ccnstanta · 5 months
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OLIVIA COOKE by Zoe McConnell for Harper’s Bazaar UK, February 2023
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ccnstanta · 6 months
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indie roleplay blog for constanta tepes of s.t. gibson's a dowry of blood. sired by elfie.
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ccnstanta · 6 months
now that the semester is over i plan to be here more again uwu ♥
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ccnstanta · 8 months
i dont have rehearsal tomorrow so i'll try to be here ♥
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ccnstanta · 8 months
* tw for mentions of blood / drinking blood / death + murder .
❝ that’s a lot of blood. ❞
❝ so you drink [human] blood ? ❞
❝ how long has it been since you fed ? ❞
❝ bite me. ❞
❝ you just bit me ! ❞
❝  i don’t believe in vampires. ❞
❝ i want to be your familiar. ❞ 
❝ can you turn in to a bat ? ❞
❝ you don’t have a reflection ! ❞
❝ so do you sleep in a coffin ? ❞
❝ you’re gonna need a bigger coffin. ❞
❝ so, how old are you really ? ❞
❝ your skin’s always so cold. ❞
❝ if you need to feed, you can bite me. ❞
❝ you can bite me, i trust you. ❞ 
❝ what does it taste like ? / what do i taste like ? ❞
❝ you’re [not] a monster. ❞
❝ drink this, you’ll feel better. ❞
❝ i’m [not] a monster. ❞
❝ i haven’t fed in awhile. ❞
❝ it’s dangerous for you to be here when i’m like this. ❞
❝ i want you to be my familiar. ❞
❝ forget what you think you know, vampires exist. ❞
❝ no, that’s a myth. ❞
❝ i’m not going to eat you. ❞
❝ you call it a myth, i call it a bad stereotype. ❞
❝ your taste so sweet / bitter / good / bad. ❞
❝ your blood smells so sweet / bitter / good / bad. ❞ 
❝ it’s been awhile since i tasted fresh blood. ❞
❝ you’re so warm. / i forgot how warm living is. ❞
❝ you have to invite me in. ❞
❝ i think i just killed someone. ❞
❝ honestly ? i’m terrified i’m going to have to spend eternity alone. ❞
Actions.   ( add a + to reverse the action ! )
[ BITE. ]  the sender bites receiver on the ( neck / wrist / thigh / bodypart ) to drink their blood.
[ TURN. ]  the sender turns the receiver into a vampire.
[ BLOODLUST ]  the sender has gone too long without feeding, base instincts taking over, the receiver finds them. 
[ COFFIN. ]  the sender stumbles upon the receiver sleeping in a coffin. 
[ STAKE. ]  after finding out the receiver is a vampire, the sender tries to stake them. 
[ MIRROR. ]  when passing a mirror, the receiver notices the sender does not have a reflection. 
[ OFFER. ]  after noticing the receiver hasn’t fed in a few days / weeks, the sender offers to let the receiver feed from them.
[ MESS. ]  the sender finds the receiver covered in blood that certainly isn’t their own.
[ LICK. ]  the sender licks blood from the receiver’s wound / finger.
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ccnstanta · 8 months
verses tag dump
act i. scene i. ( the rise before the fall ), act i. scene ii. ( war and peace ), act ii. scene i. ( second life ), act ii. scene ii. ( bride of war ), act iii. scene i. ( the radiant magdalena ), act iii. scene ii. ( a blue era ), act iv. scene i. ( the beautiful alexi ), act iv. scene ii. ( the turning point ), act v. scene i. ( sins and tragedies ), act vi. scene i. ( third life ), act vi. scene ii. ( 20th century ), act vi. scene iii. ( 21st century ),
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ccnstanta · 8 months
She blinks, pale blue eyes trying to comprehend the situation before her. The creature she’d grown so fond of stared back at her as it always seemed to, but instead of black silky fur and slitted pupils, a beautiful boy sat in its place. A boy who looked so achingly familiar that it took her breath away.
“I…” Constanta hadn’t felt speechless in a long while, and it takes her a moment to gather herself. “How? Why?”
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"it's true. i am a human–– was a human before... all of the fur." thackery jokes, wonderment in blue green hues. chuckling and just as perplexed as she is.
plot. // salem, ma. year: 1990s. you have gotten attached to thackery binx but you're used to knowing him as a feline companion. you broke his curse somehow just days before halloween & now he is human again! ( * wanted fcs. )
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ccnstanta · 8 months
Does it ever stop? Constanta can just barely remember a time when she’d asked those exact words. In short spurts of consciousness, clinging to the bed sheets and soaked in a cold sweat, she’d asked if she’d always feel like this. If she’d always feel like she was in limbo, bordering the line between awake and asleep, alive and dead. Her lord had answered no, but he’d never been completely truthful in his entire existence. He’d forgotten what it was like to be human, while Constanta had been clinging to the fleeting memories of her own human life.
