catbtr0822 · 7 years
There’s this thing it doesn’t let me sleep he’s not like a thing but more like a human being more like human beings I for sure am one too but I’m a hurt human being like me there’s others a few but others the ones that don’t get hurt as often as me are the lucky ones to be free I also hurt myself by getting a blade and making myself scars that scream for help a far that is too far for anyone to hear me it’s like being trapped in your own mind making yourself scars that drip blood while you drown in your tears except you hold in those tears because you’re actually real and you’re somewhere where there’s people you’re able to ask for help but instead you choose to act like everything is fine so you help them instead you hear what they have to say about what they’re going through but nobody knows what you’re going through at home alone you take whatever pill you can to cure the pain but there is no cure you feel empty some day other days you feel the same as when you loose someone but instead of asking for help you choose to get a noose and hang yourself now you’re free from everything. -fxorest
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
goner (chapter) 15
it was very cold that night I felt worried because I wasn’t able to help him in the way I wanted to because of me now he is more hurt than ever I always mess everything up and I get overly jealous I'm so dumb he probably hates me because I couldn’t protect him I love him more than anyone I’ve ever loved and I need to fix this I need to help him I need to be with him and sometimes I feel like I'm obsessed with him...
it did hurt a lot but I wasn't mad at her she kept helping me in every possible way even after what I had done to her well not me but just a evil side of myself I don't want to have ever again I don't want her to worry about me all I do is hurt her and make her life worse she doesn't deserve that its not fair to her maybe I should let her forget about me I'm going to break up with her after I heal myself with blurry face’s powers and I'm going to drown myself after.
he told me he wanted to show me something he can do but its not safe because he has to turn to blurry face in order to do it so he went into the forest disappeared then after awhile came back  and told me its best if we break up and walked away I stood there in shock I tried hugging him my heart was pounding in ache and burn I couldn't leave him I hugged him from his back he would refuse then he turned around kissed me and he said I love you and tears went down his face I was overly confused at this point I yelled out WHAT IS HAPPENING he ran far way and said “stay away from me” I cried because I lost the love of my life and walked home
it was horrible leaving the one girl I was actually in love with she was my soul mate but its better if she doesn’t love a creature like me because I just make her life worse I got inside my house ran upstairs and turned on the bath tub I slit my wrists the bath filled up so much memories with that girl more than i’d ever imagine so much kisses love and so much of her I needed her but I already made my choice to let her have a better life and forget about me I'm not important I let one leg in than the other I sat down as the bathtub filled with my blood and turned red I tilted my head back and lied down then I let my whole head in everything was red I'm just a goner I'm doomed and cannot be saved I should die I was feeling horrible my chest  hurt I couldn't breathe I'm drowning I'm dying...
I couldn't just leave him go I followed him but all he did was go to his house I knocked my heart was hurting I was pounding on the door until zack answered he said what tyler is upstairs I ran up there in his room and he wasn't there I kicked open the bathroom door and I couldn't believe what I saw.....to be continued
thanks for reading ~carinaaaaa
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner chapter 14
I was cold I thought I was going to die for good after tyler-i mean blurry face hurt me is it really "blurry face" as he calls him or is it just a dark side of Tyler when he gets anxiety attacks I don't know I wish I knew we were in the treehouse I saw sara standing up and Tyler kneeling on the floor hugging me I told him... you... hurt... me... he then said "NO I DIDN'T IT WASN'T ME IT WASN'T ME I WASN'T ME!!!" Yelling he did it and me and sara were terrified tears dropped from his eyes I hugged him and thanked him for saving me I whispered in his ear its okay don't worry then sara said "well I gotta go Jordan is taking me out on a date to a restruant called VELVET so yeah I gotta get going bye" she hugged me and left me and Tyler stayed on the floor he just stared at me and looked down I turned around and saw the blood all over the bed floor and walks I said its okay ill clean it he said no u wont I gave you those cuts you're not doing anything okay I will clean it later I hugged him again outside was so cold I put on so sweater and a beanie Tyler put on a thin sweater and a beanie I told him if we could walk around the forest he said OK and we got out of the treehouse and we just walked and walked around I was blowing the white winter snow
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Tyler just stood there when we got to a different neighborhood I told him I didn't feel right about this neighborhood so we turned back while we were turning back we saw a pack of wolves
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We tried to run but they started chasing after us
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I was so scared because I've never seen a wolf before then one of the wolves jumped onto my back and started attacking me ripping my sweater and my biting my arms Tyler was defending me and trying to hit the wolves then he hit it off me and the rest came and jumped on Tyler they started to rip his clothes I tried to stop them but it was to many I was Tyler struggling bleeding and scratches on him it made my heart break so I kicked the wolves so hard then I got a stick it was sharp I stabbed the wolf that was biting tyler's leg then I found a knife laying on the snow I stabbed the rest of the wolves they were trying to tear him apart I had such anger I killed all of the wolves when they were all dead I picked Tyler up he struggled to walk he had cuts in his chest arms and every where I walked and then he couldn't take walking so I offered to carry him that I think I'm able to he said no he's fine but he wasn't then after awhile walking he fell and couldn't take it so I carried him he wasn't heavy I loved him so much I couldn't take to see him in pain he was so cute when I was carrying him I love him he just stared at me the whole time and smiled I carried him all the way to house I got home and knocked so hard on the door Jocelyn answered and said what happened I got in and put him on the couch I explained to her what happened to him and me he protected me from those wolves she said I wish I had a mans like that I said he's special and then I got him a hot wet towel and wrapped it around him leg I told him that we had to tell his mom and dad he didn't want to but then I convinced him to so he made me call his mom when I called I heard this sweet sounding voice of a lady I said hello? She said yes? Who is this I told her I am tylers girlfriend and she said she didn't know and I explained what happened she said she would be coming tomorrow and asked him if he can wait he said yes and we hung up I was taking care of him curing his cuts then I had to wash his clothes and he stayed in his boxers after that I cured some of my cuts and put on some shorts and a long t shirt we cuddled while watching a movie in the living room I kissed him I rest my head on his lap and then he rest his head on my lap he fell asleep on my lap so then I made us comfortable and got us some blankets and I slept on the back of him because he was hurt and hugged him and we fell asleep.... to be continued.....
