chaeunw00s · 3 days
Trouble | L. Hj
Hyunjae x Reader || College au || WC: 3.7k
When someone is known to be trouble, people would tend to stay away from them. But perhaps, that didn't apply to you.
Genre: slight angst, romance, slice of life
Warnings: suggestive, implied content, mentions of drinking
Notes: So...this might be a bit messy or all over the place, but this is something I wanted to write to de-stress from work...or maybe it's just a self-indulgent piece to explore Hyunjae's mischievous yet sweet side ;)
“That boy is trouble.”
Or so they’d say.
Lee Hyunjae was the student everyone hated out of jealousy; he was a bit of a troublemaker yet so very mysterious and private with his personal life. He was smart and cocky. He was talented and would flaunt it if needed. 
But he was also loved immensely; he was charming and an expert at smooth talking. He had a smile that could light up the whole campus and eyes that carried warmth, albeit faux. 
He could have anyone wrapped around his finger if he desired, and that made him both despicable yet desirable. Getting involved with him would surely bring trouble for you.
“Textbook badboy”, Younghoon, your best friend would tell you, but really, you were never one to pay attention to such things.
So when a day of skipping classes due to a fever resulted in you getting paired with Hyunjae to work on a research paper, you weren’t affected by it. When Younghoon was asked by the professor to inform you, and while he expected you to be iffy about it, you merely told your friend a simple “it’s fine with me”.
The day you returned to class, people gossiped here and there about “what could happen” or that “y/n should be careful”, but you merely shook those off, making a beeline to where Hyunjae sat alone, texting one of his friends. Smiling, you greet him and wave as warmly as possible.
“Hi. Hyunjae, right?” you say.
Hyunjae is quick to flash a charismatic smile, tilting his head to the side as he replies, “Yeah. Can I help you?”
You maintain your smile, “I’m y/n, the one who was assigned as your partner. Sorry, I had to stay home ‘cause of a fever yesterday.”
Hyunjae chuckles, and you somehow understand why people fall prey to his charms — the sound of his chuckle alone is magical. “It’s fine. Kim Younghoon told me he was your friend and that you’d be coming to class today.” he says.
“Ah, great.” you chuckle, “That saves us the introductions and all.”
Hyunjae sits there, smiling, and you aren’t sure if he’s judging you or something; you end up staring at him rather blankly, which actually amuses him (because most people would be flirting with him, at this point). It’s only when he reaches his hand out that you realize that you were indeed staring, and a sheepish chuckle escapes you as you grip his hand back. “Looking forward, partner.” he laughs, shaking your hand.
“Good luck to us then.” you grin with him.
And despite the intrigued gasps and hushed whispers from your classmates, you compliantly sit down when the male nods his head towards the seat next to his. As you face him, Hyunjae’s smiling a little too sweetly for a first-time meeting — your brain may have pulled up a file on the rumors and reputation that surrounds the male — but you opt to not think too much about it and mirror the smile before turning away to ready your notes for class.
Hyunjae is intrigued, and, well, what Hyunjae wants, Hyunjae gets.
Girls in your class would warn you — “Hyunjae is trouble the minute you fall for him”, they would say. And to be fair, falling for Hyunjae was the last thing on your mind, given that you spoke to him simply because you were automatically paired for class groupings.
You weren’t sure if the girls were genuinely concerned and were trying to prevent some cliched college heartbreak, or they were just trying to get you to stay away from their target. Nonetheless, you’d tell the girls that your relationship with Hyunjae was merely for academic purposes.
And for the first few weeks, you stuck to that claim and never contacted or interacted with Hyunjae unless it was for working together on the research paper requirement. No meetings outside of studying, and no texting when finished with the day’s work.
It stayed like that — or at least until the male decided to hit you up with conversations outside of your usual study meet-ups.
Initially, you indulged Hyunjae in his conversations, harmlessly replying back since you really didn’t have anything else to do. Eventually, you found yourself amused and intrigued with the things he’d say, now genuinely absorbed in whatever he wanted to talk about.
Similarly, meetings extended to beyond just “studying”, and you found yourselves hanging out and spending time with each other outside of campus for reasons other than…well, studying.
When questioned about the nature of your friendship, you’d say that Hyunjae was your friend. And maybe Hyunjae didn’t really do the whole “friendship” thing (unless it was his childhood friend, Eric), but he didn’t say anything. Not that it mattered.
Despite the rumors that surrounded him, you enjoyed his company as you would with Younghoon or your other friends. There was more to his reputation than the trouble-making, heart-breaking Hyunjae.