“It’s doesn’t stop, no.” She waits a beat, knowing that the truth was often hard to swallow. “But it does get easier. They become less vivid over time, the dreams.” It would’ve been easier to say that the phantoms of their past disappeared at some point. It would’ve been quicker and simpler to tell him what he wanted to hear, but Constanta wasn’t cruel. She knew that hope was sometimes all someone could hold on to. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here.”
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* & vampire verse clarence ( accepting ) — @ccnstanta
“When do they stop?” Clarence didn’t even realize he’s the one speaking — not until his lips press back together in a tight grimace. The backs of his eyelids burn with such a ferocity he knew all too well. Tears would form and well in the corner of his eyes before they fell down the jut of his cheeks. A natural reaction to the horrors that gripped him in the form of a waking nightmare.
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“Does it ever stop?” A better, but still shitty, question. He can still feel the crushing weight around him — in his lungs. Ten too many feet suspended in compact dirt and rubble, the lack of space so close against skin, what always comes after — desperation, sharp and all consuming.  The way it sticks to his mind is suffocating.
“Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m awake or not.”
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ccnstanta · 8 months
"Something like that." Met many? She wanted to laugh. She'd done more than meet monsters in her time. She'd married them, loved them. Made them, killed them. Become one. She, herself, was a terrible monster, too, but it was something she'd learned to accept long ago. "To live as we do is a crime. And yet, here we are." Constanta smirked. "Sinners among saints."
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"I take it you met many monsters. Most would find me horrible after everything I had to do to live and to be who I am. But that is something we all do and I just always felt like a monster when I know it's them who are the monsters. "
The vampire hated it and he wanted to be human but humanity died long ago and the world he wanted was a long faded memory and Felix wasn't sure what to say because he wanted to talk to someone about it and the truth is he never felt beautiful and like he mattered because in the end he was a monster but beautiful too .
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ccnstanta · 8 months
OOPS! ALL ANGST! PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
when were you going to tell me the truth?
so you're telling me everything has been a lie.
i never should have trusted you.
you've done nothing but lie.
i had to make you believe me in order to get you to come.
there's nothing you can do for me now.
go! i'll fight them off! get to safety!
i'm done with this place.
we were never meant to be together.
there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.
i put my faith in you, and this is how you repay me?
you should have known better than to trust me.
is that all this is? a ploy? a game? is that what i am to you?
you've been playing with my heart this whole time.
was any of it real?
i'm never coming back here again.
i have a message from your father.
you were a waste of my time.
so that's it then? you're leaving?
we always knew this was a one way trip.
it's been an honor serving with you.
how long have you known?
did you ever love me? i mean really love me?
they made me a better offer.
it's not my fault you fell in love.
i need you to promise me you'll do everything in your power to fight.
what are you talking about? i'm not leaving you here!
there's nothing we can do now.
it's useless to try and fight.
i always thought there was more to you. turns out i was wrong.
you betrayed me for nothing.
you made me a promise.
it's no use. i've tried everything.
i can't believe you fell for that.
everything you've ever known is a lie.
do you want to hear what really happened?
i should have told you this a long time ago.
you're going to want to sit down for this.
i'm not sure you're ready for the honest truth.
i have a message from your mother.
get out of my house!
i'm never speaking to you again.
i'm not going to repeat myself.
i told you to never contact me again.
i warned you this would happen.
you're really good at fucking things up.
don't worry. you'll never hear from me again.
you were wrong about everything.
you already missed your chance.
i never asked for much.
i've loved you since the day we met.
i don't want you to be here when it happens.
you're such a disappointment.
i can't go on without you.
you have ruined my life!
we should run.
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ccnstanta · 8 months
"The worst monsters are always the most beautiful."
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"do i look like a monster to you?”
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ccnstanta · 8 months
rescue-related prompts.
these are more for the rescuer, but i might make another list for the rescued later bc OOF nonnie these were deliciously emotional!!! here's hoping they make these trying times a little less trying!
