btsillegal · 6 years
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btsillegal · 6 years
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backstage glow
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btsillegal · 7 years
omg I can’t 💀
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WHEN SHIT GETS 2 REAL (more fake subz here)
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btsillegal · 7 years
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3/∞ sets of soft tae ♡
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btsillegal · 7 years
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© HEART THROB | Do not edit.
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btsillegal · 7 years
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btsillegal · 7 years
✿♡ ↳ scared to confess
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btsillegal · 7 years
✿♡ ↳ shy confession 「 bf! jimin 2 」
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btsillegal · 7 years
ㄴ bf! jimin ㄱ
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btsillegal · 7 years
Farfalla - Park Jimin
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Summary: “I set her free and my farfalla came back to me.”
Word Count: 4,235
Pairing: Park Jimin x Character 
Characters In this Chapter: Kim Taehyung, Anabel Anderson
 I’ve tried and I don’t know how to be without you.
Oh, yeah... Why’s that?
Because you consume me.
Im on my way..xx
The rain fell down the busy streets of Seoul as I continued to lay down in my bed thinking of what would soon become of me. He never managed to leave my mind, my thoughts. The thought of him had a special control over me, it weakened me.
For the past month I have spent thinking of him and how he decided to just end things. It was crazy, I didn't understand him. Everything he said to me that night didn't make sense to me, it was plain confusion to me. He was so determined and sure of what he spoke, at first I simply thought he must have been drunk for him to speak such nonsense. But I was wrong. Never giving me a chance to speak or defend myself from the names he called me was unforgivable. If he really thought that of me, and would even consider myself capable of doing that he was wrong.
He didn't deserve an explanation, nothing from me, so I left just like he wanted. Leaving him with those final thoughts of me, it was worthless of me to show him wrong when he felt so sure of himself. I was done. I was done with him. The past months I spent with him are now forgotten, nothing but worthless memories that are now in the trash.
"C'mon just tell me where were going!" I exclaim sitting un-patiently in the car. This was really starting to annoy me especially looking at the fact that he had also placed a blindfold to cover my eyes.
"No! Its a secret."
"Well can I at least take off the blindfold?"
"Anabel, I already told you that you may take it off when we get there." It was worth a try, right?
"Well are we almost there?"
"Yes, almost." he answered me and took hold of my hand, caressing the side with his thumb. That always made me feel so calm, just the feeling of his touch gave me chills and made me feel safe.
"That means I can take off the blind fold!" I cheered taking the blindfold off of my head but it seems to me that it was still not time yet for me to take it off.
"Anabel it wasn't time yet!" he whined.
"It had to come off any time soon anyway." I defended and turned to my side to look out the window. Immediately I knew we were out of the city and out close to the country side as I saw huge fields.
"Well we are here now." Jimin spoke parking the car of to the side and stepping out of the car to open the door for me. I stepped out and took his hand that was stretched out for me to take, I took it and he guided me to where we would be going.
My attention was set on the beautiful sunset that was seen over the city, as its final rays hit that gave us sunlight. Then Jimin motioned my attention towards a tree where a picnic was prepared under its shade. It was lovely.
Not to forget all the candles that were set around and lights hanged on the tree, giving it a romantic look.
"You did all this?"
His action made me so happy that he would take time out of his day to do this, he was truly incredible and knew how to make a first date unforgettable.
I looked up at him and smiled, he was just truly amazing for doing all this. I couldn't believe he would go trough all that trouble for me, not even thinking it a second time I kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck.
It took him a while to realize what was going on that once he realized it he started to deepen the kiss and wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer to him.
End of flashback
I stood from my bed and walked towards the bathroom, turning on the water from the sink as I watched it fall rapidly. Leaning towards the sink I splashed some water into my face, closing the handle on the sink I took a good luck of my reflection that was on the mirror. I was a complete mess, I couldn't not allow myself to come so low of myself especially for a boy. A tear slowly started to fall down my cheek, quickly I wiped it away and then set both hands resting on the sink as I continued to look at my reflection. Suddenly I felt the urge of more tears threatening to fall, I was not going to let that happen. Turning my back I walked back to my room and headed straight for my closet.