He was smart, talented in many ways, and even showed glimpses of a man who was just as sweet as the most chivalrous person one could think of.
And though you wouldn’t admit it, you saw why people would fawn over him; no, not like them, exactly. They’d desire him for his oh-so perfect body, desperate to be magically touched because word is that Hyunjae is “skilled in bed just as he is skilled in sports”.
But that was all he was to them, right? Who cared if falling prey to him risked a broken heart? Such risk was a small price to pay as long as they’d get a taste of Lee Hyunjae.
But you — you began to see attraction beyond that. Hyunjae was both the storm and the calm, causing trouble yet pacifying it for you. He was dark and menacing like the night, but also bright and warm like the day. Something about the male — who he was deep inside — had you wanting more. More time with him. More of him. Whatever that meant.
You were selfish, perhaps, but judging by the lingering gazes and daring smirks he sent your way many times, a part of you suspected that he wanted more of you as well.
And maybe that desire would find itself flooding both your veins, waiting for the right moment to consume from within.
The right moment in question, it would seem, turned out to be in a party meant for all the business majors, and that would include you and Hyunjae.
Typical college party scene. Drinks, music, love, drama. Everyone is either drinking, dancing, socializing or finding ways to hook up with someone.
Hyunjae, obviously used to this, had admirers and tipsy party-goers clinging to him and fighting their way into his heart…or pants, anyway. But the male had his eyes on you — the “friend” he dragged along to the party.
You were not innocent and naive, but you weren’t exactly on the wild side of life either. Sure, you’ve kissed, made out and dated before, but you wouldn’t say it was a lifestyle. So, being in a party like this isn’t shocking, but it doesn’t stop you from feeling so small when Hyunjae looks at you from across the room like you were the only guest in attendance.
You’ve had alcohol before; your tolerance is good enough, and you barely got drunk. But maybe tonight, cocktails weren’t the only things clouding your senses.
Because when Hyunjae holds you close to him, lips ghosting the skin of your ear like a hushed secret as he whispers a few compliments, you feel lightheaded.
You press yourself against the wall despite not having any more room to do so, urging the erratic beating of your heart to stop. Alas, Hyunjae is the experienced one, and he just knows the effect he has on you. A devilish kiss to the side of your neck and a teasing nibble to your ear is all it takes for you to succumb, legs buckling as an embarrassing moan leaves you.
Hyunjae smirks, eyes darkening with his carnal desire; though it may seem like his usual “bad boy” demeanor, you vaguely note the speck of adoration — something you imagine is absent from his usual flings and hook-ups — that flashes in his eyes moments before he devours you with a searing kiss.
When Hyunjae pulls away with a sinful lick to your lips, the rest is history. One moment, you’re pinned against the wall in some club, but then the next, you’re pinned to the mattress in your apartment with the male hovering above you. Never did you expect to be among the people who Hyunjae would have under him, but here you were, ravished by his hands and lips and his everything.
You weren’t indulging his desires; subconsciously, you were indulging your own as well.
After a night of moans mingling with your breaths as the male has you seeing stars, you expected him to disappear like smoke, moving on to find his next willing prey. You half expect him to ditch you despite being research partners, in fact. But when he shows up in the library, his smile shining in all its glory as he waves, you find yourself beaming with glee.
And you certainly let yourself smile wider when he kisses your cheek before sitting down next to you.
From then on, things became more intimate — more personal. Though you’ve always had open conversations with Hyunjae, you could both talk about more personal topics. You’d tell Hyunjae about your dreams for the future, and he’d tell you about his passions. You’d talk about how you wanted to be a unicorn when you were younger while he dreamed of being a banker. You’d share how Younghoon was a childhood friend who you had to watch over many times. Similarly, Hyunjae would share that Eric was his Younghoon-like friend, and that he regarded him as his little brother.
“I got into some petty high school fight because of Eric.” Hyunjae grins as you both lay on his bed, “People were picking on him, so…”
You chuckle, shaking your head, “Is that why people say you were a troublemaker? The bad boy?”
Hyunjae laughs, “What? Of course not. That was the only fight I ever got into back then.”
“And it was all for Eric.” you mildly coo.
“Of course. I wasn’t the stereotypical ‘bad boy’ you’d see in media.” the male smiles, “I was just loud and liked playful pranks but I never hurt or bullied anyone.”
“Where did people get that idea then…” you trail off, musing more to yourself than Hyunjae.
