chandeliersavant · 10 years
The whisper of lyrium is familiar, though it takes him a while to place the notes. It's been so long, after all, a melody mostly forgotten, and he hums tunelessly to himself as he tries to place it. The bad song, the wrong song, is loud, louder, and it's a struggle to hear the clear notes over the dischordant ones.  When he does, he turns, eyes wide with delight and a grin splitting his face. "Enchantment!" he boasts, arms opened wide--not in expectation of a hug, but with the enthusiasm of his greeting. 
chandeliersavant started following you
"Ah, a familiar face at last!"
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"I am glad to see you are well, Sandal!"
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
((All right. Alistair and Anders are causing me problems so I'm gonna try to revive Sandal for some more relaxing RP. Going to be pretty standard fare for the nonce while I work on developing my own personal headcanons (now that I am most assuredly NOT Jossed by Inquisition, yay!) so don't expect much heavy hitting, heavy plot RP; mostly banters and Origins/DA2 verse to start out with while I regain my bearings with him, a'ight? Any questions, shoot them in ye olde askbox!))
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
The stones Jonathan now held in his hand were all warming stones--the tiny kind, little pebbles that gave off a pleasant sort of heat. They were useless for enchanting; about the best he could do with them was a pair of warming gloves, to protect from the cold. They were pleasant enough, though, and gave off a pretty light as well.  He poked a finger through them, and pulled out an odd little stone. Unlike the quartz and amethyst of the others he had given Jonathan, this one was a solid opaque blue, flecked with bits of grey and lilac, and he shivered--with a grin--as he held it up between his fingers.                         "Cold," he explained, then pointed at the ones in Jonathan's hand.                                "Warming stones; cold stone. For water!"  He wrapped his fingers around the cold stone--nowhere near the level of even a novice ice rune, the cool lapis lazuli was chilly but not uncomfortable to touch.                                               "They're the silly stones. No one wants them." He gave Jonathan another smile, though this one was a bit more restrained than usual, and turned his back, going back to the desk and depositing the little rock with its fellows. There was a faint limning of frost on the desk below where the cold-stones were gathered; he pressed his finger to it, feeling the ice melt rapidly under his finger.��                     "We talk to each other. They understand," he explained quietly. 
Open Starter
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
He looks somewhat crestfallen at that, hands that had been eagerly rubbing together dropping to his sides, but nods once, sharply. He knows, objectively, that some of the things Zevran does are not things that Bodahn approves of; the older dwarf has warned him away on a few separate occasions, gently suggesting that perhaps he would find a better friend in Wynne, or the stoic Sten, or even the dry-witted Shale. But Sandal likes Zevran; he likes the elf's easy manner and lyrical speech and the nimble way he walks his narrow line--literally and figuratively.  Sandal would like to be nimble like that, but big hands and uncoordinated too-long legs make it difficult. Still, it's been obvious that Zevran is feeling restless, and there's a rapid staccato in Sandal's head that makes him want to do instead of just sit, and he's happy--if not surprised--that Zevran seems open to the idea of taking him along.                    "Sssshhhhh," he hums, grinning, as he puts a finger to his lips to indicate that lumbering too-tall dwarf or no, he'll be quiet and capable as Zevran's partner for the evening in...well, whatever it is the assassin has planned.  This will be fun. 
"Let’s go be bad guys!"
Sentence Starters: Firefly Edition!
"Ah…hm. I do not think…"
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"…very well, but no fire this time, my odd friend. This armor is new."
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
Sandal blinks up at the young man, his hands cupped around the little stone. His bright blue eyes meet those of the other, and they widen perceptibly. His fingers curl, almost protectively, around the pebble in his palm.                              "Why?"