I need to distract myself from all this, pulling out a black lace dress and a pair of black heels from my closet. I quickly set them on my bed and sat on my vanity chair, taking a deep sigh I then started to do my make up and hair. I will not be staying home another night yet alone I will go out and have fun, distract myself from him.
The next morning I woke up with a huge headache, my head was killing me. Guess thats what happens when you have to much to drink, whoops. Slowly sitting up from my bed I turned to look at the clock, it read 10:36 am. It was still to early for me to be up especially with a killer headache, I let myself fall back into bed and just stared at the ceiling. Minutes must have passed by that I never came to realize that I had fallen asleep once again.
My sleep didn't seem to last long as just moments later I was awoken when I received a call, It was my father.
Anabel! Sweetheart, how are you?
Im good dad, what about you?
Im good as well, I have some great news!
What is it dad?
I have negotiated a deal with a fashion company in Seoul and will be flying up there tomorrow morning.
Thats good news dad!
Yes it is, Im finally going to be able to see you.
Yes and I cant wait. Call me as soon as you get to the airport, I want to be the one to pick you up.
Of course
Well who did you manage to make a deal with?
Oh thats a surprise
Please dad tell me! I start to beg
c'mon tell me dad! Its not fair. You have to tell me.
He laughs You are just going to have to wait till tomorrow to find out.
But I cant wait! don't I at least get a hint
Fine, if it will make you happy then fine you get 1 hint.
Yay I cheered
Well I will say that it is your favorite brand of clothing line
What? No it cant it be! Any other company but that one please. How can this be?! No, there has to be an explanation.
Aren't you exited sweetie?
Uh yeah, sure dad.
Of course I wasn't. Not if it meant my dad working with him. This had to be some weird Karma shit! Yes it had to be. Why is it that of all clothing line companies he just happened to now be co working with Kim Inc.
 I have to go and finish my packing. I will see you first thing in the morning, bye now.
Bye Dad.
The sun rose happily over the city, the sun rays reaching trough my rooms windows signaling it was time for me to wake up. The morning followed my regular morning routine; brush teeth, shower, get dressed and then eat a simple breakfast.
There was not much to do today expect all I knew was that my favorite clothing line was having a sale and I had to be there. I was going to get this cute short length black lace dress I have been having my eyes on now for a while. If all goes well today was going to be a good day.
Once I was finally dressed and had eaten my breakfast I headed down where a taxi was waiting for me. I was so exited to be getting this dress, it was a limited edition and I was not going to miss this chance to finally have it. I swear if a crazy bitch tries to get it out of my hands I will rip her head off! In just a few minutes we had arrived at the mall and I quickly rushed out of the taxi forgetting to pay the taxi driver. Rushing back I paid him and then continued my way to the store, this brand was really big here in Seoul as well as all around the world. This clothing line was known as Kim Inc.
And it is my favorite clothing brand.
When I arrived at the store there were already a couple of girls waiting outside the store ready to go in and make a rush to gather the clothing they wanted. I tried making my way to the front but it was no use these girls were animals, pushing me back to my spot in the back. I decided to give up, besides the real fight was not out here but inside the store.
A hour had past by and more girls had gathered right behind me, suddenly a faint voice was heard. I turned to where the commotion was coming from and saw a nervous shy girl making her way to the front of the store. She must be the worker who is going to open up. As soon as she reached the front she tried to get the crowd to calm down and give her some space to open the door,but it wasn't working.
Struggling to open the door she finally did manage to open it and as soon as she did all the girls suddenly rushed trough knocking the poor girl down to her feet. I knew I should too rush in to get myself the dress before they were all out, but I could not leave the poor girl to get stepped on. I extended my hand out for her to reach and she nervously smiled at me and took it.
