celesitalracham · 2 years
“Isn’t that wonderful,” Raphael said brightly, feigning the excitement he figured was needed like the pro actor he was. He’d had over 2,000 years of practice in his games of building trust and charming others. As the topic turned back to himself, his smile only grew warmer – Raph was his own favorite subject after all. “I’ve been well. Very busy with council work and the Christmas season. I managed to take some time away from the castle for a few days.” Course he and Lucien only spent time at a different castle in Italy that the Frenchman bought him as a gift before traversing to the private island he’d given Lucien. It’d been a wonderful few days that he recalled fondly. He opened his suite door and gestured for Isaac to enter, closing it behind them. Time to play the good host. “Would you like anything to eat or drink?” he offered. “I can send a request down to the kitchens. Perhaps you would like a shower that isn’t in one of those locker room stalls downstairs?” 
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The smile on Isaac’s face as he listened to Raphael explain how he spent his holiday season was growing. It was just enough detail to encourage the celestial to live in that description of the world beyond Krovs Castle. The one he so dearly missed. And also hearing that Raphael got time to spend comfortably away from the castle and away from his council duties too. “It’s always good when you can take a much needed break and relax,” he mused quietly, soft gaze moving to the friendly master before drifting back to roam around the suite. “Fruit will do just fine. I’m not all that hungry. And a shower. I would really like a shower.” Isaac couldn’t remember the last hot shower he was able to take but he’d made sure he was always able to keep himself as clean as possible. Brown eyes traveled down the hallway before traveling back to the master. And with a shy and slightly embarrassed smile, he shook his head. “Can you show me where your bathroom is again? I don’t think I remember...where it is...”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
This extends to @remy-authier as well
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It’s a special Valentine’s Day Ask Tuesday! To participate, just reblog this post and remember to send asks to the other players participating!
Valentine’s Day Alphabet
send some letters to find out more about my muse   !
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
A  Valentine’s Application
copy and paste and fill out this form in my muse’s inbox if you’d like to be their valentine!
your name:
your age:
your perfect date:
make out in private or in public?:
do you like to cuddle?:
tell me something about you:
why do you want to be my valentine?:
Platonic Valentine’s Day Meme
send a symbol for sender’s muse to do something for/with the receiver’s muse! all of these are meant to be platonic, but slap a +❤️ after it to make it romantic. and if you want to reverse it, add +🔄!
🎁 - sender gives the receiver a present
🍫 - sender gives the receiver a box of chocolates/candy
💐 - sender gives the receiver flowers
🍽️ - sender takes the receiver out to dinner
🍿 - sender watches a movie with the receiver
✂️ - sender does crafts with the receiver
☕ - sender gets coffee with the receiver
🎤 - sender and receiver sing karaoke
💆 - sender gives the receiver a back rub
👟 - sender and receiver go on a walk
🍳 - sender and receiver cook a meal together
🧩 - sender and receiver do a puzzle
💃 - sender and receiver go dancing
⭐ - sender and receiver go stargazing
☀️ - sender and receiver see the sunset/sunrise
😌 - sender and receiver have a spa/pamper day
❄️ - sender and receiver are snowed in
⛄ - sender and receiver play in the snow
🎲 - sender and receiver play a game
🚙 - sender and receiver go on a trip 
Ask meme credit(s): x x x
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celesitalracham · 2 years
“You,” Khion replied without skipping a beat. He stood up, his eyes darkening as they never left Isaac’s. Within a second the pamola was right in the other slave’s space, the icy bird feeling the heavenly warmth against his feverish skin even though they were both collared and powerless. “I need you, Isaac,” he murmured, fingertips grazing along the celestial’s smooth jawline as he leaned in closer and closer. He stopped just before stealing a kiss, his eyes flickering over the other’s pretty features and lingering on those soft-looking lips right within reach. Khion might be in heat, but he valued consent, especially from another slave. And god forbid he wound up fucking a celestial who didn’t want it – seemed like a fast track straight to hell. His eyes snapped back up to the other’s, his next words ghosting over his lips. “I’d like to fuck you, if you don’t mind. Promise I’ll be gentle.” 
