cc289 · 10 years
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cc289 · 10 years
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Allison Argent was not just a fictional character. I think anyone who appreciates art in any form understands that. She was a representation, for many of us girls, of our teenage selves, falling in love for the first time, finding our place in the world, and experiencing loss; but most importantly, she was a representation of a beautiful, courageous female, whether or not we are or were as teenage girls, and that is why we mourn her: she was a role model. "I'm not fearless.." she said. But she acted fearless. Though many of the moments pictured here are of her breaking down, she was strong. I honestly love and admire Crystal Reed for her moving portrayal of such a lovely character for the past three years. Her final scene with her last dying words is my favorite scene in I think the entire series. I cried and it takes a LOT for an actor to make me cry. We'll miss Crystal but wish her the best! 
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cc289 · 10 years
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This is the spot where Teddy and Layla fought. I grew up in this backyard, but ever since that fateful day when the dog fight happened, I look at this spot and picture the struggle we had, all of us trying to separate the two of them. The harm that could have happened to us. The real bloodshed that could have happened to the dogs. Thank God Joel supernaturally came to the rescue. This spot now serves the purpose of reminding me, on beautiful, sunny and breezy Sundays like today when I miss Teddy so much, that the fight.. That was the reality of what we were facing, and that was not worth the risk anymore. It doesn't really exactly help me miss Teddy less but it provides some reason for his death.
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cc289 · 10 years
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In a world … where the blind see … the lame walk … sounds like a corny cinematic take on the story of Jesus Christ, doesn’t it? I don’t know how many of you thought when you heard about Son of God coming to a theater near you “oh no, not another Jesus movie!” or “it’s probably gonna be...
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cc289 · 10 years
Jesus movie? Why not?
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In a world ... where the blind see ... the lame walk ... sounds like a corny cinematic take on the story of Jesus Christ, doesn't it? I don't know how many of you thought when you heard about Son of God coming to a theater near you "oh no, not another Jesus movie!" or "it's probably gonna be full of discrepancies."
I don't know what you thought but I know controversy always does come up when God hits the big screen.
I know I heard it was pieced together with already produced scenes from the TV series The Bible, and believe it or not, that alone affected my feelings towards wanting to see the movie. I'm not implying that this is a major conflict - trust me - I just think it's something to consider.
What are we focusing on as the priority here...the editing of the movie?; the fact that they were speaking in English and that's not realistic? Hey, I know I did not agree with the casting director's choice of how the mother of Jesus should look (plastic surgery anyone?) No offense to the actress.
The way Jesus' face was so perfectly constructed and the way His hair was flowing luscious locks may have evoked the question "did He really look like that?" His smirking in the beginning of the movie and His oh-so-happy demeanor (knowing He would fulfill the law as the ultimate sacrifice) ...were these details correct? Also, "wasn't Jesus supposed to call his mother 'woman' when he hung on the cross?"
Before you do start thinking those things, stop. First of all, is it so wrong to think that maybe the Son of God really was that beautiful and that He really did have Garnier Fructis hair? Or maybe the director wanted to portray Jesus the way his followers saw Him and the way He really was: holy, without flaw, matchless. (*praise break*) (jk.)
The truth is there are enough lies in the movies. There is enough work on Satan's part in the movies, granting nightmares to all who are curious and seeking a thrill, but deep down just want to be moved.
The truth moves people. People want to see truth, but there are too many lies clouding their vision. Lies that some movies leave them with, like the lie that demons are just in the movies and aren't a real serious thing, and the lie that true happiness is only found in romance.
Truth is we need more Jesus in the movies. Face it...we don't have TIME to dwell on whether or not the movie was done right! Sure, it matters if it's distorting the whole message, but I don't believe it is. I think it was very well done.
We need to stop nit-picking and start appreciating a production that brings glory to God and that is so accessible to desperate, searching people.
Let me leave you with this famous Christian-ese question: what would Jesus do? Not criticize trivial matters, that's what!
We need more Jesus, period. So celebrate it. Celebrate Him. 
Chrissy :)
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cc289 · 10 years
Love this woman. She sat on my lap at a concert!
