chandrandeepesh72 · 5 days
Storytelling for Change Management: Implementing HR Strategies in Pune’s Evolving Work Environment
Let’s assume there is an IT company in Pune named Baxbo. Baxbo is a 7-year-old company with 500 employees. It has a decent work culture and healthy attrition rate.
However, let’s assume there is now a bigger company (let’s name it Haxembur), which is a 50-year-old company with 10,000 employees.  Within a deal between both the top management, Haxembur is now taking over the small sized Baxbo.
This is a big type of change management for Baxbo and its 500 employees as now the culture will change, so might be the technologies used, work policies and even organisational structure. 
Role of the HR in change management 
HR is the flag bearer of the culture for any organisation and the bridge between the employees and the management. 
Here in Baxbo, every HR person is facing the biggest challenge of their career. There is now huge anxiety and fear among each of the 500 Baxbo employees, as they fear change of role, responsibilities change, change of work location and loss of colleagues & friends. Worst – they all fear the loss of their job.If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!
Team HR Baxbo needs to make the transition of Baxbo into Hazembur happen smoothly
Importance of Storytelling for HR
Storytelling for the HR team in Pune of Baxbo is all about proper communication. They need to ensure passing the message completely happens without any gap to every single employee. 
Storytelling is not just about telling motivational stories to the Baxbo employees at this time of anxiety. It is all about WHAT you say and more importantly, HOW you say.
Here are few things they should be doing:
Step 1 – Have a town hall meeting
Messaging and presentation by the top management boss is almost make and break here. As it is an IT company, all employees have gathered over a zoom call. 
Step 2 – Perfect explanation of the merger and its effects 
Ideally the top boss’s talk should cover the topics like why they decided to go for this merger. Show the company and employee growth that can happen post this merger. Brief on the various formal transitions that all as a team have to undergo like training for the new technology to be used, new headquarters, new possible job location opportunities, etc. Lastly, has to openly and honestly also tell about the down side of this merger as well. Never hide any secrets with their loyal employees. 
The flow of this talk needs to be like a good story structure. 
Step 3 – Take an online survey, feedback and QnA and addressing all concerns 
In coming days, continuously take feedback via online surveys or F2F interviews on the various concerns of each employee. 
Operationally, it is going to be very tough for the HR and even communication wise as well. HR needs to be composed himself. This is where the prowess of storytelling of the HR comes into the picture.
Step 4 – Training the mid-level managers 
Step 5 – Continuous training to all employees
This training can’t be a one-off activity. It has to be done on continuous basis for coming months, till the smooth mental transition happens into the new company culture
Why every HR in any organisation needs business storytelling training? 
Business storytelling for HR helps the HR to communicate the most critical news in a lucid and comforting way. The other benefits include art of communication, engaging any person in an interesting manner, maintaining good relationships, etc 
We provide workshops of Business Storytelling for the HR team in Pune and many cities in India.
To Know More: https://deepeshchandran.com/storytelling-for-change-management-implementing-hr-strategies-in-punes-evolving-work-environment/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 17 days
Communication Coach: Communication Mistakes to Avoid in the Workplace
Tanya Raina is a hardworking Team Lead of 45 team members of leading MNC. She is highly enterprising and doesn’t intend to be bad to anyone as such, especially about her team.
This story is about that one day in the office, where everything went wrong for her.
10.00 am Her junior team member Noori calls Tanya on her phone. Voice of Noori is really hoarse and down on the call. She asks for leave on medical grounds. As Tanya had a minor dependency of Noori and hence unknowingly expressed angst but surely approved the leave
10.30 am Her Super boss, the MD of the company told her to prepare a PPT for a potential client, which was suddenly fixed at 2 pm
With good preparation and energy, Tanya presents the proposal to the client.
But she ended up using too many jargons in the verbal and PPT content.
3pm Another existing client called her to provide the current update of the last application of the project. Tanya in the quest to promptly reply, sends the short update over a WhatsApp chat instead of email.
She had it in mind to send it via email too later, but completely forgets it
5pm For an intra company meeting with a counterpart Mr. Travis Martin from another country, she unknowingly and innocently mentioned about the politics in his country. Travis, who had a certain political bias for a certain party didn’t enjoy Tanya’s viewpoint.
While all these might not seem like major blunders or heinous mistakes, it did cost Tanya something.
Noori was highly upset with the way Tanya behaved, but Noori didn’t tell Tanya about it. This is a bigger problem as the resentment remained within the team member itself. Noori was expecting Tanya to show little amount of concern for her as she was ill
The Super Boss, the MD informs that the client didn’t like PPT as they didn’t understand it well because of too many jargons used. It was too complicated for the clients to understand.
The 2nd existing client raised a complaint to Tanya that it was very unprofessional of her to send official communication outside the company formal modes i.e. WhatsApp
The counterpart Mr Travis Martin raised a mild complaint to HR about Tanya about not following basics code of conduct
Tanya didn’t mean any wrong to anyone, but it all eventually came out wrongly.
Who is guilty – Tanya or her communication skills?
Communication is not just about what you say, but more importantly how you say it.
In today’s world, people have become extra sensitive to anything they hear or are being told. So there are many communication mistakes to avoid in the workplace.
Communication skills are not limited to oral communication for any employee. Even for e.g., emailing your office colleagues and more importantly your clients, a very sensitive and important message can get very tricky. That’s where communication plays an important role, as you can’t write very long email and yet have to pass the message across seamlessly.
Ways to avoid these mistakes:
Good communication is a habit – Irrespective of your experience, you need to daily work on it
Keep learning from everyone – Always keep an eye on your mentors in the office, on how they are conducting themselves daily and keep learning from them.
Keep upskilling – Keep undergoing various workshops and online courses, to keep yourself updated on the latest communication challenges and solutions
Communication is an insanely wide topic and hence the mistakes made in communication are also insanely varied.
