chalcedonywaves · 7 years
hey all! I’m going to be deleting this blog soon as I feel it no longer has purpose (e.g., I’m not concerned about posting reylo to my main or anyone unfollowing me) so if you want, you can follow me at @gingerwitches. if not, may all your dreams come true
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
okay but #1 is a trope i LOVE. i actually remember this escaflowne fic from like...15 years ago where van’s advisor was trying to marry him off to some rando princess and he was too busy brooding over hitomi to give a shit and aaaaghhhh i would kill to see this with reylo
Actual scenarios that canon EU books could feature in the gap between VIII and IX
- Hux urging Kylo to make an advantageous political marriage to solidify his leadership of the galaxy and gain the First Order some badly needed funds, but Kylo refusing to play ball because he will never be over Rey. Amusing scenarios where Hux attempts to steer Kylo into disastrous matches with wealthy heiresses ensue, sending Kylo into a spiral of misery.
- Unbeknownst to the First Order or the Resistance, Rey and Kylo arrange to do a covert deal over their Force bond and engineer an in-person meeting at a high-society function that requires them both to wear gorgeous and extravagant formalwear.
- Rey and Kylo getting conspicuously sentimental over propaganda posters showing the likeness of the other person (it’s particularly easy to envisage Kylo maintaining a private collection of Rey memorabilia).
- Kylo attempting to impress Rey with decrees and edicts that he thinks will appeal to her, only for her to be horrified by his interpretations of her wishes (for example, I could see Kylo going after Unkar Plutt and arranging for his public execution to be broadcast over the Holonet).
- Kylo issuing an obscenely large reward for Rey’s capture and her re-activating the Bond purely to tick him off for causing her no end of bother in the form of legions of bounty hunters chasing her across the galaxy.
- Kylo inviting Rey to the Lake Retreat of the Naberrie family on Naboo (under the pretext of a diplomatic discussion) and clumsily attempting to re-enact his grandparents’ courtship, with variable results.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
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somebody may have already pointed this out by now, but i made that joke WAY back when the bothan-spy leak came out
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
That anon saying Disney will switch the romance in ep 9 and make it to be Rey and Poe because in the Avengers 2 they made Black Widow and Hulk a thing is so ironic because Black Widow and Hulk is 10000 times more complex than Hawkeye x Black Widow. Hulk is a kind of a monster, their ship has the beauty and the beast vibes, just like Reylo ahahahah. What a dumb way to rationalize how a planned from the beginning dramatic romance is gonna be replaced with Vanilla.
I don’t know enough about superhero movies to have commented but this is good insight. I think people are also losing track of the fact that the last scene between them means they are still tied to each other deeply.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
If you are outraged and disappointed with The Last Jedi it’s because you never understood the story in the first place.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
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I’ve seen this one on twitter before (I’d recognize Half-Melted Geriatric Britney Spears anywhere), raging about how Nu Star Wars is shit in between assorted alt-right insane rambling. Now she’s hopping into every reylo post she can find in a bid for attention.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
unfortunately ben gets it double; his father’s idea of flirting was basically pulling on leia’s space buns
Someone needs to talk to Kylo… About how to romance a woman… And not be a dumbass. XD
Takes after his god damn grandfather
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
so I’m pretty much buzzing over the jane eyre comparison so as someone who has analysed this novel endlessly I have some initial unpolished thoughts I gotta get out here….
So remember how Rochester has to basically be emasculated (contentious opinion I know but lmao) at the end by losing his sight to ‘even out the playing field’ between him and jane, along with her finding her family and financial independence through the inheritance…..so what if the playing field has to be evened between rey and kylo and he loses a limb or something similar whilst she finds her heritage (kenobi or palpatine or no-one it doesn’t matter).