The male still hears your mumbling but decides to shrug it off, smiling as he reaches a hand towards your face, knuckles gently brushing against your cheekbone. You automatically smile, turning your head to look at him. “And what about the…um, heartbreaker thing? Since you go from fling to fling rather than a committed relationship?” you ask carefully, but you really wanted to understand this man.
A brief look of shame flashes across Hyunjae’s face before he replaces it with a calmer smile. His knuckles retract from your face, but his hand instead cups your jaw. “I think you know the answer to that, y/n.” he whispers.
You hum, shaking your head in response. “That answer is what people have to say about you.” you begin, “What do you have to say?”
Hyunjae smiles, eyes filled with an indescribable softness as he lightly chuckles. “And if I tell you it’s all true?” he asks in a slightly more serious tone.
Your expression is blank, but the way your hand moves up to hold his is extremely gentle; the way your eyes burn into his is like honey on fire, if it were possible. “It’s not my place to judge,” you whisper back, “but all I know is that there’s so much more to you than that.”
At this, Hyunjae smiles wider, moving to wrap his strong arms around your waist to pull you closer to him. “Just so you know, you’re different.” the male states, “You’re not a fling or whatever it is they wanna call it; you’re more than that.”
What “that” was, you didn’t really know. But maybe it was Hyunjae’s own way of calling you a friend…or more. 
Neither of you ponder on the matter as Hyunjae claims your lips with his, and you find your arms instantly wrapped around his neck. Clothes are thrown onto the floor, covering textbooks used for prior studying. With legs tangled together and burning hot skin against the sheets, Hyunjae fills you with warmth and adoration as you bask him in tender and loving acceptance.
From then on, it isn’t long before a handful of students receive word that the infamous Lee Hyunjae was “seeing someone”. Whatever academic relationship you had in the beginning had blossomed into something more, cemented by the fact that you and Hyunjae continued to spend time — and some intimate moments — even if you’ve both submitted the research paper for class (which would technically dissolve your little partnership since the requirement period was over). Word travels fast, and eventually, you and Hyunjae are somewhat the talk of the town in campus.
Neither of you pay attention or mind it. Not until whatever high you were experiencing takes a small tumble down low.
Like some twisted prank, Hyunjae becomes distant. He would spend time with you if you asked, but it felt as if he wasn’t really there. He’d smile if you did, but it never seemed full. He’d answer your calls and messages, but the replies looked forced.
You don’t push him to open up, and you don’t meddle with whatever was causing his shift in attitude. Still, it didn’t stop you from worrying and overthinking. Did you do something to offend him? Were you too intrusive and interrogative? Pushy? 
Was he ashamed of being with you? Labeled as something more than a fling or friend? Maybe someone like him really wasn’t into the whole commitment, genuine shenanigan?
You don’t see Hyunjae for three days, and to be fair, he also had varsity activities to deal with. On the third day of not physically seeing him, you only find out about his whereabouts when Younghoon (your childhood friend had easily become good buddies with Hyunjae earlier on, and that made you happier) informs you. 
And it wasn’t like it was good news.
“Did he get hurt during training?” you ask as you clutch your phone close to your ear, hoping Hyunjae was sent to the clinic for a minor sports-related injury.
“I…I think you should just go to him, y/n.” Younghoon replies, and you can vaguely hear students reciting lines — he was probably filming something for his film majors.
You sigh, nodding your head, “Ok, got it.”
As soon as you end the call, your feet are quick to leave the library as you make a beeline for the clinic building. Just as you are about to push the door to the clinic itself, it swings open, and Hyunjae stands there with a surprised expression on his face.
And a bruised cheek accompanied by a slight swell at the corner of his lip.
Your mouth hangs open as you take in his sweaty, disheveled appearance. Hyunjae opens his mouth to speak, but you grab his hand and drag him somewhere more quiet. The male doesn’t utter a word the whole time.
You eventually end up in the other sports complex, knowing most of the student athletes don’t use this building until perhaps an hour or two later. You sit on the bleachers, followed by Hyunjae, without saying anything else. You open your mouth to ask a question, but he speaks ahead, cutting you off with a meek “I’m sorry”.
You look at him, tilting your head. When the male faces you with a sheepish and apologetic smile, the gears in your brain turn, and you more or less understand what he was trying to get at.
“Why?” you ask, “I mean, what happened?”
Hyunjae now shrugs casually, leaning back as he looks up at the ceiling in a carefree manner. “I got punched.” he lets out a breathy laugh.
“Who did you fight?” you ask not to lecture, but out of concern.
“Not exactly a ‘fight’ per se.” he reassures you, “Younghoon stepped in even before an actual fight broke out.”
