cchvrrybbvmb · 4 years
|| Sweater Weather || (Pt 2)
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Bangchan x Fem!Reader (College AU)
Characters: Christopher Bang (Bangchan), Han Jisung, Seo Changbin, (3RACHA)
Synopsis: You were just starting college and to save on money, you move in with your brother and his two friends. Soon, you began to get a little crush on one of them. But there’s a problem, he has a girlfriend. A really awful one too. Not only that, but the school’s playboy has taken an interest in you.
Chapter Info/Warning: smut, fluff, angst, curse words, cheating, fighting, yelling
Word Count: 
A/N: Listen, I’m a staytiny.. so I had to. Sorry there’s not a lot going on right now, but pt 3 will make up for that.
YT Playlist
Pt 1 |Pt 2 |
“Ugh.. Shut.. Up..” You groaned as you lazily reached over to turn off your alarm. A sigh escaped you as you flopped your arm down on the bed, blinking up at the ceiling to wake yourself up. 
“Mmph...” You groaned quietly, sitting up and climbing out of bed. Dragging your feet across the floor, you made your way over to the dresser and pulled out some random pieces of fabric, hoping the outfit you tiredly put together would make sense and look good. Lazily, you got dressed and grabbed the things you needed before heading out your bedroom door. 
“Binnie..!” You called, walking down the hall and knocking on his bedroom door. “I need a ride to class...!” A groan was heard from the otherside of the door before it opened, a tired Changbin standing there. 
“Mm.. Okay.. Let me put my shoes on and we’ll go..” He grumbled, rubbing his face a bit. 
It didn’t take long before the two of you were out the apartment and pulling into the parking lot of the campus. Wow, this place was nicer than the photos. “Don’t do anything stupid, and text me when you’re classes are over.” Binnie said, waving you goodbye as you got out of the car and shut the door behind you. 
With a small, nervous sigh, you made your way into the building and made your way to the first class of the day, Music and Dance History. You took a seat in one of the few empty ones, right next to a boy with dark hair, a single silver streak in his hair. His head was propped up on his elbow, his narrow and cat-like eyes staring off at the teacher while they began their lecture. He glanced over at you while you got settled in, a small smile creeping up on his well structured face.
“You’re new here.” He said softly, his voice sounding like velvet and honey. You couldn’t lie, he was kinda hot. Damn, only your first day and you already have two men you’d like to really get to know. “I’m San. You are..?”
“Y/N.” You said simply, returning his smile with one of your own. “And yeah, I am a bit new here. You ah.. wouldn’t mind showing me around, would you? I had trouble finding this class, so I might need help finding my other two.”
“Sure. Under one condition, though.” He said, moving to lean back in his chair a bit to stretch before he turned slightly and moved a bit closer to you. “I get your number, and you come to my friend’s party Saturday.”
“That’s two conditions, but okay. Here.” You tore a piece of paper out of your journal and scribbled your number down before handing it to him. Almost immediately, he grabbed his phone off the desk and shot you a quick text. 
XXX-XXX-XXXX: hey ;)
You giggled quietly, saving his number as ‘San, the party boy’. 
The rest of your classes went by smoothly, San helping you out by showing you how to get to them and where some bathrooms were along the way. When your final class ended, you left almost immediately and waited by the end of the hall for San. 
“Hey!” He called from behind you, jogging up the hallway to stand next to you. “When do you go into work?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. 
“I go in at five, why?” You reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you rocked back and forth on your heels.
“Because, I wanna take you to work. If.. that’s okay with you.” 
“Um.. Actually, I already have a ride. My brother is picking me up. Sorry, but maybe tomorrow?” You said, watching as his face lit up. 
“Yeah! Okay! Can I.. uh, walk you to wherever you need to go now?” San asked, but instead of using your words, you just nodded and grabbed his wrist to lead him out of the building. The two of you walked together to where Changbin was waiting for you, leaning against the side of the car with his arms crossed.
“Y/N you’re finally he-... San?” Changbin seemed a bit confused as to why he was with you. He uncrossed his arms and stood upright. “What are you doing with my sister..?”
