Hate to say it but this blog didn’t go the way I’d hoped. I was way too stressed to be on here but, you can find Prompto on a dual muse blog here @lunarbranded with my Noctis. He’ll be more active there. If there’s threads from here or the @mtunit05953234-archive blog, just let me know and I’m sure we can get something going but, for now, this blog is effectively closed. <3
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I’m going ot be queuing Prompto’s replies over the next week! Thank you for being so patient with me. Feel free to send in memes from this tag.
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❛ Just promise me you’ll be careful. ❜
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Careful was not in Prompto’s vocabulary. Well, it was but it also wasn’t. Kind of. Prompto knew what Gladio meant but that didn’t mean that he was going to do it.
“Don’t worry, Big Guy, I’ve got this!” Almost every time he uttered those words, Prompto, in fact, did not ‘got this.’ With the recent loss of Noctis, things were chaotic enough that collecting seeds wasn’t looked down on. They’d need these for when the sun stopped rising. He wanted to make sure they had them before things got bad.
He slid down the rocks toward a small cropping of Lucian tomatoes. The second he felt the rocks fall out from under his ass, Prompto gasped sharply and felt himself fall. As he fell, he slammed into a sharper rock underneath and landed on his side, hissing at the pain the rock left him. It’d opened up his left ribcage, scraped against his bones, and made it hard to breathe. 
One hand came up, unknowingly covered in blood, and he laughed. It was strained. “I’m good.”
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It was almost as if the mere mention of the Keep had the other on edge, Ardyn allowed a smile to creep upon his face as he enjoyed the moment, how long it would last is another story, but Ardyn knew, the boy was less than happy having to eat his favourite animal. The one he begged so much to see, Ardyn even granted him his wish back then by dropping them straight down to the farm, little did he know that in less than a year, he would be feasting on one of the birds.
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“Ah, now that’s hurt my feelings, to compare my cooking to that of a blind person.” A person he was the indirect cause of blinding too. He wouldn’t say he was the direct cause as it wasn’t him who made Ignis put on the ring of the Lucii, and to be fair, he was quite shocked too when he discovered the man hadn’t dropped dead— still, he was no challenge to Ardyn, and all Ardyn did was play around until he got bored, he was never going to kill Noctis there; causing the man’s sacrifice to be for naught. “I mean, at least he’s good at something— he certainly wasn’t the best at decision making, and yes, I suppose you’re right, I was royalty, I had servants to do that for me, now? Now I just eat my food raw. Raw and bloody.”
He wondered, did the other know of his diet? He could notice him flinch slightly as some daemons roared in the distance, certainly on their way to the two of them. Well, one of them provided they’ll sense Ardyn, maybe they won’t even come any closer when they realise who’s there, they wouldn’t want the one who is technically their god devouring them if they got in the way of one of his many victims. “Aw, that’s a disappointment if there ever was one, I’m starving, and honestly… you still look so skinny.” Despite the man having gained some more muscle, Ardyn would devour him if he felt like it, but it’s like the other said, he would be better to him alive, broken.
But Ardyn could tell the way the other carried himself, the way he spoke up to him, the way he stood his ground— he was far from broken, he was broken back in the Keep certainly, but here? He hardly shown any fear, perhaps wariness, but not direct fear at the situation at hand. He had grown, the world being in ruins must have hardened him, or it could be because his friend is no longer with him, a quick mental slap to the face that he has to get stronger. Stronger for his friend if he is to survive this. Become a true crownsguard.
Smirking, Ardyn did the unsuspected, being able to read the other like a hawk, he quickly found his knife, and with perfect accuracy, he threw it, puncturing one of the front tires. He could hear the satisfying sound of the air releasing within it. “Such a shame I had to ruin that beauty of a car.” Words leaked with so much sarcasm, he would surely annoy the other.
Prompto winced. He was lucky to be able to stomach meat that was prepared for him now, especially when he kept trying to figure out what it was. Had someone actually started making food out of chocobos? He really hoped not. The last thing he wanted was to explain why he'd have to make his own meals. Although, a part of him suspected Ignis knew something when he'd hesitate taking a plate.
"At least the blind person isn't trying to kill me. That's a huge difference." He snorted softly. Ignis was good at a few things, more than just being an adviser, but he hoped that Ardyn wasn't alluding to something else. But eating his food raw...?
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A hand came up to touch his abdomen and Prompto scowled. Yeah, he'd lost some weight but he'd also put on a bit of muscle and filled out. His body had changed enough so that he could survive. But that didn't mean that all of the changes were good.
