catladytits · 4 years
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Daily Reminder!
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catladytits · 4 years
there’s still a little over 200 days left in 2020. in that time, i want to become undeniably skinny.
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catladytits · 7 years
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catladytits · 7 years
❄Daily ana game❄
The goal in this game is to get at least 12 points a day. If exceeded, you get to weigh yourself. If not exceeded, no scale.
Water/green tea/coffee💦☕
<1L: 0pts
1-2L: 3pts
2-3L: 6pts
>3L: 9pts
(One liter is 33.8oz, Two is 67.6oz, Three is 101.2oz. Can be coffe, green tea, and distilled water that counts.)
>2000: 0pts
1500-2000: 3pts
1000-1500: 6pts
500-1000: 9pts
<500: 12pts
Exersize 💪⚽
<10 mins: 0pts
10-20: 3pts
20-40: 6pts
40- 60: 9pts
>60: 12pts
Fasting 😩😷
<6 hours: 0pts
6-12 hours: 3pts
12-15 hours: 6pts
15-20 hours: 9pts
20-24 hours: 12pts
(You start losing weight at 12 hours. Please try to exceed. For every consecutive day there’s a fast, add 12 extra pts. to that day)
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catladytits · 7 years
Bmi is 18.9 now. My bday is Tuesday. Stressing over money and feel so out of control in money aspects. I did get another job recently and it's 30+ hrs so I should have more steady paychecks but I've had such shit pay checks for the last month or two and I hate it. I hate being constantly broke. I can't get anything extra ever. Just rent, comed, cat food and cigarettes. If I didn't have a link card I'd never have food. I hate living to work and being poor. It's the worst. I went to hot topic and got the deal but 2 jewelry get two free and they both are too small and I can't return them. I want these UNIF boots that are 200$ for my bday and I asked if my dad or brother would wanna help me get them and I pay some too cos that's all I really want for my bday and yeah idk if they are going to. Like they keep asking what do u want besides the boots and the like 70$ instant camera and I'm like uh idk nothing else then. Like so whatever I was like I'm just going to buy them myself so you guys don't have to worry cos once my size is gone it probably won't be back in stock for 6months to a year.... I feel I'm too fat still to get them. So I might not even order them. Plus if I order them right now I'll have literally no money left but like a dollar or two.... so idk. I just hate everything. I'm probably just not going to ever get them. I don't deserve nice things. I hate my dirty old purse. It's ugly but I need something to carry my phone and wallet in. ): I told them some purses but idk. Like I don't want a shitty 30$ purse that will turn to shit in a month n I would have to buy another. So whatever. Tomorrow we're going out to celebrate my mom n mine bday and it's her actual bday day n I bet I won't have anything from my brother or dad. My mom is getting my nails done tomorrow. My bf won't have anything for me. I don't expect anyone to get me anything it would just be nice especially when your asking what do I want for my bday ya know. I'm just going to stop mentioning anything I want to anyone and I'll figure it out on my own of how to get it if I really want it.
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catladytits · 7 years
I remember talking to you before and I love your blog but I gotta unfollow cuz of the weight loss and ed posts. I'm doing super well in recovering from my ed and I just can't look at stuff like this anymore. I hope you're doing ok lots of love and if you ever need to talk lemme know. You can even come to me with "triggering" stuff because I understand and with context I can deal with it. Just want you to know I'm here for you to vent
That's ok I understand! Do what is right for you, always! Sending love your way! 💕✨
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catladytits · 7 years
I will not eat until:
•I get dizzy when I stand
•I feel lightheaded all the time
•my legs wobble or ache when I walk
•my thighs don’t look huge
•my thighs don’t touch
•my index and thumb can fit around my wrist
•my arms are slim and don’t sag
•my hip bones protrude like nails
•my stomach is flat and toned
•my collarbones are noticeable and beautifully defined
•my knuckles look boney and delicate
•my cheekbones are slim and sharp
•my neck fits any necklace/choker
•anybody can pick me up
•people worry about me
•I fit into clothes from grade school
•kids section clothing fits me
•I am below 100pounds
•I am perfect
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catladytits · 7 years
🎨 20 colour asks
red - what are you most passionate about? how did this passion develop?
orange - how many pieces of fruit do you aim to eat per day? what do you actually manage?
yellow - what’s your happy place? real or fictional?
green - do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? which is your favourite flower to smell?
blue - which is your favourite mode of long distance transport? have you ever been on a plane? - if so, where?
indigo - what’re your top three favourite names? would you consider having children in the future?
violet - what’s your favourite cake flavour? are you any good at baking?
purple - do you support the royalty? who is your favourite historical figure & why.
pink - which is your favourite animal? zoos or farms?
turquoise - do you like being in the sea? which is your favourite sea side town to visit?
mint - do you like astrology? do you consider pluto a ‘real’ planet?
crimson - have you ever broken bones? do you enjoy going to the dentist?
amber - can you drive? if not, how do you get around?
lime - do you like monkeys? do you believe in evolution?
tangerine - how tall are you? do you ever wish you were any taller/shorter?
azure - which gender & sexuality label do you most identify with?
beige - which is your favourite type of soda? do you enjoy alcohol?
coral - which is your favourite disney movie? who makes the better movies, disney or pixar?
sapphire - do you wear any jewellery? what do you think looks best on other people?
gold - what do you consider to be your biggest achievement? when was the last time you won something?
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catladytits · 7 years
reblog to lose 15 pounds by march 31st♡
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catladytits · 7 years
It’s not just about losing weight. It’s about that pure feeling of complete control, the hours I spend counting all the calories and all possible food combinations, knowing I can make the decision. It’s gaining the control I never had.
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catladytits · 7 years
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catladytits · 7 years
My ed: wow all you think about is food you fatass
Me: ikr it’s like I have an eating disorder or something
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catladytits · 7 years
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♡Used to be calicem-tea♡
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catladytits · 7 years
Ana game
Recently I’ve been falling off track again and again but I’ll start this game and play it until I’m at my gw. 
🌸 1 day of eating under the calorie limit = 10 points
🌸 1 day of working out (your daily planned amount) = 10 points
🌸 A 24 hour fast = 15 points
🌸 Drinking 3-4 liters of water a day = 5 points
🌸 Remembering to take your vitamins = 5 points
🌸  2 or more cups of green tea a day = 5 points
🥀 Eating over your calorie limit = -20 points
🥀 Binging = -100 points
🥀 Skipping your workout = -10 points
Rewards (you can get whatever you want, these are just my personal ones)
✨ 500 points = new skincare
✨ 1000 points = new makeup
✨ 1500 points = new makeup
✨ 2000 points = new jeans/skirt
✨ 2500 points = a new top
✨ 3000 points = a new outfit
✨3500 points = haircut
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catladytits · 7 years
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This is the magical metabolism tea.
Reblog and she will boost your metabolism, clear your skin and guide you through a healthy yet fast weightloss journey
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catladytits · 7 years
i wanna be one of those blogs everyone comes to out of the blue with their good news or worries or just to tell them about their crush or their day without the blog ever saying “talk to me” or “ask me things”
where do i apply
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catladytits · 7 years
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
I’m gonna reach my UGW in a month.
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