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
so...of course my original goal was to avoid spoilers at all costs and really go in cold like i (mostly) did with TFA, but instead of having a big twist spoiled for me by some dick in random Instagram comments, I went and gazed into the abyss that is StarWarsLeaks. initially i refused to believe anything i read because nothing added up and everyone clearly was pushing their preferred agenda, but one version seems to be corroborated, and that’s the one I’ll be speculating about under the cut:
how things are worded plays a major part in how feasible they sound. that’s why everyone laughed at the first “leaker” but took the one who backed him up seriously. and frankly, when you spell out the plot of ESB in the most basic and detached string of plot points, it sounds pretty fucking stupid. “luke gets his jedi traning from a two-foot-tall little green man. han gets frozen in a block of carbon and carried off by some random bounty hunter because this friend of his we just met sold him out to vader. oh yeah, and vader is really luke’s dad and cuts off his hand.”
i’ve seen people freaking about the concept of “Renperor,” about the fact that Kylo killing Snoke and assuming command makes him the Biggest Bad for IX and this spells NO REDEMPTION EVAR, but this also seems to me like the kind of binary thinking we’re supposed to be moving away from. like the idea is that Kylo is going to kick back on his new throne and attempt to be Sidious Jr. while wiping out anyone who poses a threat to his power, including Rey, the only other person with that kind of power. we KNOW their relationship is not that two dimensional. it’s about to become the axis on which this trilogy turns.
i’ve seen the word “balance” used to describe this film, but if it ends the way it’s alleged to end, it’s going to become the defining word for IX. by removing Snoke as the Big Bad and leaving only Kylo and Rey, two people who see each other’s potential for dark and light, and who each think they can pull the other to their side, we’re faced with a completely different kind of conflict from what we’re used to seeing. this is what people are reacting so badly to; the idea that good and evil aren’t such clearly drawn lines, and that there is nuance at play, a word that most people in this fandom are severely allergic to. from the naive tumblr antis who dismiss anything that’s less than perfectly morally pure as “toxic” and “abusive” to the shortsighted reddit fanboys who make horrible analogies to Dragonball Z and Harry Potter vs. Voldemort and reveal their own ignorance of the franchise they profess to love in the process.
i’ve never been especially married to my headcanons. i’ve already been down that road with the prequels, which first came out when i was in high school, and i’ve learned to accept them as they are in the years since. i’m still incredibly excited to see what Rian is giving us and now i’m mad curious how these spoilers, if true, are really going to play out. i can’t make an accurate assessment of anything without seeing it myself, more than once so i have a chance to catch as many details as possible. what i do know is that i really like what i’ve heard regarding Kylo Ren as a character from both Rian and Adam. for Kylo to strike down this galactic oppressor, who also happens to be oppressing him, because he wants to “end this” and then invites Rey to join him...well, we already saw Grandpa do this:
I am more powerful than the Chancellor, I... I can overthrow him! And together, you and I can rule the galaxy! We can make things the way we want them to be!
sure, he’ll get shot down just like Gramps did, but the difference is that we have another movie to resolve this, and with Snoke dead, the conflict shifts to the tug-of-war between Kylo and Rey, who each think the only way to resolution is to win the other over to their side? it’s not going to end with one of them dead. you don’t get balance that way.
so yeah...i’m still pretty fucking stoked to see where this all goes.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
No one is going to make me hate this movie just because I’m a Reylo or things didn’t go the way I predicted or thought I wanted.
The only thing that’ll make me hate this movie is if I feel the story doesn’t move me and make me think and question and push me emotionally. If I come out of that theater going, “DAMMIT RIAN, YOU MADE ME SOB. YOU MADE ME LOVE IT, AND YOU MADE ME HATE IT,” ….. then that’s all I need.
The best stories are those which challenge you. I haven’t seen it yet – I don’t know for sure how much “Reylo” is in it, or how much sexual tension or romantic subtext there is. I don’t know for sure how I’ll interpret Kylo’s actions.
I don’t know but. What I’ve heard is that it’s fucking fantastic and that those things ARE in there. So, we’ll see.