Tanya is not at all guilty for her bad day. All such knowledge and skills are needed to be imparted to her.
 It is highly recommended for HR to organise communication lessons from a communication coach to team leaders like Tanya.
We conduct various kinds of communication workshops. Reach out to us to discuss the issues you are facing!
To Know More: https://deepeshchandran.com/the-power-of-business-communication-in-the-networking-events-in-pune-3/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 22 days
Soft Skill Trainer: Essential Soft Skills Every Trainer Should Possess
Types of corporate training –
The 2 main types of training in corporations are technical and non-technical.
In technical, one can have technical skills development, cyber security, office tools training, etc.
In non-technical, one can have related to diversity and inclusion, mental and physical health, sales, leadership, change management, etc.
A soft skills trainer hence is many times in demand for many corporate training for many non-technical training. Whereas a technical trainer is very niche specific and technical skillset specific, is also in demand.
Skills every trainer must possess –
One important skill is soft skills itself. He might be a PhD in leadership management, but if he cannot engage his workshop attendees for even 1 hour in a row, then he won’t prosper as a trainer.
The lesser known facts about soft skills is the ability to entertain and engage. The soft skill trainer has to be an entertaining storyteller
Another important trait is that every soft skill trainer needs to be a really good sales guy. He needs to sell to the corporates his workshops and he needs to be a master in negotiating his remuneration fees. One should not be underselling their services
Last but not the least, the biggest skill a soft skill trainer or any trainer needs is resilience.
Most trainers are freelancers or have their company. They are responsible for their own salary. Hence there might be lull times where there will be zero incoming money. This will lead to desperation and frustration. One needs to be resilient enough to ride over this tough wave.
Methods to get better in soft skills
To get better at soft skills is a very long process. The unfortunate part of learning soft skills is that you can only get better at it, when you practise it very well and practise it for a very long time.
Every person is comfortable with their own respective method, which works for them.
Here is the list:
Practicing under a mentor – This can be coach or senior friend who will guide you and tell you where you are going wrong on continuous basis
Be part of a peer group – While there are various mediums to learn any skill, it will only flourish when you practise it with like-minded fellow members. The key is to be consistent in practising your skill and with like-minded people pursuing the same goal, gives the right motivation
Self-learning – If you are all by yourself in learning a skill, the key is to apply the learnt skill, measure its progress, understand what went wrong and then rework while improving on the mistakes. And the cycle continues on and on.
In conclusion, every kind of trainer in the industry needs to be equipped with soft skills.
To Know More: https://deepeshchandran.com/soft-skill-trainer-essential-soft-skills-every-trainer-should-possess/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 1 month
Adapting Communication Styles for Successful Business Negotiations in Pune
Communication is not easy as it seems, else there wouldn’t have been so many misunderstandings, failure to express our thoughts, inability to convince or negotiate with people in our lives.
Negotiation is simple words means the communication happening between 2 parties, where both are trying to influence each other and get the best for themselves, where the final conclusion should be achieved. Small kids negotiate with their parents to buy a new toy, by throwing tantrums or crying or by puppy face, while the parents disagree. However, the conclusion is reached when that toy is either purchased or not purchased. Similarly, college kids negotiate with their parents to send them for a Goa trip, in return they will study for extra hours and get extra marks.  
Business Communication in business negotiations is more crucial because its success and failures will affect the top line of the entire organisation
Let’s understand business negotiation with an example
Nagesh is writing an email to his Boss asking for 2 weeks of leave this month, while he had already taken 2 weeks of leave last month as well. There is a 99% chance that the Boss will not allow Nagesh’s leave. This is where Nagesh has to negotiate well and where effective business communication comes into the picture.
Here is how Nagesh needs to email: Dear Boss, Last month I took 2 weeks of leave for my sister’s wedding and thank you for giving me that long duration of leaves. This month as it happens, 2 of my best friends have returned from the USA after 10 long years. These are the only  2 real friends I have in my life and we had promised ourselves in college to have a 10 day hike in Himachal, when we have enough money. For good or bad, fortunes have striked this month, where in the USA returned friends are free and we have the money as well. Hence I would request a 2 weeks leave this month again
However, here is what I am doing to mitigate my absence. I briefed Ashish on all work and will be in continuous touch with him for all dependencies. I will be rejoining the office 10 days before our current client’s deliverable and will personally fill all the gaps that would have happened. I am assuring you of zero gaps and errors in the deliverable of our current client.
Looking for a positive response from your end
Above was a successful business communication via email for negotiation.
Effect of culture in effective communication   
How to enable effective business communication in Pune particularly
Here is the thing about Pune. It was a small and quiet city in the 1990s until the IT boom happened in Pune. Post the 2000s a lot of IT and other industrialization happened. Hence most of the people living in Pune currently, those doing business and also those who are owners of business are mostly not actual natives of Pune.
Hence for effective business communication in Pune, you need to find the actual lover affair of the person with Pune. When did he shift to Pune, why did he shift to pune, how much is he emotionally attached to Pune, etc!
In short, you need to be aware of 2 cultures – culture from which the person hails from and what is his current affiliated culture with Pune
Beware of not hurting the sentiments of the both cultures in your business communication
Example on how to negotiate in business w.r.t culture
One important aspect in negotiating in business is being aware of the other person’s culture
Effective business communication’s success in negotiation depends on several factors, one of which is the culture. More you understand and respect that culture, the higher is your chance to leverage it for your negotiation success.
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/adapting-communication-styles-for-successful-business-negotiations-in-pune/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 2 months
From Words to Magic: Inside the World of a Professional Storyteller in Pune
What does the life of a professional storyteller look like?