“Ok, great, but why? Did something bad happen?”
“Someone was saying…stupid things about you.” he hums, “So I grabbed his collar. He was the one who swung the punch. Younghoon was on his way to the Performing Arts building when he saw what was happening.”
“Hyunjae…” you release the breath you were holding, “Gossip and senseless talk is part of this university’s culture. Sad and disappointing, but that’s how it is. I don’t really care what people have to say about me because — ”
“You of all people shouldn’t be spoken about with such filth.” Hyunjae suddenly interjects, eyebrows furrowed as he looks at you with intensity; he isn’t angry, just adamant.
“Jae, it probably wasn’t worth getting hurt over.”
“Y/n.” he sighs, but can’t seem to find the right words he wanted to say.
You smile gently, “I appreciate it, but I don’t want you to get into any trouble that would make people hurt you or something.”
Hyunjae is a bit too lost in his thoughts, and when he falls into silence for a few seconds longer, you decide to change the topic. “Is something bothering you?” you ask.
“You just…seemed so distant these past days.” you express, eyes looking at the bleachers at the other side.
Hyunjae hums, biting his lip before letting out a tired chuckle. “I told you I was always a loud and playful kid, right?” he begins, “Well, a little before graduating high school, things changed and I became more aloof. That carried on over to freshman and junior year in college. The party-loving, flirt me? A mask is all that was.”
Opening up to this extent was a bit new, so you made sure to listen intently and let him speak as he needed. “Truth is, things aren’t black and white; it’s complicated. Things about me are complex. My life isn’t as fun and charming as people would think.” he continues.
Hyunjae recounts in his mind the struggles he had gone through in his life; being called “good for nothing” throughout middle school just because he was a bit of a jokester with no ill intentions whatsoever. Having to watch Eric get picked on just because he chose to befriend the older male, and taking the blame if he chose to get into fights to defend the younger. Getting belittled in high school by fellow classmates just because he seemed less serious about his future when in reality, he worked harder than most of them. Blaming his so-called inadequacy for an estranged relationship with his family.
“I feel like everything about my life — about me — is complete crap, so the minute someone makes me feel otherwise, then…”
“You put your walls up.” you finish for him, heart breaking at the way the male’s lips curl into a disheartened smirk.
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know.” he confesses, “Maybe ‘cause I feel like the moment I actually believe that someone sees the better in me, they’d slip through my grasp.”
Hyunjae thinks everything would be easier if everyone believed what he believed — that he was a troublemaker. That he was just a flirt who liked to have fun and cause trouble wherever he went. That way, if people decided to “leave” him, it wouldn’t hurt as much because they never cared about him in the first place.
“Why’d you get angry when that person said things about me,” you stand up and ask him, “if you don’t like caring and getting attached to others?”
Hyunjae smiles to himself, “You’re a good person, y/n. You’re smart, kind, and supportive. You’re the only person — besides Eric and Younghoon I guess — who actually wanted to befriend me. You’re the only one who showed that you genuinely wanted to get to know who Lee Hyunjae was. Naturally, you don’t deserve to be spoken about ill-mannered just because you’re affiliated with me.”
This wasn’t like the teen films where girls would cry out “but I can change him! I can save him!” despite the world warning them of the red flags — no, Hyunjae didn’t exactly need to be changed because he wasn’t bad. He wasn’t someone to look down on or scorn.
This was more about being someone who he could be himself with — someone he could be open and weak with. Someone who could support him when his world would get clouded in darkness. Someone who was willing to be the shoulder he leaned on after having to carry burdens and run from ghosts.
This was about being a genuine friend who stayed despite the so-called imperfections and struggles.
Without another word, you lean over and envelope the male in a warm embrace. Hyunjae seems shocked for a second, frozen as he remains seated, but as soon as he recovers, he laughs and winds his arms around your waist, tightening the hug. You easily slot between his legs, eliminating any extra space between you two.
“I’ll endure whatever they have to say. I really could care less; they’d be pathetic anyway.” you state firmly, cupping his face, “That way, I can help you endure whatever it is you’re carrying until you feel better. Until you feel free.”
Hyunjae chuckles, his breath tickling the skin of your neck where his face is buried. “You’re really an interesting one.” he says.
You both pull away to look at each other, gazes melted down to something soft and warm. Your fingers gently caress the bruise on his cheek before moving down to the swollen corner of his lips. Hyunjae finds himself smiling at the gesture, humming delightedly when you smile back.