"Thank you." she said to me and retrieved her hand back scrubbing the dirt off of her skirt. She seemed rather a bit of a shy girl, her hair was put up in a nice but with loose blond strands that framed her nice slim face.
"Those girls sure are crazy right?" I smiled at her, taking a look inside of the store as two girls fought over a pair of heels. She chuckled "You bet! Maybe they are related go Taz." I laughed at her comparison agreeing with her, but hey that would be me too if I hadn't stopped to help her.
"Well you better get in there if you want to get something." she instructed me and I did as she said and ran into the store where my dress awaited me. Once I caught sight of the section the dress was in I quickly smiled in relieve as to see there was still a dress left.
I took hold of the dress and checked the tag to see the dress size and to my luck it was my size, I sigh in relieve and once I was relaxed enough another grip took hold of the dress and started to pull in the opposite direction. Quickly I kept a tight grip on my dress and pulled it back towards my chest.
"Excuse me, I had this first." I tell the person that is on the other side of the rack pulling on my dress trying to get it out of my hands. Though they didn't seem to care they continued to pull on my dress and ignore the fact that I had just spoken.
"Hey! I had this dress first. Back off!" I shouted a bit louder starting to get angry, I am not going to loose this dress. it will go home with me even if it means I have to tackle this person to the ground.
"Why don't you just back down sweatie there no chance of you getting this dress." the person spat at me, still holding onto the dress I walked over to the side they were on to come to face with them. There stood a tall blond girl, she was rather pretty not ugly at all.
"Excuse me, why don't you shut that mouth of yours and get your hands off my dress." I told her raising my voice and pulled the dress more in my direction. The blondie then had a shocked expression all over her face with her mouth sprung open.
"Trust me Im sure we can both agree this dress will look better on me." was her remark back towards me, I was not going to let her talk to me like this. I pushed her off with my right hand as she fell to the ground and let go of her grip on the dress. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her then turning my back on her and started to walk towards the cash register.
It seemed she too was not going to let this go that she leaped onto me knocking me off my feet falling to the ground with her over my back trying to get the dress off my hands. Turning on my back she fell off of me and I started to get on my feet but she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back to the ground. Soon enough we were going at each other fighting over the dress that even a crowd had started to form around us.
Well I hope they enjoy the show Im about to put on for them, because this is something I am going to enjoy doing.
A few minutes had past and this stranger and me were still going at it fighting over the dress, though soon enough as we were pulling it back and forth from each other I noticed it had a stain.
Noticing I decided to give up, there was no way I was going to get that stain off so I might as well let her have it.
"Fine you can keep it."
"Thats what I thought, they always give up going up against me." she bragged feeling so powerful and the decision I had just made.
"Whatever." were my final words to her and I walked off to look at another section. Stupid her to have not noticed the stain.
Currently in the shoe aisle I found a cute pair of black heels that I liked and was planning on getting them. Putting them back in the box I stood from my seat and walked over to the cashier, where miss bitch had just finished paying for the dress.
Looking at me with a pitiful look she said these final words to me "Better look next time" letting out a laugh at the end as she took her sassy ass out of the store.
"Ugh what a bitch" I murdered to myself and walked up to the register, it seemed I must have not whispered it soft enough to myself that the girl from earlier overheard me.
"Tell me about it."
"Girls like her get off my dam nervous." I complained setting the heels on the counter.
"I totally agree with you." taking the heels and scanning the box she turned to look at me and asked if this was all I would be buying. I nodded my head in response.
"Im Anabel." I introduced myself with a smile on my face, she smiled back and introduced herself "Im Amanda."
"Nice to meet you."
"Are you sure this is all you are getting I mean we are having a sale?" Amanda asked placing the box of heels in a bag.
"Yes, Im sure. I was planning on getting a dress but they were all out, and the last one that was left I had to fight for it. But unfortunately there was a stain on it so I gave it up." I explained to her.