This is how the life of a professional storyteller would look like. He would perform oral storytelling at schools, college events, literature events, book cafes, cultural events, etc
The stories that he would narrate could be fictional or even fictional ones. The fictional stories narrated by him could be published authors, famous folktales or even his own written stories
The audience that he would be narrating could range from 4 years to 80 years, corporate employees, young adults, GenZ or middle aged adults. The professional oral storyteller knows his audience and even better knows the pulse of his audience. He is precisely aware of what narratives work well for which demography.
The audience comes first and then comes the story to be narrated. It never comes the other way around for the professional storyteller.
Every professional storyteller is extremely hardworking. He will practise extremely well for any performance. Just like singing, it is all about striking the chord while narrating with emotion any certain dialogue. One chord plus or minus can miss out the bull’s eye while touching the hearts of the audience. 
Pune’s storytelling scene
For a professional storyteller in Pune, he/she may have their own venues to perform. However, all upcoming storytellers are advised to start with participating in various open mics in Pune. These open mics consists of stand-up comedy, poetry, storytelling, etc.
Once the artist gets the art perfected, the storyteller can perform his own solo events.
However, there are a lot of challenges in performance storytelling
The storyteller might face unexpected hindrances during the storytelling act. These include rare but sudden heckling by the crowd, some audience member is continuously talking on phone while the storyteller performs, some random small kid suddenly jumps into the stage or starts crying, etc.
Here it is easy for the artist i.e. the professional storyteller to lose his flow, as he has to control the unexpected scenario from the crowd and also continue back with the same emotions of the storytelling act.
Hence the storyteller has to double up as the crowd manager and the artist and more importantly, keep switching places.
That is the hallmark of the true professional storyteller
What are the important parts of a story structure?
The important parts of the story are the characters, the story arc and the tonality/ style. With the overdose of content, especially post Covid, the story arc is mostly repetitive. However, good storytelling hinges on excellent framing of the characters and tonality. These 2 aspects are the subtle art that is differentiating good storytelling from average ones, especially post Covid.
Hence a good storyteller is always aware of this while narrating. He needs to paint the picture well for the audience. If he fails in that, then everything falls flat.
Magic of connecting with stories
Out of the various advantages of storytelling, one of them is healing. Here even a common man i.e. non-professional storytellers can imbibe it.
Storytelling is about one person speaking and another listening. If the storytelling is pure, then both the teller and listener get healed.
Imagine a person in depression, he speaks about the incidents that made him vulnerable, scared and traumatised. These are just real stories that happened with this person. He just needs to be heard.
Here the role of a good listener is extremely crucial. This listener, if genuinely puts his heart into listening (not hearing) to what the person has to speak, it turns magical.
People just want to be heard; they just want their stories to be heard. Lending the right ear is akin to lending a helping hand.
All in all, a professional storyteller in Pune or any city in India needs to be hardworking, creative and keep evolving his art, like any other profession on this earth.
Reach out to us for any need of professional storytelling services
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/from-words-to-magic-inside-the-world-of-a-professional-storyteller-in-pune/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 2 months
Power of Brand Storytelling in Nescafe TV Commercials
Here is a lesson in branding storytelling by Nescafe.
This is an old TV commercial (TVC) of the mid 2010s which is 2 minutes long, but hits bullseye with humour, brand storytelling and brand positioning.
Nescafe ad
Ad talks about the story of a stammering guy who aspires to be a standup comedian. It shows the struggles and ridicule he faces because of his stammering. Until the Eureka moment, where he starts using his weakness as the strength itself. In his stand up gigs, he starts making fun of his stammering itself and hits bull’s eye.
 In these 2 minutes of the ad, one develops empathy for this guy and roots for him. You want him to succeed and relish his success in the end.
And what better way to tell this story than using humor brilliantly in it !
Humour is always the toughest out of all emotions
Let’s list down what all does the TVC personify:
Hard Work
Never giving up
And who is your partner in this journey of resilience, hard work and never giving up in the TVC?
Answer – This cup of coffee- Nescafe!
Now this is the perfect marriage of the brand and storytelling!
Continuing with brand stories of Nescafe, here is a TVC of Nescafe Gold
This Nescafe Gold ad is gold in brand storytelling indeed. It showcases the importance of staying in touch with your inner circle
In this Ad, a man is metaphorically searching among all the people whom he ever came in touch with in his entire life. He starts asking questions to them, which are highly intimate and personal. E.g. – who all know his pet name, who all seen him cry, who are still in touch with him, etc.
Those who don’t know the answer should sit down, while the others shall continue to stand. After the end of all questions, every single person is now sitting.
Then it raises the tension and the awkward moment, that there is no one left.
That’s when he finally invites, who wants now to start with a fresh beginning, over a cup of coffee. And people start to join him over a cup of coffee with a smile.
Beautiful storytelling showcasing how we unknowingly miss out to stay in touch, with whom we really love and care. However, it is never too late to get it all back with a fresh start. And what better to get back, than meeting up over a cup of Nescafe Gold.
Let’s list down what all does the TVC personify:
Lost relationships
Understanding who is our real inner circle
It is never too late to rekindle
And who is your partner in this attempt to rekindle your relationships in this Ad?
Answer – This cup of coffee- Nescafe!
Again brand storytelling at its peak.
This is a tribute to 2 of the best Nescafe TV commercials.
Brand storytelling is extremely tough, as storytelling is a very delicate art that can make or break the brand.
Reach out to us for workshops on storytelling
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/power-of-brand-storytelling-in-nescafe-tv-commercials/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 2 months
Adapting Communication Styles for Successful Business Negotiations in Pune
Communication is not easy as it seems, else there wouldn’t have been so many misunderstandings, failure to express our thoughts, inability to convince or negotiate with people in our lives.
