chainedaura · 4 years
a soft creek came from the office chair, softly interrupting the silence that was in the at-home studio. a small mumble came from b/n’s mouth as he heard a part of the song that didn’t flow right. 
with his headphones secured on his head, he didn’t hear the door open. then again it was 3 am, everyone should be asleep, so there wouldn’t be any company anyway. well that’s what he thought until arms wrapped around his shoulder.
taking off one of the headphones’ ear muff, he smiled gently. “shouldn’t you be asleep?” “shouldn’t you?” she asked with a groggy voice. “ touché.” as he clicked on a couple of things, y/n grew impatient. “b/n...you have sleepy eyes..” she said in a quiet matter-of-fact voice as she lightly poked at his under eyes. a small sigh came out of his mouth as he came to the realization that he wouldn’t be getting much done when she was being all sleepy and cute. as he began to shut down the programs a smile grew on y/n’s face. “is my sleepy eyed lover coming to bed?” “i guess so” b/n said with a fake nonchalant voice. he began to show the smile that was dying to come out and kissed her forehead.
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chainedaura · 4 years
the light breeze blew as y/n laid down the blanket in the trunk, the pillows were set against the window. turning on the radio, listening to the retro music that was playing before the movie started. y/n snuggled into the fluffy blanket they brought, waiting for b/n - who was gathering the snacks from the front seat.
not a long wait later, b/n comes back with chips, candy, and other snacks that the two of them loved in his arms arms. setting the snacks down on the side of the trunk, he climbed into the makeshift bed. a smile was across his face at the sight of her being so snuggled in the pile of blankets and pillows. crawling under the blankets with y/n, they got settled right as the movie began.
b/n’s attention was drawn away from the movie when two arms were gently placed around him, then a body curling into his side. he couldn’t help but look down at the girl with a smile, loving the moment and wishing it would never end.
despite his wishes, the movie had come to an end and the credits rolled. cars that were parked around the couple began backing out as there was no point in being in the lot anymore. it was late in the night and the moon was out, full as can be. b/n yawned and tried to sit up from his comfortable position. though, the two arms that had been embracing him grew tighter and a small whine was heard. he looked down with wide eyes to see y/n sleeping. a chuckle escaped his lips as he gently kissed her forehead. “wake up sleeping beauty.” he whispered. “only a kiss on the lips will awake me, my prince.” she whispered in reply, keeping her eyes closed. with a smile, b/n lent down and pecked her lips. when he lifted his head, y/n’s eyes were open and a small grin was on her face.
“let’s go home.” he said with a gentle voice.
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chainedaura · 4 years
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★ go here if you'd like to request something !!
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chainedaura · 4 years
‘don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry’ was all that filled y/n thoughts though her eyes acted different. was she being sensitive? most likely. but this was important to her and b/n knew that. but being the selfless person she was, she didn’t want ruin his time with his members. they were going on tour soon and y/n knew they were always busy - meaning they couldn’t spend time together as a bunch of boys often.
the shouts of anger from losing or the shouts of victory came from the living room. such ruckus covered up her thoughts on her and b/n’s ‘tradition’ as they like to call it. the tradition consisted of looking at the stars and the moon through the sky light of their bedroom as they talked about everything and anything while the boys' newest album softly played in the background. sighing, y/n looked at the calendar and saw her cute little drawing of a moon and the two underneath it. a small frown grew on her face, stretching her tear stained cheeks.
“hey baby” said b/n as he walked in with a controller in his hand. “had to get some new batteries” he says as he opened up a drawer that was labeled ‘electronics’ . but the room grew silent, at least until y/n sniffled. “is everything alright?” he ask gently walked towards her. she began to nod her head but with his soft eyes looking at her, she broke.
tears waterfalled down y/n’s cheeks yet again, her lips quivering as well. unaware of the reasoning, b/n still went over to the fragile body and held her. with a small voice, she began to explain what she was feeling. he only listened with an unreadable facial expression. “...but i don’t know why i am so sad honestly, it’s stupid really.” she grumbled as she set her head on his shoulder. “it’s not stupid. what’s stupid is me forgetting yet knowing how much these mean to you - especially with tour right around the corner.” he said with a small frown as he grabbed her hand. “i will make it up to you.”
and he did. the next night, b/n dragged y/n under the sky light and laid down. as she looked up she saw a "moon", which was just a white circle that was a little misshaped due to the straight edges on the scissors. a soft giggle escaped her lips as she whispered a small “it’s perfect.”