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner chapter 13
So weeks had past and it was getting colder since we live in Ohio its snows alot so I got up out of my bed and went to go get something to eat I was wearing a onesie because they are really cozy I got some juice and went straight back to my room I look at my phone and see a text from Tyler saying to meet him in the treehouse that he has something to show me I reply with are you insane? Its so cold outside he says please I then agree so I find a sweater and then a jacket in my closet my skinny jeans boots scarf and I walk outside its so cold and lonely but its beautiful I never had snow before so its just really pretty when you think about it I start walking towards the forest and then pick up some snow and shape it into a heart
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I look down at my hands and see this perfectly shaped heart its beautiful I really love Ohio I don't want to go back my "best friend" dezzy doesn't even text me anymore its like I don't exist to any of them I don't care anymore I just know that I have Tyler so I start to walk in the forest and see how beautiful it is when its snowy
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Then I see Tyler walk over and he just stands there
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I see how adorable he really is he's really perfect to me at least I just handed him the perfectly shaped Snow heart to him he takes it and I look down and he comes up to me and hugs me he whispers in my ear "I love you u know that?" Then a thought comes to my head and I say what even is love he looks down I look up at him he then says "lets go" I feel bad throughout the whole walk through the forest he was silent and didn't say a word to me I didn't want to say anything I felt like he was mad at me then we get to the tree house and he says I've been wanting to show you this he shows me the tree house and it looks way better he says "me and Josh have been working on the other story and we finished just today Josh is tired though" it looks different and really good
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And he says "do u like it?" I say I love it he says I made it just for you and we go up the stairs and he shows me the top its a little section of bedding and it looks so cozy
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I lay down on the bed he goes back down I don't know what is wrong with him I go back down stairs and I suddenly stop of what I'm seeing me and blurry face make eye contact not Tyler
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He just looks up at me I don't move because of fear of what can happen since my last encounter with blurry face he made horrible scratches in my arms that bled so much I wanted to run away he just stared then I went back up trying to think why Tyler was blurry face but he really isn't blurry face so I just get so confused I lay down and then I hear him coming up I look in the back of me and see blurry face standing there with his shiny red eyes he looks at me and I look down at my pillow then he lays in the back of me and now he's on top of me from the back im scared and confused he whispers in my ear its okay I take him away from me he kisses me I slap him because Tyler told me when he is blurry face he's not actually himself then blurry face scratches my face and slaps me my face is bleeding I try and go down the stairs but he is so strong he's 100x stronger then Tyler since he isn't human I punch him but its no use he take off my shirt and scratches my waist I bleed alot he stabs his nails inside my arm I try to fight back but I cant then with his nails he makes a really big scratch it opens my stomach is bleeding alot everything is turning blurry and he leaves I look through the window and he walks deep in the forest I try to grab onto the bed and then I do I crawl onto the bed the white sheets turn red because of all the blood im losing I feel like I'm dying then everything is blurry and into darkness...
Tylers PØV
I wake up in the forest in the floor its weird because I don't know where I am so I just walk out of the forest and go home as I'm walking home I run into Sara she says "I got a text from carina and she sent me this picture I was going to see if she was okay" I only remember flashes in the picture is the bed full of blood so me and Sara run back in the forest I run so fast up the tree house my heart starts pounding I see her on the floor with just her bra on and her jeans she is face down on the bed full of blood and scratches on her back I get her up to feel her heartbeat but there's nothing there I never answered her question what is love well love is a powerful vulnerable feeling we cant always fight it. I see the big wound on her stomach I know who it was it was blurry face he has been trying to take over me I won't let it happen Sara is terrified of what she saw I put carina on my lap and spit on her wounds I spat alot but didn't seem to close the then I lifted her up and licked inside her stomach wound and it closed I spat of the others and it also closed then I licked her tongue she then woke up and I have her my sweater she was so cold and scared I shouldn't have done that but it wasn't me..... to be continued.....
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Enjoy this picture of tylerrr 😍😍😍💦💦💦👁️👄👁️💦💦💦💦
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner chapter 12
"I'm like a bird" said Tyler as we sat outside my house watching the stars I replied with what kind of bird he said "a red bird its a different bird all of the birds are beautiful and white I'm the red bird the only red bird" I thought to myself he's really depressed and just hugged him and then I said tell me more he said okay "the red bird cant seem to fly high he always stays in the middle while all the other white birds pass him without sympathy... everyone just seems to forget he's alive... he's a goner I'm a goner" tears went down his face I felt a drop I looked up at him he looked at me his eyes and mines connected his beautiful shiny dark eyes nobody knows what's behind them not even me... I let him rest his head on my lap I touched his floofy hair he just looked at me I said I'm sorry he then replied with why? I said because you're sad and I don't want you to be sad I love you tears dropped down my face he got up and kissed me tears went down his face too he said "u are the only one who deeply cares about me u help me fly higher because of you I'm still alive... I would have probably killed myself if u didn't come into my life..." and he started to cry he hugged me so hard and said "I don't want to lose you" I said why do you do this to me I just love you so much it started to get cold and he had this big sweater on I said should we go inside? Its getting cold he said no look at the stars they are amazing and he said c'mon crawl under my shirt and sit on my lap I want to share my sweater I want to feel your warmth so I crawled under his sweater and popped my head out I sat on his lap and we watched the stars
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I wiped the tears off his face and we fell asleep tucked together in the sweater in the bench...
