champignehq · 5 years
i'm interested in your group! do you have any skeletons in mind that rami malek would be a good FC for? either ones that are posted, or ones that are still being worked on?
yass, so good to hear, i would love to see rami on the dash! as for skeletons already posted, i think he would be a great fit for THE JOURNALIST, THE SCHOLAR, THE INVESTIGATOR, or perhaps even THE SABOTEUR depending on how you play it.
as for skeletons we haven’t yet posted only THE THESPIAN comes to mind. i hoped this helped!
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champignehq · 5 years
This is late on my part (is anyone surprised?) but I just wanted to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our amazing admin Lisa! She is absolutely wonderful and has been working her butt off on this group. She deserves all of the good things in the world so everybody be sure to send some love her way!
Speaking of love, we would ADORE having some new applications in the inbox! things are a little slow-moving right now---and the only thing missing to change that? Your muse! Come give our skeletons a peek, we’ve got some incredible ones posted and I’m sure you can find a home here in Champigne.
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champignehq · 5 years
hello lovely people! you know who we would love to see roaming the streets of champigne? YOUR MUSE! we have a brand new task posted that is exclusively for character development, so now is a perfect time to come join us. we’re eager to have you here!
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champignehq · 5 years
hello again, rp tags! i’ll be here for a little while longer before i disappear to watch game 6 of the ALCS series and root my boys on to another victory. hopefully. if you’ve got any questions or need any help i would love to do so before i go or after i get back. we’ve just released our second task and have almost 40 skeletons open so come and check us out and see where your muse might fit in!
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champignehq · 5 years
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❦ CHAMPIGNÉ: TASK 02 — get to know the muse. this IC task may offer you a chance to explore your muse in ways you previously never have. the questions range from simple to more thought-provoking and have all been broken up into categories. answer only a few of them, or answer every single one, it’s completely up to you. once again, this task is optional but strongly encouraged.  — please tag this with champignetask02
Basic Questions
birthname? why was this name given to you?
do you have any nicknames? who gave them to you? for what reason?
date of birth? where were you born? any special story surrounding your birth?
did you grow up nurtured or neglected? 
did you have a good relationship with your parents?
what is your current occupation? how long have you had it? 
what other jobs have you had in the past?
is your family big or small? how many people does it consist of?
what is your educational background? 
what your hobbies or interests? how do you like to pass your free time?
do you have any natural talents or skills?
are you in good health?
Physical Appearance
what’s your eyesight like? do you have glasses or contact lenses?
any distinguishing facial features?
which facial feature is most prominent?
which bodily feature is most prominent?
other distinguishing features?
what’s your skin? your tone and complexion? any birthmarks?
how about your hands?
do you have any scars? if so, what are the stories behind them?
tattoos or piercings? where and what? is there a story behind why?
physical handicaps?
style of clothing you find yourself in most? are you actually comfortable in what you wear?
what words or phrases do you overuse?
do you have a catchphrase?
are you more optimistic or pessimistic? is there a reason?
are you introverted or extroverted? is there a reason?
what bad habits do you have? are there any bad habits you used to have?
how do you display affection?
how do you want to be seen by others?
how do you see yourself?
strongest character trait?
weakest character trait?
do you make snap judgments or take time to consider things?
how do you react to praise? how about criticism?
what is your greatest fear?
do you have a philosophy of life you chose to live by?
when was the last time you cried? what was the reason?
what are you willing to stand up for? to fight for?
who/what do you quote most?
what is your sinful little habit or guilty pleasure?
how do you treat people better than you?
how do you treat people worse than you?
what quality do you most value in a friend?
what do you consider an overrated virtue?
what is your obsession?
what are your pet peeves?
Beliefs & Values
do you believe in love at first sight?
do you believe in soulmates?
are you superstitious?
do you believe in the afterlife?
what are your religious views?
what is your view of ‘freedom’?
how do you behave in a relationship?
what do you think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
what’s your view of lying?
did you keep or break your last promise? is keeping promises important to you?
how do you respond to a threat?
are you most likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?
what is your kryptonite?
if you could only save one thing from your burning house, what would it be?
how do you perceive strangers?
what are your phobias?
what is your choice of weapon?
have you ever been bullied or teased? how did you handle it?
where do you go when you’re angry?
what is your favorite animal?
where is your favorite place in champigné?
what is your favorite holiday? is there a reason behind it?
what is your favorite song?
what is your favorite scent?
what is your favorite color?
what are your top five favorite movies?
your favorite food?
what is your favorite work of art?
who is your favorite musical artist?
what is your favorite day of the week?
what is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
has anyone ever saved your life?
do you believe in happy endings?
do you use the same password for everything or something different?
is music, art, or reading your preferred outlet?
what smells remind you of your childhood?
when was the last time you were crushed with disappointment?
have you ever been in love?
have you ever had your heart broken?
who is your hero?
