chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma wants to interrupt him, shouting out how it's not okay to give up or that he's wrong and that dueling was a way to make connections...! But instead he just stands here in the rain looking up at this puzzling person with wide eyes. It's like these words are reaching his eyes - but he fails to understand their meaning. What...?
He flinches at the cold waterdrops touching his skin. It's just like he hasn't realized before-
He takes a handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his nose, opens one eye. He rushes inside, casually like they've just met. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you over the sound of the rain!" he laughes. Yuma looks intently up the plastic roof on which big round raindrops still pound down relentlessly.
Yuma shakes the water out of his hair and lets himself plunge onto the balked bench which runs along the bus shelter's plastic walls. "Hey hey, IV..." he suddenly exclaims, patting its surface to see whether it was wet, "We're not getting away for a while, so why don't you tabletop duel me?"
Without looking at IV again -or waiting for approval, that is- he takes his deck out and begins to shuffle, focussing on watching his fingers. Only his fingers. "Y'know, my dad said...no, he says" A small smile graces his face, "that once you really want anything, you must never give up" he continues on, "because even if you're scared or fall or get lost," he puts the cards on the bench, "The only way to continue is forward!"
He tries to catch a glimpse at IV's reaction when he thinks IV isn't looking. After all, he is still somewhat...intimidating.
"Okay, I'm finished! I challenge you!"
Lights on the River; From the Distance I Hear...!
Thomas looks away from Yuma - his conviction is too strong and his words are too painfully honest for him to reasonably look back with a blank face. His words resonate within him - raw and painful and biting into him like knives or dull teeth. Yuma understands him and it’s mortifying. He’s a child and yet he speaks as if he were a prophet on the sidewalk, hand extended for ears not change.
Yuma gives and he gives and he gives and he never takes. Thomas hates it - he hates how Yuma can be so much more and so much better than him and that for all his burdens his heart remains open and pure.
You’re a monster. You don’t deserve to stand in his presence.
Dueling was about healing, huh? For him it had never been anything more than a tool used to hurt others and take from them what Tron ordered. Duels were battles of cruelty and humiliation. Duels were agony. How could all that be mistaken for healing?
“I won’t duel you,” he says, a near mutter. “I won’t subject you to that.” His fingers toy with the cigarette box in his pocket and he contemplates yet another one even though he’s had two within the hour. It feels heavy, as if he’d rolled all his burdens up inside the infamous ’cancer sticks’ and left them for another time - to be inhaled and pondered over in the rain like this.
“I won’t,” he repeats in a near whisper.
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma stood there alone on the school roof watching the sky. Staring up into a cold light blue-ish shade and it's like on one of these days when you just feel like high-fiving the sky! Clouds were passing by and they looked so fluffy and shaped like-! Wait. Clouds weren't actually moving. We who stand on Earth are the ones who are moving. Even if we aren't aware-
"...Alit? R-"
It was a spontaneous name uttered before Yuma grasped its meaning. Rival, you left me waiting! It seemed like he was behind time when his body quickly turned around to dodge the incoming punch and bump fists and- I only mean the best! It hit him again full-force. Just as if the air was punched out of his lungs. Just as if- No...he wouldn't let another Barian inside his heart. He wouldn't! Yuma looked away for a moment, only glancing at the other with a hostile expression afterwards.
Things were different now, right? Something was already broken. Right? Rival...I...r...
Let's Rekindle the Broken Bond! The Fighters' Promise That Transcends Time!
It was another day at school for Alit; although he wasn’t a fan of the whole education business - he was an alien, what kind of alien needed to know about equations or how to find the square root of Pythagoras? - it was still fun to mingle with humans sometimes. Properly giving this ‘one of them’ thing a shot was pretty fun, come to think of it, despite the learning itself.
Especially if the human in question happened to be his rival, Yuma Tsukumo.
“Yuma!” he exclaimed, approaching him. It was always good to actually know someone in this place, as well. “I have a score to settle with you.” No, he wasn’t over his last loss, still.
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
What Was This Symphony I Heard Once But Forgot Afterwards Again...?
Sometimes Yuma would stroll around the city after school without a certain aim. That was when the weather's nice and Heartland City actually looked like a bunch of sweets or ballons thrown together! Just like in a distant memory - ballons let go off and floating into the sky... He didn't look for anything special or extraordinary - it was just normal life that had regained its charm in his eyes, he guessed! Maybe visit a few card shops or racing Tetsuo through the Mall or go get some ice cream with Kotori?
Just walking home in the sunset with his friends - these days seemed so distant now.
Today he was alone, though. Kaito and Shark did some research about the Barians and Kotori was still in school for some extracurriculars, he guessed...It felt strange, having room to breathe and just have fun! Just like it had after the WDC and...Yuma smiled.
He'd protect this - his friends' smiles - the most important thing, for sure!
It was then he noticed the other person walking a few metres ahead of him in the park. He immediately recognized the familiar hair and tall contour...
"V!" he called after the other, waving, "V! Wait a sec...!"
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma sat up on the ground, loosely draping his arms over his knees for support. Blinking a few times -just as if he was tired- he smiled down to the ground. "From my dad's shoulders the world always seemed so small...like you could hold it in your hands...!"
I wish he'd come back one day.
He looked up brightly. "But there's something in each of us. I believe...I believe that once someone crosses your life even if only in a passing, it kinda uhmm....leaves and imprint on who you are, so...I guess from that we can learn, no matter what!" he explained before he rested his chin on his elbows, mumbling into his arm, "So that we won't feel as lonely."
"But in the meanwhile" he held his index finger up to look more credible, "we just have to do our best! Y'know, there's a difference between being greatest and doing things right - like...like if you're really want something, then you just try again and again!"