Being negative or making judgments that you hate something before you’ve seen it is peak entitlement, and I am seeing it all over my dash and in my inbox. You were ready to skewer antis if they were pissed about a redemption arc or overt Reylo romance. Well, we didn’t get those things and now it’s all negativity, and “I don’t know what to do…”?
Creators don’t owe us anything in particular. It’s up to us to give it a chance or make up our minds.
I’m excited for the film. I’m a lifelong SW fan. Being a shipper isn’t going to change my excitement for the franchise that defined my childhood. I hope it enhances how I feel about the ship though – whether it ends up ultimately being canon or no.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
I hope @thecatsesthetics metaphorically chokes on their own disappointment  when watching TLJ and that Star Wars is ruined for them forever because they deserve it.
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
i don’t usually do this, but u know what it’s fcking tuesday and i had to see this in my notifications so let’s go
“as if people have no reason for being justifiably uncomfortable with a nazi-coded entitled manchild’s popularity”.
But that’s not what the OP of the post in question said, is it? No the OP excerpted PART of an interview wildly out of context to assert that Driver joined the military to get revenge on “evil brown people”, and then a host of people not only unthinkingly reblogged it but stand by the OP’s baseless claims because at this point y’all would literally rather co sign the stupidest most unthinkingly-trivializing-grave-political-matters-for-fandom-wars-on-tumblr bullshit than admit that y’alls critical thinking skills have been irreparably hampered by y’alls hate for a fictional character so much that y’all have to twist and bend and reach for reasons to hate the actor who portrays that character too.
Also, do y’all know how movies work? Cuz it’s kind of the job of the director - in this case Rian Johnson - to fully flesh out ALL the characters and make you see things from their perspective because that’s what heightens the emotional stakes of a narrative. It’s okay if you DISLIKE that perspective, but own your dislike and its subjective nature instead of throwing the words “genocidal” and “nazi” around like they’re going out of style. TFA very clearly laid out Kylo as a troubled, bordering on sympathetic, antagonist/villain. Subsequent material has explained how he was targeted by Snoke and that his path to the Dark Side is not as straighforward as we might believe. And moreover TFA clearly and explicitly laid out the parallelism between him and Rey as well as their mutual symbolic importance to the trilogy. It’s not the fault of other fans if y’all ignored the actual text of the movie in favor of projecting some weaksauce tumblr sj manifesto from 2012, nor is it the fault of kylo/reylo fans that a bunch of people read that dumbass white feminist article about The New Trio and took it as gospel instead of seeing the writing on the wall.
Y’all sound wack as hell getting this much of a stick up your ass about mfcking Star Wars of all things, and for the record it’s reeeeeal annoying to see y’all foaming at the mouth with your cheap analogies about “genocidal” and “nazi-coded” characters in STAR WARS when some of us are actually from countries where genocide and civil war are happening, actually have friends in/from Iraq and Iran, are actually part of the communities that were violently impacted by the post-9/11 racism that OP so casually invokes to score notes capitalizing off a wave of popular hate against a character who, really as far as Problematic White Dude Characters go, is pretty fucking tame. Your interpretation of a thing is not the only interpretation, and it’s not even the interpretation that’s being supported by the text. Drink some almond milk, reacquaint yourselves with your critical thinking skills, read a book or two and maybe take a fim studies class. peace. 
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
Rian trusts his audience’s intelligence that they can handle ambiguity.
Adam Driver at the Japan premiere of The Last Jedi (via sleemo)
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
seriously though I haven’t had antis engage with me in probably a year, you can tell they’re scared shitless when they’re lashing out like this
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chalcedonywaves · 7 years
ok 19-year-old child “dudethatsgaybro”
okay but asking “why are reylos all educated people with professional careers” implies that you yourself are puerile and uneducated, which you don’t comprehend because you are puerile and uneducated
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