Jocelyns POV
I was watching TV and then suddenly I get a text from Josh I know he doesn't like me but I really do like so much Josh said I why don't you come over? I say no its really late its 1:56 in the morning he said ok then text you tomorrow fren I'm a little sleepy I text him back with goodnite fren then I go to carina's bedroom to see if she's there so she can help me with Josh and stuff but she's not there then I go check outside and see the most cutest thing ever I just smile I just want this with me and Josh its just so adorable I see Tyler and carina laying down in our couch bench that rocks carina is inside his big sweater while he's wearing it and carina just looks so cute even Tyler they look like kittens in love I'm glad my sister found him they look so happy and emo I didn't want to wake her up so I just left them there but put a sign on them that says don't touch creepy dolls then I went inside I'm sure they'll be fine our house is almost stranded so its fine so I went inside and fell asleep on the couch
Tylerrs POV (point of view if ya didn't know lol)
I woke up next morning and carina was still inside my sweater I kissed her head and stroked her beautiful brown and blue hair she woke up and said what happened I said we fell asleep and kissed her cheek she got out of my sweater and said lets go inside I need to change
I wake up to him just smiling so cute at me up against my wooden bench
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He kisses my cheek I just love him mostly when he wears his beanie so then I tell him that I need to go in and change we go inside my mom is I the couch with my little sister watching TV and Jocelyn says "YES THEY DIDN'T KIDNAP U GUYS I KNEW THE SIGN WOULD WORK!" I laughed and my mom just gave me a look and said where are you guys going and Tyler stayed quiet I say were going to go chill in my room she says mhm if u get pregnant watch then we go to my room and he strokes my arm and bites his lip I look at him and he makes this flirty face in just like ok and kiss his dimple then I start to take my clothes off until I'm only left with my bra and underwear then I look down and notice his Boner his huge Boner he just standing there smiling flirty I go up to him and kiss him he grabs my waist and takes off my bra we go to my bed and he unzips his pants and we start having sex so much pressure between my hips because its so big and he's the only guy I've lost my virginity to he takes off his jacket beanie and shirt we make out he goes faster and faster im moaning so loud and we start kissing then he whispers In my ear its ok ill be gentle then bites it I'm like woah I need to marry him then I kneeled down and started to suck his dick I don't know why its the first time I did but he looked like he never got his dick sucked before
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Then he started pushing my head and we started to have sex again on my bed and my mom somehow heard it was probably my loud moaning and then she burst in the door and said if u guys are going to do that do it QUIETLY!! And left then he put me on his lap after that we fell asleep on my bed then we woke up an hour later to go meet Sara and Josh and Jordan in the forest... to be continued
DISCLAIMER:I don't know if I will be making more because I feel like nobody likes it so yeah byaaaaa
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner chapter 11
That day we went to the forest instead of school because I hated going to school and we really wanted to go to the forest and be there for awhile we proceed to walk into the forest it was beautiful its always beautiful Tyler showed me the beauty of the forest as we came in I stopped and Tyler looked at me like if he was saying in his mind what happened?
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Then I looked at the beautiful forest and the view is what I was looking at then I looked up and saw that it was just amazing
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Then I said lets go we started to go deeper in the forest and saw the treehouse Tyler said "lets go c'mon" then I saw the treehouse the one me and Tyler made love in it just brought back stuff we did I there
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Then we went up the stairs to the treehouse and I lied down on the pillows and blankets laying on the floor he cuddled up next to me he took of his shirt and said "I'm cold" he didn't hug me though he was just next to me Tyler said "if its okay with you can I hug you?" I didn't reply for a minute then I said okay and he hugged me from behind I asked myself is this a dream? Why does he love me? Then he said because you're different then I said what the did you just read my mind? He said no he just knew I was thinking of that he the kissed my neck with his warm lips I held his hand so tight then he got closer and started to make hickeys on my neck I didn't care because I love him then I heard my phone ring I got up and picked it up it was my sister I answered
Jocelyn on the phone:hey Carina you better get home my mom came from work early and needs to talk with you you better hurry because she looks mad
Then I replied with ok ill be coming home
Then she hung up
I told Tyler he said I want to come I want to meet your mom then I said you already met her when she kicked you out he said in good conditions I said ok... in my mind I was worried
We walked out to the forest and there was my house
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I was scared of what my mom would say like I brought Tyler so then we walked to the front door and then Tyler opened it for me and I went in and Tyler behind me Jocelyn was in the living room and approached me and said "why did you bring him" in a loud whisper I said because I love him... she just smiled and said ok and said hi to Tyler then my mom was in the kitchen me and Tyler walked to her and she was eating she said "WHAT! I THOUGHT I TOOK HIM OUT FOREVER WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS BOY I said mom I love him he smiled the most attractive smile I've ever seen he just looked down so cute
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I really love him I told my mom she said "how can you like a boy like that all he wants to do is to get in your pants and leave you he has tattoos" then Tyler said they mean something and I thought to myself but he already got in my pants like a lot of times she said "ok if you love him stay with him but don't come crying to me when he leaves you for some hoe then she said ok why have you not been in the house lately?" I said because I've been at my friends house she said mhm ok u can go then me and Tyler left it was a sunny day but we were waiting for it to be dark... to be continued....
DISCLAIMER I hope you liked this chapter hay Sara :P
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Seriously I know everyone is not like that but seriously?
so, to be blunt, the clique sucks. not all of you, no, but a majority of the clique sucks. a lot of us lack respect, not only for tyler and josh, but for other artists, bands, and their fanbase, such as melanie martinez and the crybabies. (the melanie hate was very very strong on the clique amino app)
i know i’m not being any better than they are now, by ranting about all this, but i NEED to get it off my chest.
let’s start off with the whole fake fan thing. there is no such thing as a ‘fake fan’! only NEW fans! if you meet someone who only knows the radio hits, introduce them to more songs! back when i first got into tøp, i bought a blurryface shirt with lane boy lyrics on it, despite only listening to the song a few times and i hadn’t memorized EVERY word. i wore it to church one night and a clique member ran up to me and busted out rapping the whole song and i got pretty freaked out! i told her that i’d only listened to the song maybe three times and she rolled her eyes, called me a fake fan, and left me alone with my little emo eyeliner and my little emo self. it hurt me, because she was degrading me in the fanbase for not knowing all the words to lane boy.
next let’s talk about faking suicide. that’s OBVIOUSLY not okay. suicide is a very, very serious thing that shouldn’t be joked about. i see it happen within the clique all the time, both real suicides and fake, and both hurt me very badly. but in different ways. do you realize how many people you’re hurting by faking your own death, all for attention? tyler isn’t going to write a song about you, you know, because you “died”.
now the address leaking, ah, the address leaking. that’s tyler and jenna’s personal life and their privacy. they had JUST moved into this new house! they must have felt so unsafe in their own home, which is supposed to be a place of comfort and protection from all you crazy, rabid fans trying to rip his clothes and steal his shoes. how safe would you feel if someone leaked your address online for the whole world to see?
next we have the crashed wedding. that whole thing was so, so disrespectful. that was josh’s friend’s wedding. if you were famous, and went to your friend’s big special day, and a fan decided to break in in the middle of it just to get a picture with you, would you feel annoyed or upset? because in the picture the girls took with him, josh looked pretty pissed. and josh has the right to say “no” to anybody who wants a picture with him. he doesn’t have to do whatever you say, your wish isn’t his command, and that goes for tyler too. ever wonder why they walk fast in public, and why tyler started hearing hoods and baseball caps to cover his face lately? to hide from us.