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chainedaura · 4 years
“is that pomegranate?” asked y/n as she watched her boyfriend wash his face with cleanser. “mhm! needed a change from my usual mango scented one” b/n said as he lathered on the facial soap on his cheeks. she smiled and grabbed her cleanser - it smelt like roses. “such fruity taste.” she teased as she began to clean her face too.
as b/n applied moisturizer onto his face he looked over and seriously asked “if dinosaurs never went extinct, do you think we would have been friends with them?” a laugh escaped y/n’s lips when she applying her eye cream. “maybe, but i think they would attack us as soon as we let our guard down.” b/n nodded.
y/n handed b/n his tooth brush that had mint toothpaste on the bristles and began to brush her teeth. after a soft silence that was accompanied by their teeth being cleaned, b/n took his tooth brush out of his mouth. “do you think i would taste good to a dinosaur?” he asked innocently. a small gargle-y giggle came out of y/n, causing some foam to come out of her mouth. “oh of course.” she said, smiling after spitting out the toothpaste and wiping her face. a smile spread across his face as he looked at her through the mirror. “god you’re adorable.” she mumbled as she ruffled his hair and went out of the bathroom.
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chainedaura · 4 years
soft taps hit the glass as clouds blocked the light. there was thunderstorm going on outside and y/n was sat on the floor next to the large window, admiring it. a soft weighted blanket, which b/n named ‘thunderstorm blanket’, was wrapped around her shoulders, the pet the couple owned was laying by her side.
a soft sigh of happiness left b/n as he saw the woman that he fell in love with. he gently walks towards y/n, trying not to disturb the comforting silence. joining her under the blanket and wrapping an arm around her waist. b/n began humming a small quiet tune and gently rocked them both.
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chainedaura · 4 years
“your face looks hot nice from this angle too” y/n mumbled into b/n’s shoulder as he carried her. a soft chuckle escaped his lips as continued walking down the sidewalk towards their apartment. why is she on his back may you ask? she was drunk. completely wasted even. it was her friends birthday and they wanted to go to a popular club that was near their place. although, b/n decided that he wouldn’t drink due to the fact he needed to be in the studio early the next morning. he also wanted to make sure y/n got home safely.
as the soft night wind blew into their faces, y/n began to ramble on how much fun it was, even including things that b/n witnessed. but he never said that he knew about such events since he loved her explaining it too much. “oh and don’t even get me started on how cute b/n’s dancing was..” a small hiccup interrupted her gushing. “gosh i really love him and like he’s just so amazing.” b/n’s smile grew larger if even possible. “plus his homemade waffles that he makes in the morning are always sooo good.” yet another chuckle escaped his mouth as he turned around the corner.
the two eventually made it home and with y/n still on his back, b/n carried her to bed. he gently and shyly undressed her and put her into comfy clothes. he also removed the makeup that she had smudged everywhere. placing the blankets on her body and giving her forehead a kiss, he began to get ready for bed.
the next morning b/n was pouring orange juice into two cups as he felt two arms wrapped around his middle. “did you take the advil that was by the bed?” he asked as he turned around in her arms. a small hum escaped her lips as she laid her head on his chest. “come on, love” he said softly as he nudged her to the dining table. a small happy gasp escaped her lips as she sees the delicious waffles that were on the table.
“have i ever told you how much i love your waffles?” y/n asked happily with her mouth full. “hmm maybe once or twice” b/n responds with a smile as he began to eat the breakfast.
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chainedaura · 4 years
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faq ( check before requesting ) 
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fluff [ f ] - angst [ a ]
★ carry you home [ f ]
★ thunderstorm blanket [ f ]
★ night routine [ f ]
★ tradition [ a ]
★ movie night [ f ]
★ sleepy eyes [ f ]
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chainedaura · 4 years
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after reading the content below - go here to request !
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how many can i request ?
★ how ever many you’d like.
can i request a specific member/group ?
★ unfortunetly, no. i write these drabbles / small scenarios with purely b/n.
- ( due to the fact i am female - i will not take requests that want the y/n character to be male, i apologize )
do you do smut ?
★ unfortunetly, no.
what is/are the admin ( s ) name ( s ) ?
★ there is one ( 1 ) and you can call me alex !
what do i say in my request ?
★ just say the plot you’d like :)
- ( although i do not do depression, self-harm, or death plots )
if there is more questions feel free to ask !
last note - i usually write when i feel really into it, meaning i may not get to your request right at the exact moment ( but i try my best ) <3
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chainedaura · 4 years
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this writing blog’s goal is to be a source of content that you can read while thinking about any of your ( male ) biases. although not every drabble/mini scenario i write will fit your bias, which i am sorry for - i hope you can find another work of mine that does fit.
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★ masterlist
★ faq
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