Negotiation is simple words means the communication happening between 2 parties, where both are trying to influence each other and get the best for themselves, where the final conclusion should be achieved. Small kids negotiate with their parents to buy a new toy, by throwing tantrums or crying or by puppy face, while the parents disagree. However, the conclusion is reached when that toy is either purchased or not purchased. Similarly, college kids negotiate with their parents to send them for a Goa trip, in return they will study for extra hours and get extra marks.  
Business Communication in business negotiations is more crucial because its success and failures will affect the top line of the entire organisation
Let’s understand business negotiation with an example
Nagesh is writing an email to his Boss asking for 2 weeks of leave this month, while he had already taken 2 weeks of leave last month as well. There is a 99% chance that the Boss will not allow Nagesh’s leave. This is where Nagesh has to negotiate well and where effective business communication comes into the picture.
Here is how Nagesh needs to email: Dear Boss, Last month I took 2 weeks of leave for my sister’s wedding and thank you for giving me that long duration of leaves. This month as it happens, 2 of my best friends have returned from the USA after 10 long years. These are the only  2 real friends I have in my life and we had promised ourselves in college to have a 10 day hike in Himachal, when we have enough money. For good or bad, fortunes have striked this month, where in the USA returned friends are free and we have the money as well. Hence I would request a 2 weeks leave this month again
However, here is what I am doing to mitigate my absence. I briefed Ashish on all work and will be in continuous touch with him for all dependencies. I will be rejoining the office 10 days before our current client’s deliverable and will personally fill all the gaps that would have happened. I am assuring you of zero gaps and errors in the deliverable of our current client.
Looking for a positive response from your end
Above was a successful business communication via email for negotiation.
Effect of culture in effective communication
The biggest mistake one makes in business communication is that we assume everyone in India is like them.
What might be pretentious to us, might be purely sublime and celebration to others. Eg – South action cinema may appear pretentious and so will their non-conventional looking actors. But they are demi-gods for people in the south.
What words might be casual and normal to us, might be extremely sensitive to the other person Eg – Some colloquial words in North India which are lovingly and casually addressed to each other, might seem highly offensive for other non-North Indians This is a cultural difference!
Culture changes in India every 200 kms. Without studying the culture of the other person, it will always be difficult to have successful negotiations. 
How to enable effective business communication in Pune particularly
Here is the thing about Pune. It was a small and quiet city in the 1990s until the IT boom happened in Pune. Post the 2000s a lot of IT and other industrialization happened. Hence most of the people living in Pune currently, those doing business and also those who are owners of business are mostly not actual natives of Pune.
Hence for effective business communication in Pune, you need to find the actual lover affair of the person with Pune. When did he shift to Pune, why did he shift to pune, how much is he emotionally attached to Pune, etc!
In short, you need to be aware of 2 cultures – culture from which the person hails from and what is his current affiliated culture with Pune
Beware of not hurting the sentiments of the both cultures in your business communication
Example on how to negotiate in business w.r.t culture
One important aspect in negotiating in business is being aware of the other person’s culture
Rita is a sales head going for a sales meeting with his client, Arun,the CEO of a manufacturing company. Rita has researched before the meeting that Arun hails from Jaipur and has been settled in Pune since past 15 years. Thus Arun is an amalgamation of the cultures of Jaipur and even Pune. The emotions that Arun might get swayed away could be dependent on both cultures. These emotions are extremely crucial to be leveraged in the negotiation stage. In the give and take part of negotiation, Rita needs to mention the benefits his manufacturing company could get; and also mention the non-tangible benefits associated with Jaipur and Pune
Effective business communication’s success in negotiation depends on several factors, one of which is the culture. More you understand and respect that culture, the higher is your chance to leverage it for your negotiation success.
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/adapting-communication-styles-for-successful-business-negotiations-in-pune/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 3 months
Who is a professional storyteller?
Let us understand who is a professional storyteller in the first place.
Professional storytellers in the purist form are the below examples:
E.g. – Authors: Writers who create novels, short stories, non-fiction books, and other written works are professional storytellers. They share their stories with readers through published books and articles.
E.g. – Journalists: Journalists report on real-life events and issues, but they do so by telling stories through news articles, documentaries, and investigative reports in storytelling format
E.g. – Movie makers and Screenwriters: Professionals who write scripts and direct for movies, television shows, and other visual media are also storytellers. They craft fictional narratives that are brought to life through actors, and other creative professionals.
E.g. – Digital Content Creators: In the age of the internet, many individuals create online content as professional storytellers. This includes YouTubers, podcasters, bloggers, and social media influencers who use various media to tell stories and engage their audience.
Similarly, there are many such examples of professional storytellers as below!
Professional Storytellers in business parlance:
Anyone who uses the power of storytelling in his/her respective profession is also a storyteller.
Below are examples in the business scenarios:
E.g. – Marketing head: This one of a company uses storytelling in the company website, social media handles, etc. to promote the company brand
E.g. – Content writer: This one uses storytelling in his/her articles to keep the readers engaged and touch their souls
E.g. – Good leader:   A good leader is always a good storyteller, who uses the power of storytelling to inspire his team members and get the best out of them
E.g. – Storytelling Coaches and Consultants: Some professionals specialise in teaching others how to tell compelling stories in corporates
Why is Professional Storyteller important in today’s world?
Think of professional storytellers as contemporary magicians, wielding the wand of words to conjure images, emotions, and ideas.
In a world swamped with tweets, posts, and notifications, they are a rare breed of wizards who wield this ancient art of storytelling to captivate, educate, and mesmerise
They aren’t just storytellers; they are time travellers, guiding us through epochs and dimensions, allowing us to see through the eyes of heroes and villains, kings and paupers.
Why a Professional Storyteller in crucial in corporate scenario?
The realms of professional storytelling aren’t confined to campfires and cosy corners. They’ve infiltrated boardrooms and meeting halls, transforming brands into sagas. These storytellers collaborate with corporations to imbue their narratives with soul, turning logos into legends and slogans into anthems. They coach and convert the employees of any organisation to master storytellers
One can learn from these various professional storytellers to become one among them.