"Might be skinny but I'm alive. That's something. There's a ton of people who are losing weight due to food shortages." But none of them had started to eat one another. That was one of the things that the Glaives had been trying to stop, especially while they were getting vegetables to grow in Lestallum.
The sound of the tire hissing tore a sharp gasp from Prompto and he glanced up at Ardyn, gritting his teeth. "I hear rumor that there's a replica somewhere," he muttered. "Such a shame I can't stay and play with you." It was painful but he twisted and threw himself over the hood, slid across it, and landed on the other side. He might not have the vehicle anymore but he could at least run off to the nearest haven. It wasn't far.
...Maybe he could make it.
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Oh. So he hadn't hit the man when he crashed. Relief coursed through him and Prompto sighed as he relaxed. That was the best case scenario. He knew his little car wasn't the most beautiful thing in the world but it was his. And now, he was certain it wasn't a murder weapon.
A hand came up to his head and he touched the crusting blood there. Yeah, the throbbing was starting up and he should have taken a look sooner. Did that guy just lick his lips? ...That was weird.
Prompto put the kit on the hood - at least, what part wasn't crumpled into a tree - and unzipped it. "Huh? Oh ah, no not really. I'm heading to a place just down the road from here though. The locals at the motel claimed it was close enough by that I could just drive for a few hours."
Nope. That was a lie.
In fact, the locals at the motel didn't even want to speak to him when they found out what he was looking for. It was the map that had told him where to go and he'd tried to figure it out himself. He grabbed a bottle of water from inside the kit, no doubt it would be stale if he drank from it, and wet a bit of gauze. He used that to wipe his face down.
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"I think I should be close enough now that I can walk the rest of the way. If not then... I have to turn back around and try to get a cab or something to the motel. Then find someone willing to tow my car back to a garage." The poor little car. He didn't know if it were totaled or not but he'd still have to take a look at it.
With his face mostly clean, he used the mirror on the driver's side door to try to assess any damage taken from the hit. Nothing could help the tear and he couldn't stitch it, so he grabbed a couple of Tylenol and downed them. Yep, stale water.
Once the first aid kit was stuffed into his backpack, Prompto threw his phone and the map in there with his clothes and charger. Good thing he brought his debit card. "Do uh, do you know how far the next town is from here?"
@chainedvaliance continued from here.
He had received a message back almost instantly, although he knew the other’s phone would mess up and pretend that he never received word of the boy’s arrival to the town of Silent Hill, but how eager, he must have stopped all his prior plans to just arrive here, and for what? A text message that hardly proved anything? He must be desperate to find out about the many secrets of his life— the boy was going to be in for such a rough time, he wasn’t going to like it whenever he found out what the barcode meant… what kind of man his actual… well, as much as a father that one could call him. His father was more of a creator, a creator of many abominations that all became twisted beasts in the end— even he did in the end, or is well, close to it. There wasn’t a lot of humanity in the man anymore.
His only goal was to bring about the demonic god that Ardyn told him of, the young man— at the time anyway, many years have passed since they begun, the man desperate to help Ardyn into summoning the god into the mortal realm, he even started to create clones of himself whenever he discovered that having children normally was far too slow to find a suitable host. It wasn’t until twenty years ago when he finally created a life form that could handle the god being within him, and soon, it was time, the boy will eventually become this god that Ardyn spoke of… if he didn’t, Ardyn would happily give up himself so that his god could make it into this world.
Why did he even want the god to be summoned in the first place? No one knew, not even Ardyn— he just wanted to see the destruction it caused, and he would pledge himself to being its right hand if nothing went wrong with his plans. Yes, it was a desire for power. Perhaps a foolish one, but Ardyn knew his god, and he knew it to be grateful that he had taken it into himself to summon it into the mortal realm. He knew he would be rewarded in some regard, and failure wasn’t an option to Ardyn.
It hadn’t occurred to Ardyn that this whole time he was standing in the middle of a road, not until he heard a loud crash of a car that was coming up behind him, looking around he noticed it, the car wasn’t much— something that basically anyone with a little bit of savings could afford, although, it’s probably seen better days than the state it’s in now.
Deciding to walk over and see who it was, could it already be the boy he messaged? In such short notice too, he couldn’t have lived far from this location then if this was really him as he saw a figure struggling his way out of the car, it was clear as day to Ardyn when he saw the blood running down the other’s forehead, he had really took a nasty accident— shame on Ardyn for standing in the middle of the road, but Ardyn had no concern for the other’s wellbeing at all, so long as he still lived, was going to live. His god was in this boy after all if it was the one he hoped him to be.
