cevnna · 5 years
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“ look who did get his girl in the end ! ” he repeats after her, pointing at himself. benoit was never in it to win it – in terms of the monetary prize that most love island contestants are baited with, anyway. but the possibility of actually winning the show ( in every sense of the word ) on the horizon, he was feeling pretty optimistic; more than his usual. ceanna’s presence and question are welcomed with another of his signature bright smiles. “ i feel like what people probably mean when they say they’re over the moon, ” he admits, a content sigh escaping him. “ i don’t know if we’ll win, seeing as we have rome & sevda, and minkyu & babylon to compete with— oh, not to mention, you & ellie are going to make a pretty hot couple too, ” he narrows his gaze at her with a sly little smile. “ you & ellie, huh ? i did not see that coming. you two are going to be popular, i can feel it. i have a pretty good hunch about these things. technically, talking to you is fraternizing with the competition right now. is that your strategy ? ” he playfully jokes, maintaining a serious demeanor that lasts only a few seconds. 
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it was cute watching him become so excited, like a puppy that’s been chasing a bone and finally was able to snatch it in the end. “i’d love for my girl, sev, to win it all, but sadly i think rome has made too many enemies for people to truly root for him. most of the audience isn’t going to be happy that he broke up the world’s greatest couple,” she teases with a light laugh. “but you could be right about minkyu and babylon. they’ve been pretty close since the beginning as well, but i feel that’ve kept too low of a profile for people to truly notice them for most of the show.” she can’t help but smile confidently at his words, soon tossing her hair back in a flattering motion. “you think so? even with me coming so late into the game? i mean, we are fucking stunning together, so we’ll see what the audience thinks.” his comment makes her chuckle under her breath, her eyes glancing over at him with a raised eye brow. “mm, you caught me. honestly? let’s just say it’s a good thing ellie picked me and not someone else, otherwise you and ingrid might not have gotten your happy ending after all.” sure, ellie was her first pick and she was content with the two being paired up, but there was no denying that her and ingrid could’ve become a power couple had she been here from the very beginning. plus, she was curious to see how much her words might effect him or put some kind of doubt in his mind. “but that’s not really important now, is it? what’s done is done, and i’m excited to get to know ellie more. the poor girl barely got the attention she truly deserved, so i’ll be sure to change that while i still have the time to do so.” 
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cevnna · 5 years
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– “YEAH, JUST FUCKING LIKE HIM,” INGRID LAUGHS A LITTLE BITTERLY, “though a waste, really. he and sevda won’t win, i’m sure the audience is aware of how FAKE that is.” a scoff passes through her lips before she allows ceanna to have her full attention, eyes back to the gorgeous brunette in front of her. sure, she’d LUCKED OUT but it was a shame that she didn’t get to duck into the hideaway or elsewhere with a girl who walked in the villa looking like that. “oh, god, now you’re speaking my language again,” ingrid laughs, “YES, we should definitely be throwing a party!” 
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“no, i believe that title will easily go to you and beniot,” she comments with a small shrug. “but are we that surprised? the whole world has been screaming at their televisions for you two to finally get coupled up, so i’m sure you’re excited for such a happy ending, right?” she gazes over at the blonde with her usual flirtatious smile before adding, “and it’s a good thing he finally grew some balls to choose you, because i definitely wouldn’t let a chance to snatch you up go by.” ceanna straightens up a bit at the idea of a party, excited that the other was always up for the ideas she had in mind. “i say we do an all white party. we’ll all go out looking classy as fuck and drink the night away and make a few more mistakes before it’s back to reality.” 
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cevnna · 5 years
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@benioits​ // ceanna was a bit sad she never got a chance to really mess with benoit the way she wanted to. after all, he seemed like a pretty easy target, but there were always other helpless fools she could torture with if a second season were to be granted to her. other than a handful of others, he seemed to be someone she could actually talk to without hearing them cry and whine about not being paired up with who they really wanted to be with. after all, he finally got the girl in the end, and it was about time. making her way over to the boy, she gives him a friendly enough smile before taking a seat beside him and nudging his arm, “well, well, look who finally got his girl in the end.” she teased him a bit before brushing some of her hair back. “how does it feel to know you two could possibly win it all, hm?” 