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cc289 · 10 years
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the stunning Holland Roden as Lydia Martin
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cc289 · 10 years
Never Limit God
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I just saw a picture of this on the internet and it brought me back to when I was very little. This THING, which I just now learned is called a phoropter, is a distant but very familiar memory for me. It's one of my earliest memories, albeit cold and a little scary.
Having this huge contraption placed in front of my face and having to run through countless lenses, reading charts and tests was my life from the time I was almost 2 until like 12. I specifically remember, probably as a toddler, having to position my chin in the "slit lamp" exam and having no idea what was going on, and all the lights didn't help my overly sensitive eyes.
Anyway why am I saying this? Not to exaggerate and make it seem like I was such a victim. Actually the opposite: I am a victor. This whole eye situation is something I don't give God enough credit for. Without glasses, my right eye turned in and I saw double all the time. I do not wear glasses today and my eye is perfectly straight and my vision fine.
I used to let the enemy tell me that God didn't heal my eyes even though I knew He did. I was up on the church healing line for prayer for my vision (as well as allergies) every time and now I can say I haven't needed glasses since I was around 13.
I think there was real power in the act when my parents anointed my head with oil as a toddler. Surgery, corrective eye patches, bifocals, prescriptions, and allergy shots could only do so much until God touched me.
Even though we didn't always get along, today I feel a strong connection with my mom and I'm realizing part of that has to do with her being with me every step of the way through whatever ailments and hurdles I have had. And Dad was there by working from dawn 'til dusk and paying for everything lol. Thank you Mommy!! Never limit God.
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cc289 · 10 years
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cc289 · 10 years
hahaha what if we learn stiles’s real name because it’s written on his gravestone ahahhAHA
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cc289 · 10 years
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cc289 · 10 years
Little does he know
I step onto the front lawn after walking Shia, talking to Shia and trying to get her to come inside as she rolls around in the snow like a walrus. I hear a strange and alarming sound and of course, it’s Ben, the neighbor from hell, revving something in the hood of his girlfriend’s car.
I look back down at Shia, my mind instantly filled with thoughts of Teddy, Ben fuming mad the day he got bit, telling my mom what happened, my dad coming home to find me with a police officer, going to court, and all the times we walked Teddy past Ben and into the house, not looking at him, having to pretend he’s not there because the situation is so awkward.
Ben knows of the recent events. He knows what happened to himself, but he doesn’t know what happened to Teddy. All I could think when passing by his house after he’d gone inside and I was going inside with Shia was little does he know.
Sure, he’s probably wondering where he is and imagining Teddy, at any given second, about to attack him, because for all he knows we’re keeping him hidden and training him to attack him one fatal day.
But little does he know I wish I could see him. I wish I could catch a glimpse of him bounding towards me, eyes alive and mouth open showing that doggie smile. I wish I could hug him, so soft yet sturdy.
You may have gotten your wish, but it wasn’t on your terms.
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cc289 · 10 years
Watch in HD, please. :) I am thinking about come back, or maybe, start with a new channel, for now, I hope you like this video :) "Copyright Disclaimer Under...
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cc289 · 10 years
We Won't Forget You
I've been okay these past couple of days. It's still sad without Teddy here, but I sort of have this feeling that I'm getting used to his absence now. It's as if his absence isn't quite so blaring loud anymore as it was the first few days. As I take care of and tend to Shia, I am not so shocked by the fact that he's not right there along with her. Those reminders are sad enough but at least it's not such a shocking blow to the heart now. 
But that's what I'm afraid of--not caring that he's gone.
Forgetting: it's what I think I may fear most. I don't know why...maybe because I'm so sentimental and would hate to lose something as precious to me as a memory. But fear of forgetting is the reason for my biggest set-back in life: not letting go of my past relationship.
Yes, relationship with no "s" at the end. One relationship. Singular. Single. Five years single. Five years a slave (joking there, but not really. And shouldn't really be joking about slavery huh). As much as I enjoy remembering, if it holds me back from the present (and therefore a future), then I am, in a way, a slave to it. 
The ultimate goal is to be happy. Stress free. Trusting God. To be in the present. To release the past to Him and place the future in His able hands.