You gently put your foreheads together before giving him a chaste kiss. “I’m not leaving you.” you whisper, “That I promise you.”
Hyunjae smiles, and you feel his lips softly brushing against yours when they curl upwards. “Thank you.” he responds.
You seal that promise with a slower, deeper kiss that he reciprocates immediately, sweet and warm like his heart.
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chaeunw00s · 2 months
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my missing puzzle piece ♡ 
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chaeunw00s · 2 months
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jeno ♡ puzzle piece
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chaeunw00s · 2 months
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you’re my missing puzzle piece
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chaeunw00s · 2 months
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stacynam: The leader of NCT127 with the new Pupnae (puppy maknae) of NCT127 💕🌹🐕💕
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chaeunw00s · 2 months
youngblood ↠ lee minho
◦ genre: college!au, best friends to lovers!au; angst, fluff
◦ pairings: reader x minho
◦ word count: 17.4k
◦ description: lee minho crashes at your apartment four out of seven days in a week, but you’re the crashing for him.
◦ warnings: explicit language, mentions of alcohol, suggestive, slow af burn
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◦ a/n: hello after 4 months of not writing !!! self-quarantine brings out the best in me (due to lack of responsibilities) & here’s the fic I’ve been working on for the past week; I hope you like it :)
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Lee Minho tells you that he drowned his AirPods during that one campfire social by the beach and that he can’t afford to buy a new pair because he’s a dirt poor, money-starved college student who survives solely off of Shin Ramyun and its complementary mushroom flakes.
You know this because 1) he’s mentioned it before during the ten-minute break of your three-hour-long marketing lecture and even got the professor involved in a heated discussion about Apple’s obligation to make all of their product lines waterproof for maximum customer brand loyalty, 2) the past several calls with him have been staticy and demonic sounding, and 3) he actually FaceTimed you during his grocery trip last weekend and asked whether he should buy two five-packs of Shin Ramyun or one. You said one, but you’re pretty sure Minho’s too fucking weak to pass up on that two-for-one deal.
So here you are, grocery shopping on a Friday night (because you’ll never wake up early on a Saturday morning) and listening to your best friend wail about his misfortunes through the phone as you’re slapping every watermelon you come in contact with.
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chaeunw00s · 2 months
Strawberry Kisses (and Ferris Wheel Views)
Wooseok x (gender neutral) Reader | non idol AU fluff fluff fluff ! | 3.5k words
synopsis: you’ve finally returned from your trip aboard, and what’s one of the first things you’re going to do? go to the amusement park with your best friend of course! scary roller coasters, funnel cakes, silly pictures, and ferris wheel views, with wooseok by your side, how could this day not end well? 
a/n: honestly just a fic with a bunch of cliches, but it’s still cute though… at least i think so. i wrote this with a blurry mind i’m so sorry lol, but i hope you enjoy !
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“Slow down for a bit, would you?” You panted, desperately trying to catch up to the man running far ahead of you, a happy bounce evident in every step he took. “My legs can’t catch up.” You sighed as you slowed to a stop, basically talking to yourself at this point. Wooseok took note of your absence by his side and ceased his gleeful skipping to look back at you who had resumed your tired trudging. When you finally caught up, you pouted a little at him for running off like that, but he simply laughed and ruffled your hair.
“Sorry, I just have so much energy after missing my best friend for so long — are you not excited to go on more rides?” He asked, falling into step with you as the two of you continued walking.
You and Wooseok were out at the local amusement park to celebrate your return from a trip overseas for a small job offer. You had a blast over there and it was a great opportunity for you to not only flex your skills, but to also learn new things for future jobs. Though as anyone else would, you also spent a great deal of those days missing your friends back home, especially Wooseok. Video calls and text messages couldn’t compete with actually getting to hang out with your best friend in person.
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
Vinyl store love
For: @xiuminscheeks ❤
Request: a lil‘ something based on my moodboard with Chanyeol as a vinyl store owner.
Word count: 770
This technically wasn’t a request, but thanks for allowing me to write this for you anyway, as this is just as much for myself as it is for you all – a soft and shy Chanyeol is all I need in life. I hope you like it ^^
~ M
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Chanyeol hummed along to whatever song was currently playing without actually paying any attention to it. The store was dead as it usually was around this time of day, so Chanyeol used the time to go around and sort the vinyls and make sure they were in the correct sections. Earlier that day someone had handed in a whole stack of vinyls they didn’t want anymore, and Chanyeol was only happy to try and find them a new home.  