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cevnna · 5 years
❛ & open starter ! – ( @villastarters​ )
Jennifer was grumpy. She was not happy about being paired up with Angel, and that reality was definitely making her act in a certain way toward the other islanders – it was hard not to take her anger out on everyone else. “I have no idea where your swimsuit is, can’t you just find it yourself?” she grumbles, almost slamming the fridge door shut while grabbing a bowl of leftover yogurt and sitting down at the island-style countertops. “I keep track of my shit, you can keep track of yours, okay?”
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ceanna was laughing hysterically on the inside, because it was truly a beautiful sight to see everyone so upset over the final results. this was a game, after all, so she didn’t understand why people were so surprised that they didn’t get what they wanted every single time. who wants to watch people be happy twenty-four seven? watching the girl flip out over a simple question only made her smile grow wider, and a light chuckle slipped past her lips. “honey, i’m sure that pole you’ve got stuck up your ass is probably quiet uncomfortable, unless you’re into that sort of thing. just because you got coupled up with someone you don’t want to be with, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. relax.” 
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cevnna · 5 years
open starter / @villastarters​
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– INGRID STIRS HER COCKTAIL WITH A STRAW OVER BY THE BAR THE NEXT AFTERNOON, stifling a laugh as she shakes her head. “wish i could say all that was a surprise, but – completely predictable,” she exhales slowly, straightening up. she’s happy to talk all about the way rome took the trophy from chase and dakota’s hands if ANYONE wants to ask. “i guess we should make the most of our last few days here, huh?”
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ceanna takes a sip of her own drink as a mischievous smile graces her lips. while she was afraid her time here would be too short lived to really do any damage, she was happy to see that rome was one step ahead of her. “stealing the winning crown from chase and dakota? fucking classic,” she laughs lightly with a small sigh. “i guess you and i lucked out, hm? we both got who we wanted, and we’re simply waiting for the results while enjoying these last few days. don’t you think we should throw one last party to really go out with a bang? make it a theme where everyone has to dress up a certain way, like an all white party, or an under the sea theme. y’know, anything to show off some extra skin in a cute outfit.” 
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cevnna · 5 years
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– “WELL…” INGRID PAUSES, NOT QUITE SURE HOW TO TAKE CEANNA’S STATEMENT. “mostly. but, we’re all here because we have a LITTLE bit of hope that we’ll find the one.” or you want to try. “but i’m willing to take my chances and explore a little until i find them,” ingrid adds, not sure whether it’s for herself or for ceanna. “damn, alright, fair enough,” ingrid giggles, taking a shot at ceanna’s next question. “sorry – still going to answer it, i just wanted that,” there’s a familiar numbness reaching the edges of her brain and she’s already more at ease. “amazing sex once a year. i can hold out for the good shit. i’m not like…so totally sex crazed that i need vanilla sex every day of my damn life.” ingrid taps her chin for a moment. “okay. would you rather only have sex in a bedroom or never be able to have sex in a bedroom?”
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ceanna gives the other a small sigh before shrugging her shoulders, “i suppose you’re right. i wouldn’t be here writing young adult romance books if i didn’t believe in it just a little bit, hm? but knowing how a love story is going to end is much different than just blindly trusting someone to stay by you forever.” she watches the other take a shot with a smile, and decides to do the same herself, happy to feel her whole body go warm and her mind to finally loosen up and have a bit of real fun since being here. “fair enough,” she answers with a approved nod. “besides, sex would be ruined if you did it every day so plainly, so the one a year is way better.” she doesn’t even hesitate to answer the other’s question, “oh, never be able to have sex in a bedroom. there’s so many other great places you can do it in, and to only be confined to one space? that’s so boring.” a bubbly laughter spills past her lips at her words before one more shot is sliding down her throat. “okay, would you rather have a threesome with me and rome, or angel and krysta?” 