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“You… asking me if I’m okay? Oh, I’m okay, not a scratch on me… as for you on the other hand…” Ardyn did a show, showing he wasn’t harmed at all, or even shaken at the car crashing so close to him, but then hinted towards the other’s forehead if he had yet to notice. “—you’ve taken a rather nasty bump to the head, maybe don’t waste your first aid supplies on me, and use them on yourself.”
Ardyn took a much closer look at the boy, under the blood, he could see Verstael’s resemblance— this was the boy. This was the boy that had his god contained within him, Ardyn involuntarily licked his lip in his excitement, only stopping as he did not want to raise suspicion, but it’s likely if the other’s paying attention, he probably noticed that. Hoping the other would just think it was like a nervous tick or something.
“Do you know where you are?” He queried the boy, he wouldn’t reveal himself to be the one that sent the text just yet, he didn’t want questions, no, he wanted to watch this boy from the sidelines, make him think that he’s someone he can look to for help… guidance… on his path to giving birth to the demonic god that Ardyn so desperately wanted to release upon this wretched world.
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“A hotel would be sublime,” he said, a soft groan of appreciation leaving his lips at the mere idea of fresh sheets, hot water, and a study roof. Of course, the thought of late night dalliances with a certain young man did try to edge their way in, but he was strong. They may have been speaking, but the pain was too raw, the wound too open to even have them get close to what they once had. 
And honestly? Ignis still hated himself for throwing it all away over a worry he couldn’t quell and control. What kind of adviser was he if he could not stay level headed?
Letting the self doubt go, he focused on the task and conversation at hand. He laughed at the memory of he destroyed pot, head shaking. Of course, at the time, it had hurt to see such a wonderfully crafted piece of cookware die a horrible death. Especially when it was one of the first he had acquired! 
“Well, it was only a possession,” he said, shooting him a grin. “I was much happier to see that you were unharmed. Ah, yes. He has his routine. Exercise, rinse, then eat. Always the same.”
“We should,” he agreed. “The air does feel quite heavy. Let’s eat and pack up. Can you set the coff…. No, can you focus on the omelettes? I can make more coffee and work on waking the sleeping prince. Do you mind helping out?”
For a moment, the idea of a hotel meant that he’d have to deal with being caged with Ignis and the others. Comfortable but a cage. He wondered for a brief moment if that were how Noctis felt all the time.
Hearing the laughter brought him back to the present and Prompto offered a smile. It was more than enough to remind him of the good times. Maybe they could get those back if they chose to. That was if they could manage it. “Maybe but it was something special to you. Hm? Oh yeah, yeah he does. He challenged me to a race in the sand not long ago. We got a tie! It was pretty nice.” 
Gladio had always been encouraging of him when they ran. He couldn’t recall a single time the Shield had berated him for not being able to keep up some mornings.
He lifted his head to look up at the sky before nodding. “Yeah, that’d be fine.” He put his cup down and took Ignis’s place working on the omelettes. Prompto had learned over time how to do it from watching Ignis and, for a moment, his eyes burned. “Remember when I’d stay the night at your place and watch you do this in the morning? Just... hugging you from behind and talking about things? Those were good times.”
Painful memories.
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      Gladio laughed at that. He rolled his shoulders.
            “  You say that like it’s a bad thing. But yeah, I guess you’re right. I                  would be a bard. Or a very charismatic barbarian.  ”
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      Oh, he was grinning now, a wide and toothy one. The blush was more apparent, as were the freckles. Man, was this fun or what? He found himself wanting to bring out that blush even more.
            “  Hm. Yeah. Yeah, I do. Eyes, freckles, lips… Ass. You’ve got it all.  ”
He snorted at Gladio. “Charismatic barbarian rolling a nat-twenty every damn time he goes to do something.” 
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Prompto’s cheeks darkened further and he rubbed at his face in an attempt to keep from being seen much more. If he had a hood, it’d be pulled tight over his face by then but he didn’t. 
“I can’t tell if you’re saying that to be nice or if you really mean it. You’re killing me here, big guy.”
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This was ridiculous. He couldn't fight in a dress! How did women do this? Huffing, he decides to sit down and take a break, his units on shut down for the time being as he rests. Stupid heels. Honestly, the last thing he expects is company, especially since he's out in the middle of seemingly nowhere. They had been on the Prince's trail, but he didn't wish to meet the Prince like this either way. Turns out his blond friend is the next worst thing. Fuck. "Don't take a step closer."