Though it was nice to have customers, this was his favourite time of day, where he had the time to really immerse himself in his little world of music. More often than not, he would end up getting distracted by vinyls he had forgotten he had or by new ones he hadn’t seen before.  
He was so lost in his little world of vinyls that he overheard the little bell over the door telling him that he was no longer alone. It was only when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye that he finally looked up, nearly dropping all the vinyls when spotting you.
You had your back turned to him as you were casually flipping through a stack of vinyls and luckily didn’t notice Chanyeol having a minor breakdown behind you.
Trying not to stare too much, Chanyeol tried to continue sorting through the vinyls he luckily hadn’t dropped, but his eyes kept flicking over to where you were.
You were by now a regular in Chanyeol’s store, dropping by once or twice a week. Sometimes you would buy something but more often than not, you would just spend a while looking through the store and then leave again. Chanyeol always made sure to save the best new vinyls for you in case it was what you were looking for.
Though the two of you rarely talked much save for the usual greetings, Chanyeol had a huge, hopeless crush on you. Seeing you was usually the highlight of his week, and he always made sure to be in the store around the time you would usually come by.  
As Chanyeol was trying to gather his courage to talk to you, he didn’t notice you walking up to him until you were right beside him. He startled a little and looked up to meet your eyes.
  “Hi Chanyeol,” you greeted with a smile that set off a swarm of butterflies in Chanyeol’s stomach.
  “H-hi Y/N,” he said, feeling his cheeks heat up.
  “Have you got anything new today? I think I’ve already seen every vinyl in here by now,” you asked with a little laugh. “Maybe it’s a sign I’m coming here too often.”
  “I don’t mind,” Chanyeol said, then realized how it sounded and quickly continued, words coming out almost too fast to understand. “I – I mean, I don’t really have anything new today. Someone did drop some off this morning but I already had all of them so… yeah.”
He trailed off, face burning. This always happened around you; he could never control what came out of his mouth and he always ended up looking like a complete fool.
  “That’s okay,” you said, clearly trying not to laugh at his misery. “It just gives me another reason to come back, right?”
  “Yeah!” Chanyeol agreed, nodding eagerly, then realized what you had just said. Another reason? “What?”
Instead of answering you just smiled, you eyes roaming over the display of vinyls next to you before looking back at Chanyeol, cocking your head to the side. Chanyeol wasn’t sure but he thought your cheeks looked a little pink. “Have you had lunch yet?”
Chanyeol could have sworn he felt his heart actually skip a beat in his chest. “No,” he said, trying not to let the excitement show in his voice. He didn’t want to get his hopes up just yet. “I was going to get some soon.”
  “Well, I know a pretty good sandwich place down the street,” you continued, eyes flicking to the ground. Now you were definitely blushing and Chanyeol had to restrain himself not to coo over how cute you looked. “Do you… want to join – “
  “Yes!” Chanyeol said only realizing too late that it had been a little too fast but he was too happy to care. He probably looked like an idiot, his unstyled hair flopping uselessly as he nodded but your answering smile was as wide as Chanyeol’s so he didn’t care.      
Chanyeol just barely remembered to flip the sign in the window to ‘closed’ and lock the door behind him as he followed you out of the store.
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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what kind of quiz game even is this
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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he’s a comedian
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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A/N - Thank you so much anon 😭 I’ve tried my best, I hope you like it 💕 Thank you for requesting 💙
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→ Pairing | Footballstar! Lee Jeno x Reader
→ Genre | Angst / Ex-lovers!au
→ Word Count | 1.6k
→ Warnings | None
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→ Synopsis | You thought he would remember you, even after two years. He did, but there wasn’t anything he felt when he saw you.
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Your life took a turn that day when he appeared on TV for the first time.
He didn’t change at all, his eye smile, his gestures, the way he talked, everything was still the same. 
You remembered them as if they were tattooed in your brain, as if he was still with you. But no, he wasn’t and he could no longer be yours.
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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the bbam dynamic™️ bonus:
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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late-night video call with your sleepy bf 🥺
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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Transformation process
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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Jin x Reader
Best Friend! AU, Angst with a pinch of fluff
A/N: What am I doing with these oneshots omg
“If you love me, then you won’t ever see her again” says Yura
“Yura baby, that’s unfair. Y/n is my best friend! We’ve been friends since we were kids, I just can’t not see her anymore! I promise you, I don’t have feelings for her, just you! Don’t make me do this…” Jin says, pleading with his current girlfriend. The love of his life, as he thought.
“No. This is it. I can see the way she looks at you. So you can pick- it’s me or her” she says with a sneer. “Please Yura..” Jin begs, desperate.