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A barely noticeable shiver ran through him at the touch to his jawline. And being this close had Isaac feeling somewhat more alert than he normally was down here. Brown eyes peered back up at Khion as he told him that he needed him, even allowing him the opportunity to back out. Isaac wouldn’t take that out though, not if it meant that his friend would have to suffer. Not when he was capable of helping. And as his gaze swept over various features of the pamola’s face, lingering just a little longer on his eyes, he quietly made the decision then. Lifting himself up a little more and standing on his tiptoes, the celestial pressed a gentle kiss to Khion’s lips before pulling away just enough to verbally reply. “I am here. Take what you need, Khion,” he said, before a warm smile gracing his lips. He wanted to assure him that this would be more than okay, that he was here to help in whatever form that took for Khion. His hands settled atop the taller’s chest and his lips pressed with more firmness than the previous kiss.
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celesitalracham · 2 years
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celesitalracham · 2 years
“Of course it is,” Raphael replied, smiling brightly as Isaac was more than charmed to see him once more. He’d almost forgotten how easy it was to deceive this pretty angel. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent in the rental request along with the appropriate amount of funds. Being wealthy sure had its benefits in that a few hours of renting a celestial within Krovs Castle didn’t even make a dent in his bank account. “There we are. You are all mine for the next couple hours, darling. Come now, let’s get you out of here,” he instructed, gesturing for Isaac to follow him up the stairs. “How have you been, angelo?” he asked as they walked. “Have the others around here been playing nice with you? Treating you well down there?”
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There was a sense of ease that came with being outside of the Undercroft, one that Isaac couldn’t quite describe in words. At least not words understood by anyone in this realm. And as he let that thought take him over, he sighed softly at the knowledge that he would have two hours away and at least it was with someone as kind as Raphael. “No one’s bothered me, I’ve made a couple of friends here and there even,” he said, following the master up the stairs and as soon as he hit the landing, heading toward the ground floor of the castle, the air seemed so much easier to breathe. And so he took a deep breath before finally continuing. “How about you? How’ve you been?”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
There was a brief flash of amusement that slid across Stigr’s expression as the slave rushed to do what he told him.  There really was no reason to rush at all, though he knew he probably wasn’t coming across as exceptionally welcoming and the younger man just wanted to get this all done with.  Not that the vampire blamed him, finding getting his suite all put together to be rather boring.  He put away his own stack of clothing away at a more leisurely pace, the councilman’s gaze sliding over to the slave when he spoke.
“I did, yes.”  Stigr replied with a nod, shutting the dresser drawer as he turned his full attention to the younger man.  “It was a short flight, so it wasn’t too bad.”  Much easier now that they had planes.  He remembered how long the trip used to be before then.  “How long have you been at the castle?”  Might as well make conversation.
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He smiled, happy to hear that the flight wasn’t long. Isaac hadn’t been on one before, but he’d always heard others on Earth complain about the long journeys made across the planet with them, cramped and uncomfortable. Perhaps Isaac wasn’t exactly missing out on anything then. “Not too bad if it’s a short journey and you make it to your destination safely,” he said, voice soft as he watched the vampire turn his attention to him. 
At the question of how long he’d been at the castle, the celestial chewed on his bottom lip in thought. “Not very long,” he replied, fingers pushing some of the black hair out of his face a bit. “Maybe only a couple of months. Long enough for it to feel like it’s been a bit longer but not long enough that everything here is second nature for me.” He breathed out a silent laugh as he moved to close the suitcase he’d emptied and set it on the floor at the foot of the bed.
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celesitalracham · 2 years
“Whoa no, do not call me sir. Shade or, nope that’s it, just call me Shade. Mr. Dempsey is my dad and it’s awkward as hell and sir makes me sound like some kind of warden.” He shuttered. “Absolutely not.” 
He let his eyes roam over the celestial and noticed the clothing he was in was pretty ill fitting. Shade, not one to rent slaves, had no fucking idea what he was doing. “So, you want to come back to my place and get cleaned up.” He paused and frowned. “Did that sound creepy? It sounded creepy. I mean you can get cleaned up and if you give me your sizes I can grab you some clothes that fit better.” Shade unconsciously pulled at the dipping shoulder trying to cover the other’s skin. Not that celestials were really bothered greatly by the elements or at least he didn’t think they were. Wasn’t like he’d been with any in a place like they were now where it got hell frozen over cold. “Or I mean I can stay too. How about you let me know what’s not creepy cause I’m at a loss here.” Shade finally said giving up. “I usually have way more games than this. I swear. I’ve just been working too much and am out of practice.”
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Brown eyes widened at the the rejection of the title. So Shade it is, Isaac noted. With a nod and a warm smile, he focused his gaze up at the other, listening to him intently. In fact, he found himself laughing just slightly at some of the things he said. Almost immediately, the celestial relaxed and felt himself almost assure him that going back to his place would be fine but immediately felt the hand that moved to cover his shoulder. “Thank you,” he said, a genuine look of gratitude in his eyes at the notion to cover him, not demand that he be okay with his bare shoulder out or strip down before this deal was finalized.
