so how would the rfa react to mc getting her wisdom teeth out and dealing with the aftermath of her??
Thank you for your patience!
RFA x MC with Wisdom Teeth Removed
He will do all the research in the world about the surgery and what will be required for post-treatment.
He will also get ahead of as much work as he can so he can take a week off to be with MC.
He will find the best dentist (and as quickly as possible if her wisdom teeth are bothering her)
Once MC has returned from surgery, he will do everything he can to ease the pain.
Though, Jumin is pretty burned out himself from researching and getting ahead on work
Luckily MC just wants to relax in bed with him and Elizabeth.
He will be there to lie down, press cold clothes her to face and just enjoy each other’s company.
Though he does have dentists on call just in case anything goes wrong.
Is a little bit lost when it comes to trying to take care of someone. He doesn’t often get sick or injured so he doesn’t really know to take care of himself.
He’ll run the drug store and try to find any pain medicine he can find.
Will beer help???
He buys the beer. If MC doesn’t drink it he might need it.
Honestly, a cold beer does help a little bit.
But the best thing is when Zen just sings to her. It’s so relaxing and beautiful that it almost makes her fall alseep.
The worst part is when he has go to back to work before she’s fully recovered.
But he makes sure to call her during his breaks and talks to her every second he can.
Is lowkey afraid of the dentist.
He’s just never liked to idea of someone sticking their fingers in his mouth.
And he hasn’t had his wisdom teeth removed.
So he’s very nervous for MC.
So, if she wasn’t nervous before...the night before is quite the stressful time
But once the whole thing is over, then he’s actually pretty good to be around.
LOLOL is the best distraction.
They play together and MC gets so wrapped up that she forgets the swelling and pain.
Until they cheer at win and then that’s a bit painful.
But for the most part, it’s a pretty good time.
Is actually the one with the biggest fear of the dentist.
When she was a kid she had a poor experience with one and ever since they just make her very anxious.
She’s already had her wisdom removed so she tries to help relay her experience.
Though she has to try to not make it worse than it seems.
However, once the surgery is actually over, she’s much better at caretaking.
She will try to help with any pain that MC is in.
She is relieved that MC is not suffering from that much pain. Nothing that pain medicine can’t help.
But it does give her an excuse to close the cafe for an afternoon and spend so quality time with her.
Will do anything to try and make MC happy.
A snack? You got it! Play video games? On it! Look at pictures of cats all day? Down.
The best medicine is laughter so Seven will try to provide that!
Which will sometimes include pranking Vanderwood
But if it gets a good laugh out of MC then it is totally worth Vanderwood trying to kill him.
But eventually, MC will just ask him to relax with her on the couch while she has a cold cloth on her face.
He’ll offer to keep it on there for her so she can just relax.
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
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Source: This
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
is there any way i can request jumin reacting to MC proposing to him probably just wanting to renew their vows or something but she plans a whole date around it
Hi! Thank you for your patience and thank you for the request!
Jumin x MC proposing to him to renew their vows
Jumin Han is not a subtle man. MC knows this and she also knows that Jumin can appreciate her being unsubtle about her love for him.
So she decides to make this a big deal.
She gets the RFA involved, his dad, her family. She works out with Jaehee and Chairman Han a day where they could strategically plan for him to have an unexpected night off.
Reserves Jumin’s favorite winery for that night and plans to hide their friends and family.
It takes a lot of convincing to let a special kitty.
Gets the best allergy medication for Zen.
The night arrives, Jaehee lets MC know that Jumin is on his way home. The plan is in motion!
MC prepares for Jumin to arrive home, she pretends to be surprised to see him and convinces him to take a light night out to the winery.
Little does Jumin know V is hiding in another room, waiting to take Elizabeth after they leave.
Jumin, however, is very observant. “There does not seem to be very many people here tonight.” He noted.
“We just must be lucky.” MC tries to pass. He seems a little suspicious but MC quickly tries to distract him with his favorite wine.
They do a few tastings before MC finally takes his hand. “Jumin, meeting you was one of the most wonderful things to ever happen to me.” She says. “And I am sure you had something special planned for our five year anniversary but there’s something I wanted to ask you.”
“MC...?” Jumin says looking confused as doors to the backroom open and all their friends come out, V is holding Elizabeth III.