"Im sorry, I wish there was a way I could make it up to you. It all my fault, you would have gotten your dress if it wasn't for you helping me."
"No its fine, I couldn't just leave those girls to run all over you." I told her and suddenly her face brighten up with joy as her stare looked over towards the entrance.
I turned to look towards the direction she was looking at and spotted a tall handsome man wearing a black suit.
Amanda quickly walked around the counter and towards the man who was walking in her direction, could it be her boyfriend?
As soon as he was in front of us both I caught a better glimpse of him and I could see how perfect his brown eyes reflected in the light. I wanted to run my fingers trough his long  brown hair and feel his soft looking pink lips against mine.
Gosh Anabel! What are you thinking?! You don't even know this man.
"Taehyung." Amanda called him, that must be his name. He frowned "Ms.Collins I have told you to address me as Mr.Kim when at work." he reminded her.
Wait? What?! Did he say Mr.Kim as in Mr.Kim the owner of Kim Inc?! It cant be!
"Yeah whatever. Listen I have a huge favor to ask of you." she grinned, he only gave her a curious look as to why the sudden urge for this favor.
"Depends on what it is."
"This here is Anabel." she began to say stretching her hand out directing his attention to me, I nervously smiled and did an awkward wave.
"She helped me this morning when I opened the store and the girls had knocked me down, anyway it was my fault she was not able to get what she came for. I was hoping maybe you could take her down to the main building and have her pick out anything she likes as a thank you." she finished explaining to him.
"Amanda I-"
"C'mon! Please" she begged "You owe me one and this is how I want you to pay me back."
"Yay." Amanda cheered jumping up and down with happiness. I was unsure of what had just happened so I kept silent and waited to see what would occur next.
"Perfect, now Anebel if you could please go with Mr.Kim he will take you to the main building where you will be able to pick anything of your liking." she instructed me explaining what was going to happen.
Im not so sure I want to go, I mean I just met this girl and she seemed really sweet and all but to make me leave with a stranger. Yeah no thank you.
"Oh and don't worry about the shoes those are on me. Bye! Now off you go you two!." Amanda took her hands and gave me and Harry a small push towards the doors.
Mr.Kim turned to look at me and spoke with a deep raspy voice "Ladies first." and guided me out the store doors and out to the car.
The car ride with Mr.Kim had been mostly quiet, I was not so sure as to what to say since Amanda had just tossed me onto his care. It was just so sudden, neither one of us was expecting this to happen. None of us had spoken since we had gotten into the car, this was completely awkward for me I was not sure whether I should say something or keep quiet.
I spoke up.
"You don't have to do this you know" I told him a bit shyly afraid as to what he might say.
"Its fine" he answered me, not making any eye contact what so ever.
Soon we had arrived, the driver parked the car in front of a building then stepping out to open the car door for us. As it was my turn to step out of the car I noticed Mr.Kim extend his hand out for me to hold. Our eyes made eye contact which made me nervous just to have his eyes focused on me, unaware of what was going on trough his ind at the moment.
Lost in my thoughts I must have not been paying very much attention that when I stepped out i lost complete balance of my body causing me to fall forward. Trying to catch my fall I grabbed the first thing that came to my reach; Mr.Kim’s hand. Taking a firm hold he then took me from my waist and helped me regain my balance, his touch sending chills across my body.
Once I was standing nice and tall there he was standing there still looking down on me , his eyes staring straight at me. This time I looked back up at him, staring into his beautiful brown eyes trying to find a signal that could help me tell what he was thinking. Though I did not figure it out, he but only cleared his throat and I closed my eyes looking down as to our hands were still in hold.
Quickly I let go of his hand and snapped into reality as to what was going on. What just happened? Did I seriously just almost fall in front the famous Mr.Kim. Ugh only you Anabel would make a fool of yourself.
"Thank you" I said to him.
"You are welcome" he answered me "Next time watch your step" I nodded in agreement. Turning on his feet he started making his way inside the building, I followed quickly behind. The doors opened as soon as we were in reach revealing a very luxurious first floor.