He was about to reply once again until he realized that he didn’t know where his place was. “Getting cleaned up sounds incredible actually. We can go to your place,” Isaac decided with a nod that came with a bit of finality to it. Like he was ready to make that decision and not go back on it. “Where is your place, Shade?”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
Heat week was always a bit of a strange time in the Undercroft. While he assumed he’d adjust to this by now, Isaac hadn’t quite found a way to normalize all the scents he came across or the energies surrounding him. And while he never had to deal with the burden of a heat, he often found it overwhelming watching the others having to go through it. And it left him in an awkward position. He wanted to help, desperately so. It was in his nature after all. Though help for them could only come in one form and it typically went against Isaac’s own personal beliefs. But like many things in this castle, that was already on a backburner somewhere.
It wasn’t until he felt a hand gripping his arm that he realized Khion was here too. Someone who was a friend now. Soft brown eyes drifted along to see his appearance. He must be suffering quite a lot, Isaac thought to himself. And the longer he stayed down here, the more connected he became to those around him, the more he understood that help, no matter what form it came in, he could do it. Because as he heard the question, the celestial immediately nodded his head. “I’m not busy at all,” he stated, voice firm, a warm smile set and brightening his features. “I can help. Just…tell me what you need.”
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Khion never usually minded his heat until now. At least back home in Canada or wherever he chose to stay, he had the company of Connor or someone he trusted to tend to his needs. Here in Krovs, it was fucking chaotic. Half the Undercroft turned into a whining, moaning, and dry humping mess of horndogs way too early in the morning. The other half that didn’t go into heat was either hiding away in shock and horror or willingly jumping in. Course Khion loved attention, but raised as an only child he wasn’t used to fighting for it. 
He finally reached the point where he couldn’t take it any more and he needed to breed or be bred – anything other than just using his own fucking hand. His bright eyes settled on Isaac walking by and he reached out and grabbed him by the arm to stop him before he could pass the pamola. Khion’s grip tightened just a bit out of desperation and he knew it as he loosened his hold. “Sorry, you’re not busy, are you, Isaac?” he asked. “I could really use your help, if you don’t mind.” 
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celesitalracham · 2 years
Isaac had been through at least three heat weeks now at the castle. None of them ever got easier and this one was no different. The celestial, centered in benevolence with the charity virtue actually wanted to help those who had it rough during this period. But he knew he wasn’t in the best position to give most of them what they needed. So he tried to find quiet spaces available to unclaimed slaves to escape for a moment. The pool was one of them.
Just as he was walking back to remove the clothes the castle gave him to wear day in and day out, he bumped someone and watched as they reacted. With annoyance? Maybe some anger in there? But at least the other tried to correct himself. “Ah, it’s okay, I shouldn’t have been in such a rush--should’ve watched where I was going,” he instantly quipped, voice soft as he stared back at the other. “Sorry about that. Are you...are you okay?”
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Now this was what Kendrick would call inconvenient timing. He hadn’t even been here a week, and it turns out that heat week is upon him. The arachnas let out a soft huff of annoyance as he squirmed from his spot on the futon. He was feverish, horny as hell, and even a little bit snappy. Which was why one of the guards definitely didn’t look amuse when he demanded that they accompany him to the pool. Because he was not going to be in the undercroft dying of heat with the other slaves. Besides…He could only how great that pool is going to feel on his overly flushed body.
Kendrick was making his way towards said pool with the guard shadowing him. He was shirtless and had on nothing but a speedo. A towel was tied around his hips though as he made his way towards the pool. But when he was close to the pool area, he grunted as he bumped into someone. The brief contact had him shivering as he let out a small grunt and stumbled back. “Watch it-” Kendrick growled before thinking better. Last thing he needed to do was to have someone hating him and making his mission even harder. “Shit, sorry…Heat brain isn’t fun, you know?” Kendrick tried to correct, throwing a soft grin in the other man’s direction.
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celesitalracham · 2 years
The day was in danger of being a blur of boredom for the celestial. That was until he saw a very familiar face that lit up the room. Raphael. Like the archangel, he said to himself. A bright smile stretched across his face, eyes warm and honey at the thought of the kindness he was shown when he’d first arrived. And being called his favorite angel? That was awfully sweet and filled him with a sense of belonging even if just a little. Nothing about Krovs was all that familiar to the celestial, but being around an angel in such an unfamiliar place was a gift that no one would truly understand how much it meant to him. “I would like that a lot, actually,” he said, voice light and bubbly as he stood to his feet. “It’s lovely to see you again, Raphael.”