the crap with the crybabies. it’s nuts. y'all are making nasty comments about melanie’s appearance, and personally, i think mel is a very beautiful young woman. the real ugly people are the ones who made fun of her and her fans, they’re ugly on the inside. it isn’t right. i know that you would all feel awful if someone told you that your tooth gap was the 8th wonder of the world or made rude comments on your eyebrows. mel is a human being, and so are all of her fans, so start treating them with respect. because EVERY human deserves respect.
i understand why the clique is so hated. we’re mostly made up of awful people. i feel bad for tyler and josh because they deserve better fans than us. they deserve respectful, thoughtful people that wait patiently for new music instead of rabid, rude kids who spam their social media accounts, pretty much harassing them and pressuring them into releasing new music, commenting “i love you” constantly on their posts, and invading their personal lives and their privacy.
that’s it. that’s all i have to say. the clique sucks and i’m pretty ashamed that i even called myself a clique member. until you all clean up your act, i’m not one of you. i’m not a part of the clique anymore, i’m simply someone who listens to tøp. i’m just a fan. i refuse to identify as part of this madhouse called the skeleton clique. feel free to rb and rant about it yourself. i’m done
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner chapter 1Ø
And then I move the chair which now I'm suffocating I was drowning in my own fears I didn't want to do this its not Tylers fault its not anybodies fault its my demons fault they make me think of horrible things they make me feel terrified I don't know what to do now because now I'm nothing I start choking heavily I think about Tyler and how he would be better off with someone that's not like me I think of the time he was singing in the forest that calming sound of his voice that sound I trust the sound I want to die with its I my heart forever and always will be...
Tylers PØV
I run through the forest im almost at the end I remember flashing lights I run even faster my heart is hurting it hurts so bad I cant it feels like its ripping apart I think of carina I think to myself what's happening? As I run fast through the trees I finally reach the end Im tired but don't give up I run as fast as I can and reach her front door its locked my heart is hurting more I feel like I lost something I jump around the back and jump through the stuff I her ranch house I see her window and I see my love hanging from the celling my heart breaks I tell myself what did I do what happened I break the window with a hammer lying around there I break in get a few cuts with the glass but nothing matters now I don't care about myself I care about her I take her off the noose her heart stops beating her pulse is gone I cant do anything I cry so much while I'm on the floor with her I scream DON'T BE GONE!!. then I go to her bathroom and sit on the sink thinking about what I should do I sit In silence
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And just think then I get anger bad anger im mad at myself for not being there then I go back to her room and see her lying there I kiss her thought she cant feel it I cry so much then I get one of the glass pieces from the broken window and proceed to cut my arm my red blood dripps down my hand I tap some blood on my finger and put it In her mouth her taste buds seem to react to the blood then I give her more I don't know if I'm dreaming or hallucinating but her heart starts beating I let alot of blood drip out of my arm and let her have it she then wakes up
I died I was in a dark place and a little light I was trying to reach but then I feel something I see Tyler In my brain crying I regret what I did he cuts himself and I cry he puts some of his blood on my dead tongue I feel something I feel alive my heart starts beating I feel weird I see the light disappear and instead I wake up and see Tyler staring into my eyes one of his tears drips into my eyes he kisses me and hugs me I cant believe he saved me its like were soulmates then Tyler says "I don't know what I'd do without you I need you please don't go again I'm sorry baby" then I say its not your fault it was my choice because u deserve someone better he says "there is nobody like you" we hug so tight he says "lets go to the forest yeah?" I say yes and we go... to be continued...
Disclaimer: the depressing parts are related to me In some way thanks for reading stay tuned for chapter 11 and enjoy
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner (chapter 9)
The next day I feel guilty like maybe I went too far? I don't know am I madly in love with this guy maybe he doesn't love me I'm scared he'll fall in love with someone else my fear takes me as far as murdering a girl for him but.. he would do the same for me I don't know why?... why does he even love me? Then I stop thinking about that because I'm scared I get up out of bed and realize that I have to go to school today but... I don't want to so before Tyler knocks I get dressed get my backpack put some chocolate bars and 2 Gatorades in there I have a problem with chocolate I'm like a chocoholic a sketch book and a pencil and sharpies I hurry and put on my backpack I don't see my sister since its way too early and she's still sleeping I haven't been able to sleep I haven't slept in the whole night so I cook something for her and leave a note the note says "hey Jocelyn I decided to go to pick up Tyler earlier so yeah I made u breakfast bya sis" and then I rushed out the door
After I'm out the door u head into the forest I run as far as I can and try to remember where the treehouse is but I can't seem to so I find a large tree and just lean against it because I'm tired of running so then I start eating and sketching.
Jocelyns POV
I wake up to my annoying alarm and try to sleep more because I'm sleepy as heck and I wake up to a note on the kitchen well I guess she's at Tylers oh well I eat my breakfast and go up to my room when I pass my room I get a quick glimpse of the basement I go towards it because I heard some weird noises when I open the door something pulls me in its scratches me I try to run real fast HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!!! but no answer I try opening the door but I would just get pulled back into darkness... I hear some noises and I cant seem to make them up It sounds like guys but at this point Its a blur then I see light but everything is blurry.... then I wake up to see Josh and tylers face I see joshs beautiful mocha eyes and Tyler behind him Tyler then says "NO THAT'S NOT TRUE SHE NEVER WENT TO MY HOUSE WHERE IS YOUR SISTER?"
Then I feel a bit of confusion then I say well that's what the note says then Josh says "damn Tyler it's not her fault leave her alone"
I smile then he says k get ready
I fell asleep on the tree but wake up to some guy just staring at me its weird he says "I didn't want to wake you up sorry" I just ignore him and grab my stuff put them in my bag and go he follows and says hey I'm Devin i suppose you are carina I exclaim leave me alone he does he just stops and doesn't follow me its pretty creepy but I just don't care as I start walking I see the treehouse and Tyler sitting outside of it on the branch singing with his ukulele "🎶we don't believe what's on TV because its what we want to see and what we want we know we cant believe we have all learned to kill our dreams🎶" I smile but then I notice he's playing it for this girl with curly blonde hair I suddenly cry I don't confront him because my heart broke in a split second I run to another part of the forest and scream WHY ME WHY ME I LOVED HIM!!! then Sara shows up and says "sorry that's my best friend Samantha and she asked him if he can play a song to her so yeah kinda sorry" I then think to myself he's mine he only plays SONGS FOR ME! then I say thanks to her and walk out of the forest as I'm making my way to walk out of the forest I see Josh he says "hi!" and sees tears running down my face he then says "what happened are you okay?" I explain to him what is going on and he then says "oh well I don't know why he would do that u need someone better 😉" and I start crying because he promised that he would only sing for me but no he didn't keep his promise then Josh leans in and kisses me I just stay there confused he immediately pulls back and says "sorry I didn't mean to just your eyes they're so pretty and your lips are so intimidating I'm sorry please keep this a secret I'm so very sorry I was thinking please" then he runs off in the direction of the treehouse I just keep walking confused as I get to my house I come in and get the noose ready I hang it on my celling fan and grab a chair hang It over my neck and.... to be continued.....