I looked around as I followed Mr.Kim, there was a very nice lobby off to the side and a cafeteria just to the left. Further up ahead was a desk where one was able to ask for information I suppose. The lighting here was very nice, the building seem to have been decorated with much white, grey and black. The walls were of glass I suppose, I was a bit confused seeing as how we were able to look out into the street but once outside. You could not see what was going on inside the building.
Mr. Kim than came to a complete stop and pressed a button on one of the elevators. He stepped in and I followed right after him, the small trip up was rather awkward with the elevator music playing. Once we reached the 7th floor and the doors opened a floor full of clothes was revealed. There were clothes on every corner, shoes, handbags etc it was like a giant closet.
He turned to look at me and spoke "Which dress were you interested in?"
"Um well its a black dress consisting of a body whose top is a silk chiffon corset, black lace and a transparent skirt below." He only nodded and started walking again, confused I quickly started to follow him.
He came to a stop where there was a large rack of black clothes, and started to look trough it.
"Here" he said and placed the black dress in my hands. I smiled at the sight of the dress as I was finally able to get my hands on it.
"Thank you so much."
"Don't mention it, Im only doing this because Amanda asked."
Hmm it seems that maybe Mr.Kim has a crush on Amanda, or wait could they be dating each other? As far as I know he is single.
"How about you try it on?" He suggested, I nodded and smiled at him.
"Um but where do I try it on?"
"Follow me."
He guided me to the back of the room where there were 5 dressing rooms, I walked into the first one that had the curtain opened meaning it was available. Quickly I got undressed and tried on the dress. It was beautiful, I could not believe I finally owned this dress after 4 long months of trying it was finally mine.
"Did it fit well?" Mr.Kim asked from the other side of the curtain.
"Yes" I answered.
"Well lets see it then."
Wait what? Does he really want to see how this dress looks on me? I have to admit I would feel a bit embarrassed if he does not like how his dress looks on me.
"Uh okay." I stepped out of the dressing room and stood nice and tall for him to see me in the dress.
End of flashback
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btsillegal · 7 years
R u continuing on with daddy's little girl? BTW I love it!!💖💖
Glad you like it :) sorry, I have not been so active here on tumblr. I will try an get an update soon. I just need a bit of pressure and reminds lol 😂
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btsillegal · 7 years
wait, has daddys little girl ended? u ended the chapter so abruptly ??? :(
no its not finished yet. There is more to come
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btsillegal · 7 years
Jimin x Character
Jimin a famous painter who likes to keep to himself. He is yet to find a muse to inspire him, but when he does could it only mean trouble.
“I think im falling in love with you.”
“Love is for the weak.”
What happens when an old muse returns? Will he be able to withstand it? Or just simply forget the innocent man he once was and continue to be a harsh cold person. 
to be featured
smut, angst, fluff
coming soon
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btsillegal · 8 years
Over and Over Again
kim taehyung x reader 
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 "I can tell you care as much about him as he cares about you." 
 "Admit that you love him." 
 "You love him, don't you?" 
 "Than tell him." 
 The conversation you had with your aunt kept playing over and over again in your head. Unsure whether you should follow her advise or not. Were you willing to take the risk? Even if it meant jeopardizing your friendship? He has the right to know how you feel right? Of course! Only then will you be able to know his answer if he feels the same way. Even if he says no you wont have to live the rest of your life wondering what he's answer would have been. Your mind was made up, you were going to tell him. You hurried over to your purse and grabbed your phone. Looking through his name in your contact list you hurried and clicked his name calling him. Feeling uneasy as his phone rang you started to walk around the room, soon he answered the phone. "Yeoboseyo" 
 "Where are you right now?" 
 "Im at home, why?" 
 "Alright! Stay right there! Don't move. Ok?!" 