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champignehq · 5 years
hello lovely, tag lurkers! i’m here for the rest of the night if you have any questions or need anything at all. we’ve got roughly 48 hours left before our character giveaway ends, so don’t miss your chance to join our brand new, plot-driven roleplay with two muses! there are almost forty open skeletons to choose from so why not check us out and see where your muse might fit in. 
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champignehq · 5 years
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full name: RAPHAEL JORDAN AUGUSTIN birthday & age: july 30th, aged TWENTY-EIGHT pronouns: HE/HIM sexuality: BISEXUAL occupation: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT to family’s Oil Company district: REDWOOD RESIDENCE in AMBERMOOR lives with: alone resident for: THEIR ENTIRE LIFE affiliation: HIGH SOCIETY positives: debonair, eloquent, levelheaded negatives: presumptuous, conformist, resigned faceclaim: MICHAEL B. JORDAN
THE MAVEN’s family comes from what is left of champigné’s “old money” and his parents taught him to never let anyone forget it. they didn’t hold quite the same prestige as those who were ORIGINAL FAMILIES, but it never let it bother them much; top of the HIGH SOCIETY was more than enough for his parents. being the oldest of his four siblings and the only son, the family company and wealth fell first and for-most to him. he was groomed by his father to be exactly the type they needed to help their oil business continue to thrive despite all the recent bad publicity surrounding the resource.
he attended sorbonne university in paris, along with several other classmates where he studied business and sociology at his father’s request. while at sorbonne, THE MAVENand THE PRIMA DONNA fell for one another, bonding over shared interests and a love for their fair coastal city. the two got engaged after being together for three years, their parents urging on their relationship from the start; from the outside, the couple couldn’t have looked happier. their life was the stuff of magazines and the kind that some would have killed for. however, after a drawn-out engagement of fifteen months, reality burst their once-perfect bubble and THE PRIMA DONNA called the wedding off and THE MAVEN fled the city—unable to escape the whispers and rumors from his fellow HIGH SOCIETY members.
he sought peace far from his home city, in le havre, france, working with a new partner his father had just struck a deal a with. THE MAVEN knew it was to accept the future that had been laid out for him, even if she wasn’t going to be in it any longer.
NOW, raphael has only just returned home from le havre, triumphant and sure that he’ll find himself in control of the company very, very soon. he’s all smiles upon his reappearance, reuniting with his sisters and his high society friends, charming and clever as he always is, forced himself to move on enough that it’s almost as if the disastrous engagement to THE PRIMADONNA never happened - except for the new later of ice.
HE’S more careful now, more cautious. raphael has always been a bit of a romantic, but he’s had his taste of heartbreak and hates how even coming home only serves to remind him of her. he knows he doesn’t really love her anymore, but he can’t bring himself to hate her, either, and there is so much pent up pain beneath the surface that will, one of these days, explode.
BUT raphael is nothing if not the perfect son, the perfect heir, and he will not make a scene. not now. he can’t. there’s simply too much work to do and too many eyes on him at all times. he keeps his head up and his smile pinned into place and re-enters champigné’s game of high society.
THE MACHIVELLIAN — best friend. they’ve always kept their noses relatively clean, but these two are still as thick as thieves. politics was the last thing he thought his friend would ever go into, no matter how perfect of a job it was for him. though he understood why he had to, for the same reason THE MAVEN had to run an oil company he didn’t care about or believe in; because it was the way their families worked. the way all high society families worked.
THE BELLWETHER, THE SAGE, & THE DEMURE  — his younger sisters. there isn’t anything he won’t do for them and the four have always gotten along marvelously for how close in age they are. though like most siblings, teasing and a little poking fun was never off the table.
THE SOCIALITE, THE MAUDLIN, & THE FUGACIOUS — his closest friends. fellow members of the high society and friends since childhood, there was no one sadder to see him leave than these three and they never stopped begging him to return home.
