#requests open
flw3rrr · 14 hours
Could you please do one where the reader is Javis sister and she barley survived the tornado five years early. She’s married to Tyler now and something goes wrong during a chase and the reader ends up getting severely hurt and Tyler and Javi risk everything to save her. She’s unresponsive but ends up being okay
Promise me
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Tyler owens x fem!reader
Warnings: slight Swearing, injured reader, Angst, Fluff, No mentions of Y/n, flashbacks to trauma
word count: 2k
A/N: Tysm for this request! I hope this goes to your Liking and please feel free to request more💖
Have a request? feel free to send me it in my inbox!
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The only thing you could hear was your bother. Javi was screaming your name in the distance as you laid on the grass, your vision almost a blur as you stared at the gray sky above you. Everything felt slow and calm, as if everything was alright. But nothing was alright, barely surviving an EF5 with harsh winds throwing you around at a failed attempt to capture data of the tornado.
Not even noticing or feeling the intense pain within your lower body, just staring at the sky as if it were comforting you. In a blur, Javi stood above you, looking almost horrified as he looked over your body. immediately taking notice, a wood peace of a fence went through your right leg. "Stay awake, alright?" Shaking you slightly to keep your brain still aware. The rest of his words were muffled, not minding as you felt something pulling you above.
The last thing you heard from Javi was him yelling at you in a panic to try to stay awake more and wait for the paramedics to come rescue you before your vision went black in the most peaceful way you ever felt.
Five years later
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror at the gas station, letting the cold water run over your hands as you cleaned them thoroughly, getting rid of any germs you had on your hands for just being in the bathroom. Your wedding ring getting more shiny as the water ran through it. Bringing a smile to your face just five years ago, you were on the edge of death and now a happily married woman to none other than Tyler Owens. The tornado wrangler.
A knock broke your train of thought as Lily spoke from behind the door. "Are you almost done? Some of us have to use the bathroom too, yknow?!" Quickly drying your hands before opening the door to meet Lily. "Yeah, I'm done now. Sorry, I was just in my own world for a quick second." letting out a little laugh. 
Patting your shoulder as Lily closes the door shut quickly with the sound of the lock turning. Turning away and approaching Dexter, who stood in the aisle looking at the batteries. "Need extras?" You asked, crossing your arms.
Along with Dexter and Dani, you helped them a bit with navigation, but mostly you hung out in the truck with Tyler, Boone, and Javi. Having to take it easy since the injury that took place on your leg left you weak and needed an easier job. 
Having such love for this job made you never want to quit at all. As soon as you were discharged from the hospital, you wanted to go back out, but with ears full from Javi and other friends, you waited. Three years later, you still were getting the strength you had on your leg. It was hard as the years went by as Javi went on to continue to storm chase, then some time in the military. But it was all worth it as you met Tyler, who brought more happiness to your life and as well some new friends. 
"Not really, but I'm getting some of these just in case you'll never know when something happens." Dexter's voice pulls you out of your thoughts once more. "Ah well, you're right on that one; you can never be sure." Giving a warm smile before hearing a voice behind speaking up. "Be sure of what?" Tyler's voice was heard as his hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him lovingly.
Just at the sound of his voice, it already has you a blushing mess, it doesn't matter if both of you are married; you'd never get over it. He always treated you fairly and kindly and with respect, and you gave the same in return.
Looking up at him with a big smile and back to Dexter. "He was just telling me he's getting extra batteries just in case, y'know?" Tyler let out a laugh with a shake of his head. "always thinking ahead, which I greatly appreciate. In fact, today is supposed to be easy. With the stats we are seeing, it should be at least something tiny." Now walking out of the building with Tyler and approaching Javi, Dani, and Boone, who was checking the camera storage.
"How you feelin'?" Javi asked as you approached him by the truck. Javi has always worried for you since the injury and always double checks if you're sure you'd like to continue on. It always made you smile though; Javi was the best brother you could ask for, and you'd never wished to replace him ever.
"I am feeling good, Javi; no need to worry about me. I don't need two people to keep checking up on me every second." Tyler also always asked you if you wanted to join and go through, and it made you always feel like the safest person on earth.
Just earning a small nod from him before Tyler spoke once to the whole group, announcing one minute left before heading out. Crossing your arms, you looked at the sky. The wind was not strong, but it made your stomach turn, feeling a sense of unease and worry. Taking deep breaths to desperately fight the flashbacks, closing your eyes and trying to focus on the sound of your breaths before a hand sat on your shoulder, taking you back to reality.
Looking over your eyes  met Tyler once more; his face looked concerned for you and worried. "Is everything alright, sweetheart?" His voice even carried the sound of concern. Giving him a slight smile as you turn to fully meet him, placing your hands on each side of him and holding onto him. "Of course I'm fine, Tyler. Don't worry about me." Giving a reassuring squeeze before he spoke up.
"But I'm supposed to worry about you; that's my job as your husband. Don't forget that." letting out a slight chuckle and a smile to boost the mood between one another. A chuckle escaped past your lips. Your head landing on his chest, hiding your smirk from his comment. "I could never forget Tyler... I love you too much to ever forget that," a soft smile placed on your lips.
His face lowered down to meet your's to place a soft and quick kiss against your lips. Both of you taking in the moment just the two of you as the wind slowly picked up. "Not to bother your guy's little moment, but uh, it's time to get goin'." Lilly's voice spoke, breaking the moment. 
Getting in the back of the truck with Javi as Tyler sat in the driver seat and Boone in the passenger. You usually preferred the back when you felt uneasy, giving a sense of comfort. Just as Tyler started to drive, talking to the viewers through the camera, you and Javi kept an eye on the wind speeds and closely monitored, giving every piece of information to everyone.
Javi looked away for a couple of minutes to talk to the camera, joining in the fun as you kept a close eye on the monitor. The winds picked up speed, the sky got darker, and then rain began to pour down harshly. Glancing up, you look at the funnel slowly forming, doing the math and analyzing the size. This wouldn't be some EF1…
"Woah, do you guys see that now that is a good one?" Tyler spoke to the viewers once more as Boone turned to show it forming. Your body froze, unable to move. Every thought and memory came back in a flash quickly.
"Javi, I need to get this data; it's the most important one I can ever get." You spoke loudly, trying to be heard over the high winds, clutching the computer in your arms tightly. "But you'll get yourself killed; it's not worth it!" Javi yelled, trying to get you back in the van to safety. 
Just as you turned back, it was too late, as the large EF5 looked as if it wasn't moving. With a great chance, it was approaching your way.
Coming back to your senses once again as Javi looks at you with worry. "Are you alright? What's the matter?" Both of his hands on your shoulder, Tyler looking at you through the little mirror, as Boone just kept the camera away from you for privacy. Quickly showing your brother the wind speed and then pointing to the almost formed tornado and speaking only five words. "We need to leave now." 
But it was too late; it had already formed into a massive EF5. With no little time, Tyler quickly started to drive. Your eyes locked on the tornado in fear. "I can't see shit!" Tyler yelled through the loud rain.
"Just drive go go go!" Boone yelled. Then everything went slow for the second time in your life. The sudden calm feeling you enjoyed and overwhelmed you. You take notice of everyone's expressions. Javi was petrified as his right hand gripped on your arm. Tyler's eyes shut, hands gripping the wheel, his wedding ring shining brightly. And Boone was holding onto the camera dearly. 
Then it went back to normal with a sound of a crash, then darkness once more. Perhaps it was how you were meant to go? Or someone above was cradling you in their arms, offering comfort and safety; whatever it was, it felt as if it were a dream. 
It only felt as if this comfort lasted a second. The sound of a constant beeping rang through your ears. A feeling of a rough blanket beneath your fingers as you slowly moved them. Then a comforting hand laid on your forehead, slowly stroking your hair. A deep breath leaves from you before your eyes slowly flutter open.
It took time for your eyes to focus as the bright lights lit the hospital room, and the first face you met is with Tyler; he had a cut on his face going over his nose. His smile grew as you made eye contact. "Hey there.." He softly spoke, his hand still slowly stroking your hair. "What.." Your voice hurt, throat was dry, and you had a lot of head pain. He shushed you quietly before placing a loving kiss on your forehead before speaking.
"The truck flipped over... and a lot of crazy things happened. but you were the most injured. Some brain damage and bleeding. but nothing too bad." His face frowned as he gave you the story of what had happened that day. 
"How long..?" You slowly leaned up with the help of Tyler and a couple of tears.
"Three weeks." Those words shocked you; it only felt like you were out for a mere second. Taking a good look around the room, you looked and saw flowers and a comfy blanket at the bottom of the bed. "Javi and the others?" You turned your head with a wince. 
Tyler gave a kiss to your hand before he took a seat beside the bed. "They are all alright, I promise you. They even visited you, but you won't remember since you were out," letting out a soft laugh. You gave him one in return, which sounded heavenly to him; not hearing your laugh in three weeks was a nightmare for him. not knowing if you'd ever wake up.
Tyler looked at you with such love; his hand never let go of yours. placing one kiss upon your hand once more before speaking. "Can you promise me something?" His eyes looked at you, silently begging you to hear his question, giving him a slight nod. "Promise me that anytime from now on you will always tell me when something feels wrong or you feel uneasy, please." Reading his face, your injury left him tired, eye bags under his eyes, almost as if he waited those three weeks for you to wake up. Placing your hand on his cheek softly, caressing with your thumb before speaking up. "I promise"
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mimisplayground · 1 day
More on Ghost being nasty and then theres a certain ask in my inbox abt Krueger thats itching my brain and I WILL be writing abt >:3
But just nasty Ghost who gets home from the gym and you have to avoid him like the plague until he goes to take a shower. Because he’s sweaty, kinda gross, and the first thing he wants to do is latch onto you and give you wet kisses that leave you cringing at the feeling.
Finally greeting him when he showers just to still get the gross wet kisses. And hes totally biting at your face a bit too, which leaves you wiggling out of his grasp.
When you two are eating dinner and something drops onto your chest and before you can grab a napkin he’s already licking it up. And you just groan and shove away his head.
Laying on the couch together but really its just Simon putting his full weight on top of you. Bonus points when he inevitably falls asleep snoring like a train engine and you can feel his drool pooling on you. Good luck kicking him off too, he doesn’t budge.
And of course, as we remember, he fucks just as nasty too. He’s spitting straight on his dick before he thrusts into you, needs to make sure your insides are as mixed with him as he can. Has you in the meanest grip possible and is playing with your nipples and your body as much as he can.
Makes it his goal to have you squirt, thrusts hard and groans a “fuckin’ hell… tight fuckin’ grip,” as he wipes sweat from his face. Merciless pace, salivating so bad he’ll probably choke on his own spit a bit and still fuck you through it.
Manages to get you to squirt and he’s pulling out and licking it off of your body. Cums while hes humping the sheets below him bites your tummy a bit as he does. Almost howling with the way he moans.
Collapses on top of you not because he’s too tired to get up but because he cant stand the idea of you not being covered with his sweat and cum just yet. Because he’s gross, and nasty, and he loves you :(
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r-is-typing · 1 day
so high school | a.h
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summary: in which aaron hotchner and y/n l/n go through their relationship
requested?: no!
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
category: fluff, angst if you squint
content warnings: alludes to sex, normal criminal minds talk (i.e: getting shot)
based on 'so high school' by taylor swift
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I feel so high school everytime i look at you.
A Friday night in the Hotchner household looked the same every week, unless of course, Aaron was on a case. Y/N would come over, two large pizzas in hand and her, Aaron, and Jack would watch a movie until the boy inevitably fell asleep. Aaron would carry Jack into his bedroom, tucking him into the bed before joining his girlfriend back on the couch.
But, not before standing in the entryway of the living room, leaning against the wall and staring at Y/N like it was the first time he had seen her.
"Your eyes are going to fall out of your head one of these days, Hotchner." Y/N would tease him with a toothy grin. Aaron would laugh before sitting down on the couch next to her. "If it meant that you were the last thing I saw, it would be worth it, honey." The usual grumpy man would say with a loving smile followed by a kiss to her hair.
I'm sinking, our fingers entwined.
After another, more adult movie, the couple would softly giggle to themselves as Aaron led them upstairs and to his room. Their fingers entwined the second they stood from the couch and as they walked all the way into the bedroom.
Y/N fell back against the soft comforter, giggling as she looked over at the man. "Aar?" She calls out to him as he went into the en suite bathroom. "Yes, honey?" He peeks out from the bathroom, his tousled hair making Y/N smile at him. "Can we go and have a picnic tomorrow?" She suggests. "Maybe after Jack's soccer game?"
