#ft. dakota
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What: Reggie and Raj talk about the details of Evora and their roommate's demise (and what it all could mean). Who: @crazedhatesoul Mentioned/Involved: @ambercast ; @endlessreruns ; @callofthxvoid When: The morning Evora's body was found.
There was no room for surprise in Raj’s life anymore. He knew that. It was, quite frankly, stupid to allow himself to be overcome with anything other than apathy when he got a call over the radio. Despite his condition, there were some things Raj remembered gravely -- things he knew to be factually true. He woke up every morning in a town of horrors, after sleepless nights of memories in the form of bad dreams, and even on the best of days his job was plain: he worked with the bodies of the dead and for their grieving families. Raj greeted death most days and had since he was a child. News of another body should be effortlessly dispassionate for him. But it never was. It always felt foul. And this morning was no different.
A long exhale as he waited for the Deputy Sheriff to enter through the front parlor and down the hall to where Raj stood, already gowned in a white coat in front of the morgue. He didn't pace when he was deep in thought, instead he stood too still. He'd been staring off intently at nothing as he worked to put something together in his head, clipboard in one hand, a pen to click in the other. "Reggie." He glanced up, pausing to check in as he grabbed gloves, "You ready?"
"Not really but as ready as I'll ever be." Somehow after years of having to do this, it never got easier. He'd usually not be on this side of things but after what Olivia had told the sheriffs recently he needed to see if this might be something more than just another monster attack because nowadays you can never be to sure. "Where do we start?"
Raj could be sure.
"Wish I could say you get used to it." He led Reggie to the body of Evora Kaplan laid out on the table. Then pulled the sheet from over her. "Well. For starters..." A gloved hand motioned over her gaping torso. "-- This? Isn't right. It's too clean." He didn’t know he’d be the second person tonight to relay the same information. Raj handed the clipboard now for Reggie to look over as he continued. His voice hushed as if whatever was happening in the cold of this room was big and important and heavy. This was also the second time something 'wasn't right' with a body brought to Raj and he hoped now he would be heard. "Don't you find it odd how neat these monsters can be when they want to be?"
Reggie followed Raj towards the table, watching as he pulled the sheet and the state of how she looked. Monsters or not, not one deserved any of this. He raised an eyebrow at the other, taking the clipboard as he was handed it. "What do you mean?" He asked curiously. Was there a clean way to dismember organs from a body? "A bit, i have noticed some scenes have been messier than others have been."
Raj motioned to where the sternum... should have been.
"Something -- or someone -- wrenched this person's sternum from their body. That's not exactly neat, fine. But it's not ferocious either. Most of the rib cage is still intact. Their roommate shows near identical precision." He examined inside the cavity, reminding himself where his train of thought needed to go, "And inside the chest was carved away like someone cleaning an animal. A sharp implement was used not claws or... whatever the hell those monsters have." He paused, glancing at the sticky note placed at his eye level that read 'Dakota Hart.' "This body shows signs of being attacked not being torn apart. And this isn't the first time I've seen this."
'this isn't the first time.'
The words played on a loop in Reggie's head as his eyes followed Raj's to the sticky note, reading the name and very quickly connecting the dots. "You think the Dakota boy could've been killed too? His sister just came to us and told us he wasn't a drinker so we haven't had time to actually investigate it before," a pause, he didn't think he'd actually need to say it so he stopped himself. He ran his free hand through his hair, if Raj was saying what he thought he was saying then he'd have to let Henry and the others know. "So you're saying this might've been done by a human not one of those creatures?"
Raj moved to Reggie's side, flipping under Evora's paperwork to where he'd put copies of Dakota's file earlier that morning. "I don't think. I know. -- Sorry." He held a gloved hand up apologetically. He didn't mean to snap. "I don't mean to be an asshole. I just... I take a lot of fuckin' notes, Reggie. I have to. And I read over them every fuckin' day. And Dakota, and these two?" He motioned to the corpse on the table with his head, "They aren't consistent with what we know the monstrous attacks to be. Or at least what I know. I've documented them for years. I've seen so many bodie..." He let his voice trail to chew on his bottom lip for a moment. Continuing: "Sometimes, I wish I wasn't so fucking diligent with my filing so I could go to sleep and wake up the next morning without a reminder of what was left of the people from the day before. Especially towards the beginning. There were so many." A pause to refocus, "People, generally, attacked by those things are not given this luxury. So yes. I think this was done by a human. And I think Dakota's murder was too."
