cftulips · 4 months
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" when the next gentleman trips over his own feet whilst staring at you, i will inform you promptly. "
➝ closed starter : @ivygrovvs , @cftulips !
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cftulips · 4 months
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" are you speaking to me ? because i most certainly was not seeking your company. "
➝ closed starter : @thetonrunson , @ivygrovvs , @cftulips !
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❝ NOT EVERYDAY YOU SEEK MY COMPANY , how can i assist you ? ❞
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cftulips · 4 months
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" apologies, i was not aware of anyone else here. am i interrupting something ? "
➝ closed starter : @asher-sharp , @ivygrovvs , @cftulips !
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❝ FORGIVE ME , I WASN'T PREPARED for company ! ❞
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cftulips · 4 months
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" at least you are honest in admitting your surprise. i have found that most gentlemen will attempt to do the exact opposite. " the widowed duchess mused aloud with slight amusement gleaming her eyes. " i am quite enjoying my drink. the club always does remain in possession of such fine liquor. care to join me, mister sharp ? "
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Asher stepped into the room, his eyes widening in a moment of genuine astonishment, though not of the unpleasant variety. The sight of another there, unexpected yet far from unwelcome, caught him off guard. The brunette, whose refined demeanour could charm the most indifferent soul, placed a hand upon his heart, a gesture that spoke volumes of sincerity and warmth. "I am surprised, yes," he began, his voice carrying the gentle cadence of authenticity, "a little startled but pleasantly surprised, I assure you." His gaze softened as he addressed the lady nearby, his tone now laced with a courteous inquiry, "How is your drink, my lady?"
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cftulips · 4 months
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" penelope ! " hyacinth greeted the other lady with a wide grin, " nothing to forgive. i must admit that i was not solely focused on my journey back to see mother and eloise at the modiste . "
➝ closed starter : @cftulips , @ivygrovvs , @thetonrunson !
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❝ OH BLESS , FORGIVE ME . ❞ stumbled steps and a collision of bones , the redhead takes a brief moment to steady herself before meeting gaze .
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cftulips · 4 months
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at the mention of lady whistledown, kate could not help but glance downwards at the pamphlet taking residence in his hands. " did she have any news to report following the queen's ball ? " her tone curious. she had not had the time this morning to read the column. " i am quite interested to try a sponge cake. it seems to be quite different to what i am use to. "
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Asher turned his head at the sound of Kate's voice, his features lighting up with a genuine smile that illuminated oer his feature "Please, don't worry about it. I was merely just reading anyway," he confessed, setting aside the latest issue of Lady Whistledown's tantalizing gossip which he had left home with to read upon. His curiosity piqued, he leaned in slightly, his tone both playful and sincere as he inquired, "Anything taken your fancy?" He asked, nodding his head towards the desserts.
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cftulips · 4 months
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" is it not considered impolite to make inaccurate assumptions ? "
➝ closed starter : @cftulips , @asher-sharp , @thetonrunson , @ivygrovvs !
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cftulips · 4 months
location : the park tagging : @loveternls @gildedgloryhq @themiddlebridgerton ( anyone )
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" you do realise that when one yells at another in warning, the warning usually should be heeded. i suspect you did not anticipate being whacked by a ball. "
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cftulips · 4 months
location : outside of a bakery tagging : @loveternls @gildedgloryhq @asher-sharp ( anyone )
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" apologies. it would seem that i was not alert to my surroundings. i was quite captivated by inspecting what constitutes as english desserts. "
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cftulips · 4 months
location : mondrich's club tagging : @loveternls @asher-sharp ( anyone )
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" i can sense your surprise from here. can a lady not enjoy a beverage in a fine establishment ? "
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cftulips · 4 months
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a slight laugh left the duchess' lips as her line of sight followed his own. " i do not believe it would be proper for me to drink such a beverage at the queen's ball. whiskey is not for gentle bred ladies. i should not cause such a scandalous scene, " aurelia let out a soft hum underneath her breath. " though, it would seem that you may have a plan. "
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"I regret to inform you Duchess, that Her Majesty remains in attendance," replied Nicholas, a wry smile playing on his lips. "It appears your desired respite with whiskey must wait a bit longer. Unless--" He trailed off, seemingly lost in thought as he gazed at one of the servers.