Deepesh Chandran is a professional oral storyteller and writer in Pune, who performs oral storytelling on his own written fictional stories since 2015.
Deepesh is also a Business Storytelling Coach and Consultant to various organisations across fintech, manufacturing, IT, etc. 
He coaches the employees of the organisation on sales storytelling, leadership storytelling, HR storytelling, data storytelling and much more
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/professional-story-teller-in-pune/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 3 months
Pune's Keynote Speakers on Leadership: Unlocking Potential and Driving Success
Where does the leadership fail?
To understand why leadership fails in various levels of an organisation, we need to understand who are the people who end up being the manager/boss/leader.
Majority times the manager appointed has no training on leadership. He is just a subject matter expert who was good at his work and hence is suddenly given a job of a leader, instead of his technical job.
Thus he commits lots of mistakes as leader as he is doing it for the first time ever. Out of the long list of mistakes, here of major reasons why leadership fails :
Poor verbal, written, interpersonal communication
Micro management of team members
Failure in Understanding the team member’s point of view
Resistance for any type of feedback
Poor vision of the project/company/team future
Every good leader is a good storyteller
Every good leader in this world is always a good storyteller.
The right use of words at the right time, narrated with the right tonality is extremely crucial for any leader.
Eg - When a team member misses out on sending an important email the previous night to a client.
The bad leader would say in an annoyed tone ‘ You missed out on sending the email yesterday. This is very silly of you ’
However a good leader will privately first ask why the team member was unable to send the email yesterday.
Then polite yet firmly say  ‘Now send it to the client asap. Let’s make sure we don’t make this mistake again’ .
By using “we” in the sentence, he takes the blame on himself too.
Hence right place (privately), right words (no scolding involved)  and right tonality (polite yet firm)
All such small things help in unlocking the best potential in that team member and help in driving success for them
Why is a Keynote speaker needed to speak on leadership?
As most managers are not trained in people management and leadership skills, a keynote speaker provides them with the right insights, learning, leadership methods and much more.
It is a myth that a high IQ will help you grow in your career. Rather EQ is even more important than IQ here for success and career growth. A keynote speaker helps them with various EQ methods
As Pune is a business hub, there are ample people in various leadership roles.
As we are based out Pune, we provide our keynote speaker services in Pune and various cities
To Know More: https://deepeshchandran.com/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 3 months
Avoiding Common Storytelling Mistakes in Pune's Sales Arena
The common mistakes in sales:
Sales is simple and complicated at the same time.
Simple because there are few simple rules that one has to follow diligently.
Complicated because every client of yours is totally different with different personality types, requirements, priorities, etc . Hence the sales person has to think on his feet to use the right rule at the right time.
This is where few mistakes happen in sales:
Poor Homework - Not doing enough homework and research about the customer and his expectation before each and every single meeting. Repeating again - “before every single meeting”
Poor listening - Not minutely listening to customers' needs and  queries is a common mistake.  Failing to understand what the customer is “trying to say”. Many just rely only on what the customer is saying.
Failing on commitments - Making false promises, making false claims of your product  which hampers the trust of the customer
Relation building with customer - Sales is always an emotional transaction, where some times sales person fails to build the bond with the customer
Poor storytelling - Let’s understand it better as below
Importance of Storytelling in sales:
Storytelling is one of the biggest ways to create an emotional connection with the customer. Every purchase is always an emotional purchase. Just that the buyer is not aware of that.
What is Storytelling in sales:
The usage of Storytelling in sales is a wide & varied topic and extremely nuanced. Sales consists of various stages. Every stage needs  a separate type of storytelling.
One small part of Storytelling in the initial sales stages includes telling specific anecdotes of previous customers who have used the product in various scenarios.
However the challenge lies in choosing the right anecdote i.e. story. Narrating the wrong story can be disastrous .
Even if one chooses the right story, the next challenge lies in narrating it in the right way so that it actually touches the heart of the customer.
How to avoid these storytelling mistakes in future i.e. practical steps to follow:
Choose the right story from your company history
Practice narrating the story multiple times before you do it for the customer
While practising, keep taking feedback from your inner circle on your narration and its impact
Don’t rely on just one story. Keep multiple stories in your repository
Keep making your story crispier based on its success with the customer
Pune is mainly an IT hub and also a manufacturing hub. As a sales person there are huge opportunities to sell your services in Pune.  Above were the Common Storytelling Mistakes while selling in Pune's Sales Arena
We provide business storytelling services to the sales team of various organisations. Reach out to us for your queries
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 4 months
Importance of Storytelling in Brand Communication
Brand communication, as the name itself suggests is the communication of the brand to its customer. The more efficient the communication, more loyal will be the customers to the brand, more stronger be the brand recall, more business will the brand generate.
The power of storytelling, like in every aspect of life and business, is highly crucial in brand communication too. If all the aspects of storytelling are rightly used, it will help in delivering a highly appealing, genuine and highly recalled brand communication for its customers.
The X factors for the right storytelling includes catering to the right emotions of your customers, transparency of the brand, its authenticity, right narrative with brand story arc, consistency of brand narrative, etc
Innovative techniques for Storytelling in Brand Communication
The earliest forms of brand communication in India were just the newspapers, hoardings and TV commercials. Post the internet boom in 2000 in India, it also became websites, social media, online ads, etc.
The latest however is immersive storytelling.
Here technology is to activate all the senses of the target customer and make it highly interactive. The usual forms are Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and even 360-Degree Videos.
Let us understand it with a fictional example of Coke –
VR – You put on VR headsets and enter a virtual world or metaverse created by Coca Cola. You can interact with other people virtually in this happy virtual world created by Coke. Thus in pursuit of enjoying that metaverse, the brand of Coke gets even more etched in the mind of the customer.