“S-Sister.. wait.. You’re her brother?” San pulled his arm away from you and looked at the two of you in confusion, then his look of confusion turned into a devious, mischievous grin. “That’s good to know. Well, see you later Y/N!” And with that, he walked towards his car and left.
Changbin was silent during the ride to your job, until he pulled into the parking lot. “Do me a favor, stay away from San. He’s not good news.”
“What do you mean? Binnie, he’s the first friend I made here. Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do.” You retaliated, a little annoyed that he was acting this way about San, who seemed to be a good guy to you.
“He has a reputation of sleeping around, Y/N. Trust me. He’s gonna eat you up then throw you out. I’m just trying to look out for you. But, if you wanna find out for yourself, go ahead.” He sighed, looking over to you. “Have a good day at work.”
After you got changed in the bathroom, you put your hat on and made your way behind the counter to meet your boss. He went over the basics of how things worked and introduced you to the other insider working there.
“This is Felix. He’s been here for a few months now and can help you out if you need any help.” With that, he left to go help a customer up front.
Felix was a little taller than you, small and freckled face. He had messy brown hair and seemed very cheerful, happy to help you make pizzas. “This is how we slap them out, it’s pretty simple.” He grabbed a medium sized dough ball from the proofer and threw it down into the little container of cornmeal. 
“Once you got it nice and coated on both sides, you pick it up and run it through this thingy like.. this” He said, watching as the dough slid through the machine. “Now it’s flat! And now we can dock it!” You followed along, watching as he took his fingers and pressed down into the edge of the dough, moving them around the entire thing. “Now you just pick it up, and slap the living shit out of it.” And he did. You sputtered as cornmeal flew into your mouth, quickly wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Jeez, that stuff really gets everywhere, huh?” You asked, laughing softly. It wasn’t long before you sort of knew what you’re doing, and it wasn’t long until it got busy.
“Ugh.. I smell so bad.” You mumbled, walking into the apartment with Changbin behind you. 
“Then shower, stinky.” Changbin teased as he set his car keys down on the counter. “I’m gonna head to bed though, you do whatever. Jisung is asleep though, so keep it down. I don’t know where Channie is.” He waved bye, then went into his room.
You decided to shower first, heading straight into the bathroom shared between you, Jisung, and Chan. You started your water, then undressed yourself before slipping into the nice, hot hot shower. This felt nice. You stayed in there for a little while before finally stepping out, wrapping a towel around your body. Since Chan apparently wasn’t home and the other two were asleep, you thought it’d be okay to just get dressed in your room.
You left the bathroom and hurried to your bedroom, slipping the towel off of your body.
“Y/N you left your-...” You froze for a moment, then glanced back at whoever was speaking. Chan. Oh god. Move. Do something. Just don’t stand there! You panicked, grabbing the towel and throwing it over yourself. 
“Chris! Close the door!” You yelled, even though you were the one who left it open. But to be fair, you didn’t realize he was actually home.
“O-Okay! Sorry Y/N! Please don’t tell your brother about this!” He quickly closed the door after setting your schoolbag down on the ground. You got dressed as quickly as possible and just climbed into the bed, deciding that going to sleep was the best option.
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cchvrrybbvmb · 4 years
|| Sweater Weather ||
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Bangchan x Fem!Reader (College AU)
Characters: Christopher Bang (Bangchan), Han Jisung, Seo Changbin, (3RACHA)
Synopsis: You were just starting college and to save on money, you move in with your brother and his two friends. Soon, you began to get a little crush on one of them. But there’s a problem, he has a girlfriend. A really awful one too.
Chapter Info/Warning: smut, fluff, angst, curse words, cheating, fighting, yelling
Word Count: Like 1.1k, sorry its short.
A/N: Yes, this is gonna be a series! I’m gonna do my best to upload as much as possible! It is on Wattpad by the same username and I have a YT playlist up with songs that kinda give me a vibe that matches this story. I plan on bringing in more people to the story and be prepared for drama.
YT Playlist
Pt 1 |Pt 2 |
You sighed quietly as you walked up the third flight of stairs, tugging your suitcase along with you. Your backpack hung low on your right shoulder as you slumped slightly.
Man, I'm tired. You thought to yourself as you finally reached the top.
You looked around for a moment, then down to your phone where a text from your brother, Changbin, was waiting for you.