Aaron smiled at the idea. "He'd love that, honey, and so would I." He finally joins her in bed, pulling the girl to his chest with a soft sigh as he lay against the cool sheets.
"Goodnight, Aar." Y/N says, snuggling into his chest, entwining their fingers once more, laying their joined hands on Aaron's lower stomach. "Goodnight, honey." He softly speaks, kissing her head.
Your friends are around, so be quiet. I'm trying to stifle my sighs.
Y/N pushes Aaron's chest for what felt like the hundreth time that night. The couple had been invited for Rossi's for a family dinner, and sometime through the night, Aaron expertly pulled them into one of Rossi's numerous bedrooms in his 'mansion'.
"Missed you s'much, honey." Aaron speaks between feverish kisses. Y/N sighs, feeling Aaron's hands firmly on her waist, pulling her flush against his strong chest. She wanted to push him away, tell him to stop, but her brain couldn't tell her mouth to speak.
Not when she was so content with the feeling of their lips locked, Aaron rubbing small, rough circles into her hips. Finally, the couple came up for air, but not for long as Aaron dived down to her neck, placing quick, open-mouthed kisses, causing Y/N to tangle her fingers into his hair and sigh softly.
"Aaron.." Y/N sighs. He shushes her softly, and once again, her hands press into his chest in an attempt to push him away. "Let's go before someone comes looking." Aaron pulls away finally with a devilish smirk, leading her by a hand on her waist to the dining room.
"We'll finish this at home."
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? It's just a game but really, I'm betting on all three for us two
It was a Sunday in the spring when Aaron proposed. He had it all planned out. Jack stayed with Jessica, Haley's sister, while he took Y/N on a walk in the park.
"Will you marry me?" He got down on one knee, Y/N stared at him, her hand cupping her mouth as she felt tears streaming down her face. "Yes, of course!" She exclaimed, throwing herself towards him.
Aaron lifted her, cupping her face into his large hands as he brought his lips down to meet hers. "I love you." He mumbled to her.
Three weeks later, Aaron was shot by an Unsub. Y/N paced back and forth in the waiting room until the hospital staff let her into his room where she stayed glued to his side until he woke up.
"Honey.." He muttered, still loopy from the medication. "You scared me.." She frowned. Aaron looks up at her apologetically, she squeezes his hand in an 'I forgive you'.
"You're going to be the death of me, Aaron Hotchner."
It's true, swear, scout's honor, you knew what you wanted and boy, you've got her.
A year and a half later, on a beautiful fall afternoon, family and friends from all over gathered to witness the joining of Aaron Hotchner and Y/N L/N. Just like the first day they had met all those years ago when Y/N started at the BAU, Aaron stared lovestruck at her as she walked down the aisle, read his vows, and even while she read hers to him.
"You, Aaron, make me complete. How I feel about you, I've never felt in my entire life. With you, I feel transported back into high school, falling in love for the first time."
Y/N blinks back tears as she looks up at him, finishing her vows.
"From the moment I met you, I knew what I wanted, and now, I finally have it."
You already know, babe.
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r is typing...
my first hotch fic complete! sorry for the short length, but i just wanted to test run writing for hotch, so please let me know if you enjoy and i'll write for him more!
as always, here are the important links!
request link & request rules
taglist form
requests are currently open | closed
r is signing off...
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shytastemakerthing · 2 days
I would like to request a Albino! Reader with Pomefiore version if you dont mind!! I really love your writing very much🥀🦇🦇
A/N: And the albino!reader series continues! I will admit, I had a lot of fun with this dorm, especially with Vil's part, I can only imagine how this man would react to our lovely albino!reader. Enjoy!
Tw: None
Request: Pomefiore with Albino!Reader
Headers and dividers made by @blueberry-pride and @cafekitsune
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The first time that this beautiful man saw you, he quite literally had to pause in his steps
Granted, he had seen you from behind
You were sitting on a bench in the courtyard underneath a tree, a parasol over your head and a book in your hand
The first thing he saw was your hair that he swore was brighter than the snow that would fall in the winter
You wore quite a bit of layers but in such a way that they complimented each other, and yourself, rather beautifully
Having made his way over, and finally being able to see your face, he saw more to the reason for your state of dress, rather than being rather fashionable and protecting yourself from the sun, that is
You were albino
Now, you were not the first person who he had seen with the condition, but you were certainly the closest that he has ever been, and in his opinion, rather the most beautiful
It is what led to where you both were now, several weeks later, and inside the comfort of his room
He has just returned from Film studies and you had met up with him just outside of the Pomefiore mirror
The sun was setting, casting a rather beautiful glow, mostly on yourself that made you look quite literally golden, a color he thought looked beautiful on you
He was helping you with your skin care for the night. After many talk, you were both able to find the best routine for you, and it has become a favorite part of your evenings
Would you like to accompany him to his next modeling shoot? He wouldn't mind sharing the spotlight if it was with you
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Let's be honest, this man already knew of both you and your albinism, he knows pretty much everything at this point
Became quite the expert on albinism as well, no matter the severity, but paid closer attention to your specific type
Now, Rook is a very outdoorsy person and as much as he would love for you to join him, he knows that with your albinism, that makes things a bit more difficult
It was how you both met after all
Rook has just been returning from the latest Science Club meeting to see you underneath a tree trying to mend your broken parasol
It didn't take a genius to find out why you were shielding yourself from the sun
And much like the gentleman that he is, offered his assistance
Walking you back to Pomefiore dorm, after you agreed to spend some time with him, his hat on your head, his jacket over your shoulders
In his words, everything was history after that
You often went with him outside on days that were more cloudy where you would not have to worry about the sun as often
And on days where the sun was bright and shining, you would go with him for club activities, or join him in Pomefoire, he was happy either way, so long as he was able to spend time with you
His family has a home further north away from the heat and the sun isn't as bright. Perhaps you would like to join him there this summer?
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Another boy who spent much of his life outside working on an orchard in Harveston
The upside to this, it wasn't as hot being that far up and in the mountains, which would make it a perfect place to visit
He had met you after magic shift practice after you had finished your own club activities and at first, thought you were much like Vil in not wanting to damage your skin with the sun
And in a way, he was right
But you had a very different reason
And after hearing how the sun can actually cause severe damage to your skin and eyes, due to your albinism, and how heat wasn't the best thing for you, he did feel a bit bad at first for the thought that you were like Vil, but kicked into gear in offering to help you back to your dorm
He offered his jacket as he used it to shield your shoulders and back from the sun
Rook saw this and reported back to Vil, given Epel hadn't shown up for his lessons...... Vil let it slide
After helping you back to your dorm, he certainly was very much like a charming country boy, seeing how his natural accent made you smile all cute like that
Several weeks later and you were underneath a shaded section of the bleachers, cheering Epel on, wearing one of his shirts during a magic shift game
His dorm members and fellow players saw that day just how intense he could be in a match and the players are inviting you back for every game
Wanna join him for winter break in Harveston? It would be perfect for you there.....and he's already told his grandmother so much...
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Thank you for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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yuff7e · 2 days
Yay! Okay so I'm gonna try this.
Could I please request Tanjiro, Inosuke, Giyu, and Sanemi with a demon male reader with:
...Damaged horns?
Bit of a backstory:
He's a kind demon with healing blood that can cure any illness and help to heal any injury. This also got him to be caught and held captive by humans and "work" in one of the local hospitals. And also because he was a demon and people hate demons.
People treated him badly, putting cuffs and chains on his feet, hands, and mainly on his horns, damaging them in the process. After some time people realized he's not bad and both sides made an arrangement...reader will have a source of food and shelter while continuing to help humans.
His horns used to be long, shiny, and just pride itself but now they look even worse than a rock by a sidewalk. Not only does it affect his self-esteem but it also causes him bad headaches.
The request:
Reader is healing slayers's small injuries until a headache strikes and our demon slayers comfort him (they know about his past and self-esteem) and show a gentle love to his horns as well. Maybe how would they show their love and care to reader and his horns differently.
Also the demon change made reader as closely tall as Gyomei, no matter the gender (if you decide to make this genderneutral).
Thank you so much for the opportunity. 🩷🩷
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𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
— heyy charliedakotariley!! sorry this took forever, i’ve been a bit inactive these past few days but im slowly coming back!! i hope this was what you wanted, enjoy :)
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐝
tanjiro -> inosuke -> giyuu -> sanemi
♬♪ -> lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı
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tanjiro kamado
you’re kneeling beside a wounded villager, your healing blood working its magic to close the injury. as the skin begins to knit together, you suddenly feel a sharp headache, causing your large frame to tremble.
“are you alright, [name]?” tanjiro’s voice is soft and filled with concern as he notices your distress.
“just a headache,” you manage to say, trying to brush it off, but tanjiro isn’t convinced. he’s aware of your past, the harsh treatment you endured, and how it has left its mark on you, especially your horns. without hesitation, he places a gentle hand on your shoulder and helps you to sit down.
“let me see,” he says softly. he carefully touches your horns, feeling the rough, jagged edges where they have been damaged. his touch is tender, almost reverent, as he explores the scars.
“it’s okay,” tanjiro whispers, his voice soothing. “you don’t have to be strong all the time. you’re allowed to hurt.”
his fingers trace the grooves and ridges of your horns with a delicate touch, not shying away from the damaged parts. instead, he focuses on them, showing you that he loves every part of you, including your scars and imperfections. you can’t help but feel a deep sense of comfort from his care.
you close your eyes, allowing yourself to lean into his touch. the warmth of his hands begins to ease the tension in your head, filling you with a sense of peace that you haven’t experienced in a long time. tanjiro’s presence is calming, and his compassion is healing in itself.
“thank you,” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion, feeling tears of gratitude well up.
“you’re not alone,” tanjiro replies with a reassuring smile. “i’m here for you, always. no matter what.”
inosuke hashibira
inosuke barges into the room, his usual boisterous demeanor suddenly faltering when he sees you clutching your head in pain. the injured demon slayer, whom you’ve been healing, looks on with concern.
“hey, what’s wrong with you?” inosuke demands, though the worry in his voice betrays his tough exterior.
“it’s just...a headache,” you manage to say, your voice strained from the pain. inosuke’s frown deepens, and without saying another word, he stomps over and sits beside you.
“let me see,” inosuke says gruffly, his voice softer now. he reaches out to touch your horns, his touch surprisingly gentle as he traces the jagged edges. he’s heard about the mistreatment you suffered, and he knows how much it still affects you.
“they hurt, don’t they?” inosuke asks, his voice uncharacteristically calm.
you nod, unable to speak through the pain. inosuke’s rough fingers continue their gentle exploration, not flinching away from the scars. he looks at you with an intensity that softens as he continues.
“you’re strong,” inosuke says after a moment, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “stronger than anyone i know.”
the unexpected praise catches you off guard. you look up to see inosuke staring at you with fierce determination, and his sincerity is almost overwhelming.
“don’t let anyone make you feel less,” inosuke continues. “your horns, your scars, they’re part of you. and i like you the way you are. don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
the sincerity in inosuke’s words brings tears to your eyes. you lean into his touch, letting the pain ebb away, feeling a new sense of acceptance and warmth from his words.
“thank you, inosuke,” you whisper, your voice choked with emotion.
“yeah, yeah. just don’t forget it,” inosuke grunts, though there’s a softness in his tone.
giyuu tomioka
giyuu watches as you finish healing his wound, the cut on his arm closing seamlessly. he notices the moment you wince, your large frame jolting slightly from the pain of your headache.
“is something wrong?” giyuu asks, his voice calm and even, his eyes never leaving you.
“it’s nothing, just a headache,” you reply, though giyuu can see through your attempt to downplay it. he’s aware of your past, the mistreatment you’ve faced, and how it has left lingering effects, including the headaches. without a word, he moves closer and helps you sit down.
“let me help,” giyuu says softly. he reaches out to touch your horns, his fingers tracing the jagged edges with a tenderness that belies his usually stoic exterior. his touch is light, almost reverent, as he feels the damage.
you tense at first, but giyuu’s gentle touch quickly soothes you. the pain in your head starts to fade, replaced by a soothing warmth. giyuu’s presence is calming, and his compassion is deeply comforting.
