catholichacker-blog · 8 years
@kaleido-dreams replied to your post.
( You and your doppelganger are dating Yoosung ) 
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“When did I get a doppelganger? I wanna meet him!”
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
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“I’m dating myself?”
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Things I've Thought/Said/Heard While At Work (Part Two):
“Will it make a difference?”
“I’m gonna work here until they fire me.”
“I've been up since six-thirty.”
“That’s the whole reason I came here.”
"Whose dick did she suck to get this job?"
“That’s personal.”
"I'm done with class by noon and then I can go home and sleep."
“We don’t like it either.”
“I’m looking for my mother.”
“I thought you were together.”
“You look pissed as fuck.”
“How are these people friends?”
"I mean, I'll see you again in like twenty minutes."
“I know she’s here, I saw her this morning.”
“He sat in crap.”
“It’s just gonna be for trash when I get to the cemetery.”
“I swear to god I’m not incompetent.”
“You're not a real adult until you've cried in the bathroom at work.”
“Stay in school.”
“Her eyeliner is on point though.”
“I know she's kinda like my boss but is she technically my boss? Like how much do I actually have to listen to her?”
“I bet you’ll never guess who we’re getting this for.”
“You get two breaks today.”
“That’s such a pretty name.”
“Kill me.”
"We said lunch first.
“Why is this door closed?”
“We're just gonna wait for you to leave and then not do that.”
“That’s bullcrap.”
“If he snatches one more thing out of my hand I swear to god.”
“If I was in a hurry I would’ve left earlier.”
"I hate my life—I hate my job."
“How does that sound?”
“You’re doing a good job.”
"You leaving?"
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
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LOL. Cheritz.
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
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♡ Hey !! Could you be so kind and like / reblog this if you’d like to interact with “Unknown” / Saeran Choi from Mystic Messenger !! Thanks !!
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
💫 friendship / pre est. memes 💫
" sarcasm is for winners, (insert name of muse) "
" look! i drew a giant penis in the sand! "
" if you push me off rainbow road, i'll blue shell you to hell. "
" excuse you, sharknado is a classic! "
" ... and that's why i have this 10% employee discount card for kfc. "
" did you just blue shell me you piece of shit? "
" i love you, but you're being a shitbucket right now. "
" have you ever farted so hard and felt like you broke your sphincter? "
[ txt ] iconic.
[ txt ] 💃 dances angrily
[ txt ] if i find out ur the asswipe that ate the last of the dinosaur nuggets im gonna break ur neck
[ txt ] okay you gotta get charming, you gotta flirt. and by flirt i mean eye fuck awkwardly for half an hour until one or both of you leave.
[ txt ] he farts whenever he walks into the room, i don't know how long our friendship will last.
[ txt ] he tried to be sexy and asked who my daddy was so i said i don't know.
[ txt ] i just opee dn up the vodk a le tsgo
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Sharing A Bed Starters
"Did you have a nightmare?"
"I had a nightmare."
"There's plenty of room for the both of us."
"There is not enough room here for both of us."
"It's cold. We should try to conserve body heat."
"You're not even going to notice because you'll be asleep!"
"We've only got the one bed between the two of us."
"Quit stealing the covers."
"Quit kicking me."
"It's better than sleeping on the floor."
"It's either this or you sleep in the tub."
"Alright. Get up here."
"We're sleeping in the same bed, not together!"
"Please go to bed."
"Sleep is for the weak."
"Do you have any idea what time it is?"
"Dutch oven!"
"You sleep on top of the sheets."
"I'll sleep on top of the sheets."
"I'm scared. Can I sleep with you?"
"You're scared? You can come sleep with me, I guess."
"I have to sleep closer to the door."
"I can't sleep this close to the door."
"Stop getting up so early. You always wake me up."
"Stop staying up so late. I can never fall asleep."
"We can cuddle."
"Just don't try cuddling me or anything."
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Harsh words sentence starters || Send one for my muse’s reaction
 "You’re embarrassing!“ “You act like a fucking child.”  "Sometimes I can’t remember why I ever loved you in the first place.“  "What did I tell you about trying to hold my hand in public?”  "I don’t want people to know that I’m dating you!“  "You’re pathetic…”  "You make me sad. Just looking at you…“  "I can’t be around you anymore.”  "You’re not worth it.“  "You’re nothing. Not to me. Not to anyone.”  "Stop looking at me like that…like you’re expecting me to care. You should know better by now.“ “You’re useless.”  "Loving you was the most idiotic thing I’ve ever done.“  "Pretending to love you was excruciating.”  "You thought I could really love someone like you?“  "I’m just…getting tired of you.”  "I have to get out. You’re ruining my life.“  "I used to dream about you but now you’re the star of my nightmares.”  "You’re a disappointment.“  "I tried to love you..I really did.”  "You’ll never be anything to me.“  "I wished you realized how much I’ve grown to loathe you.”  "You’re so ignorant.“  "You look ridiculous!”  "I’m not going out with you in public looking like that.”  "Every one makes fun of you.“  "You make me look bad.”  "You’re a waste of time.“ “I’m not yours anymore!”  "It’s not [her/him]! It’s anyone! I could love anyone more than I love you.“  "You don’t deserve me.”
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
I’m far from perfect but I will care for you so deeply and I will love you with my whole heart.
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Don’t worry
                There’s no need to be αƒяαι∂
                           No matter what happens
                                  I’ll always be there to help you
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Here’s 707 singing Hello by Adele :’)
why am i like this
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
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every fucking time
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Luciel finally let go and had Noiz escorted to his bedroom.
Closed rp- Servant
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Luciel gripped Noiz's hair, guiding his mouth along the shaft.
A New Pet
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
"You're the one crying like a child. And besides. If you hurt me, you get executed, and your parents have to figure out how to pay off their debts."
Closed rp- Servant
“Oh quit blubbering like a baby.”
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catholichacker-blog · 8 years
Luciel ran his hand through Noiz's hair, watching him.
A New Pet
Luciel smirked. “Such an obedient little pet,” he purred as he unbuttoned his pants.
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