So though I fear getting so used to Teddy being gone that I forget him, I should be more afraid of remembering him so much it prevents me from moving on. If anything, I'm sure remembering him through paintings and writings is nothing but cathartic, but only as long as I feel satisfied after, complete.
Shia has been helping us. Even though she reminds me of taking care of Teddy, we did have her for seven years before Teddy trotted along. And now it's nice to know we can give her our undivided attention, nice long walks (so she can lose some chub!), and lots of companionship since she is without her buddy and surely missing him. 
We're back to spoiling her. Dogs should be spoiled. They're too cute not to and unlike kids, if they're spoiled they can't act out by saying obnoxious things like a spoiled brat. In Shia's case she just wants food, all the time, every second, of every day, like it's her first and last meal. Bless her heart. 
I've never lost any soul (albeit a doggy soul) this close to me. Remembering without getting stuck--that is the goal. Remembering with no fear of forgetting. A pleasant, happy reminder, here and there, that he had a happy life.
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cc289 · 10 years
All Dogs Go to Heaven
It's starting to make sense. People who never knew your love never knew the real you. And for that same reason, they couldn't see you as the victim you were. They couldn't see that you suffered from an issue. As innocent and gentle as you were, they only saw that on the outside (and perhaps your threat contrasted with your welcoming appearance is what made them even more disturbed). If only they knew... 
As perfect as you were, you suffered from an issue out of your control and out of our control. This is the reason we had to set you free. We did it because we couldn't leave it in the hands of them. The future screamed of more incidents, scarier and far worse, and while we would not want more people hurt, more stress expended, more money spent, the worst of all would have been them deciding your fate. 
It was our choice out of our love for you. After all, that grump did threaten to shoot you after the love bite you gave him.
Shia is resting her head on my laptop (the one you peed on once) and I know she knows I'm writing about you. It's her way of contributing. She misses you like crazy. She went from "hey where's Teddy?" to "oh well, all the attention's on me again wooh!" to "hey really where's that big doof that annoys me so" to now "I miss you, buddy" and though I'm sure she'll have moments of just "more food for me," I know she deeply misses you. 
She misses you barking out of desperation to get the toy she had locked in her jaw. She misses you bounding towards her only to leap into the air over her body at the last second. She misses yelling at you when you'd bark at noises in the yard. I'd say she even misses your trampling her at the sound of the kitchen door opening.
You were her big doof. Her annoying "little" brother. This new guy she never thought would grow on her. 
And you were to me too. How I disliked you at the start. "Why me?" I would ask the sky. In my last few months of college (crunch time) and my months thereafter of unemployment, the last thing I wanted to be doing was house-breaking a puppy. Your love hadn't cast its spell on me yet.
We miss this light and fluffy beautiful creature prancing into the room. We miss the curled-up tail wagging side to side and that cute little butt up in the air when you'd do your big stretch. We miss those acrobatic spins that let us know there was nothing in the world that would make you happier than going out to run in the backyard. We miss your FBI-special-agent sniff sessions of every square inch of our bodies every time we came back in the house. We miss the way your body would hug us like a furry, oversized baby when we'd hoist you up. We miss your human-sounding yawns and sighs as you sprawled out on your very own sofa in the evenings. This extra soft and silky, caramel-eyed being -- were you even a dog? But what we miss most of all are your gentle, hesitantly curious, soft and lukewarm kisses and that BIG HEAD!
I'd like to believe all dogs go to heaven. I know there's a heaven for humans, but I don't know if there's one for dogs. That is something I will add to the list to ask God when I get there. But I can picture you, totally healed of any aggression issue, not afraid, completely secure, your little doggie jaw open and smiling, your tongue out, with other dogs of all shapes and sizes, doing what you do best -- RUNNING. You don't have to make sharp turns like in the small yard, and when you stop for a drink the water bowl is always full. You leap over all the small dogs and they act annoyed but they secretly love it. And the bigger dogs leap over you. And you are NOT afraid. 
I miss hugging your soft wheaten coat.
I miss that big, wet, cold nose. 
If you had been placed with another family, you'd miss us too much. You have your three years of happy memories with us, and now I know the joy a dog can bring.
No more stress now. No more fear. 
We love you.
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cc289 · 10 years
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cc289 · 10 years
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Nine days.
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