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Stay alive its worth it!
~Tyler Joseph
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Love this song
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner (chapter 8)
Jocelyns POV I was cold and the shadow was getting closer I knew what to do but I didn’t so I grabbed one of my heels and went towards it I wasn’t going to take any risks but the shadow moves closer its a disgusting man he’s grabbing me so I stab him with my heel just like in the movies but it doesn’t work so he trys to touch me wrong in my boobs so what I do is bite his ear and he lets me go and I run away as fast as I can.
So I wake up to Tyler kissing me and I wake up so happy he just looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes I cant resist he runs over outside of my room and he brings me some breakfast he said I made this earlier and your sister hasn’t came so I don’t know I think she snuck out oh and I prepared you a bath and with some blue bath bombs so u can relax baby I was just stunned because he was so sweet I couldn’t be more happier I approached him and I made out with him on my bed I said I don’t deserve u he said I don’t deserve u you’re too special and I cant lose you I hugged him so hard and thanked him because I love him I said if he wanted to join me in the bath and breakfast he said if Thats okay with me I said of course baby
Saras POV So we fell asleep and his parents came they just woke us up and I was so scared but suprisingly they were so sweet I put on my boots he said he wanted to walk me out so I let him I think i was starting to have feelings for him while we were walking he kept talking and I just got lost in his dark eyes they were mysterious he walked me to Tylers house and when we were. Gonna say goodbye he leaned over to kiss me his lips were so warm and soft I felt something something I’ve never felt since I’ve never had a first love I hugged him and he left when I enter Tylers house Zack looks suprised and calls his mom she talks to me and I stay there.
So me and Tyler were done eating and we were going to take a bath so we did we took off our clothes and it was so romantic I couldn’t lose him not now not ever when we’re done Tyler says he should better go before my mom comes so I agree and I give him his stuff he changes and I give him a kiss before he leaves as he leaves I check on the window to make sure he is okay then when I see him stop to talk to this girl with black hair and blue eyes she approached him first could they be dating? Is he cheating? They start laughing together I get so mad and FRUSTRATED I want to hurt her they hug and he leaves back home all I thought was why and I was crying I went to the attic to find tape and when I see this medium box I open it and there lays my dads terrifying sharpie wood cutting knife I had an idea that didn’t hold me back I ran downstairs and got a some black boots to hide my knife I go outside and see the girl walking her dog I go talk to her like a desperate girl who’s “dog ran into the forest and needs help” she agrees because I don’t look harmful she starts talking and talking and she mentions Tyler saying he ls very cute and that she has a huge crush on him so we’re deep in the forest I stab her in her back then 5 time in her heart I chop her up into pieces and feed her to her own dog soon after the dog eats u I set it free he just runs away into the deeper forest I bury her body parts and forget that anything ever happened I WILL MURDER WHOEVER GETS IN THE WAY OF ME AND TYLER…
to be continued…
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner (chapter 7)
He was with me in the shower I didn't know what to do I didn't know what to expect or what to feel all I did was just act like he wasn't there but then I felt his Boner on my ass he hugged me and I felt like I was gonna get raped by him he said don't you move now I just wanted to get out of the shower already he kissed my neck and I said stop he didn't he said why I said because I don't want your big dick in my ass right now he but he kept going and he officially raped me I mean it wasn't really raping when deep inside I wanted it then he said CALL ME DADDY AND I'LL STOP! I CALLED I I had to call him daddy because I did but didn't want it. he said SAY IT LOUDER I said STOP DADDY STOP DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY!!!! Jocelyns POV I'm sitting in the couch with this cute/hot guy and he is just telling me about how he likes drumming and wishes someday to become a big hit I just stare at his eyes unwillingly then he comes over and kisses me while we're making out my mom busts in and shocked she sees us kissing we were so shocked and she screamed at me so loud she said WHAT THE FUCK IM NOT SUPRISED and she came forward and pulled josh by his ear until outside I tried to stop her but I know I would get the chancla I was embarrassed she asked where's your sister and why is there a weird looking couple outside I said Carina is upstairs in the shower and I idk about the couple out there then she started walking upstairs and I knew I fucked up because Tyler was upstairs with her. Saras POV The weird dude said if I wanted to go to his house since it was dark out and Tyler isn't coming I would have waited for Tyler but god knows when he's coming out and I'm hungry so I agreed and his brother came out with a red ear and said lets go the Jordan guy said I was coming and the josh guy said ok I mean I didn't trust them its just that the Jordan dude is cute too so I don't know so when we got to their house it was big I never had a home because my parents didn't want me since I was born so they gave me to Tylers parents but one day I decided to run away since people would think I was a witch because of my power so when we got in josh said were home alone again and he ran upstairs to his room I was in the living room just standing akwardly. He kept on going and going I was just screaming DADDY DADDY DADDY so loud and when someone pulls the curtain it was my mom we were so shocked and I was scared so scared Tyler was still inside of me my mom had to pull him out he got his clothes and ran out shirtless I'm just in the shower naked so she grabs my hair and gets a towell she says I have to pray so much for an hour or else I get the black belt so I do and I'm terrified of what she's going to do. Tylers POV I run outside and I don't see josh or my cousin or anyone so I figured that she went with them but I want to see Carina I need her now so I climb into her backyard My mom said she forgot something and now she's going back to work she looked very disappointed I was too then when I hear a knock in my window my mom. Had already left so I opened it it was Tyler he said he loves me and that he's sorry for raping me but I respond with I liked it he says oh ok and I let him in my room he just lays there on my bed and I lay with him and we just start to cuddle his skin is so warm I love him so much he's the best. Saras POV I just stand there and then Jordan tells me to sit down so I sit on the couch then I ask do you have food? He says sure I'll bring popcorn want to watch a movie? I say sure and he replies with make yourself comfortable me not caring I take my boots off and put my legs up on the couch I know I look like a disrespectful bitch but I wasn't raised well and he was sweet so when he came back he did the same it was cold and so he brought a blanket and he looked akward it was very akward. Jordans POV I don't want to but it happens I get a Boner and she is right there I think I love her and she's THICC so yeah even better but I don't know how to play it cool Saras POV I pretend to fall asleep just to see what he does so I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head and puts his arm around me I guess this is what it feels like to cuddle and I raise my head up and I kiss him. Jocelyns POV I don't know what Carina is doing but I sneak out to find josh I run outside and try to find him but its really dark all I see is a shadow coming towards me... To be continued...