 "Araso" You hurried over to grab your shoes and head out, you needed to tell him. Opening the door and closing it behind you you struggled to put your shoes on. But once you had the last one on you rushed running down the streets, light droplets of water started to fall from the sky. Great it looked like it was going to rain,what a good day to confess.
It was not long before you arrived at his apartment complex, you were right in front of the building as you took your phone out and called him to come down. You were very nervous as you saw him approach you, he was wearing a denim jacket with a white tee, black skinny jeans and white sneakers. 
“Whats wrong? is everything ok?” he asked rushing over to you. Just then the drizzling turned into a shower and both of you started to get wet. “Yes, everything is perfect.” you answered him with a nice smile. 
“Here lets head inside, or we are going to catch a cold out here in the rain.” he advised reaching his hand over to take hold of yours and guide you inside.
“No, theres something I need to tell you.”
“Well tell me inside, we have to get out of the rain” he insisted, you knew if both of you headed inside and things did not go the way as planned you would end up crying infront of him. But out here in the rain it was safe, your tears would blend in with the rain drops streaming from your face.
“I need to tell you now” 
“Cmon stop playing and lets head inside.” he turned and started making his way towards the front doors of the building. He was walking away from you and so was your chance, you began to panic.
“Tae stop!” He stopped on his tracks and turned to look at you. You started to take a few steps towards him and once you were close enough you told him. 
“I like you Kim Taehyung. I like you a lot.”
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btsillegal · 8 years
Park Jimin
Can you hold me?
Bleeding Love
7 Deadly Sins (coming soon)
Jeon Jungkook
Daddy’s Little Girl
Kim Taehyung 
Over and Over Again (coming soon)
Dark Angel (coming soon)
hope you all enjoy my writing. If you ever want to request any ideas that you may have please send them in, I will gladly try and make it happen for you.
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btsillegal · 8 years
Daddy's Little Girl - 2
summary: y/n is a teen mom trying to give the best to her daughter, she loves her. though what will happen when the father of her baby returns and her lie is exposed.
 jungkook x reader 
 your pov
 My encounter with Jungkook was very much awkward yesterday that I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but my parents would not allow it. Him stopping by was very surprising, especially to make matters worse it was only Yuna and I. Him being around the rest of the day was very nerve wrecking afraid something might slip out of my mom that should’t have. On the other hand Yuna seemed to enjoy Jungkooks presence, she just would’t leave his side, which was weird since she is very shy around strangers. Maybe it was the blood calling. 
 Though today was another day, I didn't have too see him. All I had to do was stay home all day long and not step out of the house, which was what I already planned on doing. Waking up I walked over to my old room where Sophia was sleeping to check on her, she was still sound asleep. I smiled looking down at her and brushed my hands trough her black soft curly hair, she was no denying she was his. Just look at her, her tan olive skin tone and her brown and shinning eyes. She looked just like him, I don't know how I never noticed it before. I walked back to the guest room where Eric and I had slept, my thoughts filled with ideas on what would happen if he found out.Walking back and forth around the room must have caused Eric to sense  my presence,that he woke up and hugged me from behind. "Whats wrong?" He asked. 
 "What if they find out?" 
 "There is no way they can find out, I mean only me and you know. And as long as we don't say anything were good." he had a point which made me relax a little. As long as we act normal, there is no way the truth can ever be revealed. I smiled and kissed Eric on his cheek "Thank you." I said to him, he always knows how to make me feel better. 
 Now its time to start the day, with a huge smile on my face I walked over to my bag picked out a simple white t-shirt and boyfriend jeans to wear for the day. Hopped into the shower and washed all my worries away. Once I was done I headed downstairs where the family was gathered eating breakfast, I took a seat next to Eric who was helping Sophia get seated on her chair. "Morning sweetie." my father spoke. "Morning Dad" I smiled at him, reaching over to grab a plate and set some eggs and toast on my bread. 
 "Yuna did you brush your teeth this morning?" I asked her, I knew she would skip brushing her teeth just so she could eat breakfast faster. "Yes mommy, Eric help me." she answered taking a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. 