“your horns are beautiful,” giyuu says quietly, his eyes meeting yours with genuine affection. “they show your strength, your resilience. don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. they’re a part of you, and that’s something to be proud of.”
the sincerity in giyuu’s voice brings tears to your eyes. you’ve never heard such words spoken about your horns, never felt such gentle acceptance and care. it’s a balm to your wounded spirit.
“thank you,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion.
giyuu simply nods, his fingers still tracing the contours of your horns. “you’re not alone. i’m here for you, no matter what.”
sanemi shinazugawa
sanemi watches as you heal the wound on his leg, the torn flesh knitting back together under your touch. he notices the moment you wince, flinching from the headache.
“what’s wrong?” sanemi asks, his voice rough but laced with concern.
“it’s just a headache,” you reply, trying to brush it off. but sanemi isn’t convinced. he knows about your past, the mistreatment you endured, and how it has left you with lingering effects, including these painful headaches. without a word, he moves closer and helps you sit down.
“let me see,” sanemi says gruffly. he reaches out to touch your horns, his fingers surprisingly gentle as he traces the jagged edges. he feels the rough, scarred surface with a careful touch, his usual harshness softened by an unspoken empathy.
“they did this to you,” sanemi says quietly, his voice filled with a mix of anger and sorrow.
you nod, unable to speak through the pain. sanemi’s touch is surprisingly tender, his rough hands moving with care and precision. his gaze is intense, but there’s a gentleness in his actions that contrasts with his usual demeanor.
“your horns are a part of you,” sanemi says after a moment, his voice softening. “they’re a sign of your strength, your resilience. don’t let anyone make you feel less. they’ve tried to hurt you, but you’ve survived. that’s something to be proud of.”
the sincerity in sanemi’s words brings tears to your eyes. you lean into his touch, letting the pain fade away, feeling a newfound sense of acceptance and understanding.
“thank you.” you whisper, your headache fading almost instantly.
sanemi simply nods, his fingers still tracing the contours of your horns. “you’re not alone. i’m here for you.”
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dollarstankfrank · 1 day
Hiya! your art is adorable??? wtf.
Here you're taking requests, how you feel bout drawing ink :3?
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ABSOLUTELY I will draw ink any chance I get 😋
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varya-jc · 2 days
Can you do the Hashiras with a partner who is an ex dancer that is very flexible and fast? They became a hashira very quickly and were usually quiet until they became comfortable with the hashiras😺 it can be nsfw or sfw���🦄🐺
CONFESSING TO AN EX-DANCER - Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho, Mitsuri Kanroji, and Kyojuro Rengoku
a/n; UGH, THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! These are just headcanons for now since I’m working on a Sanemi fic! (I was originally going to do them dating, but I decided to do confessing, why? Because..I dunno. Pls lmk if you wanted something different!) I’m going to be real here, I don’t write for demon characters often, so this might be out of character. Forgive me.
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~When you first became a Hashira, he didn’t exactly care for you. He simply thought you were another Hashira, so why the fuss?
~However, you thought he disliked you, which somewhat let you to also distancing yourself from him.
~Soon, you found yourself becoming close with the other Hashira besides Sanemi.
~You attempt to make a conversation with him, getting nowhere.
~Despite all this, you still attempt to speak with him, go on missions, etc. He soon found you quite..alluring? Your voice was extremely soft, you’re good what you do, and even took notice of your physical abilities.
~I wouldn’t say he was exactly impressed, but it did catch his attention somehow.
~Then when he finally took notice of your skills, I would say his respect for you went up more. That’s when he decided to finally make an effort to somewhat form a friendship? He was hesitant to try and become friends, so he stubbornly figured he could at least speak with you more.
~After a while, he devolved a crush on you. Why? Because of your unshakeable character, how attached you are to your family, and is very intelligent.
~He confesses to you, and oh my, he’s so awkward. He’s stumbling over his words, his hands are shaking, whilst his eyes are bloodshot and pupils incredibly small.
~To his surprise, you say yes to dating him, which catches him off guard but also makes him the happiest man on earth.
~The rest is history.
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~When you first became a hashira, like Sanemi, Giyu didn’t exactly take notice of you.
~Whenever you tried to speak with Giyu, he’d just stay silent and listen, and after you finished, he walks away without another word.
~You’d speak to Tomioka normally, with you doing the talking.
~However, when you two went on a mission, he finally saw you in action. He wasn’t exactly like mind-blown impressed, just respected you more as a Hashira rather than someone who’s just there.
~However, you started to show interest in him. It was very subtle, but he was very overwhelmed by the way you attempted to give him affection.
~I’m extremely doubtful that Giyu would be the one to confess, I think you would confess. However, he doesn’t accept your confession, in fear he’d hurt you or lose you.
~I feel like he’d use an excuse. “Give me more time.”
~I don’t see Giyu dating anybody..unless; They defend him, go out of their way to speak with him, and definitely gives him space whenever he needs it.
~And when he does reluctantly agrees to date with you, I’ll just say he’s comfortable..for now.
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~When you appeared as a Hashira, she was pleased that another one has been added to the mix.
~I can see her making an effort speaking with you, she’s quite pleasant and that’ll make you feel more comfortable around her.
~You guys speak fairly often, often going on missions together, even. She was also shocked to see you being so..flexible and quicker than her.
~However, when you started to show interest in her, she noticed it IMMEDIATELY.
~I can see her confessing, but I feel you’ll crack first and confess. She’s not opposed to the idea of dating you, but you two are hashira, remember that, so you have to somewhat keep the public affection subtle.
(I can’t write for her, I’m so sorry if this is out of character.)
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~I just know she’s excited she has a new comrade to speak with! I can see her totally speaking to you first, as you are very shy.
~Her bubbly personality makes you most likely open up to her immediately, I guess I can say you feel somewhat safe around her.
~You guys eat together all the time, go out to eat, train together, send each-other letters. I can see herself making hand-made gifts for you as well.
~I can see her falling for you easily, your angelic face and soft voice makes her melt.
~She confesses to you, and she ends up crying of happiness when you accept her confession.
~The love you both have for each-other is so beautiful, you two spend even more time together after you two become official.
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~I know Rengoku would go up to you first, with his loud, booming, voice of his.
~The more he approaches you, the more you warm up and start being more relaxed around him rather than tense whenever you hear his loud voice.
~I can see the more you two interact, the more you two want to spend time with each-other. (In a friendly matter.)
~However, the more time you two spend with each-other, the more you start slowly start falling for Kyojuro.
~Does he notice? No. I feel like he’d be completely oblivious to any romantic interest shown in him, even when you give hints!
~This man is completely shocked when you confess to him, doesn’t accept confession right away because he know if he likes you like THAT.
~After a while, he does chose to date you, and long story short, I’ll say you two are happy..for now.
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a/n: can you tell I got lazy at the end? Wtv, I need 🍃 + 🚬
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𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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Everyone look at the beautiful artwork the talented @valartsstuff drew for me! They were a pleasure to work with and I love it so so much! ❤️ 🖤 ❤️
I also want to thank @slayfics for letting me enter the art raffle!
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The Loop // Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish drabble(ish)
Warnings: Repeated main character death. Mention of gun wounds, and bombs. Spoilers for Operation Trojan Horse/MW3 Reboot's ending.
Words: 1.1k
Notes: What a hell of a fandom debut, eh? I have a few ideas similar to this one.... Ough... Lots of thoughts...  My requests are currently open! My request post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too! If you’d like to support me more, consider reblogging! I’d appreciate it loads!!
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John wasn't entirely sure how long this had been going on for. How many times he had seen the same ceiling in the morning, the same people outside, had the same conversations over and over again. The first few times he thought it was just an odd, deja-vu fever dream. 'Okay, this time, it'll change. This time, it'll be tomorrow. This time, everyone will get to move along.' But, every time it was the same. He didn't know how many times November 21st had come and gone, only to come again the next time the Scotsman opened his eyes. He had lost count somewhere in the teens - which was god knows how long ago now.
Some days, he tried to do things differently, saying different things to those he came into contact with, taking different routes to the destinations he knew he had to be there for. But no matter what details he ended up changing, the day ended up the same way, every time. The Scot rubs his temple a little bit as he sits up, grumbling sleepily as he slowly wakes. He can still feel the violent thrum from what felt like moments earlier, his last few seconds of life before blacking out, and waking up here once more. He could swear that every time the loop restarts, the pain in his temple is even worse than the time before. He ran through everything that his pain addled mind would allow him to - all the details and points that he could remember;
The day would start with Laswell telling the team that Makarov and Konni group were in London, and plan to meet with a hacker. Whatever was on the drive in the hacker's possession - some sort of Trojan Horse virus - allowed Konni to control the trains under the city, that much Johnny had already managed to commit to memory. Makarov will board one of the trains, with intent to try and take over the channel tunnel. When they get further into the tunnel, through the numerous Konni operatives, he and Captain Price will find a guarded bomb. They'll manage to break through the remaining Konni operatives with the help of the Shadow Group, and then he and Price will start to work on defusing the bomb. The next few minutes - the last of Johnny's life - always seem to go so quickly. They're little more than a blur; the reserve Konni soldiers, the momentary stun of being shot by Makarov, the last stand, and then... Momentary pain... Nothing more, and restarting right at the beginning of that day again.
He had tried resisting before, that he could remember. Only once or twice, but he remembered. He had tried shoving Makarov away before he could take that first shot. The first time he had wound up with a shot to the abdomen because of it. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would be able to make it to the next day, with some medical help. But, of course, help never came - seemingly caught up at the other end of the Channel Tunnel. It was slow, and it was painful. He had hated it - and he had hated the panicked, dreaded looks on the faces of his teammates even more. They had tried to hide the direness and eventual hopelessness of his situation from him, but Johnny was no fool. Reckless at times, and certainly impulsive at others, but never a fool. It hadn't taken him as long to bleed out as it felt, but it was still too long. The only good thing about that whole day, was knowing that he had passed in Simon's lap, as the man tried his best to comfort him, in his own way. The second time had been worse - so much worse. He had turned earlier than the first time, anticipating the man's shot, but that had had catastrophic consequences. There was a yell from Price, and then, a bright, burning light. It only lasted for a moment, but by God did it hurt. It felt like his entire being was on fire - and for the briefest second, he could have sworn he smelled burning hair and fabric. Unfortunately that horrid stench had followed him through to the morning, sticking in his nose for the majority of that loop. He learnt from that; keep your attention on the bomb, Johnny. Keep everyone else alive.
A part of John wished that he could be caught in a loop of pretty much any other day. Hell, even some of his most humiliating defeats in his Under 21's football team would be better relived than this - perhaps the shame could be better dealt with than the knowledge that no matter what, no matter what course of action he takes, who he talks to, or what he tries to do to prepare himself, the day will always end with his death. It's set in stone, and to a certain extent, he's come to accept it. In any case, this last day allows him to think back on his life - and even though he can't change a single thing about it - about those good times. Joining the military. Pissing people off constantly as the perpetual F.N.G. Meeting Ghost - spending time with Ghost, even if the man was incredibly closed off. Finding a friend in both Gaz and Price, knowing that no matter the situation they had found themselves in, they had had each other backs. Even now, on this last day, even if the others didn't know it each morning, they looked after one another the best they could. If nothing else, Johnny knew that he could take solace in one thing:
In his last moments, he is surrounded by those he trusts most. Those he would have taken a bullet for anyway - he started to take the mindset that that was what he was doing here, taking a bullet for his team, ensuring their survival, and helping them forward. He could only hope that there were versions of his teammates out there that managed to move on from this day, who made it to November 22nd, and managed to give Makarov everything that he deserved. He supposed, though, that dying amongst his team, even if it hurt them emotionally, was the best thing he could have asked for, given the circumstances. Pushing this flurry of thoughts out of his mind, John took a deep breath, and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
It was time for another day.
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badkitty3000 · 3 days
Breaking The Rules
Five x Plus Size Female Reader, Words: 8,159, One-shot
Warnings: Smut, slight Daddy kink
So I received a very lovely request from someone I won't name, but they asked for something very specific:
"There aren't that many Five x plus size reader fics, And I think that should be changed"
I immediately jumped on this idea, because yes, this does need to change. Body representation is very important. I fully admit that I normally write Five with petite women, and that's usually because he's not a huge guy himself, so I tend to make them smaller. That's kind of the standard formula I suppose: bigger guy, smaller girl? But it doesn't have to always be that way. Everyone should be represented in a positive way.
