hellsbraat · 1 year
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Sam “I’m Fine” Winchester
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hellsbraat · 2 years
So a thought came to me last night.
It's often mentioned how maybe Klaus is the bridge between life and death. If that's the case, why is his connection to Death more focused on than Life?
And then I was thinking about how he is clearly always emanating energy. It's what draws the ghosts to him, right?
And then I was like "Have we seen this translate to the Void?" And yes we have.
It's the color. He brings it with him into the Void and it spreads the more he's there. Could play into why he can't stay there, there's too much Life in him.
In Life, Death is drawn to him. In Death, he brings Life.
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hellsbraat · 2 years
I know like everyone is taking about the casting of Annabeth as black, which I'm more than ok with. but ever since she was cast, I know we've all seen the blatant racism, but I've also noticed art of white Annabeth (still a valid interpretation) or white cosplayers are getting flooded with comments along the lines of
"this is EXACTLY how I pictured Annabeth"
"this is MY Annabeth"
"the true Annabeth"
we all know what you are trying to communicate even if you aren't saying it diesctly. stop it.
and for everyone who is saying "I'd be just as upset is they casted a POC character as white!" I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you would.
but those characters race is important.
for representation.
for their background
it's important that Leo is Mexican because his grandfather went to a school for colored children, where he met Hazel.
it's important that Hazel is black because of the culture shock she gets when she comes to the 2000s in terms of racism.
it's important that Frank is Chinese because it is how he is decended from Neptune.
it's important that Piper is Cherokee because she carries all the lessons and parables she got from her uncle with her throughout her story.
it's not important that Annabeth is white because the only thing important about her appearance is that people underestimate her because of it. you know a demographic that is often disrespected and underestimated for their appearance? black people, especially black women.
Leah Jeffries is not a "diversity hire" and it absolutely disgusting behavior to say she is. she is a twelve year old girl who already has an acting career and worked hard to get where she is.
Leah, i can not wait to see what you'll do with Annabeth.
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hellsbraat · 2 years
i would like to know ur opinions on aging up discourse tho🙇🏽‍♀️
man lmfao it's pretty complicated i don't know how to articulate it. this is really long
cw for the typical discourse around this stuff, mentions of p*dophilia
in short every argument made against aging up uses the same basic logical fallacies. slippery slope, generalization, and assumption . the implication that every person who ages up fictional characters either is a danger to minors or is attracted to them in some way despite their being no empirical evidence or definitive way to conclude that about a person is, point blank, a bad faith argument.
fictional characters are not people - they're story telling devices. therefore they have no agency and cannot be effected by anything that happens to them. they're closer to a concept than a person. they're not real, they have no stake in real life - and the things we do with them are entirely made up. the argument should end there.
"but why age them up and not use *already adult character*" they are different character that accomplish different things. you wouldn't use blue to paint the sun
"im a minor and it makes me uncomfortable," i was a minor but im an adult now and i don't want to engage with any minors in this particular space which is why it's labelled 18+. most adults don't want to engage with minors over nsfw either. if someone does try to engage with or lure you with nsfw content knowing you're a minor, you are in danger and you should seek out a trusted person in your life to talk to and block said person. my job online isn't to make you comfortable and that experience is not indicative of every person online.
"why're you justifying having a crush on *canon minor character*" im in no way shape or form explicitly attracted to this character because he's a minor so there's not a crush to justify. im a person consuming a piece of media, and this character engages my interest and is drawn to be good looking. so i take him and engage with him in a way i like - that is how media consumption works. as an adult because im an adult.
even if we took sex/nsfw/romantic context out of the equation because that's normally what this argument centers on - i almost always contextualize characters in adulthood because that's the stage of life im in.
"why're you aging up a character just to sexualize them," im not. im aging them up because it develops their character in my mind and i find them more relatable. even if i did it wouldn't matter because it still means im transforming that character into an adult.
your assumption that people use this weird roundabout to justify their attraction to kids is based on the idea that actual predators and dangerous people online don't have spaces that are easily accessible and that their specific target is fandom.
