#krovs holiday event 2022
sirduncanx · 2 years
The outfit he was literally forced into wearing covered barely anything at all, and knowing that he kept himself where he could be the warmest. There was no way he was going to go anywhere dressed the way that he was. He’d never worn such a thing in his life, and now he had to parade around as though he was fresh meat. Of course it dawned on him then that he was fresh meat, especially to the vampires that surrounded him daily. In his attempt to keep away from everyone else he found himself against the wall, close to a corner, that seemed much warmer than anywhere else. Arms crossed over his chest, idly looking down at his feet when he noticed someone else coming up to him. He’d tense up wondering just who had decided to come bother him, “You’d find better company with anyone else.” He said, knowing if it were one of them saying such would do him no good. 
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remy-authier · 2 years
“Whiskey sour, please. Make it a double,” Remy rattled off, adding a warm smile before turning his back to the bar and letting the bartender work in peace. The faerie was in no way a fan of Christmas, wasn’t all that fond of the phoniness nor the fat and rosy-cheeked do-gooder who didn’t even exist but was sold as a real being to children. Despite not being a fan, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t join in on the drinking. At the very least, he could find it in his heart to wander from his desk in the library and enjoy the free drinks. He even donned a festive red hat and put on a ridiculous onesie that opened in the back. You know, just in case someone was feeling hospitable or handsy. And just as he turned to take the ready made drink, thanking the bartender and spinning to take a walk around the main room, he accidentally bumped someone, spilling some of his whiskey beverage onto the front of his outfit. “Mierde,” he silently cursed in French before chuckling slightly to himself. Looking to the one he’d bumped, he gave an apologetic smile. “My bad, I didn’t look before turning. I didn’t get anything on you did I?”
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ilyalenkov · 2 years
With the holiday party in full swing, the Russian councilman was moving through the throngs of people with no real desitation to go. Within his hand was a glass of blood wine when his gaze stopped on a familiar reindeer, the smirk that came to his lips was hard to surpress. He had to give it to the castle for the outfit they had given him, it suited the other quite well, at least it did to him. He easily moved his way over to him noting the obvious discontent in the outfit he was wearing, “You make for a lovely reindeer.” He teases, unable to stop himself from flicking one of the bells that adorned the straps that did a poor job of covering him. He also didn’t stop himself from looking him over, enjoying the sight before him in its entirety. “You do look less than pleased to be here, hm? Not enjoying yourself, are you?”
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ofembxrs · 1 year
The phoenix had no idea how the party would turn out, but his claiming was not something that came to mind. He still wasn’t sure how he felt about being claimed by Raiden, knowing what he knew of the other he probably should have been terrified. Yet he moved around the party without much worry, maybe it was because of the couple of drinks he’d already ingested by this point. With his third drink in hand he set out to find his newest master, wondering if he even came at all. Didn’t really seem the sort of event someone like him would come, as he searched he sucked down the drink and picked up another along the way. “Where is he?” He muttered to himself as he weaved through more bodies, until his eyes landed on him wearing normal, comfy clothes. He’d waltz over to him, stumbling slightly on his way the drinks finally kicking in. “You look awfully cozy.” He said, pulling at his sweatshirt before he could stop himself. 
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celesitalracham · 1 year
There was no way for him to accurately say how long he’d been out in the main area, in his costume given to him by the guards. He’d said hello when addressed, and shyly hid out of sight when he felt like everyone else was distracted by other conversations. After shirking off an almost too-awkward conversation with one of the villagers about his outfit, he was now hiding behind a large pillar, drinking an alcohol free beverage as he peeked around it to observe all the people participating on the holiday festivities. At the pinching feeling that was becoming increasingly hard to ignore, Isaac ducked behind the large pillar once again, praying that no one else was around while he readjusted himself within the tight and thin stretch of garment that covered his crotch and sat firmly between his cheeks. Once done, he looked up and directly into someone’s gaze. Quickly, he looked away and hoped the stranger had missed everything he’d just done.
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nicoxpalmer · 2 years
Nico’s costume/outfit selected by his master Avery
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krovscastlerpg · 1 year
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Krovs Town lights up the sky with a magnificent fireworks display in the middle of Krovs Town park. Townsfolk and castle residents alike look on with glasses of champagne, toasting to the start of a brand new year. 
The winter village will be around in Krovs Town’s park for one last day on New Year’s before it closes up until next year. Make sure to get all your shopping done and enjoy the delicious treats while you can! 
As a reminder, we are still in the works of updating our species pages and we intend to have these updates completed by the end of this week so that we can reopen applications for everyone. Given that, we are going to skip January’s full moon event until all the species updates are complete and since we are just coming off of our Christmas event. This should give everyone time to settle in with the lore and species updates and start wrapping up threads before heat week rolls around near the end of January. 
Our “Holiday Festival” event will end TODAY at 12PM EST. Make sure to get any and all event threads started before then! Event threads can be continued for as long as needed after the event ends. 
Thank you everyone for making 2022 such a great year writing together here in Krovs. We’re looking forward to much more in 2023! :) 
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ilyalenkov · 2 years
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Ilya's Holiday Outfit
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celesitalracham · 2 years
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Isaac’s Holiday Outfit
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remy-authier · 2 years
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Remy’s “Half-assed Holiday” Outfit
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sirduncanx · 2 years
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Duncan's Holiday Outfit
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ofembxrs · 2 years
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Ember's Holiday Outfit
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