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Dudeee why doesn’t Tyler dance more often during shows!!!
(Video creds to Gerard! At The Disco on Youtube)
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner (chapter) 6
It was horrible I couldn't describe it it was a weird alien creature Tyler and I didn't know what to do except Tyler said I have to turn to blurryface and defeat it the thing was just starting at us with its big disgusting eyes they were glaring at me it was disgusting boney and bald Tyler couldn't turn to blurryface unless someone was hurting someone close to him so then Tyler had an idea and he went outside I chased him. Tyler: hey no YOU WAIT HERE! me: nooo wait Tylers eyes were red I was terrified of him because he grabbed my arm and stuck his fingers inside my skin I was crying yelling for him to stop he didn't my arm was bleeding by now he didn't care he yelled WAIT HERE NOW! i didn't I went after him like a dumbass then he got my other arm and bent it while getting me in the treehouse then I stayed I know I'm stupid but I loved him and I knew that wasn't like him he looked back at me and a tear came out of his left eye I was crying and I said I love you he didn't reply He went towards that thing but it got him I was screaming for help with my arms all torn up and broken by his scratches I never knew he was that strong I yelled so loud but we were in the forest nobody was there so I saw some glowing hands behind the trees I approached it know it was stupid bit Tyler was getting hurt and it was dark out so when I approach it I scream help loudly when it comes out I back up It was a girl with mocha brown eyes she looked somewhat like ty she saw my bleeding arms her arms were glowing blue her hair was brown and blue my hair wasn't it was blonde and blue she was pretty she said hey what happened I said help my boyfriend is fighting this creature she runs over with me to the treehouse and beside it there's Tyler and the creature Tyler is fighting it she runs over and shocks the creature lightning comes out of her hands in in total shock wondering if this is a dream or not but of how many blood I've lost I don't know then every thing turns black... When I wake up I'm in the treehouse so is Tyler and the girl I wake up with tylers head on my chest and I can feel teardrops on me I get up and Tyler quickly kisses me I don't kiss back I just stay there the girl is just chilling In his bed eating cookies I made im like what? Tyler says I'm sorry it wasn't me it was blurryface's way of protecting you I'm sorry he's evil I except the apology and my arms were fine very fine I felt good Tyler said I spit on them I hug him so hard I ask Tyler who the hell is she? Tyler exclaims oh that's my cousin Sara she was in the woods a-an then Sara interrupted Tyler she said hey I'm Sara and I felt some pain in my heart and me and Tyler are pretty close so I was following the pain when you saw me and then I helped Tyler kill that thing but you passed out of how much blood you lost k wee cool? I was just shooketh I said uh uh okay she said but hey if you ever need a girl to talk to I'm here Tyler smiled and said she'll be staying at our house I smiled back akwardly Then I got up and Tyler said hey where are you going I climbed down the stairs of the treehouse and so did Tyler and Sara when we all got down I said YOU THINK IM FUCKING STUPID TYLER I KNOW YOU CHEAT ON ME IN THE FUCKING NIGHT WHEN YOU "WALK ME HOME" AND THAT IS ONE OF YOUR BITCHES SINCE YOU BOTH GOT POWERS WHY DON'T YOU STAY WITH YOUR FUCKING SLUTTY BITCH AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. Tyler first stayed quiet and said you DOUBT ME? WELL SHE IS MY COUSIN BELIEVE IT OR NOT YOU DUMBASS Sara was in the back of him quiet looking akward and she said I am believe him please I said you know what BYE TYLER YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH TO ME I CANT TAKE IT THIS WAS THE WORST YOU DID Tyler started tearing up I was crying and I ran Into a different direction of the forest Tyler chased for five minutes but then I lost him since I ran so far while I run as fast as I can I bump so hard Into someone it was a guy A guy with muscles and bright yellow hair he said he are you okay I looked at him his eyes were brown he was pale not to pale just Normal he said are you lost I said yeah he said I can walk you out I agreed he said he was looking for a treehouse and now I knew who he was but I decided to not say anything when he walks me out he says you're pretty I said I'm not really looking for anyone he said well I'm Josh and when I turn around I see this other guy with dark brown hair it was fluffy and cute he had brown eyes he looked like Josh a bit then Josh said oh that's my brother Jordan Jordan looking shy just waved I said well it was nice to meet you Josh and Jordan and I thanked him and ran inside my house when I walk in I see my sister crying in the couch I say what happened she said LEAVE ME ALONE CARINA JUST GO WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND THATS ALL YOU CARE ABOUT ANYWAYS!!! I run to my room and lock myself in there and begin to draw when I look at my sketch book I see sketches I did of memories with me and Tyler I began to cry then when I look out the window I see Tyler Josh Jordan and Sara out there Sara looks intrigued by Jordan I think to myself maybe I did doubt him but there's nothing I can do now... I get up and go to the shower I start showering and crying when and with some music and songs Tyler has shown me I just cry and cry and cry Jocelyns (POV) I finish crying it was because I hit my thigh with the corner of my desk ok I know I overreacted but it was worth it then I hear this knock so I look through the hole and see Tyler and some hot guy with yellow hair I open and Tyler asks where's carina I say she's probably in her room crying Tyler busted in and the guy smiles at me and we sit in the couch and start talking he was cute af Saras POV THOSE dumbasses left me outside with this geek named Jordan he stupid all he does is stare at me does he have a problem ill gladly beat his ass I give him the don't fuck with me look and he just smiles I feel weird because he looks kind of cute wait no no Jordans POV my stupid brother left me outside with this girl who I think is tylers cousin or something she is really pretty and I love her eyes she gives me the damm yu hot look and I just smile she is really pretty so I decided to say hi she said oh hey I say you're really pretty she just looks away I feel ashamed because a girl like that will never like me.. Saras POV he says "hey" he doesn't know I'm evil af but I get butterflies in my stomach when he says I'm beautiful I had to look away or else he would see me blush I just turn up the music heartbrokenly and I start crying even worse than I feel something in the back of me I turn around and its Tyler I get so happy but I'm naked and also him I am in shock he just hugs my back and whispers I love you still... To be continued...