"what about characters who are drawn as explicitly as children and meant to be depicted as children? is it okay then?" i find it deeply uncomfortable to age up a character who's next stage of life isn't already adulthood since it jumps through a lot of hoops. it's a boundary im unwilling to cross as it is for many others. if somoene does something i find unsavory, i block them.
at a certain point, ever single possible moral gray for this argument becomes bad faith. to break it down any further than necessary is simply a way to foster a "gotcha sicko!" moment instead of contributing intelligence to this conversation. people aren't actually looking to understand what this is or to break it down, they're just unwilling to think critically for fear of being morally ostracized by internet communities.
i hate to inform you, but having all the "right takes," will not save you from internet crucifixion. the sooner you have strong boundaries and morals in real life, the easier your life will be instead of trying to gain moral highground on random people online.
fiction indeed effects reality - but fiction isn't an inherent one to one to who someone is. fictions relationship to reality in relation to things like propaganda, and those affects all require additional context.
im in a stable relationship with a man i've been with for 5 years. he is a year older than me. i consume content about toxic relationships all day long. because what i do, what i find interesting, what i engage with are not inherent to who i am.
just like how watching a violent movie doesn't make you a violent person. just like how reading a book from a problematic writer doesn't mean you condone their actions. does everyone person who makes freud jokes agree with the things he was? you can have perceived correlations, bias is human nature but you can't decide anything definitively over something as trivial as fandom content on the internet.
morality and real life are largely based on context and awareness of the world. a man can be a murderer, but there is a stark difference between a man killing his abuser and a serial killer. your opinion of these people is formed and shaped by what context you know about them and evidence. real people have context necessary to make fully formed opinions on them and are effected by internet witch hunts.
and it is, your right, to not engage with someone based on a perceived context. but making assumptions and accusations as serious as p*dophilia is unbelievably dangerous and not rooted in anything.
when you create moral boundaries between you and someone else, assume the worst of them, you are creating a type of person to be othered. that line of thinking has been used for hundreds of years to commit acts of violence against unassuming people and it is dangerous.
"it's not that deep," it sure isn't. which is why you shouldn't fucking harass strangers you have no real context for. which is why the concept of aging up a character cannot be indicative of a persons morals and doesn't mean someone is attracted to kids.
if you want to have a talk minor safety online, there are plenty of ways to do that. there are plenty of conversations to be had about how adults and minors should engage appropriately.
but adults cultivating a space for themselves and other adults has little to do with minors. and unless you can prove, without doubt, that the person you're engaging with is bad - it's not your place to enact your perceived justice.
i would understand if there was some provable evidence in relation to fandom communities but there just isn't. the things that happen in this spaces have no effect on real minors unless minors are in the spaces they're not supposed to be in anyways.
aging up is a narrative tool, just like au's are. just like backstories are. we're all playing make believe and aging up a fictional character doesn't mean someone is a predator. end of story.
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hellsbraat · 2 years
anthony bridgerton said “i am not a man of poetry” and then turned around and delivered “you are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. night and day i dream of you” all men do is lie
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hellsbraat · 4 years
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Welcome to Hell, brats! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
↠ jules. she/her. not a minor.
↠ request: open ♡
↠ ♎︎ ☼ | ♉︎ ☽ | ♊︎ ⇧
# CURRENT CONCERN — not being satisfied with my writing resulting in inactivity
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hey!hey!hey! call me jules— or doll.. (∩´﹏`∩) this blog is sfw! it is a writing blog for any show I’ve happened to watch and be inspired by with a mix of astrology in it. Currently I am obsessed with Haikyuu and Tsukishima, if anyone hadn’t noticed. Kneewyz, ask/chat box is always open so feel free to drop by at any time!
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hellsbraat · 4 years
The signs HQ boyfriend | Karasuno Edition
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a/n: this was made for fun :) and with my limited knowledge of astrology! If anyone wants another one of these feel free to ask by mentioning a different team and/or anime.
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Aries: Hinata Shoyo
This man needs somebody to match his personality! He is a ball of energy that most would find difficult to handle. Aries is cardinal and fire sign though, an extremely intense combination as it mixes leadership and passionate traits. Not to mention, they’re also ruled by Mars which represents energy, action, and desire. I imagine an intense yet pure love from this pair. They’re both over each other but know when to give each other space, they express their feelings well enough, and know when to communicate even if they’re a bit hesitant at first.
Taurus: Tsukishima Kei
This was a great idea in my head because I was thinking Kei needs someone that can teach him how to feel meaningful in life as well as keep up with his (playful) banter. Taurus are known for being stubborn, patient, and determined meshed with being a fixed sign that gives them traits like bossy and opinionated, I thought this would be like an enemies to lovers type of deal. Taurus can be a force to be recokn with, which Kei often provokes, but once they enter relationship territory, they’ll both take things steady and rely on one another.
