chamelean-shifted · 5 years
Mun Vs. Muse
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👿 Something you and your muse strongly disagree on? 😇 Something you and your muse strongly agree on? 🤝 In general, would you and your muse get along?  🖐 How would you react if you happened to meet the muse in real life?  💬 If you could tell your muse anything, what would it be?  🌌 If you and your muse swapped places for a day how screwed would you be?  🤬 Who has the shorter temper?  🚑 Who takes better care of themselves?  📝 Is the muse cooperative or do they like to take the wheel when it comes to threads?  👕 Who has better fashion sense?  🌈 In general, who’s more positive?  💭 If the muse could say one thing to you, what do you think they’d say? 🔒 What’s one thing about your muse that you still can’t figure out?   📅 Who’s older?  ⏰ Who’s better at keeping track of time?  📞 Who’s more likely to ask for help first? 👟 Who can run faster?   ➕ Who’s better at math?  🔪 If the muse and mun got into a (physical) fight, who would win? 
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chamelean-shifted · 5 years
"Well, there's a place over-" She looks where she was about to point. There's nothing. "Right, sorry. Since I'm the main stem of, well, me, I can see what the other universes are doing. Sometimes I get a little mixed up in what's happening where. There should be a couple of good places closer to town." She looks annoyed with herself, tapping her fingers on her leg.
"Okay, so, what the fuck are you?" (@askkadoreed also maki your anon asks are off, in case you didn't know)
“You know, I really wish I had an answer to that question. I guess I just sort of woke up, attached to Maki. I get the feeling I was something before this, but… I can’t remember a thing.” The girl looks at the phone, seemingly not caring that the man had a telephone in place of a head.
///ahhh shit I’ll get to that in a second.///
“Language, Maki. There could be children here.”
///… screw you///
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chamelean-shifted · 5 years
"Okay, so, what the fuck are you?" (@askkadoreed also maki your anon asks are off, in case you didn't know)
"You know, I really wish I had an answer to that question. I guess I just sort of woke up, attached to Maki. I get the feeling I was something before this, but... I can't remember a thing." The girl looks at the phone, seemingly not caring that the man had a telephone in place of a head.
///ahhh shit I'll get to that in a second.///
"Language, Maki. There could be children here."
///... screw you///
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chamelean-shifted · 5 years
Reblog if you want your followers to know that it’s okay for them to send asks without feeling like a burden!
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
///I am making a new blog where I will be reblogging all of my memes/starters/ooc things/etc. If you could all follow @muse-hub-626, that would be amazing! I want to keep my RP blogs as clean as possible.
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
Hey, Hey, L I S T E N
here, on this blog, you do not need permission to slip into my asks. just do it. even if we haven’t interacted before. even if you’ve sent 10 already. send me more. i love getting asks (in character or out of character) and yeah, i’m slow as fuck, but i promise you i will get to them. have at it, fill my inbox with memes or impromptu starters or just tell me how your day is going. it really doesn’t matter. just go ahead and do it. i promise, i don’t get annoyed seeing the same people in my inbox, actually it makes me happy because yAY MORE INTERACTIONS. so just do it.
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
The logical next move would have been to flee the area while she still could, and never look back. Cami, however, was a morbidly curious creature. Instead of flinging herself through the forest at an incredible speed to avoid certain doom by a particularly aggressive avian, she elected to stay on the branch, watching the two. She made no further aggressive moves, but instead simply observed- not much was known about male harpies, and while she was certainly no friends with these two, it might be the last time she got to see them up-close. She sat with perfect balance on the tree, watching the larger fawn over the smaller. It was... rather cute, despite the fact that she had failed at her job. Besides, even if she was killed... Ś҉̷h̡̛̕͜͝ę̛ ̨͟͞w͟҉a̧̕͞s̶̶͜͝ ͜҉͞o͏̵͘ņ̴̧͟ļ̶̵́͠y̛͘͏͏ ̷̢͝ó̵̕͝ņ̵́̕e̸̡͢͠͞ ̧̨s̸̨̕͢͠h̀͟͏̀͘ą̶̛̀r̵̸͘͜d̨͠ ҉o̶f̴͢ ̶̶́́ḿ̷̵҉a̴̡̡͝n̕͏̷̴͜y҉̧̀.̸̶͏  The intruding thought made her wince, accompanied by a slight jolt of pain through her head.
🦅 - to capture your Harpy muse (@chamelean-shifted, either nines or connor. Trying out a new muse, hopefully this goes well!)
Connor released a loud screech as he flapped his wings, clawed hands scrabbling at the netting that tangled him. 
“Let me go! Let me go, he’s gonna kill you if he knows you have me!”