THE PRIMA DONNA / GISELLE ROUSSEAU-MONETTE — his ex-fiancee. they’d always known one other, having grown up in the same city and being apart of the same affiliation—but they never really spent time together until at university. they were together for three years before getting engaged, though THE MAVEN had never expected the engagement itself to last for so long, he loved THE PRIMA DONNA and was willing to give her all the time she needed. he also didn’t expect their time together to come to such a screeching halt. months later, after word of their untimely end became public and rumors of scandal began to swirl around them, THE MAVEN fled the city in favor of throwing himself into his work.
THE INCONDITE — enemy and business rival. both their families are in the same line of work but THE INCONDITE’s family aren’t exactly in the same league, let alone the same game. THE MAVEN’s family has been a pillar in the oil industry for decades andTHE INCONDITE, like his father before him, has always taken whatever shots he could at THE MAVEN, his family, and his family business. hoping that maybe, just maybe, he could pin a career ruining scandal on him.
the role of  THE MAVEN is taken by AMALIA
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champignehq · 5 years
hello again, rp tags! i’ll be here for a few hours while i work on updating and adding a few pages to the main if anybody needs anything at all. we’ve only just opened up but we’ve got 37 open skeletons and one of them very well may fit your muse perfectly, so why not come and check us out? be sure to take advantage of our character giveaway before it ends this friday!
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champignehq · 5 years
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full name: UTP — LINDQVIST birthday & age: UTP — +29-32 pronouns: SHE/HER sexuality: UTP occupation: DECKHAND at BLUE LAGOON MARINA / AFFAIR COORDINATOR for THE TYRANT and member of the INNER CIRCLE district: UTP lives with: UTP resident for: THIRTEEN YEARS affiliation: ST PIERRE SYNDICATE — INNER CIRCLE positives: accommodating, UTP, UTP negatives: docile, UTP, UTP
[ triggers: abuse tw, alcoholism tw, & murder tw ]
life for THE SYCOPHANT had never been easy nor had it been pretty. raised by an abusive father and an alcoholic mother, her older brother, THE MONSTER, was the one who protected her from the harsh reality of the world they lived in. but he couldn’t always be there for her and one day, he wasn’t, as the time came for him to move on with his own life. and THE SYCOPHANT remained at home with an abusive father and suffered at the hands of neglectful parents for years. until her brother returned home and put an end to it all by ending their father’s life. it was a story that made international headlines and her family received press and attention like they never could have imagined during his trial. heeding her brother’s advice, THE SYCOPHANT left russia to start a new life for herself, promising her brother she’d leave any sort of crime in her past.
she found that sort of simple life in champigné, or so she thought. but the criminal unground that had claimed the city decades ago took control of her life before she ever knew it was happening. months after moving to the city she met THE TYRANT and like most women, she fell for the charismatic man. but she was a smart young girl even then; smart enough to know he was involved in something sinister and it was probably exactly the thing her brother wanted her to stay away from.
THE SYCOPHANT remained on the outside for almost three years, uninvolved and in the dark about what the man she loved really got up to. it wasn’t until THE TYRANT fell out with THE LEADER and the mafia and started to form the ST PIERRE SYNDICATE that he told THE SYCOPHANT of his wicked schemes and took her under his wing. she even managed to curry enough favor and THE TYRANT helped her brother, THE MONSTER escape his prison sentence and gave him a place of his own within the syndicate.
perhaps it’s been her self-preserving nature and need to please those she admires most or in places of power or maybe it’s the fact she desperately loves the man she severs now, whatever the reason, THE SYCOPHANT has been perfect for the role she been placed in and is known by most members as THE TYRANT’s right hand.
THE TYRANT — former lover and confidant. right hand and affair coordinator for the mafia. there was a short time before THE TYRANT had to flee mafia territory for his life that he thought he might be able to find some sort of normal life with THE SYCOPHANT. a girl who was blissfully unaware of the crime that surrounded him and loved him entirely. despite all the horrible things he’d done. though that perfect dream was destroyed, she hasn’t given up hope that they might be happy together.
THE HELLKITE — enemy. neither one trusts the other as far as they can throw them and there’s no chance that will change any time soon. THE SYCOPHANT understands that THE TYRANT did choose THE HELLKITE, but she’s always believed it was only out of necessity because THE HELLKITE could help give him what he really wanted; total power. THE SYCOPHANT knows she’s won the smaller battles as THE TYRANT has chosen to keep her around, and so close too, a fact she does her best flaunt whenever she can.