"Give that back—"
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
melon, peach
{                                                                                           melonYou are a vastly talented writer with an obvious and very clear understanding of who your character is, how she operates, what is important to her; her personality and voice and character are always consistent and always a joy to read                                                                                            peachI love that you’ve not only created a well-rounded and engaging OC—something that’s already so difficult—but that you’ve done it with a child character. That’s so challenging, and normally would be difficult for others to RP with, but you do it so well and you have made Averill such a rich persona that it’s easy to forget that she’s a child, and easy to create wonderful and engaging stories with her!}
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
[[lilac & melon uwu]]
{                                                                                          lilac
honestly, when I started this blog, my objective was to follow every single DARP blog I could find. I can't remember if I found you via a thread with someone I was already following, or if you were a recommended blog based on my posts and follow list, but either way, as soon as I saw you I clicked that little blue + sign!                                                                                            melonYou seem like a very sweet person, and a talented writer with a gift for your character's voice!}
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
Sandal lifted his chin, the grin plastered over his face and unchanging, and indicated where hordes of excited children were flocking with their unimpressed parents in tow.                          "Ice cream!" he exclaimed in delight, his hands clapping together in his lap with a sharp crack. He watched Meredith in interest, wondering if she would come with him to the trolley. He had money, of course--Bodahn had granted him his weekly allowance, and it was more than enough to justify a small cone of something sweet with a little bit of crunch and sticky sweetness swirled into it. But the Knight-Commander seemed wholly uninterested in her book, and frustrated with the trip as well, and without the Song to entertain her Sandal was fairly certain that the cries of seagulls whirling in the giant blue expanse above them would be completely irritating.  He got to his feet, curling his toes into the heated sand, and looked down at her expectantly.
Sand was a lot like stone in many ways, Sandal decided, carefully and precariously balancing a handful of the soft pinpricks of rock on top of the other handfuls. It was made up of the safe stuff, a hundred thousand tiny little pebbles, so small and so soft as to barely be stone at all; yet he felt it in his hands, brown-sugar and warm, and it sounded like Stone.  He grinned back over his shoulder. The Knight-Commander was on her blanket, sunglasses perched on her nose and her paperback in hand. (He had looked at it, briefly, but the words made little sense. He could read them well enough, but they weren’t true.) She looked stoic, grumpy even, but he could hear the contented murmuring notes matching the hush of the waves on the beach, and he gave her a large grin before turning back to crouch over his sand.  The mound of sand didn’t look like much of anything, to be honest. He cast a glance down the beach, watching as children of varied ages and races played in it—burying each other, building grand castles made of cones and blocks and buckets, digging deep holes to fill with shells and pebbles and tiny captured crabs. He tilted his head as he stared at his nondecript pile, and stuck a finger in the side of it, making a hollow cave.  not a Smith, no ear for new Stone With an over-long, over-loud sigh, he pushed the pile of pinprick pebbles, spilling them haphazardly back among their fellows, and stood. He brushed wet sand from his hands, his knees, and went back to join Meredith on the blanket, setting himself on the edge carefully so that his sandy feet didn’t kick their grainy tagalongs on the warm cotton.  He watched her for a moment, then looked back out at the ocean, at the huge expanse of sky, seagulls wheeling and shrieking in the air. All around was the smell of salt and Stone, and the ruckus of the gathered crowd nearly managed to drown out the Song in his ears and hands. He sat in contented silence, letting her read; until a different song broke through the heavy afternoon air, a jaunty tinkling tune that could only mean one thing.  Children’s cries and laughter shrieked to a higher pitch, matching the gulls, and he turned his head so fast it nearly made him dizzy to stare at Meredith with an enormous grin. 
Even to Meredith herself it was a mystery how she had been convinced into this.
                           ’A nice, relaxing trip to the beach,’ the Champion had promised. 'You                            really need that, Commander. I swear my friends won't bother you                                   with questions about mages and templars!'
Well, Hawke was right about that she needed a break, but wouldn’t a nice walk in a shady forest have been a better idea than sitting on a beach and trying not to get sunstroke?
                                             Apparently not.
The sun shined bright, warming the sand unbearably hot and making walking on it harder than on pieces of still burning charcoal. The cool sea water looked alluring, but Meredith knew better than to hop in; Water played tricks, reflecting the rays of sun, and all she would gain was burned face and shoulders and that she did not want.
And of course Hawke and her merry band of misfits had left somewhere, leaving her to babysit this strange dwarven boy. Or—when Meredith thought of it more—perhaps this was good; The boy was rather quiet and was more interested in playing with sand than irritating her, unlike the Champion’s other friends.
Though when Meredith’s eyes rose from her not so interesting book, she found the boy staring at her with the widest grin she had ever seen. She placed down her book and took of her sunglasses, squinting at the bright light.
       "…Is there something you need?" the blonde asked after a while of staring right back at him with a confused look.