Reggie sighed again, not because of Raj’s attitude or anything, he understood the frustration of everything so he didn’t take any of it personally. He could only listen as he talked, looking at the bodies and noticing that he was right, they were a lot neater than any crime scene they’d ever encountered when it came to those things. “Okay,” Reggie started saying, “Okay I’ll let henry know and have him come down to take a look for himself.” Obviously they could only rely on Raj’s notes for Dakota since he’d already been buried but that’d be fine. “You think you can make a copy of your notes so we have it down for the station too?”
Raj nodded. "Sure. Just, remind me again once we get back to my desk. I'll get you a copy." taking the clipboard back now he flipped through it himself, "The last thing is I don't think this was the same person's work. Everything was so... meticulous with Dakota's body. It was like, I don't know, too good? Fuck. This is sick." He exhaled, almost shivering as he moved to re-cover Evora's body, "Whoever did this job wasn't as good." It took a moment for Raj to put the body away and remove his gloves. He stopped Reggie at the door before they could exit the room. "Listen. I'm not... fuckin' Sherlock Holmes or anything, man. I'm just a mortician," he shrugged, "-- A mortician that one day in 2012 had to become a makeshift coroner. So maybe I'm full of shit." He glanced towards the cooler where the bodies were kept again. "-- But for what it's worth, I think you got two murderers on your hands. And I don't know if they're related or not. That's all you." A flicker of worry painted his features before he cast it away, "And I'll help where I can but I... I'm not trying to be next. That's all."
"'Course." Reggie said at the reminding him. he didn't like Raj's next words though, the thought of one murderer on the loose was stressful enough but the thought of there being two was something Reggie didn't really want to think about but knew he had too. "Son of a bitch," he mumbled running a hand through his hair, "Two different people? Excuse me for saying this but i hope you're wrong." Even if everything Raj was pointing out made perfect sense and the evidence did point to that or the same person getting sloppy which wasn't unbelievable but unlikely. "I'll definitely relay all this to Henry, he might stop by and ask a couple of questions or ask to see the bodies for himself to compare notes so..." Reggie sighed, he hated what he was about to say next, "Don't have them bury them just yet and Raj," he rested a hand on his shoulder, "You're not gonna be next long as we can help it alright?"
Raj’s eyes had been focused on where Evora’s body now lay. He didn’t remember the article she wrote at the present moment, but an unease wrapped around him regardless. He reacted to the muscle memory of dread without truly knowing why. Maybe that was worse.
He was only pulled from his thoughts when Reggie placed a large hand on his shoulder. “…” And he wished Reggie’s words were comforting. In that moment, he decided to refrain from verbalizing how little weight they held. He’d helped buried Tyler. And the Rodriguez family. Maybe, for once, it was good he didn’t remember that. And even if he didn’t know to, he would savor the walk back to his desk, forgetting for two moments about the depressing possibility (no matter how small) that everything could be connected.
All he could do was nod. “This way.” And lead Reggie out of the cold.
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selcouth-vast-poet · 8 months
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throws these here yayyyyy
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oufrelou · 11 months
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sneak peak of a drawing ;)
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GRINS. hi 🌹
HIII!!!! content warning for blood but like its the suckers so it’s normal
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c-aelii · 6 months
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borawinters · 4 months
reminder: who is someone you will never forget?
"Selin. I don't think too much on people I regret but she makes herself inescapable with her refusal to leave my home. At this stage, I'll need to change the locks."
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late night self reflective asks 🌙
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tysingh · 1 year
closed starter for @dakotahayes at providence peak memorial
There weren't many places that Tyler hated more than Providence Peak Memorial. If it were up to Ty, she'd never step foot in the place again, but to her disappointment her medical team was quite insistent that she stay up to date with her healthcare. For Ty, especially with where she was at in her career, that meant very regular check-ins with her neurologist. Sitting out in the waiting area for the neurology department, Ty was starting to get restless as the clock ticked on without the guy coming out to grab her. When one of the doors opened and someone that looked like a doctor came out, Ty was up to her feet and marching over with a scowl. "You. Doctor dude. Where's that fuckhead Dr. Graham? He's late. I need him to sign my shit so I can leave."