THE MONSTER / AVENIR LINDQVIST — her older brother. they peas in a pod growing up and on top of all that, he had to take on the roles of both their parents to care for her as neither one was going to do it. after her brother returned home from his stint with the navy and discovered the abuse she’d been enduring at the hands of their father, he murdered him in cold blood—a fate for her father THE SYCOPHANT couldn’t bring herself to be torn up about. after THE MONSTER was arrested, he made her promise to leave all the horrors of her past where they belonged, in the past, and to start somewhere new. and while it had been her every intention, THE SYCOPHANT seemed to be attracted to the horrors of this world and found herself in bed with THE TYRANT, literally, not long after her arrival to the coastal city. a connection that would later help set her brother free.
THE LEGACY / PHILIP DE BOURBON — her close friend. both having been with the syndicate from the start they’ve both had to bear witness to awful crimes that they didn’t believe in the least. and at times they even needed a shoulder to lean on and they were it for each other. neither were there because they really believed in THE TYRANT’s vision, but it was a fact they kept only to each other.
INNER CIRCLE — the small hand-selected council of the ST PIERRE SYNDICATE is no place for the faint of heart or disloyal and the admission on its own is steep, enough to make most not want to pay it. a pound of flesh is what owe when you join the syndicate, but a pound of your own is what you owe when you join its INNER CIRCLE. though the rewards and favor it might gain you with THE TYRANT and HELLKITE are worth it to some.
suggested faceclaims: daisy ridley, laura berlin, conor leslie, or sophie cookson
the role of  THE SYCOPHANT is OPEN
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champignehq · 5 years
alright, rp tags! i’ve gotta go study for some tests but i would love to come back to some apps or questions in the inbox! we are still having our CHARACTER GIVEAWAY until this friday so be sure to check us out! i hope everyone is having a wonderful day. sending love and hugs!
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champignehq · 5 years
who has two thumbs and has them all the way in the air for this rp? this girl! we are a brand new crime rp located in france. we’ve got many jaw-dropping plot twists planned, dynamic skeletons just waiting for you to pick up, and a character giveaway that is going on until this friday! what are you waiting for? come join us!
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champignehq · 5 years
i’ll be here for a few more hours updating a couple of our pages before i have to head out for the rest of the day, but i would love to answer a few questions or see an app or two before i go! be sure to check us out and take advantage of our character giveaway which ends on friday!
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champignehq · 5 years
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Raphael Augustin
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champignehq · 5 years
Do we get to know what really happened to the mayor?
all in good time, lovely nonnie. all in good time. we have many plot drops ahead.
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champignehq · 5 years
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congratulations, AMALIA, you’ve been accepted for the role of THE MAVEN. back at it again with another well thought out muse that we all cannot wait to interact with! please, create your account within twenty-four hours of this post and message the main from it. see our accepted to-do list for further instruction and, of course, have fun! we’re here if you need anything else… welcome to champigné!
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champignehq · 5 years
i’ll be here for the rest of the night if anybody has any questions or needs any help! i’d love for us to get another application or two before our first plot drop. we’re a brand new skeleton roleplay set in a fictional coastal city of champigné, france. though this once calm city has been turned upside by two rival criminal organizations. come check us out and take advantage of our character giveaway, happening until october 19th!
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champignehq · 5 years
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THE CHIEF’s death is still all too fresh in the minds of the citizens of champigné, having only just been found in old town the previous morning. many speculate that it was a robbery gone bad, as if to emphasis the fact there’s been a terrible increase in crime in that area.
that morning, august 29th, on the front page of la champigné journal was a shocking expose about the late-mayor nobody could have ever expected to see. the article detailed the former mayor’s suspicious coming and goings, excessive spending and lack of anything to show for it, and worst of photos of a corrupt ledger belonging to the mayor’s small council. the scandal was more than enough to besmirch his once good name and set the small city ablaze with gossip and speculation.
*please write a flashback para that takes us back to the moment your muse first found out about the expose THE GOSSIP wrote. did they read it for themselves or did they hear about it from a friend? how did it make them feel and did they believe everything they read? were they directly effected by this death in any way? and most importantly, what do they believe really happened that night to the mayor? — please tag this with champigneprompt01
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