Gemini: Nishinoya Yu
Need I say more? Like Hinata, I felt like Yu needed someone who could keep up with him. Gemini is stereotyped as being two-faced, which I blame on them being a mutable sign. Their “ever changing” personality is used to learn how to better adapt to their environment. Regardless, I feel like Yu is someone who is difficult to tie down and Gemini’s are too with both of them being air signs and whatnot. Anyways, they’re flighty people but they’re both empathic; not only that, they are also very perceptive! Now, while their relationship could be considered a fling (both would be too scared to commit), it would definitely be unforgettable.
Cancer: Kageyama Tobio
Y’all, I know Tobio is oblivious because he has difficulties expressing his feelings but it’s for that reason that I chose Cancer for him. They’re not just a water sign, they’re also ruled by the moon meaning they’re a really emotional and empathic sign! They will understand Tobio without him saying a word. Now, while both have strong attitudes (Cancers are cardinal signs- it’s like people forget??) their plans would most likely align even if there is discord along the way. This love is the “parents love”, one where you’ll witness multiple fights throughout but it’s always patched up with hugs and kisses after.
Leo: Asahi Azumane
I took in consideration that Asahi (spoilers?) becomes an apparel designer and when I think of fashion I think of Leo. This couple will be the power couple, both have great sense of style, authortive  presence, asahi best friend is also nishinoya who literally acts like a child and Leo’s are children at heart so. I also feel like he needs someone to encourage him and show him off, Leo’s are prideful signs especially with their lovers! This can definitely help boost Asahis ego and make him feel more confident.
Virgo: Sugawara Koshi
Suga and Virgo are typically depicted as the mom of the friend group; therefore, I think that both can help aid one other. These two are the type to put others in front of them but if they come together, they can remind each other that they also need to take care of themselves. Their love would be categorized as “old people love”, they will persevere through hardships because there’s no one they would rather be with than with each other.
Libra: Yamaguchi Tadashi
Yams is a soft boy. He needs someone who will give him attention, be understanding of his feelings, make him feel love. What better sign than Libra who rules Venus and the 7th house both that signify partnership in astrology. They’re soulmates, both would give their love fully and remain loyal to one another. They believe in never-ending love, that their love will transcend beyond space and time and they’ll find each other every single time. That’s the kind of love they both believe in and wish for.
Scorpio: Daichi Sawamura
Both are intense, direct, and compassionate. Their personalities would go so well together and there’s this unspoken understanding between the two of them that just wow. They’re both in it for the long run so don’t expect either of them to fool around. They’re like childhood friends turn to lovers— they know everything about one another: how to please them, how to care for them, how to push their buttons. Everything! These two fall hard so putting them together was just common sense.
Sagittarius: Narita Kazuhito
Although we didn’t get much screen time of Narita, he was never shown to be wary of his own skills or underestimate himself. He was friendly and someone who knew how to have fun. Sagittarius are fun people! They’re a fire sign, c’mon, they’re all about the good times with good vibes. These two would hit it off right away. They will definitely be the type of people to get into a fake relationship and it just blossoms from there; and even if they don’t commit to one another, there are no hard feelings.
Aquarius: Kinoshita Hisashi
This man is hot— but anykneewyz, I chose Aquarius for Kinoshita because Aquarius are people who don’t let social standards stop them and who don’t let opinions affect them. They’re just fun, loving people who appreciate life and seek to understand it. This relationship isn’t meant to last forever just until Kinoshita learns how to be more confident in himself and know that he can do anything if he stops worrying so much about other people opinions.
Capricorn: Tanaka Ryūnosuke
Though it may seem like an odd pairing at first, Tanaka is a Pisces. He would bend forward and backwards for their loved ones and that’s something a Capricorn would admire. Capricorn’s are not known for seeking love; however, they appreciate a partner that is patient, consistent, and loyal. Tanaka checks all of those and more— (spoilers) I mean, this man literally waited for Kiyoko, a fellow Capricorn, for years before she finally gave in to their love. They would make for a good slow burn.
Pisces: Ennoshita Chikara
Similar situation to Tanaka’s pairing, odd but somehow it just works. Ennoshita is shown as an insecure person yet is a calming presence to many of his teammates. Even so, he is also someone who can be bold and is reliable, Pisces (who are often lost in their own world) could use a stable person like Ennoshita while also letting Ennoshita rely on them. It’s a give and take relationship.