 "Yuna how many times have I told you to call Eric daddy." I raised my voice a bit getting frustrated at the fact she called him Eric. "I sowy." 
 "Its okay sweetie just don't do it again please." I advised her spreading butter over my toast and then taking a bite of it. "So what are we doing today?" I asked my parents. 
 "Tori don't you remember we are going to have dinner with the Jeon family tonight." my mother reminded me, great yeah I had totally forgotten. Do we really have to go? I mean its not mandatory. "Oh yeah, I forgot." great now there was nothing I could do to avoid seeing Jungkook. I would totally pretend to be sick but I did not want to be rude, besides I had not seen his family in a while.
 "Oh shes yours?" shock was spread all over his face, I know this must be big news for him especially since I had not spoken with him in these past two years. "Yes" Im sure he was lost in words, he seemed to want to say something but the words would just not come out of his mouth. "Shes adorable." he complimented her taking a hold of Yuna's hand, I thanked him and put on a fake smile. "How old is she?"
 "Um uh she’s two." Gosh why does he have to ask so many questions, I really don't want to talk about this. Especially with him. Yuna then started to move around in my arms signaling she wanted down, I put her down on her feet and she quickly took Jungkook’s hand guiding him inside the house. When we reached the front of the door my parents greeted Jungkook and sat to chat with him about his recent tour. Not long after Eric appeared and caught sight of Jungkook, they had never met each other but Eric knew exactly who he was. "Im Eric." he introduced himself extending his arm out for him to shake, Jungkook was confused as to who he was but still shook his hand. "Im Jungkook." 
 "Im sorry you must not know exactly who I am, Im Yuna’s father." Eric clarified, Jungkook just nodded and smiled slightly. "You have a beautiful daughter." he complimented. 
 "Thank you." Eric replied and sat next to me where Yuna was gladly sitting on my lap.
End of flashback
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btsillegal · 8 years
Daddy's Little Girl - 1
Jungkook x Reader
summary:y/n is a teen mom trying to give the best to her daughter, she loves her. though what will happen when the father of her baby returns and her lie is exposed.
prologue    part 2
It was around 9 am when yu na woke you up, she was super exited to be visiting her grandparents. Always looking forward to it due to having them spoil her and getting all that she wants, which you try not to do since you don’t want her to be so spoiled.
As soon as you were up you went on got ready which didn’t take you long since you only dressed a bit simple today, which was your denim boyfriend jeans with a stripped black and white shirt followed by black vanz.
When done you headed to the kitchen making breakfast for your sweet little girl, you made her favorite chocolate chip pancakes. you didn’t make much since she’s usually full with just one, same goes for you. Though you did make a couple extra for Eric your best friend and “fake baby daddy”.
Yes fake baby daddy.
Him and you share a secret in which you have not shared with anyone but your best friend Lily, the thing is when she was born her dad was part of kpop group BTS who was doing really good in their career and you did not want to mess everything up for him.
You’ve gotten pretty good at keeping the secret, as soon as she was born you and Eric have moved into an apartment in Seoul and just stay away from Busan when Jungkook is in town. Your parents as well as his think she is Eric’s and you decided to go along with it asking Eric to play along as well, which you were thankful for his help.
Its like were a real family.
Any who as soon as you finished with breakfast Eric came in from his morning run and Yuna rushed out of her seat to greet him calling him “Eric!”
“Yuna how many times have I told you its Daddy not Eric.” you instructed her, ever since she learned to speak she has never called him Daddy but Eric instead which was weird.
“Im sowyy” she answered you and turned back to Eric in which she raised her arms for him to pick her up, he brought her into the kitchen where you were washing the plates and he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Good morning” you spoke to him placing a plate to the side as you reached for a towel to dry your hands.
“Morning” he replied and looked around the kitchen for breakfast.
“There’s a plate of chocolate chip pancakes on the table if your hungry” you told him.