He’s even more confused but sees MC putting her purse on the table and taking out a small box. “Jumin Han.” She said opening the box to him. “Will you renew your vows with me?”
Bean is so shook.
He’s actually never thought about renewing their vows before. He was planning on having an extravagant vacation but this...
He nearly gets teary-eyed but scoops MC into his arms and kisses her. Wine all around and cheers of congratulations!
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Requests are Open!
I finally graduated college and it still doesn’t feel real. But now I can focus on this blog! I have a couple of requests in my box but feel free to add more.
Also, yes, I will be opening match-ups VERY soon.
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
At the end of the day both teachers are like “*gasp* did you two switch places?!?!?!” And have them change before they get picked up.
Imagine if V and Jumin's pre-school teachers just let them get away with pretending to be each other. Just a couple of smol children thinking they got away with it :D
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My heart.... ❤️❤️❤️
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
An update
First, I hope you are doing well! I know it’s been a while since I posted. I’m still finishing up my semester. I think I’ll be done around the 18th. So in a couple of weeks I will try to be more active. I will probably open up match-ups to celebrate 1000 followers. Also my Birthday is the 23rd so maybe I’ll do something special for that. I have a couple of requests in my ask box. If you want, you can put in requests but I may not get to them right away. (I probably SHOULDNT get to them because I have a 20 page paper to finish ^^”)
Again, stay safe everyone and have a great day!
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Me: Y’know I really haven’t checked on my MM blog in a while, I should do that
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Holy cow! Thank you so much for 1000 followers! This blog is growing so quickly! I will have to open up Match-Ups again (since a lot of people seem to really want them) School is kind of busy for me at the moment, so I will have to do them later on but thank you so much!
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Finished all the Match-Ups!
And with that, all the match-ups are finished! Thank you so much to everyone who sent one in. I will probably open them up again when I actually hit 1000 followers. People really seemed to want them so look out for that.
But as always requests are open, so don’t be shy!
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Ahhhh thank you so much for answering my request ♡♡ uwu
Thank you so much for the request!! Have a great day and stay safe!! :)
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
MU: Grace. My days are mainly spent in my room drawing and doing commissions! When I'm not doing that I really enjoy a good book and a hot cup of honey+milk tea. Im a quiet and reserved person who prefers blending into the background rather than being the center of attention. Kind of a wallflower? Hope this helps, haha, Ive never done one of these before so i hope I've done this correctly 🖤 :)
I match you with Saeran!
I think it would be good for him to have someone calm, quiet and reserved like you!
I can imagine you two just sitting together while you’re doing commissions and he’s working with his flowers.
Probably not even saying anything, just enjoying each other’s company!
He always seems to know when you good a good cup of tea!
He’s always there with a tray for the both of you.
WIll blush like mad if you do it back for him.
“Grace, you didn’t have to get me one but thank you!”
Also please tell him what you’re reading about. He’ll be so curious but he won’t ask.
Will probably pick up his own copy of the book and read it so he can talk about it with you.
He thinks you doing commissions is really cool! You are such a talented artist and he’s glad people appreciate that!
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
MU: 18 year old college student who’s an immense perfectionist and loves anything creative and fun! I get bored very easily to the point I struggle with concentration and keeping myself happy and bubbly. I like memes, running around the malls/any amusement park, and snacking! Also a bit of a aesthetic obsessed person/ fashionista. My biggest flaws are insecurities of not being good enough, feeling lonely, and not caring enough about myself or my health🤷‍♀️. oh and I can���t save money for shit 🥺
I match you with Yoosung
First I love the idea of Yoosung being in a relationship with a fashionista.
I think at first he will literally know nothing about fashion
“Clothes are just clothes!”
But after you start showing him all these different types of outfits, he’ll realize that he actually likes it.
Being well dressed can make you feel good.
Personality-wise, you two are pretty similar. He struggles with concentration too but it is due to his depression.
However your bubbly personality is also a distraction so you two don’t get much work done.
Jaehee and Jumin will probably scold you both T_T
As for the not caring enough about yourself or your health, you can bet that every morning, afternoon, and evening Yoosung is making sure you’ve eaten.
If you’re not going to take care of your health, then Yoosung will give you (probably not so subtle) reminders!
He has a lot of the same flaws as you. However he tries to make sure you both improve your self-esteems!
Also be ready for plenty of amusement part dates...or just sitting on the couch with snacks and memes.
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