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cevnna · 5 years
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✭・.・—  EVEN  WITH  THE  POWER  OUT,  she  can’t  avoid  the  other  islanders.  the  argument  with  rome  left  her  stunned  —  no,  hurt  —  but  she  refuses  to  let  those  emotions  show  in  front  of  anyone.  she’s  already  torn  his  jacket  off  her  torso  in  haste  (  an  aspect  of  their  relationship  meant  for  the  now  powered-down  cameras  ),  exchanging  it  for  one  of  her  own  before  going  back  down  to  the  lounge.  hers  doesn’t  feel  the  same,  doesn’t  smell  like  him,  but  she  has  to  appear  unbothered.  
she  hears  ceanna  before  seeing  her,  vision  barely  making  out  the  figure  before  her  —  though  it’s  up  for  debate  whether  that’s  due  to  the  lack  of  light  or  sev’s  unshed  tears.  “  hey,  ”  she  greets  quietly,  uncharacteristically mellow.  “  i’ll  take  that  though.  ”  the  bottle  is  in  her  grasp,  sev  going  through  the  motions  in  taking  a  pull.  her  features  scrunch  together  slightly,  the  vodka  burning  worse  in  her  sour  state.  she  manages  to  crack  a  weak  smile  though.  “  we’ve  played  that  game  so  many  times  you  probably  know  all  of  my  answers  before  i  say  anything.  what  else  you  got  ?  ”
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watching sev join her, she eyed her friend closely for a moment. no words were uttered as she simply watched the other go through her motions and making her comments. suddenly there was pure anger rising inside of her, because she knows the other’s off putting mood as something to do with the boy she’s been tangled up with lately. if there was one thing people should know, it’s not to fuck with those ceanna actually cares about, for she could make anyone’s life a living nightmare if she wanted to. “okay, when are we kicking his ass?” she asks before stealing the bottle back and taking a quick swig of her own. “i mean, you’re more than welcome to explain why we’re on our way to kick his ass, but i don’t really need a solid reason.” she takes a few beats to calm herself just slightly before her hand is reaching out to grab the others and give it a reassuring squeeze. “c’mon babe, tell me what’s up. camera’s are off so let’s take advantage of it and be real before i put my fake sense of hope back on,” she teases with a playful wink. 
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cevnna · 5 years
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THE LACK OF ANIMOSITY in her voice as she approaches him has him assuming that she either hasn’t spoken to sev yet, or sev didn’t plan on telling her anything about their argument in the closet. either way, rome was grateful for it — he wasn’t in the mood to be lectured in any way shape or form, though he barely knows if ceanna would approach him in that manner, even if she knew. “god, please,” he’s mumbling as he takes the bottle from her hands and settles back onto his position on the couch, popping the cap off and taking a swig of it, welcoming the warmth as it slid down his throat. “would you rather, huh? what’re we, back in high school?” there’s a teasing smile that forms on his lips, and regardless, he’s shifting so he’s turning her. “fine — i’m down. it’s not like we have anything better to do.”
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ceanna was surprised to say the least when rome snatched the bottle from her grasp and quickly took a swing. it caused a warning bell to signal in her mind, wondering why the boy would seem so antsy when he was paired up with one of the best girls in the house. after all, the first time she met him, he seemed to be totally fawning over her. something was definitely up. sitting down next to the other, her delicate hands quickly snatch the bottle away to take a few swings of the burning liquid of her own. “don’t you wish you could go back to high school and blame all your stupid decisions on just being a stupid kid?” she teases back before resting against the couch and eyeing the other. “honestly i’m surprised you and sev aren’t raiding the hideaway since it’s wide open for anyone to take, so here’s my question: would you rather tell me what’s going on in your own words, or would you rather have me ask sev instead?”
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cevnna · 5 years
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– “PLEASE,” INGRID LAUGHS, SHAKING HER HEAD, “I NEVER WANT TO BE LIKE THAT.” and it’s true, at least, her interpretation of it – she’s seen what it looks like, the way it grows dull and into sniping back and forth, soon so concerned about your finances that a divorce is too much hassle…no thanks. she’ll enjoy ceanna’s company to the fullest if she WANTS. “fuck, alright, maybe i’m going to have to decline a few questions so we can have a little fun,” she laughs. “alright – would you rather…find your parents sex tape – or have them find yours?”
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“monogamy is so dead,” she stated like it was a proven fact rather than an opinion. “oh please do, i’m highly disappointed we didn’t cause nearly as much trouble as we could have the first time we were drinking,” she teases with a playful wink. “have them find mine, cause honestly? i doubt they’d be surprised i made one, and they’re a lot more forgiving than i would be if i found something like that of theirs. no way would i be able to see them in the same light,” she shivers slightly at the thought of it. she took a second to think of a question before speaking up once again, “would you rather only have AMAZING sex once a year, or vanilla sex every day?” 