But Jin knew, in that moment, he had to make a decision.
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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his new hair color is everything 
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chaeunw00s · 4 months
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Summary: Johnny is a popular Korean-American Youtuber. His dream is it to move to Seoul, following his best friends Jaehyun and Mark. He spent his last weeks in his Hometown Chicago with his Parents, not knowing one September afternoon would change his Life.
Word Count: 1,966
— Meeting you was the one thing Johnny needed, a partner that assured him and kept him going when he had his weak moments. You two bumped into each other on a chilly September afternoon, when you tried taking a picture of your friends in front of the Cloud Gate in the Millennium Park, when they told you to go backwards to get them all on the picture. Focused on taking a good picture you didn’t notice the person right behind you taking a picture as well. You gasped when you bumped into a broad back turning around apologizing immediately. You looked up to the most handsome guy you ever met. “Are you okay?” he asked you and nodded quickly apologizing once again to him and what you assumed was his mother. You changed your position and took the picture for your friends. Turning around to catch one last glimpse of the good-looking stranger you see him filming himself with a camera while walking away. Johnny felt something soft bump into him, he turned around to a cute girl apologizing multiple times, staring at her facial features before he remembered he’s here with his mother. “Are you okay?” is all he could let slip past his lips before she nodded and turned back around, not before apologizing to him and his mother. His mother pulled slightly on his sleeve telling him to hurry and take the picture with her. After his dad took the picture of them two they decided to go eat at a nearby Restaurant before heading back home. You and your friends decided to grab something to eat before going back to the Hotel. As if fate wanted it you end up in the same Restaurant as the handsome stranger from an hour ago. “Should I ask for his number for you two communicating while staring at each other?” you glared at your friend slightly. “I’m not going to ask for his number in front of his Parents.” Your two friends looked at each other and laughed. Sara stood up and went over the stranger which name you have yet to know. You watch in horror and embarrassment how she went over to his table and talked to him while pointing towards you. He and his parents looked over to your table, his parents having a puzzled expression and him having a small grin on his lips. You see him pull out his phone and your friends writes down the number in her phone before giving him a thumbs up and comes back to you. “Here you go.” she gave you her phone and you looked over to his table again seeing they are done with their food and ready to leave. He grinned at you slightly while going out. You let your head fall in your hands, progressing what just happened. “You better text him when we get back to our Hotel Room.” Sara said while pulling on your sleeve slightly. “Alright, I’ll do it, let’s just eat now.” You didn’t. Why? You were overthinking, like always. So you just saved his number that same evening and went on with your Chicago vacation. Two weeks into your vacation, only 2 days remained on your schedule before you and your friends had to fly back home. You guys decided to go to a park for a picnic, watching the sunset while drinking wine. “Y/N, please hold the other side of the blanket or else we won’t get it straight.” You put down the little basket filled with snacks and various beverages and extra cups, just in case. You took the other side of the blanket laying it down on the green grass below. Sara sat down first followed by Mina, getting out the snacks and drinks before you sat down too. Sara opened the wine and poured everyone half a cup of it. “To our perfect vacation, ladies.” she held her cup high into the middle, Mina and you mimicked her and you guys clink glasses. “I can’t believe we haveto go back home so soon, I’ll miss all these handsome guys” Mina said with a pout on her pretty lips, laughing took a sip on the almost empty cup and watched the sun set in front of you. “Mina you can have every man you want with a face like that.” “Personality matters too though…” Sara added. Mina scoffed and lightly hit Sara’s arm. You watched them bicker for a few minutes before your sight of the Sun is blocked by a few guys with cameras. Sara was the first to react. “Hey, you Youtube guys can you move out of our sight?” An ashe-blonde guy turned around with a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry about that but Johnny wanted to sit here because it has the best sight of the sunset.” “Okay, so you can tell Johnny that I don’t care.” Mina nudged Sara’s side a bit. Sara was known to be a little too harsh sometimes. “We are staying here Mark.” A tall guy came to the group. As you looked at the said guy you almost choked on your wine when you realize it’s the stranger from two weeks ago again. “Ladies, we can sit here and not disturb you.” A lean guy added in. “Yeah, Jae is right.” Mark said nodding his head. Johnny turned towards you. “Oh. You were the one wanting my number but you never texted me.” All eyes were on you and your face heated up. “I never had the time, you