Anyway, I have tried my best to fulfill this request and hopefully I do it justice. 😽❤️☂️
You had just been transferred from Records to Case Management. It was a pretty big promotion, but you had worked hard for it and deserved it. You were excited to be out of the stuffy records room and into the main population of employees since you were by nature a very social person. At one point you had thought about training for an agent position, but decided against it. Even though that’s really what you dreamed of doing. Instead, you figured vying for an executive position would be the best route, but that would take a few more years in the machine.
Part of your job was taking the data that you put together and assigning a particular agent to the case. You were good at solving puzzles, which is why you were put in this department to begin with, but you were also very good at reading people. You loved getting to know new people and their personalities, and what made them tick. People in general were fascinating to you, and the Commission had plenty of personalities.
As usual, you had no problem fitting in with your new coworkers. You had some sort of energy or charisma that drew others in. Maybe it was your infectious laugh, or your inappropriate sense of humor. Or just that way that you had of putting everyone around you at ease. Whatever it was, it was a source of pride for you. You liked being the one people gravitated to.
There was one person that did not seem as smitten with you as everyone else, and that was Number Five Hargreeves. You knew of him, of course. Everyone did. He was a legend among legends and there was a reason for that. You hadn’t been there the first time around, when he was fresh out of the Apocalypse, but when he came back years later as a younger version of himself, it was all anyone could talk about.
Five had a reputation for being aloof and if you caught him on the wrong day, he’d cut you down with some biting insult that was just as powerful as any physical harm he could do. He was smart, agile, and brutally honest. He was also hot as hell.
There seemed to be no end to the line of women that would purposefully parade past him on a daily basis. You couldn’t blame them, though. You’d caught yourself staring a few times, as you watched him read over a file with that serious expression of his, before he nodded a curt thank you and disappeared in a flash of blue. But you weren’t really that interested in him and you knew for a fact that he didn’t date inside the office. You admired that about him, actually, because neither did you.
Just because he wasn’t sleeping around the Commission, however, didn’t mean he wasn’t getting some action elsewhere. When you work for an organization that can see anything and everyone across all timelines and at any point in time…well, rumors are bound to start spreading. And you had heard a lot of them.
As with all rumors, it was hard to determine how much of it was true, but you could at least believe what you heard about his usual taste in women. Petite, thin, perky boobs, a flat stomach, and a small, tight ass. The guys at the switchboard loved to give descriptions of Five’s latest conquests, and they all sounded about the same. But hey, good for him, everyone has a type.
So, even if you were somehow interested in him from a romantic standpoint, you wouldn’t have made the cut anyway. You didn’t fit that stereotypical mold of those other women with your wide hips, slightly bigger breasts and butt, and a stomach that had never been flat. You doubted his usual dates had stretch marks on their thighs and hips, or even a small amount of cellulite on their ass. Not that you cared. Everyone’s bodies were different, after all.
Being a bigger sized woman didn’t bother you. You were confident in your body and made no apologies about it. Just because you couldn’t fit into the size negative two jeans that were constantly shoved in your face on every clothing store mannequin, didn’t mean you weren’t going to wear what you wanted. Short skirts, tight blouses that hugged your chest, or low cut, strappy dresses. If you liked it and it fit, who the fuck cared what anyone else thought? You liked yourself and your body, and if someone else didn’t, then that was their problem.
You liked sex, too, and you had no problems in that department either. You’d had many boyfriends, and a few one-night stands. Currently, you were unattached, but that was ok. There would be another man along at some point and you weren’t going to settle for someone you didn’t like. In the meantime, you’d ogle the eye candy at work.
It was a typical day when you had your first real interaction with Five. Sitting in the breakroom with your lunch, laughing loudly with your coworkers, the room suddenly became very quiet. You looked over to see Five strolling casually in, heading for the coffee station. He didn’t speak to anyone, or really even look in their direction, but there were nervous glances all around. One by one, your friends quietly made some excuse and got up to leave. Eventually, it was just you left at the table.
“Aren’t you going to flee in terror with the rest of them?”
You looked up, surprised to see that he was actually talking to you. You pointed to your salad in front of you. “I’m still eating. And you don’t really scare me, sorry.”
Five looked thoughtful for a second and you saw the glimmer of a smile before he took another sip of coffee.
“Nice work on the Edinburgh case, by the way.”
You nodded. “Thanks. I didn’t think you even knew who I was.”
Five shrugged. “I pay attention. Especially when I see real talent.”
You frowned. “So, you’re stalking me, is that what you’re telling me?”
Five almost choked on his coffee. “What? No! Why would you…”
“I’m kidding!” you laughed. “I’m just messing with you. Thank you, though. I appreciate the compliment.”
“Oh,” Five said, clearly uncomfortable. “You’re welcome.” Then he cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll leave you to finish your meal.”
“You don’t have to go, you know,” you said as he headed for the door. He stopped and looked back at you and you gestured to one of the empty seats. “It’s ok to relax sometimes. Maybe be social? And I don’t bite…at least not without prior consent,” you added with a wink.
Five stood there for a few seconds in thought, and you figured he was conjuring up some perfectly crafted insult for you. Instead, you saw his mouth twitch up at the corner and he gestured to you with his coffee cup.
“Well, that is very good to know. Consent is always important.”
With that, he turned on his heel and walked away.
A few days later you were standing with your friends in the hallway at the end of the workday, talking about the upcoming Commission pickleball tournament you were all playing in. One of your best players had been injured on a job and now you were down a body. As you were discussing options, you saw Five walking in your direction.
“Hey, Hargreeves!” you yelled. “You up for some pickleball?”
Five stopped in his tracks and actually looked around, as if there could be another Hargreeves standing right behind him. Then he looked back at you, thoroughly confused.
“What the hell are you doing?” whispered one of your friends.
“What?” you replied. “The guy’s like a hundred years old, he probably fucking loves pickleball.” You turned back to Five. “We need another player, you game?”
Still rooted to the spot, Five shook his head slowly. “Thanks for the invite. But I’ll have to decline.”
There was an audible sigh of relief from the rest of your group. You rolled your eyes. “Come on! It’ll be fun. You know what fun is, don’t you?”
Five narrowed his eyes, but you could see there was no bite to it. “Yes, I know what fun is.”
“Well, I promise this will be all sorts of fun.” You gave him a big smile. “And as a bonus, you’ll get to watch me run around in a short skirt.”
Your friend next to you slapped you on the arm. “What is wrong with you?” they hissed.
Five actually smiled for a second, you were sure of it. “Tempting, but again, I have to decline.” Then he continued on his way down the hall.
Over the next few weeks, you made it your personal mission to try and get Five to loosen up. Whether you personally delivered case files to him just as an excuse to talk to him, or purposefully followed him into the breakroom, you wouldn’t leave him alone until you got him to at least smile at something you said. After a while, you noticed he was much more relaxed around you. Eventually, you and he were officially friends, much to the amazement of everyone else around you. He even started seeking you out on his downtime.
“Hey there, handsome,” you joked as Five strode up to your desk one day. “Something I can do for you, or did you just miss me?”
“You know, I could report you to human resources for sexual harassment,” he said as he perched on the edge of your desk, folding his arms across his chest with a smile. He had a standard manilla file folder in one hand.
“It’s only harassment if you don’t like it,” you replied, pointing a pen at him.
“I’m not sure that’s accurate.”
“Sure it is,” you said as you jabbed him in the arm with the pen, laughing when he frowned and rubbed at the area. “But seriously, did you need something?”
“Maybe. I just wanted to run this by you.” He slapped the case file on your desk.
“What is it?”
“A case I was assigned to. I read it over though, and I don’t think it’s right. I wanted your opinion.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Me? The legendary Mr. Five wants my lowly opinion?”
“Just shut up and read the fucking file.”
With a laugh, you opened it and started reading. He watched you, rather intently you noticed, while you read. You frowned and shook your head, pointing at a paragraph. “Right here, this isn’t true. The clockmaker didn’t take a carriage to work that day. He walked.”
Five nodded. “That makes this whole case pointless, then. I’d be targeting the wrong person.”
“Shit, you’re right.” You looked up at him. “Good catch.”
“It looked off somehow, but I couldn’t figure it out. I knew you would, though.”
Normally you’d say something snarky to bust his balls, but he was being truly sincere and his compliment meant a lot to you. “Thanks, Five.”
He shrugged and grabbed the file off your desk. “Alright, see you later.”
As he turned around to leave, you couldn’t help yourself. “Hey, Five?”
He stopped and turned. “Yeah?”
“I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you walk away.”
Five shook his head while you cackled at your own joke. “Can’t even make it ten seconds without treating me like a piece of meat. You’re hopeless.”
The following day, you were in the breakroom getting some coffee when you overheard a conversation by some of your coworkers.
“…yeah, I heard it’s not good. Took a shot right to the chest.”
“I heard it was a head shot; that he’s barely alive.”
“No way, I don’t believe it. Not him.”
You turned toward the group, coffee cup in hand. “Who are you talking about?”
“You haven’t heard? Your buddy was shot up pretty bad today.”
You frowned, lowering your cup. “Who, Five?”
“Yeah. I only heard bits and pieces so far, but it doesn’t sound great. They brought him directly to the infirmary when he came back. There was a trail of blood in the hall and everything.”
“What?” you cried, slamming your cup on the counter. “That can’t be.”
Your friend shrugged. “I’m just telling you what I heard.”
“Shit,” you hissed, before running out of the room.
You didn’t slow down the entire way to the infirmary, dodging people in the halls, and almost knocking a few of them over in the process. How could Five be hurt? And why was just the thought making you sick to your stomach?
You burst into the infirmary just in time to see several nurses scurrying away, and a very angry and bloodied Five sitting up in one of the hospital beds.
“God damnit, if you touch me one more time, I swear to god, I will strangle you with my IV line!”
“Oh my god, Five!” Without even thinking about it, you rushed up to him and threw your arms around him, hugging him tightly to you. “Holy shit, I thought you were dead!”
His body stiffened at first, but then he relaxed and put his arms around you in return. You heard him laugh and you pulled away.
“I bet you’d like that. Then you’d finally be able to molest me without me fighting back.”
You realized a few tears had slipped down your cheek and you hurriedly wiped them away. You gave him a half-smile. “You wish.” Then you looked him over, noticing the blood on his head and the IV in his arm. “Are you ok? What happened?”
He sighed. “Nothing, just a minor mishap. I’m fine.” He spoke louder and in the general direction of the nursing staff. “But these jack-holes won’t let me leave!”
You huffed out a laugh. “I can see you’re fine by your usual lovely attitude. You should hear the rumors going around about you, though. Pretty impressive.”
“Good. I need to keep up appearances.”
When you sat down on the side of the bed, you took one of his hands in yours and squeezed it. “I’m glad you’re ok, really. I got really scared there for a minute.”
Five smiled shyly at you and gave you a squeeze back. “I’m glad someone here was worried about me.”
You tilted your head to the side and brushed a stray piece of hair off his forehead and tried to wipe away a smudge of blood. “I doubt I’m the only one.”
“I think you are,” he said, looking you directly in the eyes.
You averted your eyes for a moment. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Maybe just one thing.”
“Sure, what do you need?”
He grinned. “Go on a date with me.”
You weren’t sure you heard him correctly. “Did they check you for a concussion because I thought you just asked me out on a date.”
“I did. And no, I am not concussed.”
“Five…” you started, blinking in confusion. “I don’t understand. Do you mean like a date date?”
He huffed and rolled his eyes. “Jesus. Yes, like a date date. Why is this so hard to believe?”
“Uh, well…because we’re friends. Also, I’m not really your type.”
His eyebrows creased together. “You’re not? You’re funny, smart, and sexy. Not to mention you flirt with me every chance you get. What’s not to like?”
“I do not flirt with you.” You smiled when you saw his incredulous expression. “Ok, yeah, I do. But that was just having fun and trying to make you laugh. I didn’t think you’d be into me.”
“Why not?”
“Ok, how do I put this? I have heard all about your little conquests and I know you have a running theme. Skinny, tiny, Barbie dolls that probably have never eaten a sandwich before. And not that there’s anything wrong with that. Everyone has a type and that’s ok. Hell, normally I prefer blond guys, but…”
“Normally?” he cut in.
You blushed. “Well, I do make some exceptions for certain grouchy, dark-haired men.”
Five nodded with a smile. “So then go out with me. I promise the only type I have is the type that I happen to be attracted to. And don’t believe everything you hear around here. Remember,” he pointed to the small abrasion on his head, “I was almost dead a couple of minutes ago.”