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cevnna · 5 years
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Fleabag S01E04
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cevnna · 5 years
Sitting down next to Ceanna, it’s easy for excitement to start filling her system. “Hm,” Jennifer starts, in thought for a moment or two, eyes toward the ceiling during this time. “I guess to start: would you rather have a long-term relationship or a handful of quick flings?” The brunette, herself, could go either way – mostly depending on how she’s feeling at that point in time – but it wasn’t her question to answer. Instead, she uses her energy to shuffle a little on the couch, trying to get comfortable. With the bottle still in hand, she takes a swig, feeling the warmth in her stomach. Once Jennifer had a small amount of alcohol in her bloodstream, there was going to be more that night – it was just how the girl worked. “Go big or go home” – as they say.
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if the camera’s were on, ceanna would easily say she’d want a long-term relationship. after all, that’s why she’s here, isn’t it? to put her silly playboy lifestyle behind and actually settle down with someone. it was all part of the persona she was playing up, though she had a feeling jennifer was not so easily fooled. since the camera’s were off, she didn’t care what kind of persona she was playing now. all she wanted was to get drunk and end up between the sheets with someone tonight. trying her best not to show too much of her wicked side, she answered with a simple shrug, “i’d rather have a handful of quick flings. i’m only twenty-two, so how serious of a relationship can i really get in right now? but i suppose if one comes knocking on my door, i wouldn’t mind testing it out.” ceanna thinks for a moment before asking her own question next, “would you rather couple up with someone you absolutely despised, or send someone, who is so close to finding love, home?”  
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cevnna · 5 years
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“𝔸𝕊 𝕄𝕌ℂℍ 𝔸𝕊 𝕀'𝔻 love to say you have to take two shots, i have not been asked that specific question before, no,” he laughs, shaking his head as he holds the blanket tighter to his form. dakota’s happy the questions have started off fairly light-hearted, after the past week spent away from chase for the most part and that lie detector test, it feels nice to have some respite. some calm despite the storm. “the dog-sized spider, easily,” he says, raising his hands as if he were surrendering. “a whale-sized dog would crush me before i even stood a chance. at least this way i can still hope that it’s a chihuahua sized spider, right?” probably putting more effort than needed into the answer, dakota can’t help but crinkle his nose as he smiles. “so how are we doing this? are you taking the shot because i answered? or is it only if one of us can’t choose?”
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“oh no, that spider is definitely the size of a st. bernard, easily,” she answers quickly with a playful smile. “i’d easily take on the whale-sized dog though. can you imagine if you actually conquered that thing and made it your pet? i’d be one boss ass queen.” ceanna straightens herself up as if she were sitting on a thrown made of the finest gold in all the world, her nose rising in the air to keep the imaginary tiara sitting upon her head. in her mind, she was a queen, and there was no one to stop her from getting what she wanted, but she kept such a thought to herself. for now, she was just being playful, and that’s the only side dakota needed to see at this moment. “we’ll take a shot when we don’t wanna answer the question. i just wanted to start off easy to get you warmed up, but it won’t stay that way for long,” she eyes him mischievously before shooting down a random shot for the hell of it. “but since the camera’s are off anyways, what are you really risking by answering the questions, hm?”
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cevnna · 5 years
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– “FAVORITE? COME ON, DON’T TELL ME THAT THERE’S MUCH COMPETITION,” she laughs, grinning as she takes the shot from ceanna’s grasp, knocking it back. she winces at the burn, a little unprepared for what undoubtedly is CHEAP vodka, coughing slightly. “oh, caught cheating. that way, at least i know what i’m getting into – granted, it’s not my ideal way to end a relationship,” she says. “wait, when do i get to drink? only if i can’t answer the question?”
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“honestly? there’s really not. between you and i, most people around here seem rather boring. maybe i came too late into the game and everyone is already so head over heels for someone that they don’t care to have fun anymore,” this causes her eyes to roll with a small shrug. “oh thank god, cause same. if the relationship is gonna end, i’m at least going to get some pleasure out of it,” she laughs lightly. “yeah, kind of like 21 questions, when you don’t wanna answer, you end up drinking instead? same principle. or y’know, drink whenever you want cause we love a little liquid courage,” she teases light before shooting back another shot just for the hell of it. “your turn, babe.” 