AR – You enter a general store with a Coke section, which has their Coke game counter. You can use your mobile app to spot the virtual coke hidden throughout the huge store. Using simple AR gaming strategy, customer will always recall Coke
360-Degree Videos – There is Coke video on Youtube featuring African kids drinking Coca Cola, with lions around them. Here you can change the camera angle of the video and focus on whichever object or person in that video, in whichever angle. Thus the viewer gets the privilege of using his camera view and even focus on whomever the viewer wants.
But the most important aspect is that in the VR world of Coke, if the touchpoints, characters and entire storytelling is poor, it will fail big time
Similarly, for AR, the aesthetics of the game, the thrill provided to the audience and overall storytelling will be deciding factor for its failure or success
Same applies for the 360-degree video, where the storytelling for the kids with coke and lions is presented in a boring manner, it will all fall flat, irrespective of the technology marvel of 360 degree video
Future trends like Apple vision pro
The future gets even more interesting with inventions like Apple vision pro
In words of Apple’s Tim Cook – Like how Mac introduced us to Laptop computing, IPhone introduced us to mobile computing, apple vision pro will introduce us to spatial computing
So using just your eye and hand gestures, you can operate your computer/mobile. It is not VR, it is AR.
So you select an app, not by using your finger on mobiles, but by using your eye. Totally nearing the manner how Superhero Iron Man operates Jarvis!
As of 2023 it is very costly, but in few years it will come highly affordable
Technology inventions will always grow exponentially, however any brand communication or any immersive storytelling is totally useless without right storytelling.
Storytelling was, is and will remain the soul for any brand communication.
Reach out to us for all types of storytelling consulting
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/importance-of-storytelling-in-brand-communication/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 4 months
Avoiding Common Storytelling Mistakes in Pune's Sales Arena
The common mistakes in sales:
Sales is simple and complicated at the same time.
Simple because there are few simple rules that one has to follow diligently.
Complicated because every client of yours is totally different with different personality types, requirements, priorities, etc . Hence the sales person has to think on his feet to use the right rule at the right time.
This is where few mistakes happen in sales:
Poor Homework - Not doing enough homework and research about the customer and his expectation before each and every single meeting. Repeating again - “before every single meeting”
Poor listening - Not minutely listening to customers' needs and  queries is a common mistake.  Failing to understand what the customer is “trying to say”. Many just rely only on what the customer is saying.
Failing on commitments - Making false promises, making false claims of your product  which hampers the trust of the customer
Relation building with customer - Sales is always an emotional transaction, where some times sales person fails to build the bond with the customer
Poor storytelling - Let’s understand it better as below
Importance of Storytelling in sales:
Storytelling is one of the biggest ways to create an emotional connection with the customer. Every purchase is always an emotional purchase. Just that the buyer is not aware of that.
What is Storytelling in sales:
The usage of Storytelling in sales is a wide & varied topic and extremely nuanced. Sales consists of various stages. Every stage needs  a separate type of storytelling.
One small part of Storytelling in the initial sales stages includes telling specific anecdotes of previous customers who have used the product in various scenarios.
However the challenge lies in choosing the right anecdote i.e. story. Narrating the wrong story can be disastrous .
Even if one chooses the right story, the next challenge lies in narrating it in the right way so that it actually touches the heart of the customer.
How to avoid these storytelling mistakes in future i.e. practical steps to follow:
Choose the right story from your company history
Practice narrating the story multiple times before you do it for the customer
While practising, keep taking feedback from your inner circle on your narration and its impact
Don’t rely on just one story. Keep multiple stories in your repository
Keep making your story crispier based on its success with the customer
Pune is mainly an IT hub and also a manufacturing hub. As a sales person there are huge opportunities to sell your services in Pune.  Above were the Common Storytelling Mistakes while selling in Pune's Sales Arena
We provide business storytelling services to the sales team of various organisations. Reach out to us for your queries
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 4 months
Elevate Your Interview Game: Storytelling Tips for Landing Your Dream Job in Pune
What are the dream jobs in pune?
As of  2023, the highest pursued and well paid jobs in IT  include  blockchain developers, data scientists, full stack developer, machine learning experts,business analysts, product management, project manager, software architects, AI engineer,  etc
Other non-IT jobs include  marketing managers, chartered accountant,  investment bankers, management consultants, Psychiatrist, etc
How to understand which job suits you as an individual ?
If you are a young professional, who still has the privilege and ability to switch careers, please don’t do it only for the money.
Evaluate and inspect for the right overlap of your own interest, your true capability, future growth of that field, its threats from AI and of course money.
How to find your dream job in Pune?
It is always difficult to find jobs via the famous job portals as they only intend to make you purchase their premium paid plan.
Hence rely on your internet search to directly apply on company website, Linkedin reach out, references through friends
Storytelling Tips for Landing Your Dream Job in Pune
Assume you have selected the right job opening in an organisation of your interest in Pune. During the recruitment, there are 10 more candidates next to you, who are equally good as you in their resume.
Only good storytelling will place you higher than other job candidates.
Here are the tips:
Anecdotes: -  When the interviewer ask “Tell me about yourself”, 
That’s your chance to tell a fantastic but true story about yourself. Need to align that story to the question. But need to keep the story short and crisp
Repeated Questions: Easily 30-50% questions asked are always the same. Eg - Why are you looking for change?,   “Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?” , “Why do you want to join our company”?
Practise its answers multiple times before the interview by verbally speaking it loudly.
Choose right story: Make sure to choose the suitable story based on the questions asked, else it might misfire
Personality: Present a pleasant personality. Keep your shoulders erect and keep smiling
Music to ears: Make sure to speak with a lot of clarity and choose the right words. When a master storyteller speaks, it sounds like music to the listener
We provide Interview Storytelling services for college students or any working professionals.