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ruinedsoulsrp · 6 months
starter for @ncrthernaura featuring Kim and Dakota
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"You think with her dad and her sugar daddy she'd be able to afford this season's Louis Vuitton" Kim commented with a small chuckle as she moved her food around her plate. Usually the redhead didn't feed her "mean girl" fantasy to the general world...well except for when she was getting her way with her father's security team, or well, basically anywhere in life...but being with her friend Dakota always brought it out in her the most, and it was fun.
"She keeps talking about how she's gonna get set up with Jasper eventually and their families are gonna merge and oh my god, she's sop delusional it gives me a headache." she was sure Janet bitched about her and talked just as much shit behind her back, so she really didn't feel bad. "But God help him if they do, right?" she said looking over to Dakota pointedly and laughing."
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atrickrtreat · 6 months
@lcstinfantasy cont from here
Mercury didn't mind this - it wasn't like Dakota was trying to keep her a secret and not be seen with her so this was alright. Humming against his lips contently, she broke free to rub her nose against his. "You want to come over after your next shift? I don't work tomorrow so we could just stay in bed all day and sleep, I'll even make us breakfast when we wake up."
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wxjared · 7 months
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some pics from a chasecation i took 4 years ago. if you look closely, you can see the pathetic tornado i got close to
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dykestache · 1 year
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i love getting to go places and eat food with people i love :3
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
[ msg: draft ] i h8 ur stupd beautiful eys [ msg: draft ] if we watch predator one more fucking time i will scratch your eyes out you ignorant fool. [ msg: draft ] found a new place to go to for our monthly dinner, looks nice. (link attached) [ msg: draft ] we should get a cat. [ msg: draft ] i'm so sorry for leaving with no explanation, i was being immature and selfish. i think i made a mistake. i miss you.
[ msg: draft ] get your ass to the goddamn bar you're three hours late.
send me a '✉' for five times my muse didn't text yours, and one time they did, accepting, @pridefound.
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escavpism · 8 months
closed, for dakota ( @rcmanhcliday ). location, courtyard.
rowan met dakota when he was nothing else but caught in the chaotic whirlwind of life. she was fun , gorgeous , and distant—the perfect recipe for rowan's noncommittal rage. he knew not to expect anything grand out of a relationship that he cannot fully open himself into , and before he knew it , it ended as fast as it began. for awhile rowan couldn't find himself reaching out to her. perhaps , the guilt? the embarrassment? bottom line , the ego of the man was bruised for being inadequate. ❝ quite surprised to see you outside , basking in the sun and not holed in the darkroom. ❞ rowan comments as soon as he found the nerve to come up to her. he thought that perhaps it is the right time to turn a new leaf. ❝ how are you? i would assume the kickoff party took a toll on you too , seeing as i bought two cups of coffee. but i guess one's enough for now. ❞ rowan hands the other coffee cup towards her. his own version of a peace treaty.
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woppy42 · 2 years
Dakotas of the month (October)
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alcska · 1 year
based / closed for @devilsdressed.