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cevnna · 5 years
“Oh, of course – to both of those things” Jennifer chuckles, taking one of the bottles and immediately spinning off the cap to gently smell the flavor. It was always something she’d like about liquor; there were so many different flavors of vodka, for example, that was hard to keep track of which ones she had tried – a better use of the girl’s time would be to see how many she hadn’t yet. and it seemed like she’d be able to cross another type off her metaphorical list tonight. “so, do we want to do this in the living room? that way we can get as many people as possible involved,” the brunette chuckles. She’d already had a little to drink from previous conversations, but she was ready to get herself even drunker after Ceanna had entered the room.
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she watches the other steal one of the bottles with a raised eyebrow, almost annoyed that the other was so bold in stealing the bottle straight from her hands. she truly was an eager little thing, but ceanna kept her cool for the time being. taking a seat next to the other, she tucks her legs up under her and grabs the nearest blanket to cuddle up in, and doesn’t hesitate to take a few swigs from her own bottle. it was probably awful how used she was to the burning sensation that covered her throat. “why not? if anyone comes along and wants to join in, they’re more than welcome to. for now, you can start since you seem so eager to to play,” she teases the other with a playful wink. 
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cevnna · 5 years
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after her last conversation with ceanna, it was clear to ellie that the girl is up to no good, which is something ellie is really drawn to. the girl loves trouble, so after her little talk with ceanna, she realized there’s no harm in getting to know her more. it’s not like she was catching any feelings anyway. a grin showed up in her face as she heard the familiar voice and the shaking of the bottle of vodka. “sounds like a good idea to me.” she says lightly. “your company is definitely a gift.” she teases. “since it was your idea, i think you should ask me first.”
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she smiles sweetly at the other, mainly because she was interested to see just how far she could get with her. sleezy? maybe, but ceanna was dying for some physical attention and refused to leave this place without tasting at least one or two contestants here. happy that the other agreed to her little game, she quickly settles in next to the other and pours them a couple of shots. “you think so, huh,” she teases the other while giving her the shot glass. “mm, okay then. would you rather someone have someone ask to kiss you, or kiss you unexpectedly?” 
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cevnna · 5 years
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𝔻𝔼𝕊ℙ𝕀𝕋𝔼 ℂ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 about the constant poolside loitering over the past few days, dakota finds himself missing it as they’re confined to the indoors entirely. curled up on the couch underneath a blanket, he’s alone with his thoughts for the first time in ages when ceanna approaches him. “oh, go on then. you’ve swayed me,” he smiles gently. like he took much persauding in his state of boredom. throwing the blanket over his shoulders as if it were a cape, he sits up with his legs tucked under him and eyes the bottle in her hand. he’s hardly planning on drinking too much before the recoupling, but having a couple of shots was always nice in taking the edge off. “you’re not gonna ask me if i’d rather fight a bear-sized shark or a shark-sized bear though, are you?” he teases, not knowing ceanna well enough to know how this would turn out. “as i’ve had enough of those kinds of questions for a lifetime.” 
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to say ceanna was thrilled for dakota to accept her company was a complete understatement, and not for the way most people would think. sure, he was a total babe, but so was everyone else in this house. no, she was thrilled because she knew this would be the only time to get inside his head and make him question his entire relationship with chase. after all, everyone knew they were the power couple to beat, and even if she did have to come back for a season two to get her own victory, at least she could have some fun and ruin the chances of another along the way. taking a seat next to him, she pours them each a shot and hands one glass over to him with a light laugh, “oh heavens no. i was thinking more along the lines of: would you rather fight a whale sized dog or a dog sized spider? if you’ve actually been asked that question before already, i’m going to feel horrible unoriginally have just take two shots to shake off the embarrassment,” she teases with a playful wink. 
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cevnna · 5 years
me reclining in diamonds and a black velvet dress with a slit up the side on a red velvet couch covered in silk handkerchiefs with a crystal glass full of the finest liquor in one hand and the other thrown over my eyes in elegant anguish: i'm sick
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