Reach out to us on our contact details. https://deepeshchandran.com/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 5 months
From Words to Magic: Inside the World of a Professional Storyteller in Pune
What does the life of a professional storyteller look like?
This is how the life of a professional storyteller would look like. He would perform oral storytelling at schools, college events, literature events, book cafes, cultural events, etc
The stories that he would narrate could be fictional or even fictional ones. The fictional stories narrated by him could be published authors, famous folktales or even his own written stories
The audience that he would be narrating could range from 4 years to 80 years, corporate employees, young adults, GenZ or middle aged adults. The professional oral storyteller knows his audience and even better knows the pulse of his audience. He is precisely aware of what narratives work well for which demography.
The audience comes first and then comes the story to be narrated. It never comes the other way around for the professional storyteller.
Every professional storyteller is extremely hardworking. He will practise extremely well for any performance. Just like singing, it is all about striking the chord while narrating with emotion any certain dialogue. One chord plus or minus can miss out the bull’s eye while touching the hearts of the audience. 
Pune’s storytelling scene
For a professional storyteller in Pune, he/she may have their own venues to perform. However, all upcoming storytellers are advised to start with participating in various open mics in Pune. These open mics consists of stand-up comedy, poetry, storytelling, etc.
Once the artist gets the art perfected, the storyteller can perform his own solo events.
However, there are a lot of challenges in performance storytelling
The storyteller might face unexpected hindrances during the storytelling act. These include rare but sudden heckling by the crowd, some audience member is continuously talking on phone while the storyteller performs, some random small kid suddenly jumps into the stage or starts crying, etc.
Here it is easy for the artist i.e. the professional storyteller to lose his flow, as he has to control the unexpected scenario from the crowd and also continue back with the same emotions of the storytelling act.
Hence the storyteller has to double up as the crowd manager and the artist and more importantly, keep switching places.
That is the hallmark of the true professional storyteller
What are the important parts of a story structure?
The important parts of the story are the characters, the story arc and the tonality/ style. With the overdose of content, especially post Covid, the story arc is mostly repetitive. However, good storytelling hinges on excellent framing of the characters and tonality. These 2 aspects are the subtle art that is differentiating good storytelling from average ones, especially post Covid.
Hence a good storyteller is always aware of this while narrating. He needs to paint the picture well for the audience. If he fails in that, then everything falls flat.
Magic of connecting with stories
Out of the various advantages of storytelling, one of them is healing. Here even a common man i.e. non-professional storytellers can imbibe it.
Storytelling is about one person speaking and another listening. If the storytelling is pure, then both the teller and listener get healed.
Imagine a person in depression, he speaks about the incidents that made him vulnerable, scared and traumatised. These are just real stories that happened with this person. He just needs to be heard.
Here the role of a good listener is extremely crucial. This listener, if genuinely puts his heart into listening (not hearing) to what the person has to speak, it turns magical.
People just want to be heard; they just want their stories to be heard. Lending the right ear is akin to lending a helping hand.
All in all, a professional storyteller in Pune or any city in India needs to be hardworking, creative and keep evolving his art, like any other profession on this earth.
Reach out to us for any need of professional storytelling services
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/from-words-to-magic-inside-the-world-of-a-professional-storyteller-in-pune/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 5 months
Storytelling for Change Management: Implementing HR Strategies in Pune’s Evolving Work Environment
Understanding Change Management
Let’s assume there is an IT company in Pune named Baxbo. Baxbo is a 7-year-old company with 500 employees. It has a decent work culture and healthy attrition rate.
However, let’s assume there is now a bigger company (let’s name it Haxembur), which is a 50-year-old company with 10,000 employees.  Within a deal between both the top management, Haxembur is now taking over the small sized Baxbo.
This is a big type of change management for Baxbo and its 500 employees as now the culture will change, so might be the technologies used, work policies and even organisational structure.
Role of the HR in change management
HR is the flag bearer of the culture for any organisation and the bridge between the employees and the management.
Here in Baxbo, every HR person is facing the biggest challenge of their career. There is now huge anxiety and fear among each of the 500 Baxbo employees, as they fear change of role, responsibilities change, change of work location and loss of colleagues & friends. Worst – they all fear the loss of their job.
Team HR Baxbo needs to make the transition of Baxbo into Hazembur happen smoothly
Importance of Storytelling for HR
Storytelling for the HR team in Pune of Baxbo is all about proper communication. They need to ensure passing the message completely happens without any gap to every single employee.
Storytelling is not just about telling motivational stories to the Baxbo employees at this time of anxiety. It is all about WHAT you say and more importantly, HOW you say.
Here are few things they should be doing:
Step 1 – Have a town hall meeting
Messaging and presentation by the top management boss is almost make and break here. As it is an IT company, all employees have gathered over a zoom call.
Step 2 – Perfect explanation of the merger and its effects
Ideally the top boss’s talk should cover the topics like why they decided to go for this merger. Show the company and employee growth that can happen post this merger. Brief on the various formal transitions that all as a team have to undergo like training for the new technology to be used, new headquarters, new possible job location opportunities, etc. Lastly, has to openly and honestly also tell about the down side of this merger as well. Never hide any secrets with their loyal employees.
The flow of this talk needs to be like a good story structure.
Step 3 – Take an online survey, feedback and QnA and addressing all concerns
In coming days, continuously take feedback via online surveys or F2F interviews on the various concerns of each employee.
Operationally, it is going to be very tough for the HR and even communication wise as well. HR needs to be composed himself. This is where the prowess of storytelling of the HR comes into the picture.