“Perfect I’ll eat and then shower so we can head to your parents place.” he told you and grabbed a plate with pancakes and sat to eat, you took Sophia from his lap where he had placed her and took her to her room.
You had bathed her last night so for now you would just get her dressed and shower her tonight at your parents. You picked out a cute little pink skirt which you styled with short white leggings and a short white sleeve shirt for her, with a flower head band. You did always enjoy dressing her up even if we were not going out.
Soon enough the time came for us to leave and we were headed to Busan where we will be spending three days, due to the fact that your parents could not be away from Sophia. The ride this time felt a lot shorter, there was not much traffic allowing us to arrive soon. It was a relief since Emma was just starting to get annoyed of being in the car. Im not complaining I do to. Soon we found our selfs on my parents driveway bringing our bags down and heading to the door, where I knocked and my parents received us with such excitement.
 "Look at how big you've gotten!" your mother cooed at Yuna who was currently sitting on her lap. "Honey how long do you plan on staying?" Your father asked you. "Well we were thinking three says since Eric has to get back to work." you informed him taking a chip from the table. 
 "How come such short time you need to stay for a week, we hardly get to see you." your mother added which would soon turn into begging. "Im sorry maybe next time." 
 "Alright.Well how about we get lunch started?" Your mom informed us standing and headed to the kitchen. "I'll help." Eric said and followed behind her. 
 "Well I should be on my way, I have to be at the office in a few." your father said to you handing you Yuna and stood to grab the keys from the counter. "Tell your mother I will be back by lunch time." you nodded and looked down at Yuna as it seemed you were the only ones left. "Looks like its just you and me." you stood with Yuna in your arms and headed upstairs to bathe her. Once you reached your room you put her on the bed and started to look for her bag of clothes, they didn't seem to be anywhere. "Yuna help mommy find your bag." you said to her and continue to look around the room for her bag, but found nothing. "Come on Yuna lets ask Eric where your bag is" Iyou took her by the hand and guided her to the edge of the stairs.
 "Eric wheres Yunas bag?" you yelled from the top of the staircase. 
 "Um I think I might have left it in the car." he responded, great now you have to go get it. "Come on Yuna lets go get your bag" 
You picked her up since you were scared she might trip and fall from the stairs. Walking out of the house you saw the bag on the floor, wow he brought it down and forgot to bring it inside. I take a sigh and squat down to pick it up but was beaten to it as it was now in someone else's hand. I stand and look up as to see who had retrieved the bag, only to find a guy I had not seen in two years. What is he doing here? Last time you had spoken to his mother she told you Jungkook was too busy to come visit this time around,which was the reason for your visit. This is such a shocker. You were frozen in place, you just didn't expect too see him with out sudden warning. 
 "Earth to Y/N, come in Y/N." Jungkook joked waving his hand in front of your face, making you snap out of it. "Oh sorry." 
 "Thats all you have to say after 2 years?"
 "Hi." you said to him now knowing what to say exactly, I mean what do you say in a situation where you have not seen your baby's daddy in two years. 
 "Wow you act like you've seen a ghost or something. Don't you remember? Its me Jungkook." Of course I remember. I also remember having sex the last time I saw you, but hey continue to act like nothing happened. 
 "What are you doing here?" you ask. 
 "Oh I came to invite your family over for dinner tomorrow." 
 "No, I mean what are you doing here in Busan?" you asked more clearly. "Im visiting." he answered almost a bit surprised at your reaction Im having to the situation, guess he expected a different one. I nodded at his answer and looked around not knowing what else to say, this is awkward. "Well who's this little girl?" Jungkook asked his attention now at Sophia, who was smiling seeing as he patted the top of her head. 
 "I yu na." she answered him, un able to take her eyes off him. "Well hello Yuna, Im Jungkook." he introduced himself with a huge smile on his face, gosh how I remember his smile. "She’s cute. Who are you babysitting her for?" 
 "Im not babysitting." you answered sternly as only Jungkook looked a bit confused, "Shes mine."
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