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
melon - my first impression of you
peach - what i like most about your blog
vanilla - what i like most about you
lilac - why / how i started following you
orange - my opinion of you now and our status
coconut - a blog that reminds me of yours
plum - a song that reminds me of you / your blog
sweet pea - would i go out with you
strawberry - i secretly think… 
mango - anything you want me to answer about you 
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
{ I feel that it is important to note that I am doing my very best to avoid spoilers of any type for Inquisition. I have gotten a couple of asks regarding what I think Sandal's role might be and if I'm excited at the idea of finding that out prior to October and the answer is a resounding "no". I don't want to know anything about this game before I sit down to play it, aside from the characters and cast; I want it to be a wholly unspoiled experience. 
I am tagging #da3, #spoilers, and #inquisit*, so hopefully I won't run into any inadvertent stuff on my dash, but just in case--please don't send me any asks about Inquisition, all right? I'm staying far out of it as much as I can. 
Thanks! }
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
|| Averill would probably let herself get killed if it meant Sandal could get out okay. She sort of sees him the same way she does the younger kids in her crowd. They don't really know any better and need to be protected at all costs. ||
{ oh my heart }
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
8. Top 5 favorite ways to spend your free time
{8. Top 5 ways to spend your free time
Writing—whether it’s RP or writing fanfic or original fiction, I love to write.
Watching movies or TV
Playing laser tag!
Going to festivals—the city I live in is commonly known as Festival City, and that’s never more true than in the summer. I love spending time outside, looking at vendor booths, watching street performers, all of it!
Crafting—I love to make things with my hands. I have a hundred different idle crafting hobbies and I love having the time to actually play with yarn and clay and fabric and thread, wood and paint and glue. 
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
To save their own life, your character has to kill mine. What would they do?
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
He looked up and wasn't all surprised at what he saw. Fenris couldn't help but chuckle, though. "Having fun up there, Sandal?" he called to the dwarf currently swinging on the chandelier.
Sandal hooted merrily, his grip on the chandelier's bronze arm sure and steady as he swung back and forth, pumping his legs to try and gain the maxiumum distance that he could. He grinned down at Fenris, kicking his feet in lieu of a wave. Bodahn had said that Master Hawke would be out for the day, and so neither of the dwarves had expected to see any of the Champion's companions--but he wasn't sad to see Fenris visit. The Song thrummed around him, purring like some great beast, and Sandal had always thought that he and Fenris might be friends. At the very least, Fenris seemed to have  no problem with looking him in the eye.                              "Hello!" he called down, acknkowledging the elf's presence and trying to let him know that he would be down in just a minute. He carefully switched his grip, turning in place even as the chandelier swung back and forth, aiming to jump back onto the second floor balcony. A maneuver he had performed countless times--as the dust, or lack thereof, on the various arms of the enormous lighting fixture could attest--and yet, today, it seemed a flawless execution was not in order. The Song twanged through his head in warning just as his right hand slipped, and he found himself dangling by one arm, the shift in momentum setting the chandelier to twisting slightly. He looked down at the floor, at the elf; up at his hand.                                           "...Oop!"
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
6, 12, 18 :3
6. Favourite bandI really love Lord Huron--Ends of the Earth and Brother are two of my absolute favourite songs. 12. Ideas of a perfect dateOh goodness, that's a tough one! Um...I'm not really sure? Anything, really, as long as we are doing it together. 18. PhobiaIs it even possible for me to describe to you how much I hate spiders? ...I really, really hate spiders. I know it's very standard and overdone but really, they horrify me. It's not technically a phobia, I can play Dragon Age after all, but I don't think I have any fears that qualify as full-blown phobias. }
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
Sandal regards the king--the king, he thinks, but not the King, and won't that be a day--with his unblinking eyes. The man is boisterous and pleasant enough, for all the whispers of the Song that surround him; he makes an effort to match the wide beaming smile with one of his own.                  "Nope!" he says, and waits, expectant, to see what this pyrite king will do. 
chandeliersavant started following you
"Hello there. Do you need something young one?"
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
1. The meaning behind my URL 2. A picture of me 3. Why I love my best friend 4. Last time I cried and why 5. Piercings I have 6. Favorite Band 7. Biggest turn off(s) 8. Top 5 (insert subject) 9. Tattoos I want/ have 10. Biggest turn on(s) 11. Age 12. Ideas of a perfect date 13. Life goal(s) 14. Piercings I want/ have 15. Relationship status 16. Favorite movie 17. A fact about my life 18. Phobia 19. Middle name 20. Anything you want to ask
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