ccsdailyoc · 1 month
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#177: Selstar + Star TV
From: misc (Chase the Stars)
Summary: Two excitable show hosts that set up star-themed challenges and tournaments for anyone willing to compete! Selstar is delightfully sassy and blunt, cheerful at all times and telling competitors just how good or bad a job they're doing. Star TV is more encouraging and cheerful, treating any and all progress as incredible.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
Updated old profiles
Realized that I haven't properly notified you guys on any of the changes that have been made. Thus, here is a comprehensive list:
Garret's design and profile has been completely reworked.
Yaki&Roko-Ro, Robbi, Mio, Gin and Theo have had their images replaced.
Snac and Second have had their designs slightly tweaked.
Spot and Gnaspa have been given new designs. (Yes, Spot changed again since last log.)
Shock Code's visual style has been changed. As such, several Shock Code characters have been redesigned to fit this style and given new images. Affected characters are Izzy, Weicol, Scraps, Lina and Shichi.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
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#176: Kachin
From: Fancharacter (Dragon Ball Z)
Summary: A rather young Kai in training who loves watching mortals and has taken on some of their mannerisms as a result, being more casual and informal than he probably should be. He’s kind and wants friends but finds it difficult to approach others, so he doesn’t really dare visit the mortal realm and only has his mentor to rely on.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
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#175: Poppyseed
From: Fancharacter (Warrior Cats)
Summary: Grew up in the medicine cat’s den due to her mother falling incurably ill when giving birth, and so felt from kithood that she wanted to be a medicine cat. She was not able to complete her training before her clan was stolen by humans, but thanks to her efforts the clan’s young escaped this fate and formed Clanclan. Serving as Clanclan’s medicine cat, she is a bit lonely without her mentor, but tries to focus on being kind and helpful.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
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#174: Tenizii (Tennessee), Teniz (Tennis) for short
From: misc (no setting)
Summary: An alien hobby botanist who loves plants and travels the universe to admire, collect and preserve rare flora. His backpack contains saplings and seeds for strange plants he has collected, some of which can sprout within minutes or days when planted. The antennae on his helmet are sensors.
+ Fitzgerald (Fitz for short): Tennis’s co-pilot and second in command. By all accounts seems to be a normal dog, but Tennis considers him an equal and treats him as a trusted co-worker.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
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#173: Olive
From: misc (Bunny Burrow Dash!)
Summary: A bunny who can turn into a bunnygirl and works at a casino while in human form. She still lives in a burrow out in the wild though, and so often has to hurry to get to her job in time.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
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#172: Khas
From: Shock Code
Summary: Izzy’s brother, and part of a demonstration of how powerful a fully sapient robot is. The most serious of the trio and doesn’t like how doesn’t like how playful/slow to decide the other two are, which causes him to butt heads with them.
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ccsdailyoc · 1 year
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From: Fancharacter (Dragon Ball Z)
#170: Folour
Summary: Udon's father, an invasion baby who was raised by an inhabitant of the planet he destroyed. Met Scalli on his first mission after returning to Planet Vegeta and unknowingly gained a crush on her; the two usually fight as a duo. Excited and eager for battle, but still aware of his surroundings and keeps an eye out for the rest of his squad, particularly Scalli.
#171: Scalli
Summary: Udon's mother, an invasion baby who raised herself. Met Folour on her first mission after returning to Planet Vegeta and quickly became best friends with him; the two usually fight as a duo. Excited and eager for battle to the point of recklessness, rushing in head-first and relying on Folour to watch her back.
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#169: Udon
From: Fancharacter (Dragon Ball Z)
Summary: A 5 years old saiyan girl who was sent off as an invasion baby, but arrived to find that a plague had already eradicated the people she was meant to kill. She was instead picked up by a passing bounty hunter who promised to train her, planning to return to Planet Vegeta once she was strong enough, but only two years later the planet was destroyed... So she ended up staying as part of the bounty hunter’s crew.
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#168: Peep
From: misc (Misty Alleys)
Summary: A young street cat who helps Second throughout the game. He’s got a fear of crowded or dangerous places and thus can’t often tag along, but if you need advice he’s ready to do his best! While he’s not clever, his street smarts can come quite in handy.
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#167: Roxsox
From: Fancharacter (Deltarune)
Summary: A Darkener from an RP! Roxsox is a real tough cookie, a street brawler who wants to become the Knight’s second-in-command. He FIGHTS on the streets! He BREATHES on the streets! He SLEEPS on the streets! He is HOMELESS, and PROUD OF IT! His light world counterpart is a worn plush dinosaur that has been repaired using several other plush dinosaurs. If he defeats you in combat, he considers you his friend (that’s what having a friendly rivalry means).
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#166: Motti
From: misc (Spinny’s world)
Summary: Showhost’s assistant, telling contestants the rules and objectives of his game shows and pointing them to their goal. She seems to be an old friend of his, which is why she helps him out. 
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#165: Lambeline
From: misc (Bedtime Honey)
Summary: A young dreamland sheep who has trouble falling asleep, and so sets out on a journey to find rest. Enjoys calm colors, beads and glowy things.
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#164: Bicky Bear
From: misc (Emotion Liar)
Summary: Originally made as a one-off bootleg design for this post, Bicky somehow became a reoccurring character. I don’t know why. A poor-quality bootleg with a lot of badly made, sometimes unintentionally scary merchandise.
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#163: Chilltail
From: Fancharacter (Warrior Cats)
Summary: A capable warrior and the oldest Clanclan member at 2 years old, Chilltail is stuck in the nursery to tend her newborn kits. She’s a grumpy and unfriendly cat who doesn’t care for approval, but hates being treated as an elder. She lost the most when the humans attacked and would fight a bear to defend her kits.
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ccsdailyoc · 2 years
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#162: Sundrown
From: Fancharacter (Warrior Cats)
Summary: Originally from the forest, Sundrown was rescued from a flooding river as a kit and became Starstar’s adoptive older brother. He’s level-headed and strong, serving as Starstar’s deputy and emotional support. He considers Starstar something to be protected.
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ccsdailyoc · 3 years
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#161: Mousebile
From: Fancharacter (Warrior Cats)
Summary: Small but tenacious and hardworking, Mousebile received his warrior name only a few months into his apprenticeship. A runt and the son of the old clan’s deputy, he’s fiercely competitive and always trying to prove himself capable. Starstar’s stage fright caused him to give Mousebile a terrible name, causing a lot of strife between the two cats.
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