Hesitating, you shook your head. “I don’t date anyone from work.”
“Good. Me either,” he said, still grinning.
You laughed. “Alright, then, you wore me down. It’s a date. But only if you promise to stay here for at least another hour without verbally or physically abusing these poor health care workers. It’s not their fault you’re an asshole.”
“Fine, I’ll stay, but only because I want to go out with you.” He raised his voice so the rest of the room could hear. “Not because I need to be treated like a child who fell off their tricycle!”
The next Saturday, you and Five went on your date. When he saw your outfit, he was speechless for a few seconds. He was used to seeing you in your work clothes, which was always the same boring gray pants suit, but now he got to see you in your preferred style. A form-fitting, teal blue dress that stopped halfway down your thighs and had a keyhole neckline to show off a bit of cleavage. You paired it with some gold jewelry and black, strappy heels. You laughed at his face when he saw you.
“You look…” he stammered. “That dress…just wow.”
“Thank you.” You looked him up and down, liking the way his tailored pants fit his lean body just right and his casual button-down shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves accentuated his sculpted chest. You had never really noticed how strong he looked. “You look really good, too. Much better than the stuffy suits.”
“Agreed,” he said distractedly as he continued to stare at your chest.
“Excuse me, but my eyes are up here,” you joked, pointing to your face.
He looked up briefly, then back down at your body. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll get to your eyes in a minute.”
“Wow, I had no idea you were such a pervert.”
He looked up at you with a devious smile. “Oh, yeah, huge pervert. I’m surprised you never picked up on that.” He laughed along with you and then offered his arm for you to loop yours through. “Shall we?”
At dinner, the conversation came easily. It was nice to be able to chat without having to cut it short due to work. Your stories were much duller than his, obviously, but he still seemed genuinely interested in anything you had to say. You made him laugh with your sarcastic comments and you loved knowing you were just about the only one that could crack that veneer of his. Over dessert, you finally worked up enough nerve to ask him what you really wanted to know.
“So, how come you’ve only dated thin girls before?”
Five looked surprised and he shook his head. “I haven’t only dated thin girls.”
You cocked your head to the side and raised your eyebrows. “Really?”
He coughed, embarrassed. “Ok, fine, that’s true. But it wasn’t a conscious decision. Like I said, I’m attracted to who I’m attracted to.” He paused. “But…”
“But what?”
“But what I am most attracted to is confidence. I like a woman that is sure of herself and assertive. A woman that knows what she wants.” He looked guilty for a second. “Usually, at least in my experience, those are the women that happen to fit into the societal standards of beauty. I hadn’t really thought about it until now, though. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, it’s not a bad thing. I was just curious.” You hesitated, not sure you wanted to keep pressing him for information. “What was it that attracted you to me, then?”
He looked surprised again and then he laughed. “Are you kidding? I’ve never met anyone as confident and self-assured as you. Plus, you’re funny and easy to be around. And almost as smart as I am.”
“As modest as always.”
“I’m just kidding,” he said with a smile. “You’re incredibly smart, obviously. I wouldn’t waste my time with someone who wasn’t. And…” He reached across the table and placed his hand on top of yours, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. You felt a warm, tingling sensation ripple through your body. “You are also incredibly sexy with your shameless flirting.”
“Well, I’m glad you noticed,” you said, taking your finger and brushing it over his. “And just in case you didn’t know, you are also incredibly sexy.”
“I did not know that.”
“Oh yeah. I made a lot of enemies once word got out that I was going on a date with you. Lots of jealous women back at headquarters right now.”
“Is that so? Can I get a list of those women, just in case this date goes bad?”
Taking your foot, you dragged it up his calf, all while looking him in the eye with one eyebrow raised suggestively. “I don’t think it’s going to go bad, do you?”
He shook his head. “I don’t now.” You saw him swallow hard and shift in his seat. “How about we get the check?”
When you got back to your place, you were almost falling through the door as you struggled to get inside while aggressively making out. Neither of you had even made it out of the car before you started groping one another, so that by the time you had made it home, you were both on fire.
“You know,” you mumbled between frantic kisses as Five slammed the door closed behind him with his foot. “I don’t usually put out on the first date.”
“Me either,” he said as he grabbed you around the waist to pull you in closer, kissing you along your jaw.
“Ok, I lied. Yes, I do,” you exhaled breathily as your hands wound into his hair and he moved his mouth to your neck.
“Good, because I lied too,” he said, stopping to look at you with a sly grin.
After letting out a short laugh, you were back on his mouth again, breathing hard through your nose and pressing your body against his. You could feel his arousal building as he pushed his groin into your hip. Your hands fumbled as you started to unbutton his shirt.
“Fuck, you are so hot,” he breathed against your neck. “I want you out of this dress.”
As you finished undoing the last button and pulling his shirt out of his pants, you nodded. “Yeah, good idea.” When you reached down to pull at the strap of your shoe, he put a hand on yours to stop you. When you looked up, he shook his head.
“I said the dress. The shoes stay on.”
Well, if you hadn’t been wet before, you were now. The tone of his voice and the seriousness of his face only added to the hotness factor and at that point you would have followed almost any demand he made of you. Leaving the shoes on, you pulled the dress over your head while he watched. Even though you hadn’t really been anticipating your date progressing this far, you had still prepared with a pair of satin panties and lace bra that matched the same jewel tone as the dress you dropped onto the floor.
Five didn’t say anything, just eyed you up and massaged the back of his neck. Then he let out a long, shaky exhale.
“Are you ok?” you asked, suddenly a little concerned he might not be liking what he saw.
Five nodded, his gaze not leaving your breasts. “Yeah, just give me a second. I’m trying not to come in my pants.”
Your astonished laugh was quickly cut off when you found yourself pinned against the wall on the other side of the room, the fluttery sensation of one of Five’s spatial jumps lingering in your stomach. Your squeak of surprise was swallowed by his mouth on yours, as he pushed hard against you, his hands on your tits.
When he flicked his tongue across your bottom lip, you moaned and closed your eyes, jerking your hips into him. Your hands found their way to his hard chest and muscular arms, feeling them tighten and relax with each movement. He let you tug his shirt the rest of the way off and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he pressed his face into the side of your neck and lifted one of your legs up to his waist. His hard cock was grinding into you as you drew in a ragged breath. When you felt his lips against your skin and his warm breath as he brushed his mouth over your neck, you let out a loud whine.
“That’s right, sweetheart. Let Daddy hear you,” he groaned, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh and holding you tightly to him.
“Woah…Daddy?” you breathed out.
Five nodded, moving to the other side of your neck. “Is that ok?”
“Fuck yes, Daddy,” you moaned, running your hands greedily down his back.
You felt him smile against you and his kisses turned into small nips that he trailed down your neck and onto your shoulder.
“I want you. I can’t wait,” he said, his voice husky with desire.
“The bedroom is in there,” you said, pointing to the room just on the other side of the wall.
Five let your leg down and you pulled him by the hand into your bedroom, falling onto the bed and propping yourself on your elbows as Five stood there staring again.
“Well, come on, Daddy,” you teased. “I thought you couldn’t wait.”
A slow smile spread across Five’s face as he immediately started to undress the rest of the way, until he was crawling over you, completely naked. He rubbed his cock against your inner thigh, making a quiet growling noise in his throat before looking you in the eye.
“As much as I love this little bra and panty combination you’ve got going on here, I’m going to need those to go, too.”
When you nodded eagerly, he reached behind you and expertly unhooked your bra, tossing it off the bed before immediately moving farther south and ripping your underwear off. Once you were completely nude, Five sat back to take you all in. You assumed he liked what he saw, because it was only another second before he was covering you with his own body, attacking your full breasts with frantic sucking kisses.
“Damnit, honey, these tits…fuck,” he moaned as he buried his face in your cleavage.
“I take it that you’re pleased?” you giggled, threading your fingers through his hair.
He lifted his head, holding himself over you while he shoved your legs further apart with his knees. Then he lowered himself to kiss you tenderly, caressing your face with one hand. You let out a soft sigh.
“I’m more than pleased. You’re beautiful.”
He leaned in to kiss you again, this time using his free hand to travel down your chest and abdomen, and along your inner thighs. His long fingers met the soft, wet area between them, and he slowly ran them up through your pillowy folds, making you even wetter.
“Five…” you moaned as you rocked your hips up to match his strokes.
“What do you need, sweetheart? Tell me,” he asked, only slightly condescending as he continued to watch your face for your reactions.
Five entered you with two fingers, pressing in slowly and then backing out again before repeating it in a slow rhythm. You chased his hand with desperate thrusts of your hips, biting your bottom lip to try to contain some of the noises that threatened to escape your lips.
“Fuck me, please,” you whined, throwing your head back.
He gave a quiet chuckle and you felt his hand move away from you. Then he was positioning himself between your legs and lowering himself so that you could feel his dick rubbing against your slit.
“God, I swear I’ve never been this hard in my life. I’m going to fuck you like you want, gorgeous. Daddy’s going to take care of you.”
“Oh, shit,” you gasped when you felt him enter you, just slow enough not to be jarring, but not drawing it out, either.
When he was fully inside, you angled your hips so he was at just the right spot.
“How’s that?” he whispered as he slowly pumped into you.
“That’s good…” You grabbed at his shoulders and back. “Keep going.”
Five continued his slow and lazy thrusts while holding himself over you so he could look down at your face and body. His hair fell forward over his eye and he made quiet groaning noises that were punctuated with soft kisses.
“You feel so damn good,” he moaned.
“What do you need, darling?”
“I need you to really fuck me. Hard.”
He looked down at you, momentarily stopping his movements. Then he laughed quietly and you smiled back. “Well, I did say I’d fuck you like you wanted, didn’t I?”
When he pulled out, you let out a soft sigh and watched as he crawled back off the bed, his dick still hard and wet from being inside of you.
“Wha--?” you started to ask, right before he yanked your legs sideways, so that you were laying across the width of the bed.
Five positioned himself between your legs, holding them up under your knees and settling them on either side of his waist while he lined himself up and slammed into you again.
“Is this what you wanted?” he snarled, continuing to thrust into you hard and fast.
“Yes!” you cried, clutching at the sheets beneath you.
Every time he pounded into you, you got to feel the intensity of his strength as your entire body moved back and forth, your tits bouncing enticingly in front of him. He gave your voluptuous ass a hard slap that made you cry out again. You instinctively covered your mouth with your arm.
“Oh, no, I don’t think so,” Five warned through clenched teeth. “Uncover your mouth. I want to hear you scream.”
Everything he was doing and saying was driving you quickly over the edge, and you did scream for him, just like he wanted. You couldn’t even help yourself.
“Yes…please…keep going…harder, please! I need more!”
You were begging and pleading while he railed into you as hard as he possibly could, thrusting his thick cock deep inside of you while slamming his pubic bone right into your clit every single time. All while completely supporting your lower body, angling it up and off the bed so he could fuck you relentlessly and perfectly.
Soon, you felt your muscles start to twitch and your head fell back, your mouth wide open as you repeatedly asked him to fuck you harder. When you finally hit that wall, you completely lost yourself, screaming his name while bucking and thrashing wildly against him.
Your orgasm was still coming in waves when Five released himself inside of you, his head tipped back and jaw set, growling obscenities while his muscles contracted and he dug his fingers harder into your thighs.
When the intensity had passed, Five let go of your legs, setting them gently down, and he leaned over the top of you, his hands on either side of your head. He kissed you tenderly, still trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck, that was good,” he said with a heavy exhale.
You nodded, laying a hand on his cheek. “So damn good.”
After another minute, you both moved so that you were lying longways on the bed again. Five held you against his chest while he kissed your forehead and traced his fingers down your arms and back.
“I’m not sure why we haven’t been doing that all along,” he joked.
“Because you needed to get to know me and my sparkling personality first.”
Five rolled his eyes. “Sparkling? I don’t know, that seems a bit much.”
When you giggled, he pulled you close to him. Your lips pulled to the side in thought and after a few seconds you decided to just put it out there.
“Are you sure you’re ok with my body? I mean, I am, but I just want to make sure you are, too. Because if this is going to continue, and I really hope it does, then I need to know you’re going to be ok with my size and not try to change me after a while. I’ve dated men in the past that said they were ok with it, but then a month or so later, they’re encouraging me to go to the gym or making comments about my diet. They all got kicked to the curb, because I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. I am who I am and I love my body. I just want to make sure you do, too.”