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hellsbraat · 4 years
Rumors | Tsukishima Kei
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pairing: tsukishima x reader (sort of)
synopsis: several rumors have been spreading throughout the school about your relationship with tsukishima but they’re nothing more than that, rumors. You know he loves you.
genre: angst (I guess, I’ve never done this before)
warnings: none?
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It started with rumors, as everything always does. You’d walked past the hallways littered with whispers of your relationship with Tsukishima. You would catch their glimpses filled with pity and shame for you. At first you paid them no mind, “they’re just jealous”, you reasoned. Tsukishima, regardless of his personality, was a popular guy among his peers.
A few weeks go by without meeting with Tsukishima once. “Things came up” he explained, planned dates had to be rescheduled or canceled all together. His frequent messaging turned into brief conversations of meaningless things as if you guys hadn’t been dating for over a year now. You could feel him drifting further away from you, but you knew you were overreacting or at least you hoped.
He had no time to do anything the rumors said, dating other people? No, he is preoccupied with studying and volleyball. Flirting with other people? No, he has a nasty mouth that not even you could escape. Sleeping with other people? No, he hadn’t even done it with you. But as much as you tried to give his suspicious actions an excuse, there was only so much you could do with all the evidence piling up.
“You can’t come over tonight, y/n. I have exams I have to study for.” His message was not a surprise to you. This had been going on for weeks, if not months already, but now you were growing tired of his excuses. The first time you brought up the rumors he scoffed, saying he only had eyes for you. That you were dumb if you believed them. He even told you he loved you.
It didn’t seem that way anymore.
“So, are you rescheduling or canceling this time?” Was all you could manage to reply. “Rescheduling. What’s wrong? What’s with the attitude?” A laugh escaped your lips as you read his next message. Was he really asking what was wrong? Was he stupid or playing dumb? You stared at the screen for while but didn’t bother replying, it would be a waste of time and most certainly lead to another fight. The fourth one that week.
It was almost as if he was giving you a reason to leave him.
Your little sister wobbled into your room, extending her arms out to you with a pleading face that said “carry me!”. You sat her on you lap as you stared at yourself in the mirror. All this makeup and for nothing. You don’t even know why you made such an effort for him when your gut was telling you, practically screaming at you, that he was going to cancel. Did you ever listen to yourself?
“Nee-chan looks pretty. I want my lips to shine too.” The tiny fingers graced your lips as your little sister started padding the gloss onto hers. The action pulled you out of your thoughts to giggle at her. Your laughter, even if it was short-lived, was something you hadn’t heard in a while it felt almost foreign. With a sigh, you embraced the small child on your arms before placing her down, “Onee-chan is going to get some air. She’ll be back later tonight.”
You weren’t planning on it but you found yourself walking to Tsukishima’s house. Your legs just missed it’s old routine of walking home with Tsuki, fingers intertwined and shoulders brushing against each other as you share earphones. You missed the walks after school or volleyball practice just to get to his house and melt into one another. You missed the smell of his house, his bed, his scent and most of all him. You missed your boyfriend. And whether he liked it or not, he was going to give you an explanation for making you worry so much.
You were about to knock when a mixture of laughters came from inside the house. Bushes and trees were a bit far away but your legs quickly carried you towards them in order to hide behind them. With a shaky breath, you peeked from the bushes to see the door open and your heart sank. You felt like throwing up. You wanted to look away. You wanted to run away yet you stood frozen.
Even your breath had stop momentarily as you watched a beautiful, slender woman come out from inside the house followed by your boyfriend. They were smiling, doting on one another, clinging to each other’s their pinkies interlocked not wanting to let go of each other. Panic begin to settle in and as much as you didn’t want to keep looking, you did. Questions just crashed within your mind one after the other: Who was she? Why was she there? When did she come into his life? Why was her hair a mess? Why did she look at him with lustful eyes? Why did she clig to him? Why did she kiss him goodbye..?
It was when she left that you were finally able to breath again.
“I guess the rumors were true. I was just stupid enough to see it.” You weren’t stupid though you were just in love. In that moment you felt numb, you didn’t cry or scream, you didn’t even feel anger towards him. It was as if your mind took control of your body and your consciousness was watching from behind the curtains. You didn’t realize that in your moment of haze you had walked towards his front door and knocked waiting to see if he would answer.
The door opened. He looked beautiful. His hair was disheveled and a pink tint was spread across his cheeks, he even had the smile you had almost forgotten. “Y/N?” It was like he called out unintentionally but hearing your name come out of his mouth, forced you back into reality. You looked at him giving no hints at what you had just witnessed. “What.. what are you doing here? I told you we couldn’t watch the movie today. It’s late and I’m tired.” He admitted with a sigh.