see we were busy with sightseeing.” you mentally curse yourself out at that obvious lie. “Well, maybe we can all hang out here.” he said sitting on the blanket they laid down before Johnny came. “Sounds good!” Mina butted in who was obviously smitten by Jae, smiling shyly at him as he returned her smile. That’s how you ended up watching the sunset in Chicago with Johnny and his friends. They were filming the sunset, themselves, their food, talking about the original Chicago feeling? Whatever that is supposed to be. “So you guys are Youtubers or what is all of that?” Sara pointed to the cameras. The boys chuckled in unison at her question. “I guess you could say so? We do travel vlogs, normal vlogs and sometimes other videos.” Jae said and Mina had practically heart eyes the whole time. “So how many subscribers do you have?” Sara asked not impressed one bit. “Mark and Jae have a Channel together, and they have about 500k subscribers and I have 400k. We are not the most famous but it gives decent money.” Sara nodded and sipped on her wine. “So, do you guys live here or?” you dared to ask. “Johnny does, Jae and I live in Seoul.” “I plan to move to Seoul soon though, that’s why spent the entire week with my Parents, like you noticed while bumping into me.” Johnny grinned at you and you don’t know if it was the amount of wine you had or the way Johnny looked at you but your face grew hot once more and you slapped Johnny’s thigh slightly, the alcohol defnietly making you more confident. Johnny acted like it really hurt him, scrunching his face into a painful expression. “Oh no Y/N, are you doing material arts or why do you have this massive strength.” You just chuckled at how silly he was being. You guys talked for a long time before everyone took a cup and laid down on the blankets, that now have connected together so you guys sit together. Johnny laid next to you, Mark sat next to Sara too shy to lay down and Jae and Mina were already cuddling. The sun began to set and it gave off a beautiful orange veil over everyone, growing tired before the Sun could completely you fell asleep, feeling comfortable enough next to Johnny’s steady breathing and the warmth he radiated, your head landing on his chest. He started playing with your hair while closing his eyes, enjoying the sound of the various birds and people sitting in the Park. Mark looked over to you and Johnny grinning slightly seeing Johnny opening up again after the incident a year ago. Looking at Jaehyun and Mina you could think they are already a couple the way the cuddle and whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ears, while Sara was just staring almost longingly at the Sun that was about to vanish into the horizontal line. “I don’t want to go home” Mark heard Sara whisper beside him. He gave her a questioning look. She just chuckled slightly and sat up slightly, putting her weight on her hands behind her. Shrugging, her pink lips left a sigh. “I hate it back home and here, I felt more free y'know?” Mark nodded a little too fast, excited at the first sentence of hers that wasn’t hostile. Looking at Mark again she shook her head and grabbed the Wine bottle. “Forgot what I said Mark, let’s enjoy the rest of the wine.” she said before pouring half of the remaining wine into his cup and the rest and hers, clinking her cup on his. “To Chicago.” Looking at her he chuckled, “To Chicago.” As darkness engulfed the busy city, fireflies flying around the dim Park, the group started to pack up their stuff and wake up the two sleeping girls. “We should bring them to their Hotel, right?” Jae spoke up first. Johnny nodded in agreement and woke up the sleeping girl on his chest, with little resistance she started to sit up rubbing her eyes in the progress. “I’m sorry for falling asleep on you.” you mumbled. “Oh, I’m sure Johnny didn’t mind at all.” Mark said cheekily. The others giggled at his remark while your and Johnny’s face heat up in embarrassment. Your nervousness made the walk back to the Hotel felt longer than before, looking around the busy streets, people in a rush getting back home after work, other people walking their dogs. You would miss the busy city you started to love, maybe you would miss Johnny too. Deep in your thoughts you didn’t notice your arm constantly brushing against Johnny’s till his hand engulfed your smaller one. Looking at your entwined you smiled at the new feeling of affection. You had your fair share of relationships but no one did the little things to you, Johnny did in a matter of a few hours. The way his thumb stroked over your knuckles that gave you goosebumps all over. Arriving at the Hotel you guys parted ways, not before exchanging numbers, Mina insisting to make a group chat. You watched Mina and Jae get into a tight hug and Sara pushing Mark away when he wanted to hug her. You got pulled to the side by the tall male, looking up to him smiling. “Let’s go on a date tomorrow.” “I leave the day after, Johnny.” “I know.” Sighing you looked around to avoid his pleading eyes. You heard long distance stuff never really works out and you didn’t want to disappoint Johnny or yourself. “I don’t mind the distance, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Opening your mouth to talk back you got interrupted by his warm hug. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 1. Wear something nice.” he released you from his hug and walked back to his friends who were leaving.
To be continued
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