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“Well, well, if it isn’t my favorite angel,” Raphael cooed as he strolled up to Isaac down in the Undercroft. He could smell heat week approaching from the change in pheromones in both of his slaves and figured there were only a few days until it hit in full swing. He’d decided to leave them alone so that they would be nice and desperate for him once it started. Until then, he needed other ways to occupy himself and he figured why not pay a visit downstairs and see what Krovs had to offer. He wasn’t sure if he was surprised or not to see the celestial still down here. He’d not done anything besides provide Isaac with a good meal from the kitchens and a private place to shower in his luxurious suite before sending him back downstairs with the thought that, yes, Raph was just like the archangel he was named after. Course his “kindness” wouldn’t always come without strings attached as the ghoul sought to groom one of his latest victims. “How would you like to come upstairs again for a bit?”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
Grinning at the compliment, Bradley was pleased to see a friendly face when he looked up, thankful that it wasn’t some pissy vampire. “Thank you, I would’ve picked something a little warmer if it were up to me, but my master thought it would be fun to put me in something like this,” he explained with a chuckle. “Mm, it’s nice out here. At least it’s good to get away from the castle for a bit,” the Seelie agreed, smiling. “I am.. mostly. Wanna hang out and get some hot chocolate or something? Feeling like I could use the company. I’m Bradley, by the way.”
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“You too?” Isaac asked a tad surprised. He wasn’t sure why, while Bradley was claimed and he was not, they were still both slaves. Both had little to absolutely zero autonomy over what outfit they would wear at any given time. “You can’t tell anyone but I had to steal a coat so I could come out here.” With a soft huff of a laugh, he stuck his hand out for a proper handshake. “Nice to meet you Bradley. I’m Isaac. And a hot chocolate sounds perfect actually.”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
There was a brief flash of amusement that slid across Stigr’s expression as the slave rushed to do what he told him.  There really was no reason to rush at all, though he knew he probably wasn’t coming across as exceptionally welcoming and the younger man just wanted to get this all done with.  Not that the vampire blamed him, finding getting his suite all put together to be rather boring.  He put away his own stack of clothing away at a more leisurely pace, the councilman’s gaze sliding over to the slave when he spoke.
“I did, yes.”  Stigr replied with a nod, shutting the dresser drawer as he turned his full attention to the younger man.  “It was a short flight, so it wasn’t too bad.”  Much easier now that they had planes.  He remembered how long the trip used to be before then.  “How long have you been at the castle?”  Might as well make conversation.
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“Thank God for small mercies,” Isaac quietly replied, nodding his head. He hadn’t been on an airplane in a while, he wasn’t overly fond of traveling that way, but it did make travel that much easier and faster. At least it wasn’t by horse and carriage or worse, on foot. Flashing a rather soft smile back at the master, he stopped long enough to determine that perhaps he wasn’t as scary or cold as he first thought. But still best to keep his manners up.
At the question, the celestial went back to emptying out the rest of the contents of the bag he’d previously opened. He took a moment before his eyes wandered back to him, a smaller, shier smile placed there. “It’s hard to keep track of time here, but...I think it’s been three months. Maybe just under that. Not very long at all. Is this your first time being a resident to the castle, sir?”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
The day, much like many before it, was going by slowly. Though not bored, Isaac was still left with a sense of yearning to do...more than walk through the undercroft and pray in the corner until he was able to escape out to the garden for his hour of freedom. And while, he’d been rented enough for it to not be so surprising, he always found it to be surprising when he was summoned by a guard and guided up the staircase and to whomever was renting him.
Stood in front of a very tall man, the celestial’s eyes quietly roamed over his frame before settling on his face. Handsome and angular jaw, stubble, eyes that he knew he couldn’t meet. At least that was something one of the guards had warned him about. So he avoided his eyes for now and settled on the floor. And in his anxiousness, his hand raised to readjust the shirt that slumped a bit off of his shoulder. A sense of shyness began to creep over him.
The voice and words spoken made Isaac feel somewhat relaxed. Relieved even as he smiled softly and pressed his lips together in hopes to come up with a response that didn’t make him sound too awkward. 
