championofyourheart · 10 years
championofyourheart said:
/maybe u should take something off like camouflage u know /survival/
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  ooc; BOY IF YOU DON’T—
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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           ❝Awfully liberating, isn't it?❞
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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da:i companion quests | the left hand of the divine
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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You’ll figure it out somehow, Cole bby
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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                 ”I have little patience for the laws of nature-
                                        and even less for the laws of man.”
Indi/Selective Human Mage Warden rp blog.
May or may not interact with other Heroes of Ferelden.
But probably won’t.
Based highly on personal headcanons.
10+ years of rp experience.
Always willing to modify choices to fit other peoples stuff.
Friendly mun loves people(on toast).
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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“I’m Marian Hawke!" She snapped but coughed "Explain me what is happening here, because I don’t really understand this”
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Hawke frowned at the other's response, though more for the fact she was a Hawke than the angry tone. He'd only been joking about the long-lost cousin thing, but perhaps? "You think I know any more than you? My name is Garrett Hawke, I can tell you than much."  A hand moved to pinch the bridge of his nose before muttering to himself. "Maker, please don't be demons again."
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championofyourheart · 10 years
“We must remain vigilant.”
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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    “My, my—-       You wouldn’t need a personal beard groomer, would you?”
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     "Well, no. But if this is you offering?              —I wouldn't mind having one anyway."
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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"Ride the Bull? 
            More like soar with the Hawke.”
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championofyourheart · 10 years
  a flinch, the bandages shifting and causing a pained sigh to slip   past lips. his hair ruffled to quite a mess during the struggle, and   about half way through the entire thing, he was ready to just be   done with it and leave it off.
      and that was exactly what he’d do.
  a hand snatched the clothing, pulling it back and away from the   hands of the other man. eyes cast an angered glance towards   the garment and before he could calm himself, he sent it flying   across the room, eyes immediately trailing to the freshly-soaked   bandages.
         turns out, moving caused bleeding to be worse.          he’d just learned that the hard way. literally.
              ‘ maker’s breath— ‘               a flinch, one hand trailing along               the cloth of the once-white bandages.
Hawke stepped back a little, allowing the other to take his anger out on the clothing article, least he get caught in the crossfire. He was distracted a moment by the now distinct lack of clothing on the other man, the jest he'd been about to speak sticking in his throat. It was clear enough that any infatuation Garrett had with the other man would not—  could not, be reciprocated. A small sigh left his lips, hating himself for holding on to it regardless. The stark red spreading below his gaze caught his attention, brows furrowing together as he instinctively moves hand to stop it.  He paused, hand covering the other's over the wound,. "Ah— I think I have some elfroot on me, I could make you a salve to help stop the bleeding?" His eyes finally found the other man's after having been fixated elsewhere for so long, a small smile offered on his features. 
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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soccer mom of kirkwall everybody
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championofyourheart · 10 years
Send ✿ for your character to braid a flower into my muses' hair
Hawke was used to the eccentricities that came with Anders' personality by now, the whole justice thing for one, the prolific manifesto hide-and-seek, and most confusingly: the man's absolute obsession with cats. He supposed the fact he'd named one 'ser pounce-a-lot' was enough of a warning sign as any, but really. When the other insisted on putting flowers through his hair, he could only really let him. It wasn't the worst of requests. If anything, it was almost endearing. A small smile tugged at his lips, pulling an overly dramatic pose when the other leaned back to admire his handiwork. 
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"Well? How does it look? Because I feel like you've only succeeded in making me more attractive to bees. Not something overly helpful, but it is something, I suppose."
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championofyourheart · 10 years
Send ✿ for your character to braid a flower into my muses' hair
Hawke's eyes are narrowed as the man approaches him with flowers in his hands, confused by the look of purpose in his eyes. He supposed he should have backed away of a potential threat, but really? No one could look all that threatening with an armful of flowers. —Well, that wasn’t entirely true, the Arishok probably could.Hawke opened his mouth to question the other when his face was held in place for the purpose of flowers being weaved into his beard. His mouth was left open a moment due to shock, before he brushed the other’s hand aside. When he finally spoke, his tone was nothing short of incredulous.
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"Are you braiding flowers into my beard? Maker, I didn’t think I’d had that much to drink.”
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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Garrett Hawke in Dragon age: Inquisition - Choice & Consequence trailer
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championofyourheart · 10 years
Send ✿ for your character to braid a flower into my muses' hair
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A small smile tugged at Hawke's lips, using a hand to help steady one of the flowers as Isabela continued with another. It was an odd gesture, coming from a pirate, though awfully.. Sweet. As much as he wanted to jest, the moment felt it deserved a little more effort on his behalf. "I hope you have another, I couldn't possibly rock this look without you joining me."
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championofyourheart · 10 years
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there are men who struggle against destiny, and yet achieve only an early grave. there are men who flee destiny, only to have it swallow them whole. and there are men who embrace destiny, and do not show their fear. these are the ones that change the world forever.
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