cejjee · 2 years
Hi. I’m back! 😁
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cejjee · 4 years
Tumblr media
Keep contact with your friends, your family, your parents, and your boyfriend/girlfriend. Don’t let this Pandemic dispel friendships, parents, siblings and your boyfriend/girlfriend. You can start to text them or maybe call them. And then you can also Video call with them. Maybe you miss them a lot so wanted to see their faces, and then you can Video Call. So many apps that supports you to contact everyone. Now, like Tumblr, Instagram, WhatsApp, Line, and more. So, don’t let the pandemic stop your contact with your lovely people.
C’mon, let’s call your mom or dad, maybe your friends, your co-workers, siblings, and boyfriend/girlfriend.
#education #stayhome #staysafe #keepcontact
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