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Definitely the next worst thing because now there was photographic evidence of Loqi’s choice of clothing. 
A laugh left him and Prompto grinned as he saved the photo, then let the camera dissolve into the armiger. Oh yeah, he wasn’t giving that up for anything. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, princess. Thanks for the great picture but uh, you really should be keeping the door locked if you didn’t want anyone to see how pretty you are.”
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❛ Hi there. ❜ slightly dumbfounded at seeing, well, an exact replica of himself but. Well, he's not freaking out ( yet ) so that's a plus. Mildly uncomfortable? Maybe. Curious? Oh, hell yeah. [ Prom! ]
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It wasn’t every day he came across someone with his same face but Prompto remembered the last time it happened and it wasn’t good. He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, glancing away. Get it together, Prompto, It could just be something completely normal. Or not. 
“Um, hi. Nice to meet you, I guess. You look a lot like me. Where are you from??” If the other said Niflheim, he was going to draw his gun. The last thing he needed was some kind of 6th Day bullshit going on.
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❛ You’re a terrible liar. ❜
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He didn’t want to talk about it.
Prompto scowled and shook his head as he turned away from Gladio to grab his backpack. “Terrible liar or not, I still wasn’t okay’d to train today. Drautos is taking me off until I’m fully healed. Well, officially but unofficially, I’m still going to be working on becoming Crownsguard.” 
That didn’t account for the bandages wrapped around his chest, the bruises around his neck, or the black eye he had. Prompto had tried to use concealer to keep it from being prominent though. But he knew. He just didn’t care anymore. 
Shuffling through the things in his bag, Prompto winced at the painful way his muscles pulled and grabbed the audax blade from inside. “So... You’re going to help me learn how to wield this. I need an emergency melee weapon and this is it. Carbon fiber. Sharp enough. Let’s go.”
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      Gladio snorted at the compliments coming his way, glancing toward the shorter.
            “  Sounds to me that you want to take more than just a nibble.  ”
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      The hand on his arm stopped him in his tracks. He looked over his shoulder once more, carefully eyeing the other’s expression. … Had he said something wrong…? He knew he wasn’t a man of words; he messed up sometimes. And the way Prompto looked up at him… It only told him that he had worded something the wrong way, and oh, how it pained him to see those eyes looking to him in that way.
      He turned his head back to Noctis and Ignis, lifting his hand in a sort of wave.
            “  Go on ahead, we’ll catch up later!  ”
      He waved them off once more wen he realized they didn’t move, and once he was sure they were leaving them, he turned to Prompto. They would be safe for now, he figured, and they’d be able to hightail it out of there if any Imperial soldiers came along.
            “  We can head back at our own pace. So. What’s up?  ”
“Could take a bit more than a nibble, big guy. Don’t watch out and I’ll get a whole bite for myself.” The grin quickly faded after he said that and Prompto let go of Gladio as he watched the others walk off. Insecurity gnawed at his belly and he took a moment to step back and give Gladio some space - maybe it’d be best for them both. 
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One hand came up to the back of his neck and Prompto pressed his lips together. Really, why was it so hard to just come out and say? 
“So uh, you know, about that just now. I was thinking and about it and I wanted to let you know that uh, if anything ever happens to me and I’m holding up the group - leave me behind. Knock Noct out if you have to or something but... I don’t want to be the reason that you guys don’t get your goals accomplished. I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this so...” 
He gestured vaguely and sighed, eyes cast down toward his boots. “Not to be a spoil sport or anything but I just need you to guarantee me that you’ll do that. For Noct’s sake. Don’t let him derail.”
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Blasts "SexyBack" from his phone the moment Prompto walks into the room.
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“You don’t have to advertise that you’re here, I see you big guy. Always thought your theme would be something more like ahhh, oh I dunno ‘Sexy and I Know It.’”
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❛ I don’t want to lose you, too. ❜
That was something he never thought he would hear. After losing Noctis to the crystal in Gralea, Prompto found himself doing more - biting off more than he could chew. It showed sometimes in his lack of sleep and constant exhaustion but he never thought that anyone noticed. Besides, there was work to do and the last thing he wanted was to have to sit down and let someone worry because he didn’t look right.
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So far, he thought he was hiding it well enough behind alcohol and painkillers. The limp was the worst of it but, currently, he didn’t know how much of it Gladio knew. A smile slowly came over his face, not quite reaching his eyes. 