Binnie: apt 313. pls hrry i want u to meet my bros
You let out yet another, slightly amused sigh as you made your way down the corridor, stopping when you finally reach your brothers apartment. You let go of your suitcase with your left hand and knocked loudly, knowing your brother probably didn't hear you. But to your surprise, the door opened up. Instead of Changbin, another boy stood there with wide and confused eyes. He then looked back towards the living room and shouted for your brother, who immediately came running.
"Y/N!! I'm sorry I totally forgot you were coming around this time! This is Y/N by the way, and Y/N this is one of my bros Jisung!" He said, all while panting like he had just run a marathon. "Chris is finishing up your bedroom, you can say hi to him when you enter."
"... Okay... Um, where is my room exactly?" You asked, cocking your head to the side a bit. If there's one thing Changbin wasn't too good at, it was elaborating on little but important details.
Jisung, who had been silent this whole time while standing next to us finally spoke again. "Uh.. how are you two related again..?"
"I'm adopted." You said abruptly. "And don't worry, I don't take offense to it. A lot of people get confused."
"Ah.. Okay, sorry.. I'm gonna uh, go to my room now.." His cheeks and ears were a bright red as he turned and pushed past Binnie to go to his room.
"Anyways," Binnie said, turning to face you again, "Your room is the last door on the right in the hallway. There's a bathroom across the way and then Chris's room is next to yours, then mine. I gotta go finish preparing for movie night, go get settled in." And with that he left you at the door, not even offering to help you get settled in.
"Wow... Not even gonna offer to take my bags. Typical." You huffed playfully under your breath as you grabbed the suitcase and adjusted so your backpack wasn't falling off your shoulder. You entered the living room, turned slightly, kicked the door shut, then made your way down the hall. As you got closer to your room, you could hear someone cursing to themselves inside.
You pushed the door to the room open and stopped as you stared at, who you assume was Chris, sitting on the floor with parts to a bed in his hands.
"Why did Changbin have to get fucking Ikea... I'm a music major, not a fucking engineer." He cursed softly, but loud enough for you to hear him.
You cleared your throat, then smiled politely before speaking up to him, "U-Uh... Hi.. I'm guessing you're Chris? I'm uh, Y/N... Do you want some help...?"
He looked up at you with a smile.
Holy crap. He's cute. You thought to yourself.
"No. Thank you though. I'm almost done. This is part of your footboard. I just, don't understand how this part snaps into that one... Wait.. I got it..!" He fumbled with the wood pieces a little while longer before finally getting them to snap in place. Chris stood up and turned his back to you while he finished putting together the bed.
"There we go." He let out a triumphant grunt while putting his fists on his hips, turning to face you with that same smile as before. "And my name is Christopher! But you can call me Chris, or Chan. I don't mind!"
Even though you already introduced myself, "I'm Y/N.. but you could call me (Nickname #1) or (Nickname #2) if you'd like."
"Y/N... That's pretty." He said with a cheeky grin. "Anyways, tell Changbin that I can't make it to movie night tonight. I'm going on a date with my girlfriend."
"Haha, okay, I'll let him know. You have fun with your girl. It was nice meeting you." You said with a smile, stepping out of the doorway so he could get by.
"Nice meeting you too. I'll catch you later, (NN #1)" Chris said with a smile as he walked by, heading into his room and closing the door behind him.
You let out a short sigh of relief once he left, then looked around the room. "At least I didn't make a fool of myself.." You said quietly before you began to unpack and put things away.
The room was nice, surprisingly. It was decorated with things you liked, thanks to Changbin. The bed was situated in a corner of the room with matching beside table, a lamp sitting on top. There was a dresser at the end of the bed and directly across from it on the other side of the room was a desk, where you had put a laptop and some books the school was lending to you. There were a few photos of your birth parents sitting on the desk as well, slightly damaged from the rough years brought onto them.
After exploring the room a bit, you took a seat down on the comfy bed, then flopped back into the sheets. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes.
You decided to skip out on movie night, tired from all the traveling you did to get here. Not only that but your first day of classes began tomorrow, and so did your first day of work at that little pizza place down the road. You heard it's good. You don't know, you'll just have to wait and see tomorrow.
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