Five was quiet for a moment, then he held your chin in his hand. “Look at me,” he said quietly, while tilting you face up. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression that body type or looks matter to me, because it doesn’t. I just had the most mind-blowing sex I have ever had, and I wouldn’t change one single thing about you. You’re perfect.”
“Wow,” you said with a smile. “Five Hargreeves just called me perfect. Wait until I spread this rumor down at headquarters.”
“I’m serious,” he said. “You believe me, don’t you?”
You nodded. “I believe you. And thank you.” You gave him a soft kiss and smiled. “So, does this mean I can keep sexually harassing you at work?”
“I hereby give you permission to harass me as much as you want on a daily basis. I will welcome it.”
After that first date, you and Five couldn’t get enough of one another. It was like just being in the same building with him set your body on fire. You would find yourself staring off, lost in a daydream about what his mouth felt like and then someone would clear their throat or say your name, and you’d realize they had been talking to you without you noticing.
Obviously, everyone knew that something was going between you two. You hadn’t exactly spread the word, but you also hadn’t denied it. You didn’t really care what anyone thought, anyway. The only problem was, there was a strict policy of no relationships between case managers and field agents in place. This was done to protect the agents, and to avoid any favoritism with assignments. A few casual flings here and there were overlooked, but serious relationships were usually squashed. Not that you would describe what you had as serious. Yet, anyway.
You did love spending time with one another, even without the sex. You even made Five join you at lunch with your usual group, much to the shock of your friends. It was awkward at first, but when Five cracked a very dry and cutting joke about someone in upper management, the table went silent for a second before bursting into laughter. He looked at you in surprise, like he couldn’t believe he was having this type of positive social interaction. You just smiled and shrugged, mouthing “I told you so”.
Despite the fact that you spent a lot of time together outside of work, that didn’t stop either of you from taking advantage of your proximity at the Commission. You had lost count of the number of times you two had stolen away somewhere in the building for a quickie during the day. With Five’s status plus his convenient teleportation powers, you could hide anywhere you could think of that would give you at least a few minutes of privacy.
You would be sitting there, attempting to work on a case, when Five would come strolling in. Just the sight of him striding into the room, all confident and sexy with that tiny smirk on his face, made you want to jump on top of him. He would approach you with some made up problem he had and ask you to go with him so you could help straighten it out. It was pretty apparent what was going on, and your coworkers would exchange glances around you, but you didn’t care.
Once you were safely down the hallway, Five would grab you and blink you into some abandoned storage room where you were immediately attacked. You had told him to stop being so aggressive while at work, because the hickeys he was leaving on your neck were clearly visible. But that didn’t stop him from shoving you against a table or a wall, all while kissing you fervently and telling you how much he wanted you in that deep, growling voice of his.
Dropping to his knees to eat you out while kneading the flesh of your ass. Spinning you around to bend you over a table before fingering you and then fucking you from behind. Biting and sucking at your tits and stomach, leaving marks that would be hidden by your clothes, but were still a reminder of who you belonged to. All of it was expertly done, as only Five could do, and you couldn’t get enough.
The servicing wasn’t a one-way street, though. You liked to flip the tables sometimes and push him against the wall, sliding slowly down his body until you were kneeling in front of him, hands already clawing at his belt and zipper while you called him Daddy. When you would take all of him into your mouth, he would hiss through his teeth and groan loudly, his hand resting in your hair while he praised you for being good for him. He wanted you to look at him while you sucked him off, and tell you to finger yourself while you did it. You’d be choking on his dick, a hand shoved into your panties, and both of you moaning until you came; all while the throngs of Commission employees were passing by right outside the door.
It was quickly becoming apparent that your relationship was evolving into something more. You were starting to spend more nights together, sleeping in one another’s beds, curled up together and waking up happy in the morning, just to be near each other. Five loved cuddling up with you, pulling your soft body close against his, and nuzzling into your neck or hair. He told you how happy you made him and thanked you for pulling him out of his shell. He’d idly stroke your arms and thighs while you would lie together in the dark, just talking quietly. In the morning, he’d trace patterns over the white, jagged lines that criss crossed your abdomen and hips, reminding you how beautiful you were as the sunlight spilled across your bed.
Your feelings for Five were starting to seep into your everyday routines and the work you normally prided yourself on. You found yourself worrying about every assignment he went on, even though you knew he was a professional and could handle it.
After a while, the cases you started assigning him got easier and easier, whereas before you would have given him the most difficult and dangerous ones. He finally called you out on it when he received a total rookie assignment while another agent that was not nearly as skilled received a much more complicated one.
He sat on the corner of your desk, a smug grin on his face, as he dropped the file in front of you.
“What the hell is this?” he asked you, still smiling.
You glanced down at the file, then back at him. “What do you mean?”
He tapped the file with his finger. “This garbage. It’s a case for a newbie. Hell, you could probably hand this to any random person off the street and they could do it. So what’s going on?”
You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest and frowning. “Maybe I thought you just needed a break, that’s all.”
He studied your face and shook his head. “No, that’s not it. Every case I get from you these days is getting simpler and simpler. I just haven’t said anything until now. Are you losing faith in my abilities, is that it?”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “Of course not! It’s just, you know…” Your voice trailed off and your eyes flitted away from his.
“No, I don’t know. Tell me.”
With a heavy sigh, you dropped your hands onto the desk in front of you, looking up at him. “Fine. I’m scared to give you anything complicated because I’m afraid something will happen to you. And I don’t really want my boyfriend being gunned down or stabbed or beaten all to shit, ok? Especially not in another timeline where you might not even be able to come back.”
Five took a second to absorb that information, then he looked down with a smile. “You really worry about me?”
“Yes, I worry about you. Is that so bad? You might not be as amazing as you think you are. You’re not infallible, you know.”
Five made a face like he hadn’t actually considered that before, which was mildly infuriating, and then he looked at you with that gentle smile of his that you knew he saved only for you. He leaned in and gave you a quick but tender kiss full on the mouth, even though you were still in a roomful of people that could see. When he pulled away, you felt your face flush, but not from embarrassment.
“Thank you,” he whispered earnestly.
Then he flashed you that arrogant smirk again, the dimple on his cheek deepening, before snatching a much thicker file off your desk, and blinking away without another word.
It was only a matter of time, you supposed, before Corporate caught wind of your relationship. Especially when you were making erratic decisions with your cases lately. Both you and Five received a notice from senior management requesting a meeting. You were a mess of anxiety and nerves when the time came. Your career was important to you, and it was not in your nature to just throw that away for some man. But Five wasn’t just any man, was he? If you were going to have to choose between your job and your relationship with him, you had no idea what you were going to do.
Sitting in front of the executive’s desk, your leg bounced up and down with nerves as you waited for Five to join you. When he arrived, he had the absolute audacity to look calm and unbothered as he sat down in the chair next to you. He greeted the manager and then turned to give you a wink and a small smile. You really had no idea how he could be this nonchalant. Maybe he didn’t care if you had to end things.
“As I’m sure you know, the reason you two have been called here today is –”
Five cut your manager off mid sentence. “Yes, we are fully aware. According to section 64, subsection D of the Commission Code of Conduct, we are prohibited from being in a romantic relationship with one another.”
The executive paused. “Well, yes, that’s correct. And so –”
“And so you have to inform us that we either have to end our relationship or resign from our positions.”
There was another moment of perplexed silence from across the desk. “Uh, yes…”
“But that is only because of the current departments we work for, due to conflicting interests, correct?” Five continued.
“That is correct, yes. But—”
“So, if we move to the same department, that shouldn’t be an issue?”
“Well…yes…I suppose…”
You looked at Five, completely confused. “Five, what are you doing? You don’t want to work in case management. I know you don’t.”
He nodded. “You’re right. But you can train to become a field agent.”
Your mouth hung open. “What?”
“You’ve only mentioned that you were interested in being out in the field about 50 times, so why not? They can always use more agents,” he turned to the manager, “Isn’t that right?”
The man cleared his throat. “Oh. Well, yes, that’s true.”
Five nodded again, as if that explained everything. “Alright then, so move her to my department. She has the determination and skill. And you have my official recommendation, which as you know, holds a lot of weight around here.”
There was another look of bewilderment in your direction. “Yes, Mr. Hargreeves, that’s true. I suppose we could do that—”
Five stood up with a smile. “Great! It’s all settled then.” He turned to you, still sitting in your chair and trying to make sense of all of this.
What he had said was true. You had told Five many times that you wished you could have his job. But you figured that was outside of your skill set. Five didn’t seem to agree. He knew you were highly intelligent, strong, and had the right personality. You just needed the proper training.
He reached out a hand to pull you up. “Is this all ok with you, darling? Do you have anything to add?”
You shook your head slowly. “Uh, no…I mean, yes…I mean, yes I’m ok with it and I don’t have anything else to add.”
“Great!” Five turned to the manager. “Just send me the paperwork we need to fill out and we can call it good.”
The manager shook each of your hands and it appeared that the meeting was over before it began. Five guided you towards the door with a hand on your back. You looked over your shoulder, still unsure of what exactly just happened, but you let him push you outside into the hall.
“What the fuck, Five?” you demanded, hands on your hips. “You want to tell me what is happening right now?”
“It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? They weren’t going to let us keep dating if we were working in our current departments, so one of us had to move. And I know this is what you really wanted.”
You thought for a moment. “So…you didn’t think of breaking up with me just to keep things the same?”
His mouth dropped open and then he snapped it shut again, his brows furrowing and creating deep creases between his eyes. “No. Of course not.” He took a few steps closer to you and took your face gently into his hands, gazing into your eyes. “I love you.”
You drew in a sharp breath. “What?”
“I love you,” he repeated, this time with a smile.
You answered him, your own grin spreading slowly across your face. “Say that again.”
Five laughed, leaning down to kiss you and you hugged him around his waist. “I love you,” he said again after breaking away.
“I love you too, Five. I don’t know if I realized it until just now, but I do. I love you so much.”
Five nodded. “Well, that’s a relief. Because I would have looked like a giant asshole if I did all that and you shot me down.”
Laughing, you reached up for another kiss that quickly turned very heated. When you pulled away, Five was breathing hard and he tugged your body harder against his.
“There’s an empty room down the hallway over there,” he said suggestively.
You shook your head. “Sorry, honey, but we have to get to work. I have a lot of training to start on.”
“I think you forget who your new boss is,” he said in that serious tone of his.
Five pulled you in tightly again, kissing you hard on the mouth and flattened you against the wall. His hand roamed down to your chest and he gave your breast a small squeeze while pressing his knee in between your legs. When he heard you moan softly into his mouth, he backed away with a grin.
“You know, I can report you to HR for sexual harassment,” you said with a crooked smile, even though you were having a hard time controlling your heart rate.
“It’s not harassment if you like it,” he shot back before giving you a loud smack on the ass.
Then he turned around and walked away, leaving you flustered and hot; but also with that amazing feeling in the pit of your stomach from knowing you had found the perfect person to love and that loved you just as much in return.
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beefslipper · 2 days
Hello! sorry to bother you again. But this thought came to me at 2 am and I need to see your writing on it. How do you think hsr men show their affection? I know Dan Heng would be a man of service but Jing Yuan? Is he going to be like Dan Heng or more open about it? 🤔.
Anyways, I'll be there to eat up the masterpiece. Stay hydrated and Thank you! 💜
Don't apologize! :D
I'll try to do ALL the male characters, excluding MC and Duke Inferno. I thought about it but decided against it cuz AAAAAAAAAAAA. I'm going to cry like a baby if I forget any. Since there are 17 men (I think, I'm half asleep) I'm gonna number them in alphabetical order and just. Go with it.
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Argenti would do everything humanly possible for you. Whatever love language you're most comfortable with, he's doing that all for you and you only.
You like physical affection? Whenever you're okay with it, he's holding your hand, giving you kisses, doing whatever makes you feel best.
You like verbal affirmations? Bro isn't hesitating to never shut up about everything he loves about you (P.S., it's everything).
Gifts? Be prepared to get something from him every time you see each other. He's not gonna hold back at all for the person he loves most.
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Dude's 100% a cuddler. Spending hours with you is his way of showing he cares. He isn't just asking to cuddle to avoid his responsibilities, he willingly spends lots of time with you (and gets yelled at for doing that instead of doing what he needs to).
However, if you're alright with doing little tasks with him, he's bringing you with. You two often walk Peppy together or go to deal with anything that won't get you hurt. You could be like 20 times stronger than him and he'd refuse to 'let you risk getting hurt'. Lol.