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
The second she caught Connor’s movement in the corner of her eye, she quickly took a look at him standing up. “Shit-!” She threw the remote onto the ground, then thrust her boot heel into it, snapping it in two. She looked back at Nines before jumping to the side, almost careening into a tree. Instead, she skillfully attempted to jump onto the branch closest to the ground.
🦅 - to capture your Harpy muse (@chamelean-shifted, either nines or connor. Trying out a new muse, hopefully this goes well!)
Connor released a loud screech as he flapped his wings, clawed hands scrabbling at the netting that tangled him. 
“Let me go! Let me go, he’s gonna kill you if he knows you have me!”
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
"I have a better idea. How about I take him in so I don't get kicked out of my apartment, and he might have a chance to escape, or..." she turned a dial up on the remote, thumb hovering above the activation button. "I kill him, right here, right now."
She watched Nines carefully, keeping Connor in her peripheral vision. "One button, and he's gone. Of course, I know you'd kill me too, but that wouldn't bring him back."
🦅 - to capture your Harpy muse (@chamelean-shifted, either nines or connor. Trying out a new muse, hopefully this goes well!)
Connor released a loud screech as he flapped his wings, clawed hands scrabbling at the netting that tangled him. 
“Let me go! Let me go, he’s gonna kill you if he knows you have me!”
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
The hunter dropped down to the ground as soon as she saw the movement, narrowly avoiding the other's attack by an inch. As she fell, she pressed a button on the remote- and powerful electricity jolted through the wired net. It was the equivalent of a high-quality taser, lasting for almost five seconds before the energy dissipated into the ground. She nimbly twisted around, jumping into a less vulnerable position.
"I take it you're the one ready to kill me? I guess that's why this one's price is almost ten grand." She squinted testily at the second harpy.
🦅 - to capture your Harpy muse (@chamelean-shifted, either nines or connor. Trying out a new muse, hopefully this goes well!)
Connor released a loud screech as he flapped his wings, clawed hands scrabbling at the netting that tangled him. 
“Let me go! Let me go, he’s gonna kill you if he knows you have me!”
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
She snorted with slight laughter. "'Course I know how rare you are. Who said I was gonna kill you? I'm just here to bring you in. Not my problem what they do after I get paid. You're one of the biggest bounties in the underground right now, I'd be astronomically stupid to kill you myself."
She backed up a few paces and kneeled down, narrowing her eyes. "So are you going to keep thrashing around, or are you going to make this easier for both of us?" She tossed the remote around in her hand.
🦅 - to capture your Harpy muse (@chamelean-shifted, either nines or connor. Trying out a new muse, hopefully this goes well!)
Connor released a loud screech as he flapped his wings, clawed hands scrabbling at the netting that tangled him. 
“Let me go! Let me go, he’s gonna kill you if he knows you have me!”
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
“Quiet down! You’re going to wake the entire forest,” the hunter snapped in a fervent stage-whisper. “I’m not getting killed over a bounty.” Her fiery hair was done up in a bun and mostly hidden under a cap. A few orange and red locks hung down from the hat. She side-stepped to avoid the harpy’s flailing claws, pressing several buttons on something that looked like a remote control. The net tightened some.  “I’m going to try to make this as quick and easy as possible, but the more you fight, the more painful it will end up for you. Got it, harpy?”
🦅 - to capture your Harpy muse (@chamelean-shifted, either nines or connor. Trying out a new muse, hopefully this goes well!)
Connor released a loud screech as he flapped his wings, clawed hands scrabbling at the netting that tangled him. 
“Let me go! Let me go, he’s gonna kill you if he knows you have me!”
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chamelean-shifted · 6 years
Introduction to Chamelea
(So, while creating this character, they seem to have become... self-aware.)
Damn right, I did.
(They seem completely fluid, able to change existences within a snap of the finger. It's an interesting phenomenon, and I'm not quite sure how. I fear I may have bonded to an ancient power long thought dead. But, they seem pretty chill, so I'm letting them hang around. In the meantime, they enjoy shifting universes to interact with other characters. I'll leave them be for now.)
I'm Chamelea. Or Cami, for short. Maki pretty much said everything- I exist as a fracture of identities across the multiverse, and can shift consciousness between one or more of them at any time to live the life there. That means I can become nearly anything. So no matter the verse, no matter the source or characters you have, I can interact with them. Maki's just my anchor, how I keep grounded to this particular world and are able to communicate. I can also interact with the muns behind the character, if needbe. Also, feel free to ask me questions about pretty much anything. I don't bite. Well, unless you want me to.
I look forward to meeting everyone, mun and muse alike.
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