" never leave a man/woman/person behind, right? "
" can you walk/move? "
" i never thought i'd be so happy to see your stupid face again! "
" shh!! don't speak, okay? we gotta be quiet if we wanna get out of here... "
" don't worry. i took out the cctv cameras. "
" come here... oh, it's okay, it's all okay... we're rounding up the people who did this. there's enough evidence to put them away for lifetimes. it's all over now... "
" jesus... what have they done to you... "
" hey! hey, wake up! come on now, we didn't come all this way, right? stay with me! i'm bringing you home! "
" hey... it's alright, now. it's okay. i got you... i got you. "
" god, i thought they'd killed you... never been so happy to be wrong in my life. "
" i never thought i'd see you again... "
" alright, loop your arm around my shoulders... i got you, that's right. "
" don't worry. the guards are a little tied up at the minute. "
" wait! what about the other captives? "
" hey. i'm not going anywhere without you. that's a promise. "
" i'm gonna need to carry you. i know, i know... just put your arm around my neck. "
" how's your aim? i might need someone to cover my back while we get out of here. "
" what did these bastards do to you... "
" look at me. hey. look at me. i'm getting you out of here. "
" move away from the door, okay? i gotta break it down. let me know when you're moved away, got it? "
" it's okay... i'm here now... "
" move, quickly! the truck is down those steps. i'm right behind you! "
" you didn't think we'd just abandon you, did you? "
" oh, god... okay, alright, don't panic. okay? medics are on the way, just hang in there... "
" you're alive! "
" you've got some very worried friends who'll be happy to see you again. "
" the people who took you are being arrested as we speak. "
" it's alright... you're safe now... "
" there's a whole lot of people who've been searching for you. "
" here. you're shaking; take my jacket. it's time to bring you home. "
" i know, i know it hurts, just... look! we're almost there, see 'em? see the medics? just hang in there, we're almost there! "
" you're a survivor, there's no question about it! let's get you out of here. "
" hey... i told you i'd find you. remember? i promised. and i keep my promises. always. "
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ccnstanta · 9 months
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“The more the merrier.” Although a night alone was what she’d prepared herself for, Connie wasn’t against a companion for the occasion. It was always easier to pass the time with another mind to pick apart, with another person to analyze. “I’m afraid I’m not much of a party animal these days.” She said as though she were ever one to begin with. Just a village girl with a short life. Just an unfortunate soul with a second chance. “But an impostor party does sound inviting.” @destaeti
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ccnstanta · 9 months
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"Vermin tend to keep secrets the best, I’ve learned.” Loose lips were common among humans, but she’d never known a rat nor cockroach nor fruit fly or maggot to spill confidential knowledge. No, it was always those with something to gain, and nothing to lose. Humankind was pestilential in its own way, but she’d sooner trust an alley rat with her deepest fears than a foolish human. @melpomeneprose
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ccnstanta · 9 months
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“I can appreciate a man who has his secrets.” She smiled coyly, knowing she had far too many secrets of her own. Constanta would never expect anyone to spill their private affairs, but she did hope he’d indulge her curiosity if only a bit. “What kind of secrets could someone, an enigma like yourself, possibly have? You seem like a pretty open book to me. Or is this bravado merely a mask?” @destaeti
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ccnstanta · 9 months
“I’ll do no such thing.” Her voice sounded weak in her own ears, but she was surprised at how calm she felt. Had these years truly hardened her heart? Once upon a time, the carnage that lie around her would’ve broken her heart. She would’ve wept for the lives lost, for the stories cut tragically short. Apathy had become a habit, she had realized, and habits were often hard to break.
“If I leave you to wallow in silence, I fear you may never crawl out of that hole, sweet boy. I won’t offer you pity if it's not what you seek, but I refuse to ignore what happened here.”
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open to: f. plot: magnus is a vampire that has just had committed a bloodbath (either to protect your muse from harm or he just lost control of his thirst) and for the first time in a long time, under the gaze of your muse, is beginning to question the immoral and merciless lifestyle he has lived since he turned. your muse can be a human, a vampire that lives a more virtuous life, or another supernatural creature. inspo: here. do not like this starter.
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the silence in the room was stark compared to the frenzied onslaught enacted just minutes ago. though the bodies had been left abandoned at the scene, the dark liquid evidence was still smudged across angled features, stained his lips and teeth, dried heavy in his throat. piercing blues didn't dare rise to take note of her expression, instead simply sat motionless on the old chair, staring at a random spot on the dusty floorboards. ❝ you should leave. ❞ hollowed words, distant and low, emptied of any of the warmth that usually emerged in her company. the immediate threat may have passed, but every thought conflicted with natural instinct, and magnus would not risk her safety further. ❝ go. ❞
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ccnstanta · 9 months
Although her life felt more akin to a captured bird in a gilded cage, nights like this were enough to breathe life back into Constanta’s cold heart. She’d never have met someone as radiant as Magdalena in her previous life, and she’s glad for the chance to stand so close to her. It felt nice to have another woman around, a confidant to make her eternal prison feel less bleak.
“Tell me, sweet Magdalena,” She began with a playful tone as her gloved hand squeezed the other’s. “Have you ever seen an opera? I’ve been dying to go to one.”
Magdalena’s gaze flicked up at her… well, she supposed wife now. They were much beyond petulant rivalries these nights. They were allies, lovers, closer than sisters and dearer than just friends.
Though, were they still human, historians would hate them, because historians hate all lovers. But Magdalena dare not think on that now.
“Mmm,” she murmured with red lips, dark hair falling prettily just beneath her mask and hat.
“Seems an amusing game to me,” she said.
“Where to now? My constant— Constanta.”
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