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You already know this peacock's buying you everything you want. That cute dress you saw in a shop window? All your's. A new pair of earrings that you don't really even need? Dawg you're getting that and like 50 other pairs. That one perfume everybody's talking about? He's buying the whole company for you.
However! Behind closed doors, he's all about physical affection. Whenever it's just the two of you, he's always clinging to you like a sloth.
No Gif for Bladie cuz Tumblr asked if I was suicidal LOL
Bladie would seem like he hates you in public. Like you killed his pet dog when he was 6 and has hated you ever since type stuff. But when you're alone, he LOVES physical affection. Mostly receiving it, but he's definitely sure to make you feel loved, too. Whenever he's not feeling too good, he sends you little gifts to show he cares since he's not good with his words.
In short, he'd be extremely dedicated to loving you if he didn't have such a negative relationship with love.
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He loves using his words because he comes up with the craziest affectionate names for you. Some that have your eyes popping out of your skull before you even have a chance to get blushy over 'em.
Besides that, it depends on what kinda person you are. Yapper? He's more than willing to sit there and listen to your voice. He'll try to pay attention but it's a 50/50. Listener? He's always got something weird or interesting to tell you.
Dan Heng
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He likes physical stuff the most but to an extent. He refuses to do anything bigger than hand-holding and small, quick kisses while in public. He REALLY shows his love behind closed doors to make up for it.
However. If someone's bothering you in public, he's gonna unintentionally do that 'don't worry kitten, daddy's gonna protect you' thing. He'll be mean mugging the person while holding you because he hates seeing you so uncomfortable from random weirdos.
Dr. Ratio
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As much as I hate 'tsunderes' from cringey 2020 stuff, Ratio's one of them. He'll call you the most offensive names you've ever heard as he makes you the most godly, perfect-tasting meal you've ever had.
Once the two of you have gotten close enough, he'd probably allow you in that stupid bath of his, but if you dare to try any NSFW stuff while he's reading, you're getting a thick-ass book to the head.
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Words and physical affection. Yk that one image of the two blank characters swapping spit? That's you and him whenever you come up with some comeback to one of his teasing compliments.
Anyways, he'd always be holding you while in public. Anyone dares to express concern about it? Bro's throwing haymakers (reference).
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Geppieeee :D Although I wanna do Geppie, I've done some HCs on him on a different post (excuse for me to be lazy LOL)
Imbibitor Lunae
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A plankton drooling and screaming yes gif came up when I searched his name sjfjkldsjf
IL would spoil you with gifts. He'd always be off doing his weird dragon shit, so he'd send gifts from where ever he was. You could get sea shells or flowers that somehow stay fresh for ever. You could even get hairpins or clothing.
He isn't big on physical affection only because I'm sure you'd be obsessed with touching his tail and 'horns'?. Whatever, he's not letting that happen lol.
Jing Yuan
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Physical affection 100%. When he's cooped up indoors doing work, he brings you with him and has you sitting within arm's reach at all times. Or in his lap if you're especially clingy.
He'd try to be verbally affectionate, but he'd use a weird nickname once and forever be embarrassed by it so that's out the window.
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Me rn omg the brain juices are running lower as this post goes on, I'm sure you can see the effort decreasing. My apologies for that.
Luka's probably physically affectionate and really wants that treatment from you, too. I can't imagine how sore he must be, bro punches robots and big-ass monsters all day.
I'm sure he'd also give you gifts and whatnot, but physical stuff > anything else.
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I feel like he'd switch constantly. Without warning. One day he's all happy and clingy and the next he's super distant but leaving you gifts like he's about to leave. He doesn't even have a real reason behind this other than he doesn't know which is easiest for him.
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He'd be all about gifting. I only say this 'cuz of the little side stuff about him having a buncha candy and other little souvenirs. He'd definitely get you something if it reminded him of you.
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I couldn't help myself the gif was too tempting I'm sorry
He'd always be stealing random crap for you. He'd even use his beautiful persona to get you the more expensive things you want.
Besides that, I'm sure he uses lots of verbally affectionate words with you and makes sure you know how much he loves you. Even if he constantly dresses up as a beautiful woman to distract another man LMFAO.
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Literally all of the above. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you. You need to be held? You're already in his lap. Craving anything? Bro's learning how to make it for you as we speak. Need to hear someone tell you that you're worth something? He's got a big-ass 36-page love letter for you already.
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Physical 100%. He doesn't know how to use his words without turning into a blushing tomato. He'd rather hold you for hours on end than try to compliment you. He loves so much about you that he's physically incapable of coming up with a compliment.
no more gifs omfg my computer gonna explode
Gifts and verbal stuff definitely. He'd spoil you with your favorite food and would always compliment you to the point it seemed like he had endless compliments stored away for you alone.
However, you're getting thwacked with a spoon if you dare to try and touch his tail or ears. Cuddles and hugs are a-okay, but touching the sensitive parts? N O
He loves physical stuff... Ignoring his VA's crimes.
He'd probably spend a chunk of the day cuddling you and refusing to get out of bed. Whenever he's not cuddling you, he's making origami things of your favorite animals until you have an army of them, varying in size and color.
Definitely a gifter. He's always making new things to give to you. However, when he makes new inventions, he forces the MC to play with it to ensure it's absolutely safe before it gets into your hands (You're gonna find a way to break it and set everything on fire no matter what LOL)
He sends you expensive gifts, but before he really got to know you and what you want, he'd be sending some weird stuff. Like a cat killing a bird and leaving it on your porch for you or something.
Over time, he got better about his gift choices. He probably goes to Robin to beg for advice on what to get you next.
Holy breaking and entering Batman! That's a lotta yap. And gifs. Good lord the gifs. My computer's hardly alive. I'm hardly alive.
Well, despite the decrease in quality and effort over time, I hope you enjoyed the HCs!
Have a great day, evening, and/or night! :)
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sommerbueckers · 6 hours
could we get a story where paige’s gf surprises her with her nipples being pierced
love your writing!!!!
thank you so much hon !!
Silver Surprises
one shot
I leaned back against the car seat, gently biting on my lip and tapping my fingers against the wheel.
I had gone absolutely insane.
An hour ago everything had been normal; I had opened my eyes to Paige's face nuzzled into my neck, but woken up to the feeling of it between my thighs. Afterward, I cooked breakfast for the both of us which we enjoyed snuggled on the couch together.
Now, I was returning home after doing the most anomalous thing I'd ever done. The idea had been floating around in the back of my mind for a while, but I had never actually built up the courage to do it. That was until I drove past a tattoo shop that displayed a large and rather inviting sign in the window, 'All piercings half off.'
Who in their right mind would pass up something like that?
I was slightly regretting my decision as I stepped out of the car, doing my best to stop my jacket from rubbing against my nipples. I locked the door and headed up to the apartment.
Paige was in the same spot that I had left her, brows frowned in concentration and Fortnite on the tv. She gave me a brief smile when I walked in, immediately going back to her game.
"Hi baby," I greeted, setting my keys down on the counter.
"Hey," she responded absently, fingers moving vigorously.
"You win yet?"
"No," she frowned, "these stupid fuckin' kids keep fuckin' killing me."
I snorted softly, walking over and sitting beside her. "Did you really just-"
"You! Yeah you little shit, I called you stupid!" Paige shouted, aggressively grabbing the mic on her headphones.
"Paige! You can't call children stupid," I said.
The two of us then watched in tense silence as her character was shot from behind, leaving her to become a spectator. She snatched her headphones off, throwing them to the side along with the controller.
"Fuckin' bullshit," she breathed out.
"Aw," I pouted mockingly, running my hand through her hair.
She playfully glared at me, swatting my hand away.
"Did the stupid children make you angry?" I asked.
She nodded, "Yeah."
"You need somethin' to cheer you up?"
A smirk found its way to her face and she narrowed her eyes, "I think I do."
"Good," I smiled brightly, "because I have a surprise for you."
"Yeah? We tryin' somethin' new or...?"
I thought about it as I stood up, was it really something new? Paige absolutely loved nipple play, but mine were never sensitive enough for me to actually appreciate the attention she gave them. Now, with how sensitive they'd be from the piercing, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities.
"Not exactly..." I smiled, beginning to unzip my jacket. "Same old tricks just...with a new edition," I slowly pulled it open, "two new editions."
Paige's fingers gripped the edge of the couch in anticipation, her eyes trained on my chest as I let the jacket fall to the floor. She wasn't even listening to me by the time I had gathered up my words. "Remember how I had been telling you I wanted to get my nipples pierced, well I finally grew some balls today."
Paige was silent...silenced, her eyes bulging from her head. At first her reaction had elicited a laugh from me, but the longer it dragged on, the more self conscious I grew. I couldn't tell if she liked it or not. I brought my lip in between my teeth, shifting my gaze to anything else in the room.
Paige cleared her throat, "You- That- hm." She fell silent again, hand covering her mouth in a. thoughtful way.
"You don't like it do you?" I asked, shoulders dropping slightly.
The blonde frowned, standing and walking over to me.
"'Scuse me? I fuckin' love it," she laughed. "Can I touch 'em?"
"Yeah but be careful, like really careful."
"Yeah, yeah."
Paige softly reached her hands out to touch each nipple, first touching the area around them before running her thumb directly over them. A light gasp filled the space between us partially because of the slight pain and partially because of how good it felt.
Something in Paige's eyes darkened, and her tongue darted across her lips the longer she touched them. I felt myself leaning into her touch, my hands finding her biceps to keep her close.
Suddenly, her lips were on mine.
"You're so fuckin' sexy," she murmured.
Hands traveling down to my ass she said, "Yeah. Jus' wanna touch you all day. It feels like Christmas."
I laughed, "Well take me to the bed and put the star on top."
Paige paused for a moment before her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What does that even mean?"
"Bitch I was trying to be sexy!" you slapped her arm, "Go along with it."
Laughter flooded the room as she lifted me up by my thighs and carried me into the bedroom.
God I fucking love this woman.
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sexydoffyman · 7 hours
genre: fluffish (suggestive)
characters: König
A/N: Reader here is female mby next one male?
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König was tired, irritated. He had been stuck on deployment, which normally wouldn't be a problem since he was alone with no one to go home to, but the group he had been stuck with for the past two weeks was full of morrons. A dude who thinks he is the best in everything, an idiot who barely knows how to hold a gun and a bunch of other people who he has never seen before.
You were one of them. He didn’t really notice you since you were a mere girl who served only one purpose and that was to be bait. A damn bait. Yes, you did stand out being the only lady, but the only ones who noticed you only put you down. It was never like in the movies you watched. Only one girl in a situation with many men and they all fight for her. No, it was just dull.
Your mission was long finished but you got stuck trying to get to a safe base. Days were filled with a few guys going into some hidden markets to get supplies and the rest waiting for radio signals. You went out a couple of times yourself. Being a professional bait helped a lot in getting unreasonable discounts. That was the only thing you were good for. Or at least you were told.
By the fifth day of being stuck, you could feel their sexual frustration grow. You hid constantly. You knew you shouldn’t get close to them. If you did you could get seriously hurt or worse. You stayed in the corners of the building that you were staying at in order to not get caught. You felt disgusted, but it was what it was.
One day you were getting ready to set to sleep after a long day of listening to your teammates argue over the stupidest shit you ever heard. You got fed up with having to listen to them through the night and so you searched the building for a better spot to rest. You remembered a small attic that the team discovered when searching for food. It was empty but far away. You could finally calm down. And apparently, you weren’t the only one with that idea.
After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep, you heard footsteps going up the attic. You got up swiftly and pretended you were searching for something. Up the attic crawled none other than König. He was one of the quiet guys there. You had a pretty neutral relationship with him. He sat down “Stop trying to fake you’re looking for something, I can see your blanket on the floor.” “Oh yeah,” You clearly forgot about that. You awkwardly looked at him waiting for him to get to his point “Don’t worry I’m here for the same reason you are. They’re one of the loudest creatures I have ever laid my eyes uppon.”
You laid back on your blanket. The only thing you could do now was try to fall asleep again. You both tried and failed miserably. You felt like hours passed as you stared at the old ceiling. “You sleeping?” You waited before replying. “No” You turned to face him. To your surprise, he was still looking up. You would’ve thought that he was looking at your body the whole time, but no. When he heard you turn over he did so himself, looking at you. When you saw each other's faces you understood. You were both bored out of your minds. Then he hit you with a simple question. “Wanna fuck?”