“The lighting must’ve been awful when that picture was taken,” he attempted to joke, smile only growing with a small dimple peeking out at the right corner of his mouth. “You’re very handsome yourself..sir.” He was still getting used to remembering to address people properly within the castle walls and within these moments where he was rented.
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Shade never learned his lesson with this kind of shit. He’d been looking through slaves and kept circling back to one again and again. What was his god damn thing with celestials. His adoptive mother was one, his brother half, one his girlfriends was one and he had a son with her that was half. Then there was Kaden who was always in his orbit who was half and now his ass was swiping back to the one pure celestial in the undercroft. 
“Fuck.” He grumbled to himself. Was this some kink he didn’t know he had made worse by being a half demon now. Not like he didn’t know how it was going to go down. He’d keep looking at this fucker again and again until he rented him. Between all the dumbshit he bought for the restaurant, for himself, and slaves he was now renting saving money to pay Seth back before he peaced out of town was going painfully slow. Probably because he wasn’t sure he wanted to go home, but that as another problem for another day. 
“Shiiiiiit.” He said as he set the request, got ready and headed to the castle to pick up the slave he planned on renting for miscellaneous reasons aka work and play because he didn’t fucking know what his intentions were. His only goal was not to make it awkward. Course once the guards brought the other out and he stood in front of him all Shade could do was stare. Yeah celestials were always so damn beautiful, probably why he always fell for them.
“You’re picture doesn’t do you justice at all.” The cambion said thoughtlessly as he looked the other over. 
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celesitalracham · 2 years
“Yeah, I knew that thing was going to be an issue for you the moment I saw it down in the Undercroft,” Khion chuckled. “You might as well be wearing two contact lenses and floss. Although I suppose this at least provides a little more coverage than that.” He grimaced even as he imagined it and once again felt fortunate that he wound up in the outfit he did. “Thanks, I’m glad the castle seems to have a sense of humor,” the pamola chuckled. A male version of Elsa fit his species in terms of powers to a T. “It’s Isaac, right? I know we’ve not really talked a whole lot before.” Maybe just a bit of small talk in passing although Khion saw so many faces in the castle it was getting hard to keep track of the names that went with them. 
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The celestial laughed again, nodding his head as he reflected on how he’d even wound up in this torturous outfit. But still, he’d made peace with his discomfort for the evening. Better to wear this than to go naked - he’d never be comfortable showing off all that skin. “Eh, lesson learned. Won’t make that mistake again next year, will I?” Eyes glancing over the dress again, he couldn’t help but at least admire the reference. Thankfully he knew that much about human pop culture. When he asked about his name, he nodded. “Yes, Isaac. Yeah, I’ve seen you around a lot. Is it Khion? Am I pronouncing it right?” he asked, hoping that he was.
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celesitalracham · 2 years
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“If someone as unworthy as I, am allowed to gaze upon something as perfect as a flower--what is that but the grace of some divine mercy.”
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celesitalracham · 2 years
In Isaac’s defense, Stigr hadn’t given the other man any directions to indicate where the bedroom was.  He’d seen no need, since so many of the councilmen’s rooms were set up in a similar way.  Maybe this particular slave just hadn’t been rented by one of his colleagues before now.  He let it drop, noting the way that the celestial seemed embarrassed to be corrected about his mistake.  It had always amused him, how differently the slaves all reacted to correction, but he was happy enough this one didn’t get defensive.  He rarely had the patience to deal with any kind of attitude tossed his way, particularly from someone so very beneath his level.
“Hm.  Well, at least someone has started to teach you properly.”  Stigr commented at the tacked on “sir”, raising an eyebrow at that.  It was hard, sometimes, to find people with manners nowadays.  “And, yes, I’d like you to start unpacking one of those bags.  I’ll direct you to where everything goes once we’re done unpacking.”
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While Isaac hadn’t been up to the residential suites much during his short time here at the castle, he was grateful the master wasn’t furious with him for not already knowing. And as he rushed to follow the given instructions, hands reaching out to open the first suitcase, he began to take out the items, placing them atop the bed. Isaac found himself wondering where the new master was from, what he enjoyed doing in his spare time, assuming he had any. Lips parted and breath hitched, teeth and tongue poised to ask that exact question before he mentally stopped himself. He wasn’t spoken to.
And so he continued like that for just a few moments longer before he finally peeked over at the master. “Did you have a pleasant journey to the castle?” Perhaps he really should’ve held his tongue, but it couldn’t be helped and it could break the ice between them, help to get to know each other even if just a little...
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celesitalracham · 2 years
no one tells you how beautiful the Heavens look from down here...