“Promise you, it won’t happen for a while,” he muttered. “Gotta wait for our King to come back, don’t we? Got a lot more work to do than this though.” Prompto wandered back over to the pallets of supplies they were moving and started to unload one, gritting his teeth to hide the shock of pain up his side. 
Attempting to change the subject, he continued. “Any idea how things are going with reclaiming the harbors? Last time I was there, it was a bloodbath.” 
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      With Prompto up and seemingly okay, Gladio dusted off his hands and looked to the other two. Ignis was too busy looking over Noctis, who seemed to be talking about a scraped elbow. A few cuts and scrapes, nothing noteworthy. That was good. He looked back at the blond, and smirked at him.
             “  You are great to look at, but that’s not why I keep you around.                  You’re more than eye candy. I think I have enough of that for the                  three of us, and then some.  ”
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            “  Yeah, I’m fine. A few bruises, but nothing that won’t heal up on its                 own. Glad you didn’t get hurt; you’re not as resilient.  ”
      Noctis was looking at them now, he noticed. He stepped forward, and as he walked past Prompto, his hand smacked at the smaller’s rear.
            “  C’mon. Let’s get you and your perfect ass back to the others. Bet                 the Prince is worried sick about his dear best friend.  ”
Prompto blinked and paused. Was he imagining that? “Oh yeah, I know you are. A whole bar of gorgeous over here, anyone would be happy to take a nibble.” 
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Not as resilient... That rang through his head after it was said and Prompto tried not to latch on to that. He knew that he wasn’t as strong as the others and he had to be careful. The last thing he wanted was for them to have to stop somewhere because he’d gotten himself hurt. Noctis being injured was one thing but himself? Unacceptable. 
Honestly, he needed to make sure they knew to leave him behind if it happened. 
A hand reached out to Gladio’s arm before he could move too far away. Prompto’s grip was unintentionally strong but he wasn’t focused on that - only looking at Gladio to get him to stop. “Hey uh, would you mind talking with me privately later? I mean, you know, when we’ve got time and everything? Not about my perfect ass unless you just want it to be.”
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glcdio replied to your post: "Watch out!!" Gladio threw himself at Prompto. He...
Honestly, he didn’t fully believe Prompto, but it wasn’t his place to say anything. His only duty was to protect Noctis and those who were connected to him. Though that didn’t mean he didn’t care. He probably cared a little too much… Laughter bubbled up from him at the flirtatious words. “Clearly not as often as I should. I think I like having you close by.” He let his shield return to Noctis’s armiger and grabbed Prompto’s hand, pulling him up with him as he stood.
“Oh yeah? Good to know!” Prompto took the hand offered to him and pulled himself up with the shield’s support. A soft, breathless laugh left him again and he turned to glance over at their small battlefield. So far, it looked... like everyone was okay! 
Relief caused his shoulders to sag and Prompto put his hands on his hips. It took him a moment before he finally glanced over at Gladio, idly tugging on one of his tongue piercings with his teeth prior to speaking. 
“You just like me for my ass, admit it. I know, I’m great to look at!” A shrug. Half hearted really. Adrenaline was starting to lessen, making his confidence drop down to a much more normal level. That didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy teasing Gladio. “Really though, you okay, big guy? You could have gotten hurt.”
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"Watch out!!" Gladio threw himself at Prompto. He wrapped an arm around the other, pulled him close to his chest, and forced them both to the ground. The bottom of his shield dug into the ground so he could stabilize it, grunting as the mecha's explosion deflected off the smooth surface. The explosion marked the end of a long battle. He looked to the one sandwiched between the shield and, well, the Shield, chest heaving with laboured breaths. "You alright, Prompto?"
He hadn’t been thinking about his surroundings - not when they’d been fighting so hard for so long. Unlike the others, Prompto ended up with something similar to tunnel vision at times. When he saw opponents, he was determined to take them out, so much so that he failed to notice the one Gladio had saved him from. 
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Once his opponent had been down, he felt those arms around him and only then did he actually register that something had happened. Oh. They were... done? 
Strangely enough it didn’t quite feel real and he was still tensed to fight. “I- ah, yeah. Yeah, I’m totally fine.” Of course he was. Prompto laughed softly, only then realizing he was resting fully against Gladio. He would have moved but the actual shield in front of him prevented it, keeping him right where he was, panting alongside the larger man. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” he laughed, breathless. “Come here often?”
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“So, the power of the Lucii returns. No matter. You are out of time.” “For you, I’ll make some.”
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