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner (chapter 5)
It was him the boy in most of my dreams it was like the same dream just continuing over and over again not repeating but just continuing with it in the dream it was me and this little boy about 12 I was 12 too we would go on adventures in the city we would go to lakes and we would have lots of fun together it was Tyler we were communicating through the dreams it was lucid dreaming but just real in some way
So after I explained everything to Tyler we started making out then when we were done we realized that today was a school day but it was late and I was tired and dirty so he said lets go back to my house and change I told him that my key was in my house and my house was locked by now he said I know lets go
So we start to walk to his house and its a big two story house its casually opened and we go inside it a cool house he says follow me I follow him upstairs and he takes me into this pink room
Tyler: this is maddys room you’re going to use some of her clothes ok?
Me: umm ok I guess
So I started to look through her clothes then I ask will she get mad? He says we’ll explain okay I agree and everything looked girly so I find some overall shorts and a black and pink shirt just when I’m about to change I see Tyler sitting on the bed just staring at me I say are you going to stay and watch? He says oh yeah I say ok and I take my shirt off and Im in my bra then my pants leaving me just with my underwear and bra on he just stayed there staring and biting his lips I felt a bit uncomfortable but I kinda liked it I put on the shirt and the blue overall the shorts were a bit short but kinda fine he says well imma go change I said ok then and I go to the restroom do my hair and just leave it down since its wavy when I step in the living room I see Tyler wearing a black long shirt and some black skinny jeans his red socks and vans and a red and white backpack the straps were white with some drawn on signs I didn’t ask because it was late he pulled my and and we ran towards the school and got in through the gate
When we walk in this ugly twenty year old teacher approaches us and says hello Tyler late again huh idiot
Tyler: mr cock just fucking leave us alone we’re trying to get to our classes
Mr cock: u and who oh this girl a pretty sexy girl you got there
Tyler: you say that again I’ll fucking beat your ass
I just put my head down Tyler noticed that I felt uncomfortable by mr cock and the way he looked at me
Mr cock: well I hope you get in one of my classes you sexy slut
Tyler said watch ill beat your ass
Mr cock: you cant do shit kid
We walked away Tyler checked his schedule he had technology I checked mines I didn’t I had… mr.. cock Tyler said okay look don’t worry I always know if something is wrong ok baby just go meet me in the gym after class so we can ditch through the rooftop ok I said ok
And I walked to mr cocks class scared when I came in every one was sitting in their chairs and then when I walked in everyone turned around to stare
Mr cock: well well sit down young lady
Me: where
Mr cock: right over there honey
I felt disgusted he sat me next to these boys who kept looking at me then this boy said hey his name was evan
Evan: hey
Me: what
Evan: sorry
Me: ok
Evan kept staring at me and smiling I was very disturbed
Then after class everyone was leaving and mr cock stopped me and said hey wait up I had to stop he said look like this is the first time you’re in my class I want to make it special I felt immediately uncomfortable before I could run away he grabbed me I tried fighting back but I felt so weak since I haven’t had sleep in a long time he grabbed me and started to force kiss me and I didn’t want to he kept touching my breasts I wanted it to stop so I grabbed a pen and started to jab myself in my arm
Tyler’s POV it was after class I was in the gym waiting she didn’t come but I felt horrible pain in my veins I thought about the last time she was hurt so I followed the pain
He saw me jabbing myself I started losing blood I felt even more weak I tried to jab him in the eyes but failed he took the pen away and the reason why I was stabbing myself because I thought Tyler would appear but he didn’t then it all turned black…
Tylers POV I felt even more pain as I got closer to mr cocks class I started feeling weak by the time I got to the door when I open it I see carinas arm full of a lot of blood dripping down she looks unconscious and he’s taking her clothes off I couldn’t take it suddenly my hands turned black again my sanity grew and it was blurry face not Tyler anymore I approach him and made sucked the blood out of his soul he had no more blood remaining in his body it was all in the floor I spit on her arm but she still didn’t wake up but her arm was okay I carried her out to the restroom and turned back to myself and she woke up
I woke up in the school restroom with Tyler facing me I knew he would come and save me I got up and kissed him we ran into the gym and climbed the stairs to the rooftop then we climbed down the rooftop in other stairs outside we ran inside the forest and just started to run around the forest the went to the old swing and he said get on he started pushing me it was very fun the he got on and told me to sit on his lap and we swung while I was sitting on his lap I told Tyler will this be forever he said as long as we die yes I smiled and once we got off he Said lets go to the treehouse I agreed and we went to the treehouse he said wait for me right there okay I waited he ran up the treehouse and got his piano he brought it down and said I wrote this song for you we sat on the big tree branch and he sang 🎵she’s the tear in my heart I’m alive she’s the tear in my heart in on fire she’s a butcher with a smile cut me farther than I’ve ever been 🎵 he said I’m not finished with it yet but soon I’ll be okay baby I kissed him and we went to the treehouse and made love we fell asleep and when I woke up he was still sleeping so I got on him and we wrapped ourselves with the blankets and we just cuddled he woke up and started singing out of nowhere I just listened 🎵don’t wanna call you in the Nightime don’t wanna give you all my demons you’ll have to watch me struggle from several rooms away cause tonight I need you to stay 🎵 I said I don’t care if you give me demons because I love you we got up fast to sounds of something or someone in the forest we got scared we looked in the window and I was horrifying
To be continued…
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Gøner (chapter) 4
We woke up next morning to yells of my mom she thought we were doing something wrong like she said what is GOING ON IN HERE WHO IS THIS I DON’T WANT YOU PREGNANT!!!! Tyler woke up so scared in his boxers and shirtless and me in my bra and underwear so yeah I’d probably think something happened but we just cuddled that’s all I was embarrassed trying to explain everything he was getting his clothes and putting it on he was flushed with embarrassment he got his knives and backpack my mom kicking him out and me chasing after her and him I hurry and put my shirt back on and shorts I see my sister in the kitchen just shocked and scared asking what happened I ignored and ran after them when Tyler got outside I grabbed his arm quickly and kissed him he kissed back and smiled my mom saw and she furiously grabbed me he whispered Forest treehouse and ran inside the forest my mom watched and looked very mad.