Normally you’d say no and walk away from the situation as soon as you could. But the look on him. He looked like the biggest loser ever. You didn’t know what to respond, but thinking a little you thought of a question. “Why? Are you a virgin or something?” You felt proud of yourself, not just anyone could think of that question if a little panic took over them. You expected him to be defensive, but it took you a surprise when he simply said. “Yeah” At least he was confident when he said that.
You looked at the ceiling once again, thinking. You turned your whole body towards him. “Eh, why not? Can’t be that bad.” He slowly shuffeled himself towards you. You thought he was going to be a big morron who got desensitised to any sexual activity thanks to porn. You were only waiting for him to tell you he has a feet kink or something like that. It felt a little weird but still comforting when he didn’t say anything. He just. Embraced you. He caressed your back as he slowly slid your pants down. You could tell he was waiting for something like this to happen when he pulled a condom out of his pocket.
You were signed up for a fun ride. Maybe not a quality one, but definitely a fun one.
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Could u write a jealous Shinobu x F reader? She’s jealous that reader is always hanging out with Giyuu. She thought reader always had a crush on her because of how reader acts infront of her (all shy and serious. Always trying not to embarrass herself infront of Shinobu). But seeing how talkative and friendly reader is with Giyuu, she starts overthinking and getting jealous of Giyuu. So she joins the duo and keeps on trying to get reader’s attention and throwing quick insults at Giyuu to try and make him not seem ‘cool’. Love the way u write!
tysm for the req! it's such a cute idea
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shinobu kocho x f! reader
cw: jealousy, a little angst
shinobu kocho was agitated. mindlessly pacing around the egawa of her butterfly estate, repeating the images - the burning images in her head. you, touching tomioka's hand to get his attention; you, tipping your head back in a heartfelt laugh at something he said. it made her gag. it made her hot with an odd, seething anger. an oily feeling in her stomach, sticking everywhere on her insides.
of course, she knew that expectation - hope - was something she had no right to have. in this line of work, it was a liability, a stupid distraction from what was about to come. though, she never shyed away from teasing you or from uttering sweet nothings to you. it was natural, a reflex, one might say, for you were so captivating. a beautiful blossom's nectar to a butterfly.
it was somewhere along the way you pursed your lips, in the way you adjusted your uniform, or the way hummed a tune, that she became entangled. it made the vein on her forehead pop in frustration. she shifted her knees slowly, noticing the soft sound of footsteps coming closer. with a low blow of air, she put out the flame of the senko, watching the cursive lines of smoke as the room filled with the smell of fennel.
"kocho!", there was a sweet voice and a knock at her door. carefully, as to not crumble her haori, she stood up to slide it open and walk out.
"well, hello, y/n." she smiled, observing the way you fiddled with your clothes, how you guided your eyes away from her gaze. it made her brows furrow. the insect hashira looked at her co-worker next to you, the ever so stoic giyuu tomioka. she almost sneered at him, failing to hide the twitch in her upper lip. truthfully, kocho harbored no ill feelings towards this man. it could almost be said that they're friends, though she was all too familiar with the feeling crawling up on her, anger, distaste, a hint of annoyance. a cocktail of emotions she sipped on every day.
"i wanted to ask if ... you were free this evening." you said quietly, and if tomioka had not been there, kocho knew it'd made a part of her facade crack. "why are you being so strangely introverted?" he asked, almost deadpanning. she watched as you nudged his side, with a hushed "hey!", almost scolding him. it made her want to tear his face off. "what's the occasion?" something in the way your eyes shot to her, and your cheeks reddened, made her mood lighter. "a new koi pond opened," you started, "we should toss some coins for luck."
shinobu didn't reply at first, pressing her lips into a thin line. "are you joining us, tomioka?" she asked - as always, her voice should've sounded nice, sickly sweet, almost, but it came out forced, sharp. the water hashira looked confused, almost put on the spot - as he'd expected to come along anyway. nevertheless, she knew how to play these games. using simple mind tricks to make someone uncomfortable and embarrassed, and they do what you want. right now, shinobu wanted him to leave. it was a difficult task to do without revealing her intentions and jealousy.
kocho shinobu is a planner, a schedule slave, each of her moves, and each of her words carefully picked. so, as the three of you reached the pond, she felt some sort of disappointment. it was as though something didn't work out, a step failed, the goal now seemingly out of reach - but when she looked at you, it was hard for her to rationalize her anger. if you did harbor feelings for tomioka, she deemed it was going well. you laughed at his dry jokes, the one she could barely even listen to, and he smiled, more often than she'd ever seen. it was unfair of her, knowing that even if she won you over, it would be ... fleeting. another plan cutting roughly through the one labeled love. her mind was so preoccupied with revenge and hate that it would be a shame to let you in, to taint you.
"kocho?" she blinked as her name rang in her ears, looking at you. "would you like to pet them as well?"
you both sat down at the rim of the pond, the stone warm from sunshine. she watched as you ran your fingers along the spine of a rather big koi, white and red in color. for a while, only the occasional splash could be heard. "are you okay, kocho?" said girl retracted her fingers from the pond, wiping it on her haori. "why do you ask?" she heard you hum in thought, poking another koi, a thinner one - orange. "you looked so irritated today, I wondered if it was because of something I did."
shinobu halted her movements, looking into the distance. a sort of melancholic look on her face. after a while, she lifted the corners of her lips into a little smile. "i'm...jealous of tomioka, it seems." she confessed, her tone indicating that she felt a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "jealous?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. "whyever would you be?". kocho lifted her hand, hiding her lips behind it - a little chuckle escaping her, almost as if she found it ridiculous herself. "you talk and smile with him so openly..." she starts, "i want to be the one receiving your attention."
a blush rose in your cheeks, and she felt happy seeing the pink in your face. "oh, but kocho, my heart always beats too fast around you. i am almost unable to form a sentence." kocho tilted her head, her smile spreading even further. she could feel the fat of her cheeks bundle.
"promise to gift me more of your time."
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yaenanano · 2 days
suguru geto
a/n: im going to do a poll for u all to choose from to know who im going to write about next!!
his favorite sound in this world is probably hearing you gasp everytime he enters you, and that small whimper that follows afterwards? god it drives him crazy.
"you can touch it. it doesn't bite."
one of his kinks are dacryphilia, size kink, and overstimulation
he gets off at the thought of you getting off of him
LOVESSS IT when you let him know how good he's fucking you. especially when it gets too much to the point you're a moaning mess, coming absolutely undone for him. it might be his favorite sight in the world.
semi-public sex.
holy shit u CANNOTTT convince me he isn't an eater
will purposely act confused when you're whining and begging. would sometimes even pretend to not hear just to get you to repeat it
- he'll go, "hm? baby how do you expect me to give you what you want when you can't even tell me properly? go on, speak up.
WILL release all his pent-up frustration on you
tounge so good he has to HOLD you against his face to keep you from running away from him
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yuff7e · 3 days
Just found this blog and OMG I LOVE IT, 🫵YOU ARE AWESOME 🤩
Anyways um, I have a birthday next month and I had an idea for a few of my favs (only a few because I don’t want to stress you out-)
May I kindly ask for male (human) reader x Gyutaro, Gyokko, Hantengu (Main body), and Karaku [separate] (sorry if this is too much) where they take the reader out on a surprise date for his birthday and just treat him really nicely!….and uh, they get a little spicy afterwards~ (mostly teasing so that the “fun” is saved for his special day)
Again, sorry if this is too much, but thank you so much if you get this!
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𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
hi there speadrunner!! and thank u so much!! this request is the cutest, and i hope you enjoy these one-shot’s i made for you for each character :) (im going to be honest, i’ve never wittten for these specific demons before so i hope i made them somewhat accurate but also sweet - because knowing them they’re all so erratic in their own way i tried to make them chillax a bit lol—also no gender was really specified, so it could be gender neutral if wanted but i couldn’t really think of anything to make it too male specified…) ఌ︎
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐝
gyutaro -> gyokko -> hantengu (main body) -> karaku
♬♪ -> lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı
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gyutaro’s fingers grazed the edge of the ornate box containing a beautifully wrapped gift. his usual stern demeanor softened as he glanced at the clock, noting that the time was nearly perfect. it was your birthday, and he had planned something special, though his expression rarely revealed his excitement. after all, he wanted to make sure you felt cherished on this special day.
he had secretly arranged for a night out in a serene, secluded spot far from the hustle and bustle of the demon-infested world. as the sun began to set, he took you by the hand, guiding you to a lavishly decorated spot in the woods. lanterns hung from the trees, casting a soft glow that danced in the twilight. a lavish picnic was laid out, with an assortment of your favorite foods carefully prepared by gyutaro himself.
"surprise," gyutaro said, a rare, genuine smile gracing his lips. "i thought we'd spend your birthday somewhere nice."
you were overwhelmed with joy as you took in the setting, the effort and care he put into making the evening special evident in every detail. gyutaro was not one for flowery words, but his actions spoke volumes.
as the night wore on, the two of you enjoyed a delightful meal under the stars. gyutaro’s usual reserved nature softened, allowing his genuine affection to shine through. he regaled you with stories from his past, some dark and some surprisingly endearing, all while keeping a watchful eye on you to ensure you were comfortable and happy.
later, as the evening drew to a close, the mood turned more intimate. gyutaro’s touches were gentle, his fingers lingering on your skin as he leaned in close. he teased you playfully, his words laced with a mischievous edge, though he kept the more intense moments for later. his affection was palpable, a mix of warmth and teasing that left you yearning for more.
gyokko had meticulously planned your birthday surprise, ensuring every detail was perfect. he had chosen a luxurious private suite in a high-end, hidden away resort. from the moment you entered the suite, you were enveloped in opulence. elegant decorations adorned the room, and a sumptuous meal was waiting for you.
“do you like it?” gyokko asked, his voice a velvety purr. “i spared no expense for your special day.”
you were dazzled by the extravagance and gyokko’s meticulous attention to detail. the meal was exquisite, a feast of rare delicacies and decadent treats that showcased gyokko’s devotion to making your birthday unforgettable.
as the night progressed, gyokko’s demeanor became more relaxed. he seemed to enjoy watching you savor the night he had prepared. his usual arrogance was replaced with an almost childlike excitement to see you pleased.
the evening’s intimacy began with subtle touches and lingering glances, as gyokko’s teasing nature came out to play. his lips brushed against yours in teasing kisses, his hands trailing lightly over your skin. despite his usual arrogance, he made sure the night was filled with affectionate gestures, saving the more passionate moments for later, ensuring that your birthday was truly special.
hantengu (main body)
hantengu, in his main body form, approached your birthday with a mix of nervousness and excitement. he had never planned such an elaborate event before, but he was determined to make your special day memorable. he chose a quiet, elegant garden, far from prying eyes and distractions, to celebrate with you.
the garden was transformed into a beautiful haven with fairy lights, candles, and a table set for two. the atmosphere was serene, filled with the soft hum of nature and the occasional flicker of candlelight.
“i wanted to do something special for you,” hantengu said, his voice tinged with a rare softness. “i hope you like it.”
the night was filled with laughter and heartfelt conversations as you enjoyed the meal he had carefully prepared. hantengu’s usual stern exterior softened as he watched you with genuine affection, eager to make sure you felt celebrated.
as the evening progressed, the mood grew more intimate. hantengu’s touch was gentle yet charged with anticipation. he enjoyed teasing you, his playful smirks and light touches leading up to a more passionate embrace. his teasing nature was evident, but he reserved the more intense moments for later, ensuring that your birthday ended on a high note.
karaku was excited about your birthday, and he had a grand plan to ensure it was a day to remember. he had arranged for a romantic evening at a secluded, picturesque location—a cozy cabin by a serene lake surrounded by lush forests.
as you arrived, the cabin was illuminated by soft, warm lights. inside, a fire crackled in the fireplace, and a sumptuous meal awaited you, prepared with care and attention by karaku himself.
“happy birthday,” karaku said, his grin wide and genuine. “i hope this is everything you dreamed of.”
you were touched by the effort karaku put into creating such a beautiful and intimate setting. the meal was delectable, and the evening was filled with heartfelt conversations and shared laughter.
as the night went on, karaku’s teasing side came out. he enjoyed making playful remarks and light touches, his flirtatious nature adding a playful edge to the evening. he showered you with affection, his kisses gentle and teasing, building up the anticipation for the more passionate moments he had planned for later. his goal was to make sure your birthday was not only special but also filled with the kind of fun and excitement that made the day unforgettable.
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