Step 4 – Training the mid-level managers
As the HR can’t reach the grassroot level, the company has to train the trainer i.e. train the mid-level managers. These will train the grassroot level employees on the various new tools to be used, new policies, new working operational activities, etc in detail and at personal level
Step 5 – Continuous training to all employees
This training can’t be a one-off activity. It has to be done on continuous basis for coming months, till the smooth mental transition happens into the new company culture
Step 6 – Keep a strong feedback loop and addressing concerns
Having one sided communication is detrimental in change management. Always an open door feedback mechanism for all employees and work upon those feedbacks. Else if you don’t address that feedback, employees will never be encouraged to give feedback.
Why every HR in any organisation needs business storytelling training?
Business storytelling for HR helps the HR to communicate the most critical news in a lucid and comforting way. The other benefits include art of communication, engaging any person in an interesting manner, maintaining good relationships, etc
We provide workshops of Business Storytelling for the HR team in Pune and many cities in India.
Feel free to reach out to us on any queries
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/storytelling-for-change-management-implementing-hr-strategies-in-punes-evolving-work-environment/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 5 months
Adapting Communication Styles for Successful Business Negotiations in Pune
Communication is not easy as it seems, else there wouldn’t have been so many misunderstandings, failure to express our thoughts, inability to convince or negotiate with people in our lives.
Negotiation is simple words means the communication happening between 2 parties, where both are trying to influence each other and get the best for themselves, where the final conclusion should be achieved. Small kids negotiate with their parents to buy a new toy, by throwing tantrums or crying or by puppy face, while the parents disagree. However, the conclusion is reached when that toy is either purchased or not purchased. Similarly, college kids negotiate with their parents to send them for a Goa trip, in return they will study for extra hours and get extra marks.  
Business Communication in business negotiations is more crucial because its success and failures will affect the top line of the entire organisation
Let’s understand business negotiation with an example
Nagesh is writing an email to his Boss asking for 2 weeks of leave this month, while he had already taken 2 weeks of leave last month as well. There is a 99% chance that the Boss will not allow Nagesh’s leave. This is where Nagesh has to negotiate well and where effective business communication comes into the picture.
Here is how Nagesh needs to email: Dear Boss, Last month I took 2 weeks of leave for my sister’s wedding and thank you for giving me that long duration of leaves. This month as it happens, 2 of my best friends have returned from the USA after 10 long years. These are the only  2 real friends I have in my life and we had promised ourselves in college to have a 10 day hike in Himachal, when we have enough money. For good or bad, fortunes have striked this month, where in the USA returned friends are free and we have the money as well. Hence I would request a 2 weeks leave this month again
However, here is what I am doing to mitigate my absence. I briefed Ashish on all work and will be in continuous touch with him for all dependencies. I will be rejoining the office 10 days before our current client’s deliverable and will personally fill all the gaps that would have happened. I am assuring you of zero gaps and errors in the deliverable of our current client.
Looking for a positive response from your end
Above was a successful business communication via email for negotiation.
Effect of culture in effective communication
The biggest mistake one makes in business communication is that we assume everyone in India is like them.
What might be pretentious to us, might be purely sublime and celebration to others. Eg – South action cinema may appear pretentious and so will their non-conventional looking actors. But they are demi-gods for people in the south.
What words might be casual and normal to us, might be extremely sensitive to the other person Eg – Some colloquial words in North India which are lovingly and casually addressed to each other, might seem highly offensive for other non-North Indians This is a cultural difference!
Culture changes in India every 200 kms. Without studying the culture of the other person, it will always be difficult to have successful negotiations. 
How to enable effective business communication in Pune particularly
Here is the thing about Pune. It was a small and quiet city in the 1990s until the IT boom happened in Pune. Post the 2000s a lot of IT and other industrialization happened. Hence most of the people living in Pune currently, those doing business and also those who are owners of business are mostly not actual natives of Pune.
Hence for effective business communication in Pune, you need to find the actual lover affair of the person with Pune. When did he shift to Pune, why did he shift to pune, how much is he emotionally attached to Pune, etc!
Effective business communication’s success in negotiation depends on several factors, one of which is the culture. More you understand and respect that culture, the higher is your chance to leverage it for your negotiation success.
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/adapting-communication-styles-for-successful-business-negotiations-in-pune/
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chandrandeepesh72 · 6 months
Two hours Crash Course on Business Storytelling
The best way for any organization to improve its performance and increase its retention is by offering professional development opportunities to its employees. The more the employees are motivated, the more it adds to the company’s productivity.
‘You don’t build a Business. You build People, and then People build the Business.’
Interactive session for acquiring knowledge in short period is something everybody is looking for in today’s busy life. Or it may be just a short course or session arranged by the HR or an organisation to take the employees away from the day to day routine rut for doing something more creative or recreational.
What is Crash Course or short course knowledge provided by Keynote Speaker?
Crash Course is usually very fast-paced and tightly knit to facilitate imparting maximum knowledge in minimum time-frame. Because of the pace in today’s technology there has been a surge in number of crash course.
There is a perpetual need for people to gain more knowledge to upgrade themselves in their professional and personal life. There is no time to learn any topic conceptually as it takes a big chunk of valuable time.
Hence Crash course or short course is the best approach to conduct clarity and knowledge acquisition, in short period, to the participants. The main feature of crash course is that it is extremely subject matter specific. It is an in-house learning to inculcate merits and to get the best from the employees who play a major role in company’s success.
Two hours short / crash courses by storytelling Keynote Speakeer:
Why Storytelling is Important in Business?
Stories Engage and Create Human Connection
They Are More Memorable Than Numbers.
Emotionally Connect People to Create Loyalty.
Increased Profitability.
Storytelling Offers a Competitive Advantage.
‘Storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas.’
The keynote speaker is invited create the required and beneficial impact on its audience, through inspirational and narrative storytelling. They help to evaluate the skill-sets, mind-sets and overall performance of the participants. They guide the participants to exemplify the company values or to become the best endorsers of company name.
To know more: https://deepeshchandran.com/two-hours-crash-course-on-business-storytelling/
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