Mom: who the hell is that and what were you two doing in your bed huh?
Me: ok ok so let me explain
me: mom he is a very innocent guy he is very nice and he’s my only friend in school yesterday I made Jocelyn food and then she stayed in the kitchen eating YOU didn’t lock the door when you left I went to go watch TV when I hear footsteps and when I walk to the kitchen I see this fat masked guy with a gun on Jocelyns head he says make a move and she’s dead Jocelyn was crying and the other guy had a bag robbing stuff luckily ty came to visit me and he saw from the Window went to go get his knives and well… uh killed the guys but don’t worry nobody saw and they are buried in the back yard anyways he wanted me to go hang with him but Jocelyn was scared to be alone so we stayed here and he stayed over it was hot so we took off our clothes we weren’t completely naked c'mon mom we could have been dead you should thank him.
Mom: wh… what ok so he saved your lives huh were still going to get a pregnancy test and I need proof that he saved your lives ok but right now after the pregnancy test ok? Oh and you’re grounded unless you prove
So we went to the backyard and she still didn’t believe so I was grounded but we headed to the store and we passed by his house I had my windows down and he was in his front porch he saw me I saw him we just smiled I saw his beautiful eyes I cant get enough of him my sister said
Jocelyn: I heard…
Me: what?
Jocelyn: that the Tyler guy is only your friend
Me: oh well umm…
Jocelyn: are you guys dating or like what?
Me: I don’t know but I know I love him
Jocelyn: you need to ask him
Me: promise me you wont tell on me
Jocelyn: promise
So then my mom took me to Walgreens and there she searched for the pregnancy test and got three boxes I knew why she was so worried about these things but its something I’ll have to tell later on anyways when we got home I took one test and it said negative duh all we dud was cuddle when I took the rest they came out as negative she was happy and she said ok I’m going to work now you’re grounded so yeah bye she left and my sister Jocelyn said I’ll be fine just go
I rushed to my room and grabbed my boots put on some skinny jeans on and a black shirt and I went out and I hurried up inside the Forest I ran so fast I fell really hard a rock hit my head then it was all black... I wake up inside a tree house well now I know where I am I get up and look into the window of the tree house and when I look down I see Tyler sitting in a branch that has been broken onto the floor like a collapsed tree he's singing a beautiful song his voice just made me fall more in love and he has a ukulele Tyler: 🎵wise men say only fools rush in but I cant help falling in love with you like a River shortly to the see darling so it goes some things were meant to be... oh 🎵 I cant help but to smile and cry at the same time I know he didn't write the song but I didn't know he sang beautifully I love him so much when I stare at him sing he suddenly feels watched and looks up at me and smiles I smile back he runs up the tree house and rushes to hug me I can feel his warmth on me its raining so I feel cold he hugs me so hard we sit down Me: ty? Tyler: yes? Me: what are we? Tyler: we are soulmates Me: I love you Tyler: I love you too baby. He then leans in to kiss me I hold his cheek and he we start to make out he lays down on his bed I get in him and start kissing more I feel his Boner and I quickly get off he just says what happened I say uh I cant he says I'm sorry I wasn't going to then I say don't worry about it I get on him we take off our clothes and we make love in the treehouse the next morning I wake up I realized I was grounded and I got up and put my clothes on I checked the time in the old clock in tylers treehouse I hurry up and I don't see Tyler there I look down and I see him talking with Jenna I hurry down there and Me: what's going on Tyler: she came over here and talked to me while I was looking for wood to start a fire Jenna: I want you back ty Me: oh hell no bitch he's my man Jenna: what? Tyler: its true she's mine and I don't want you so leave me the fuck alone you slut Jenna: well I don't care because I like your brother more whatever ill go fuck him instead Me: please go now Tyler: now Jenna leaves then I kiss Tyler and say I have to go will you walk me out? Tyler agrees and he walks me out I tell him will you come to my house later he says yeah let me just eat dinner I say ok and go home and then I walk home and I see my mom standing outside mad Mom: I said you're grounded why did you go outside and not comeback in the night were you with him the Tyler guy?... Me: no I wasn't leave me alone I ran inside the house and locked myself in my room and start to cry because I'm emo ok so then my mom knocks my room and says throw the TRASH NOW I agree so then I walk outside and go to the trash which is a bit far from my house when I'm done and I'm walking and I see Trevor the douche bag of the school then he shouts grab her from the back and two big guys grab me out of nowhere one covered my mouth Trevor said you want to act like a little bitch to my sister you slut then you get rocks his friends grabbed me and took me to the forest I was crying but I kinda thought it would end quickly they tie me up and start touching me inappropriately I cant do anything about it the thought of Tyler comes to my mind and Trevor throws a big rock at me and I started bleeding it hit my head so hard I almost blacked out I felt dizzy one of his friends were touching my breasts I wanted it to be over I wanted it to stop I wanted to die... but Tylers: POV I felt pain in his heart but every time I got closer to the forest MY pain grew so I followed the pain and I had weird thoughts about carina in a funeral so i followed the pain and it lead me to her it hurt so bad mostly seeing carina getting hurt by Trevor I hate Jenna I wish death upon her my sanity grew stronger I never told anyone about this only Zack ever since I was a little boy I have been able to do this its like an ability my eyes turn red and my hands turn black and my neck im not myself anymore all the time this happens if you take a picture it turns blurry when I was small this little boy beat up my little sister and his brother came I was so pissed I stared into his soul and he bled to death his blood starts pouring out from his eyes and then from his mouth and all of it drained and he died then after that my sister started to call me blurryface all the time this happens I call myself goner but that's a power and I'm going to use it I start by sucking their blood out Carinas POV I see Tyler but he doesn't look like himself his eyes are red his hands and his neck are black he looks hot like always but then I look at Trevor and his friends and I see blood pouring out of their mouth and eyes Tyler is doing it its freaky I don't know what it is but im glad this is the second time he has saved my life I love him when they are all dead he runs over to me and unties me from the tree I start to kiss him but I'm all hurt when I was done kissing him he looked normal again Finally Tyler carried me to his tree house and started to spit in my wounds and bruises I feel disgusted but then a minute later they are all cured like nothing happened im shocked and scared I don't know what to feel Tyler say you're the one its you I say what he says you're that little girl from all my dreams and I said wait you're too I used to dream a lot about this boy I cant believe it its him... To be continued.....
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