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There’s something so completely novel yet so indulgently pleasing about being on Earth. While Racham wanted to be in Heaven, with all his might, serving right alongside the Great Creator, he liked it down here. The sun was always so pleasantly bright and warm against his skin, the grass always felt like a wonderful cushion beneath his feet. Ultimately, living on Earth wasn’t the worst thing ever as some Celestials might’ve made it seem.
When he established himself on Earth in an area that would eventually be called Seoul, South Korea, Racham took on a more familiar name to humans, Isaac. He learned their ways, became an herbal pharmacist and enjoyed helping where he could. He especially liked making flowers for some of his sickest visitors or those who journeyed far for his aid.
Anywhere from feeding hungry children in the streets to offering protection to those in most need of it. But soon, humans began to advance at a rapid pace.
While the advancement may have taken a little longer to hit Seoul, when it did, it was like wildfire. Indoor plumbing, electricity, carriages, cars, trains, planes–all hitting so quickly that Racham was startled at how unrecognizable everything was becoming around him on Earth. The soft grass that cushioned his feet became hard concrete and rough asphalt. The air he loved breathing in so deep became toxic and thick with other pollutants. Water wasn’t even safe to admire anymore.
And just as he began to think of ways he could help humans adjust to all of these changes, to help God’s beloved creatures as he was meant to, he received notice. Celestials were to return to the Heavens. The message also stated that Celestials could not interfere with human affairs any longer.
Isaac was torn, heart askew. Humans were helpless without their intercession. They needed them just as much as Celestials needed humans. And so he pled, with anyone who would listen in the Heavens.
"Humans need us now more than they ever have!” he desperately begged. “The world is broadening for them, they’re connecting with people thousands of miles away which is great but ushers in problems. They need protection, guidance. We must stay with them.”
His concerns were seen as fear-mongering and “typical” for someone who’s lived too long on Earth. “It’s all you know,” his superiors told him.
And so, miserably, he watched the years tick by without any fanfare. This was truly what it means to die, he thought to himself. An immortal sitting in a gilded mausoleum in the skies, watching human catastrophe after human catastrophe.
He couldn’t be sure how long he sat up there before he decided to escape back to Earth. Would he meddle in human affairs? Perhaps. Was he about to break many rules? Yes, but as a human once sagely said, “It’s better to act decisively and ask forgiveness later than to seek approval to act and risk delay.”
Yes, he was afraid that his absence would be noticed and they’d be looking for him at any moment, but Racham truly believed this was the right thing to do and if he could just show them, his superiors would reconsider this mandate to have Celestials off of Earth. 
Racham returned to Earth and did what he could to help where it was needed. But so much had changed and the need for aid was so overwhelming that he wasn’t sure he knew how to keep up or how to best help anyone anymore. So much of the wounds were beneath the surface. The side effects of war, loneliness, a lost sense of purpose or community or a sickness that never revealed its true face. So much pain among so many different species, it was enough to tighten his chest in an uncomfortable way.
During the first and second wars between vampires and faeries over power, Racham had not once lifted a finger to help either side. This power struggle benefitted no one except the victors. While never physically getting into the war, the angel really had no problem speaking his mind on things like this. The only argument he could remember was with a young vampire, perhaps just a fledgling who was about to take advantage of the power imbalance between he and a human. In his effort to defend her, he may have made an enemy that night, but he didn’t really care. Those with power and in power should use their powers to aid, not harm. And he would always stand by his actions that night.
Just a few weeks later, the celestial was eagerly helping someone who looked to be injured. He’d made medicine blends from herbs and oils he’d gathered on the spot and housed them in the hotel room he was able to book the moment he made it back. For his kindness, the stranger offered to buy him dinner. Racham almost immediately objected but found it hard to deny the stranger when they were so insistent.
They laughed and spoke for what seemed like hours before something felt wrong. He felt…funny. The sensation was one he’d never felt and as he stared in confusion at the stranger, vision blurring and his breathing increasing, choked out a weak plea for help. Were these other Celestials? Was he caught and in trouble?
Forgiveness…he would have to ask for forgiveness. Those were his last thoughts as he faded into unconsciousness.
He woke up later in a cage. Scared, in tears and praying that he could be forgiven. Racahm who’s paperwork and identification only had his human form’s name, Isaac. It took him an entire day to work out that he wasn’t in Heaven and he wasn’t taken by Celestials. He was trapped in the dungeon of a castle and made to be a slave, collar and all.
And that, Racham thought to himself, is how he ushered in his second death...
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