cerberusthewatchdog Ā· 8 months
Sometime Iā€™m absolutely consumed by how much the world isnā€™t the way it should be. Iā€™ll look out across a valley or a river or the ocean and Iā€™ll wish I knew what it looked like when we hadnā€™t cut scars and built blemishes across the Earth in the form of roads and buildings and cars and trains and even the fucking telephone poles. In those moments Iā€™ll wish that the Earth had never been infected by the parasite that is us, even though think that at heart most of us are alright. Iā€™ll squint my eyes, trying to block out a fence or electrical tower or highway and try to picture how it used to be and Iā€™ll feel something tighten in my chest when I remember that I will never know or experience just how peaceful this planet would be without us sweet, well-meaning, destructive, selfish, sacrificing humans there to try our best and still fail. But it brings me a sort of twisted comfort to know that one day in the perhaps not so distant future we will be gone and the Earth will almost certainly still be here, baring the chance of total planetary destruction the likes of which will hopefully not be our fault, and even if the surface of the planet has been charred to a crisp andĀ the water ways are choked with trash that eventually, even if it takes billions of years, life will continue on without us.
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cerberusthewatchdog Ā· 9 months
If I lived there and then this is how it would go. My high school years I would sit silently through every class and if you didnā€™t know me you might think I was stupid except thatā€™s just what I do. Anyone who did know me would know that I was the one to ask for help- the help me learn kind of help or the let me copy or the let me borrow it Iā€™ll give it right back kind of help. My sister too even though Iā€™ll make sure to give her a hard time about it. Because thatā€™s what siblings do. I want to be there for everything. Non school stuff too. The good stuff the bad stuff the dark stuff the stupid stuff. Because thatā€™s whatā€™d Iā€™d do here and now if anyone would let me. But I donā€™t want to force so Iā€™ll just keep watch and make sure youā€™re all doing ok enough
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cerberusthewatchdog Ā· 9 months
The Smell of Rain
The smell of rain has always been one of my favorite smells. Petrichor. A fancy name that almost encompasses what it means but does a pretty shitty job of showing what it does to my head, making me think about all the stuff that is and was and could and never will be. Do you ever just really fucking miss something that youā€™ve never even know? I think the best way Iā€™ve heard it is in a song where it goes something like ā€œIā€™m missing a time that Iā€™ve never known, Iā€™m missing a place that Iā€™ve never called home.ā€ Like what could have been but will never happen. Iā€™m not talking about missed chances or anything Iā€™m talking about how I wish I had grown up in a place where it snowed. Where every winter I would shovel a path up to our house all the way from the main road to our little family farm with my mom and my sister and a bunch of dogs that are technically outdoor dogs but they come inside anyway. I would go to school everyday and play on the schoolā€™s hockey team and wrestle too even though those are both winter sports. I would play football still and I still wouldnā€™t be that good but I wouldnā€™t be trash. Maybe I would have a bigger family, not just my sister and my mom. Maybe I would have a little sister or an older brother. I could have grown up swimming in the river near my house with the other kids in my town, building forts, climbing trees, and starting fires in the woods late into the night past the time we should have been home but no one minds because itā€™s summer and thatā€™s what kids do. I could have gotten a summer job working at my best friendā€™s dadā€™s shop every year, leaving each day with grease under my finger nails, hands rough with callouses from being outside all the damn time. And maybe I wouldnā€™t be good at all that shit, maybe it wouldnā€™t come naturally but at least I could try. On lazy Sundays after finishing my chores (maybe grumbling about it but everyone knows itā€™s just for show) I might walk over to the gas station to say hi to the kid behind the counter only a grade above me. Itā€™d be under the excuse of buying a bottle of pop but after theyā€™d popped the cap off for me and handed the bottle back, our fingers brushing briefly, and I took a sip, grimacing at the sickly sweet taste weā€™d both know what- or more accurately who- I was really there for. And then maybe theyā€™d grin knowingly at me and say ā€œdonā€™t like it? thatā€™s my favorite flavorā€ and Iā€™d smile back and say ā€œoh yeah?ā€ Like a challenge almost as I pushed the bottle back across the counter towards them. ā€œGo for itā€ Iā€™d say and then theyā€™d take a long drink from it before leaning towards me and covering my mouth with theirs and maybe it turns out that I donā€™t mind the taste too much after all. And I donā€™t think that Iā€™d really change if my world was like that because thatā€™s whatā€™s in my head anyway and itā€™s not really too far off from the truth. My mom would never be mad if I got home later than I said I would be because she knew that nothing could ever happen to me in this town, we all take care of each other. the kind of town where people leave their front doors open all the time, calling out greetings through the screen door to people passing on the street. And when it rains you can just run up onto any old porch to stop and wait out the storm and have a nice chat and maybe a hot drink before setting off again, refreshed by the smell of right after it rains.Ā 
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cerberusthewatchdog Ā· 9 months
First Post
Bruh I canā€™t fucking figure out this hell site. I only barely figured out how to post (do you know how long it took me to find the gosh darn blue pencil thing) and making the account in the first place was a bitch to deal with but I guess all that was worth it to be able to see the inner thoughts of some of these people in my life who have accounts here. I guess thatā€™s what anonymity does. Makes people less afraid to share whatā€™s in their heads. Even if they would share in real life itā€™s kinda weird to see what they say when itā€™s just 26 letters edited onto a little rectangle of words, thought out more than talking in that you can delete and reword things as much as youā€™d like before sending it out. I donā€™t think Iā€™m on here just for that though. I think I want to use this as a kinda way to think about what Iā€™m thinking more than I would. And I guess itā€™s shouting into the void a little bit too. For now anyway. But I guess Iā€™m hoping just a little bit for the void to answer back. But even if it doesnā€™t itā€™ll still be hanging out there in the abyss forever. Thatā€™s one thing I think is funny. The fact the people always tell you to be careful what you put out into The Internet because it will be there Forever but right now to me that just sounds kinda nice, the fact that even if everything I know gets burned to the ground that I could just go to this weird ass site and have these thoughts preserved in my own little cubby of The Internet for me to see whenever. But I donā€™t know. That could definitely change so Iā€™ll just be careful what I say which is definitely a good idea anyway with all the Creeps and Weirdos out there. But theres also a lot of nice strangers too.
and it would be really nice if somebody could explain Tumblr to me please. I thought I understood but I donā€™t. Like what is a blaze and how do people see the stuff you post and why are some people here really mean and other people super nice and then other people just really pretentious about everything and also my biggest question which is what the fuck
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