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cftulips · 4 months
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" if she was to grow tired of such a look, i do believe she would have done so many years prior, " aurelia pointed out with a slight grin but she lowered her voice dutifully to match the other. " my sentiments exactly. i wish to retire to a lounge where there is a drink and cigar at the ready. "
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❝ PERHAPS SHE GROWS BORED OF the sour look she often wears ? ❞ she mutters in a hushed tone , careful of prying ears as she leans towards the other . ❝ though i would much rather she leave , i wish to retire myself . ❞
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cftulips · 4 months
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the eldest sharma furrowed her eyebrows gently as she noticed the male now standing before her. she had been solely focused on keeping an eye on edwina that she had failed to spot the prince before it was too late. at his bow, kate brought herself back to the moment before giving him a greeting proper of his station, " your highness. " the last thing she had expected of tonight was to be in the company of someone of royal station. it seemed the night was filled with surprises. the smile turned less genuine the moment the viscount was mentioned. " i do not know what you refer to, your highness. viscount bridgerton and i have very little to converse about. i would kindly suggest a change of subject. there are more interesting topics to converse about. "
Closed starter || @cftulips
Luis had once loved balls, though that felt like a lifetime ago to him now. Now all they signified to him was the looming responsibility that had been placed on his shoulders without his consent. When he was younger, years ago before his brother's sickness or the war, they had swept through events like these with ease, his only responsibility to keep his brother from looking too gloomy at the ladies who swooned at the sight of him, but that was before, and now his brother had not attended a ball in nearly half a decade and it was Luis who was, absurdly, in want of a wife.
Still, he missed when he could simply chat and laugh and rejoice in being a second son.
"Miss Sharma," he greeted, his head dipping in a short bow of acknowledgement toward the approaching lady, his eyebrow rising subtly as he glanced at her and then off toward the distance, "how was your conversation with Viscount Bridgerton? You look," he paused, his lips twitching into a small, amused smirk, "a bit flushed."
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cftulips · 4 months
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" without reason ? i do believe that i have quite the right to be worried about any eligible gentleman within the ton considering my sister has made her debut into society. i would never allow for her to be entertained by someone who was not worthy of her time and devotion. since you are an eligible gentleman, i am well within my right to gather as much information as available about you. " if anthony turned his attentions onto edwina, lord help him because she would not rest. she would never allow for edwina to marry a man who could not be faithful, who could not love her as she loved him, who would not worship the ground she walked on. this was not solely limited to the viscount. " i actually happen to think the author quite brilliant. she simply reports what every gentle bred individual is whispering in a crowded ballroom. she speaks out loud what most are too afraid. i admire such a quality. "
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❝ WHEN YOU ATTACK ONES CHARACTER without reason it often will cause retaliation . ❞ the viscount smarts , he did not care , but what he did care about is what damage her vicious like words could cause . he refuses to admit that her words make sense , but perhaps it's the bravado he was raised on , or at least raised with , that made him stubborn , like a bull , often his mother would comment . he would not lose , he didn't like to lose . ❝ those that matter know better , but one can't have another fouling their name with baseless rumors , for you become as bad as lady whistledown herself . ❞
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cftulips · 4 months
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" i will have you know that there are rare instances where i find myself unable to refuse an older lady's request. your grandmother being one of them. how else do you believe she persuaded me to come every tuesday to read to her ? " hyacinth spoke without restrain or the proper etiquette that violet bridgerton had attempted to instil in her. a perfectly arched eyebrow aimed in gareth's direction as she spoke again, not waiting for a reply. " i was under the impression that you would not be in attendance tonight. is mr st clair finally seeking a wife ? perhaps, i should speak louder so that the mamas overhear our conversing. "
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gareth smirked at the youngest bridgerton daughter. hyacinth was an amusing young women. she participated in society but she did not let that stop her from being herself. perhaps it was from being in a large and loving family. his grandmother adored her, which was rare because gareth had uncles and cousins that she did not like. ❝miss bridgerton, you do not seem to be the type to give in to pressure❞ he shouldn't tease her, but he liked that she didn't back down.
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cftulips · 4 months
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the duchess sighed in slight annoyance at the fact that the queen had yet to make her departure, " she usually leaves following the performance of her choosing. it is quite unusual for her to still be in attendance. "
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❝ I BELIEVE SHE IS YET to retire , unfortunately . ❞ the baroness muttered with slight distaste , for she too would much rather be elsewhere . ❝ i hear she isn't keen on leaving yet . ❞
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cftulips · 4 months
location : the queen's ball tagging : @loveternls @sonofnyx @nnewcombe ( anyone )
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" has her majesty left the ball ? i am quite eager to retire elsewhere with two fingers of whiskey in my glass. " aurelia spoke without abandon, one hand placed on her hip.
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