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❝   you've   got   to be fucking with me right now , there's no way that's a rose petal heart on the only bed , and whatever the fuck those bird towels are . what — do they think we're honeymoonin' or something ? ❞ maybe it's the long flight that's gotten to him , or the fact that he hasn't seen his ex in months , and now he's confined on an island with them . ❝ the views nice at least , won't be so bad when i float out to sea . ❞
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midnightscxre · 2 years
Closed starter @northrnattitude​
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“  Fu..k. Hmphh...heh.. “ the red-haired woman muttered, tripping over her own foot for the third time in the last ten steps. Alcohol was a known friend for suppressing worries. Although she never fell into the circle of hell of alcoholism, she would be lying if she sat down in the confessional booth and claimed that she does not turn to vices to silence the voices she has been trying to drown out with all kinds of poisons for years. But tonight, they whispered and pulled her legs like a puppeteer, mesmerizing her like sirens while she listened and followed. “  Von Wok..Wonn..number..2..no..wait.. “  the conversation with her own self continued as she passed the gate of a wealthy looking house. Peeping towards the number and the name written on the door, emerald eyes struggled to read. Never in her wildest dreams, in the most foolish of tarot readings, silly horoscope paragraphs would she believe her foot would find itself in front of his home. “ Mmpm..stupid bloodsucking p...”  sharp lines of his jaw formed in the privacy of her mind, shushing the insult she tried to form. A simple act of defense mechanism, something almost innate to the woman with a silent heart.  Staring at the brick wall, she didn’t saw the cracks in the stone, fading paint, plant climbing over it...Clare was submerged into the well of imagination and the collection of memories of one person. A person she was supposed to capture, deceive, lure to doom, and in the end...execute. But the only thing standing in front of the gallows now, was her once golden rules, law of life and beliefs - never to form feelings. Taking her lower lip hostage, she moved, trying to reach the main entrance, but her sharp eyes caught movement, making her stop dead in her tracks, waiting as a skilled predator in the cover of darkness, to detect what was moving beside it. 
“ Dakota..”  exhale, relieved, tender, filled with longing that was never supposed to see the light of day...or tonight, the dim rays of moonlight. First floor, on the left..he stood near the window. Her hands moved before her intoxicated mind could, listening to another master, thing that was forbidden to rule her actions and was not supposed to be nothing more than a blood pump - the tortured heart. Clare pushed her fingers in the cracks of the wall, placing her foot on the iron bar around which the wild roses grew. One push and she nearly fell down, but the determination kept her standing. Lifting her own weight that seemed as if it doubled, she kept climbing and finding the risky places to place her feet. “  Ha..hay...hay bat boy...batman..” tipsy chuckle, growing in to a short laugh, before her hand slipped. Feeling of falling made her body feel the needles of ice, instincts fighting the drunken state and taking control, making her hands to reach for the metal edge of the window. “ Fuck spiderman... he has..” she hiccupped. “  nothing on me. “ with one swift pull, the woman fell on the other side of the window, right in front of him. Blinking, the brain tried to make sense of her new surroundings, legs bringing her back to the standing position. “ Fiuuu..nice mausoleum.  “ her giggling went on until she turned, and the pale face now far from only imagination left her speechless, like a comedian that was cursed with stage fright, leaving him mute  in front of the crowed. Luckily, this silence was not a result of her usual restraint, no, this was her drunken state allowing her to admire what she desired, what she craved for...what she felt for. 
One step. Two steps. And she was nearly on his chest, chin high, trying to see his face properly since she was for a head and a half shorter than him. He was...enchanting. Soft digits appeared next to his lips, a place where her focus was. Index finger landed on the lower lip, grazing the soft surface. “  Hey.. “ Clare greeted him while her mind was blank and did not expect an answer. Time and space didn’t exist now, only the shape in front of her that didn’t seem real at all. Just a magical dream that she could feel under her starved hands. Hands. Another landing on his chest, climbing to his neck and sliding across the shoulder. “  You..you are..very handsome. “ shyly she said with a small smile, still exploring the map of his existence. Much smaller frame leaned on him, as she released a soft, quiet sound of delight. How she longed for contact. An intimate kind that was not just cheap thrill of the night. Something she never experienced. Clare’s touches were reserved for one night stands with strangers she would never see again. No names, faded faces, distant memories and just pleased body...heart empty. The sensation now was giving her another kind of nourishment. Food for the spirit she crucified. “  You didn’t come..tonight...I..I waited. “  The ruby haired woman would rather swallow nails that voice this, yet now it was out, and her forehead gently grazing his chin, pushing itself under it, desperate for cover. “  Did you know you..I-- It is not so empty when you are near. “  fingers left his lips, conquering his cheek. Caressing it with the gentleness of a lover, not the rude enemy she always presented herself as. “  I didn’t want to be empty tonight. “ once clear and strong voice a mere whisper, cracking one, painful and lonely. 
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