“Really? Tired of what?” Your tone was harsher than expected but Tuskishima didn’t seem to mind. He figured you were probably bothered at the fact that he had canceled your plans once again. “Studying, dummy.” You nodded, biting your cheek to stop the tears from welling up, “Oh, I thought it had something to do with the girl that just came out of your house. I guess I was wrong.”
You laughed but tears were now streaming down your face. He gulped, only watching as you cried in front of him. Your sobs grew louder as you gasped for air, everything seemed to hit you all at once, the lies, the rumors, the memories, even if you wanted to stop crying, tears wouldn’t stop flowing out of you. “I love you so so much Kei.” It seemed like it was hitting him too, he pulled you from your shoulders into his chest and wrapped his firm arms around you.
You had missed him so much. The smell of vanilla and sweat on his shirt. The feeling of his body pressed against yours. The warmth his body gave you. Him. Had he missed you though? You doubted and regretted for savoring this moment with him. You gripped his grey shirt tightly, burying your face deeper into his chest. It was now cover in tears and snob but he didn’t push away; instead, he leaned down to whisper something in your ear, “I love you, y/n.”
It sounded sincere. “I’m sorry for pulling you away. I am sorry you are in pain and have been in pain because of me. I love you. I’m sorry for hurting you but please stop crying. I don’t like seeing you cry.” Then again, he had said he loved you a million times before yet he had cheated on you. Still, you craved his loved and he still gave you butterflies every time you looked at him. Your body was rising in heat as he confessed his love for you and you hated yourself for reacting in such a way.
When your sobs became rapid shallow breathing, he help guide you through the process of calming down. “Inhale four seconds, exhale four seconds. There you go. You got it” he planted a kiss on your forehead as you followed his instructions. Your body heat turned into hatred by how unbothered he was by the whole situation. Was he not scared of losing you too? Did he think he wasn’t going to lose you? Was your year with him just been him passing the time? We’re all those things he said to you a lie?
You pulled away from his arms after a while and he cautiously wiped away your tears with his thumb. Before giving him a chance to speak, you spoke up, “I love you Kei,” he smiled at you, reaching for your hands that were so desperately calling out for him, “but you hurt me.” You could see his once calm demeanor falter at the sound of your voice, it was low yet imbued with pain. He had broken every part of you. You weren’t sure how long it would take for you recover, if ever. You weren’t even sure if he cared if you did.
“I know what I did was wrong and I regret it but—“ no, you weren’t going to let him finish because if you did, you wouldn’t be able to let him go. You knew he could twist his words to please you and you couldn’t let that happen. “Maybe one day I’ll let you explain why you did what you did but for now just delete my number.” You wanted an explanation because you wanted to be able to forgive him, but the pain was too much to bare right now.
“A sorry won’t fix anything anyways.. and as much as I want to ask what I did wrong, what I did to deserve this,” your voice grew weaker, breaking as you tried to convey your thoughts, “I want to know when you stopped loving me, but I won’t ask because I’m too scared to know the answer. I still love you.” You knew you will continue to love him, “but Kei Tsukishima you’re one hell of a poison that I need an antidote for. So, this is goodbye.”
You weren’t proud that you managed to set yourself free from him. He was all that you wanted and now you were losing him. If he had called out to you, you would’ve gotten back with him. You knew it. But he didn’t.
Tsukishima choke on his words. The realization of what he had lost would hit him days later. He would never admit it but he wanted to go after you and scream to wait and stay with him. You weren’t to blame, if anything you were too good for him, he was just scared that you’ll realize he was not what you wanted, he didn’t want to be in your position, so he decided to hurt you first. A regret he’ll live with for the rest of his life because seeing you in pain broke him too.
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hellsbraat · 8 years
The Signs as Yuri!!! on Ice characters
Aries: Christophe Giacometti
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Taurus: Guang-Hong Ji
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Gemini: Emil Nekola
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Cancer: Yuri Katsuki
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Leo: Jean-Jacques Leroy
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Virgo: Otabek Altin
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Libra: Viktor Nikiforov
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Scorpio: Yuri Plisetsky
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Sagittarius: Kenjiro Minami
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Capricorn: Seung Gil Lee
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Aquarius: Leo de la Iglesia
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Pisces: Phichit Chulanont
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