"Until then..." Yuma jumped up to his feet, running up behind Fuuya's swing to give him a light push, laughing. "...let's do our best!"
The Story of the Hero and the Boy
Fuuya felt a pang of longing, smiling softly, if not forced. Yes, it might have been nice to have a dad. Someone who could have encouraged Fuuya to do more that try to please his mother, who could have let him go to school or do things he had seen dads and their sons do on TV.
Fuuya had almost always had to do things himself, but even so had always felt so dependent on others. How could he not? He had spent the majority of his life hoping to be called by his real name. He needed to work harder, always harder, so that he’d finally be accepted as himself.
“It sounds nice,” Fuuya mumbled. “I wish I had a father, you know? Just someone… someone to teach me how to do things right.”
He shook his head- This was no time for thoughts like that! If Fuuya was going to spend some time with Yuma, he would absolutely make the most of it! He sat in the swing next to the one Yuma had fallen out of and grinned.
“C’mon! This is fun!”
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Running. In his mind he was running. If corridors and pathways were all the same, if they were the manifestation of hope, if they broke away - what would he see, then?
Yuma swallowed. "I...I am..."
"I can't say there's a way when I haven't been there yet. I can't say that hope equals to strength...or I don't know if hope even can be grasped in hands reaching out - but", he touched his chest with his fingertips, "I know it's real!" He smiled, took a step forward.
"As long as what's in here is real, it's real for me after all!"
He shouted against the stranger card materializing as he behold its enigmatic glow. He glanced again at the crumbling path before he eyes. The dark, it must be his empire itself..."Let's see then, what will stand at the end! Hope or darkness!"
"I challenge you to a duel!"
At the Intersection of Darkness and Light; In the End, There Is....!
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma paused a moment to listen to the sound of the rattling train. Well, it was quite muted now, barely audible! He might have caught that phrase from his grandma before technology was as seamless as it was today in the monorails. He blinked once and the city was passing them by again.
"My treat, 'kay?" he offered, jumping up merrily to take a better look at the train schedule installed above the lugagge rack. Yuma still couldn't believe all that had happened in the past months - from the WDC to their space adventure. Time over time overcoming their own limits again to fight for tomorrow. He was glad he wasn't alone.
It came out as low mumbling, without him turning back around.
"Thank you."
These Days When I Long For The Cerulean Sky
“Yeah, I guess we’ve just been busy…” Kotori said, twirling a piece of wet hair between her fingers. “We’ll just have to make up for all the hot chocolate we’ve been missing out on today then!”
Kotori smiled as she watched the city pass by through the windows. “So, the usual place or…?”
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma eyed the face-down card that revealed itself as Scrapiron Scarecrow last turn. "I won't fall for that again!" He threw his hand back before placing the card on his D-Pad.
"I activate Volcasaurus' effect! I detach 1 overlay unit destroy an opponent's monster and inflict its ATK as damage!"
He placed one of the cards beneath Volcasaurus into the graveyard zone.
"I target Junk Warrior!"
Turn 5: Yuma / LP: 3200 / Hand: 1 / Deck: 32
Number 61: Volcasaurus (Monster / Xyz / Effect / Fire / Dinosaur / Rank 5 / 2500ATK/1000DEF / 1 OLU (Ganbara Knight))
Zerozelock (Spell / Permanent)
Bachibachibachi (Monster / Effect / Light / Insect / LV 3 / 800ATK/800DEF)
Mimimic (Monster / Effect / Earth / Machine / LV 3 / 300ATK/300DEF)
String Devil Muzumuzu Rhythm (Monster / Xzy / Earth / Warror / Rank 3 / 1500ATK/1000DEF)
Gagaga Magician (Monster / Effect / Dark / Spellcaster / LV 4 / 1500ATK/1000DEF)
[ooc: The thing is that most of Yuma's stronger monsters have (plot) requirements to play them at all; that's why for a friendly duel I thought it would be appropriate/necessary to build up for a bit. You can do what you feel like doing, though! In case you want to look out for Yuma's ace monster, it'll be  Number 39: Aspiring Emperor Hope.]
Synchro and Xyz; Hope and Future!
The turbo duelist witness another XYZ summon. He yet to get it a bit but unlike a certain someone, Yugi, he was able to understand a new method of summoning.
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“Do you choose to attack?”
((It’s alright! A lot of people are alright with waiting. But you still didn’t answer my question.))
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
"If they existed, yeah..." Yuma said, smiling into the dark. When were these stories only tales told to children to keep them from sneaking out of their room at night? He breathed in, visualizing his dad's attic with all the artefacts telling stories of their own. That moment he answered the demon door, they all became real. "...there would be people growing to become heroes somewhere going on adventures!" he rambled off with wide-eyed excitement, letting his feet dangle from over the edge of the bus shelter bench. "It would mean we'd be able to take this world's fate in our hands!"
"But sometimes" Yuma looked up into the starry sky, "I can't help but think there has to be some ounce of truth in them! Or else we wouldn't know of all the stories of the lion-hearted heroes and all, right...! I mean, what's a heart anyway?" he laughed sheepishly, scratching his head.
The ability to change people.
"Bakura." He repeated the name as if this gesture would make him register the other's presence properly. "It sounds older than you look like!" He had already babbled out bluntly before he had the chance to take it back.
One Scary Winter Night
Who am I? Such a question would make little difference wouldn’t it? Who in this decade could recall the name of such a minor no-name duelist? His name was recognized by only few; announcing it wouldn’t invoke much of a reaction nor satisfy the enigmatic man. So why bother? Common courtesy maybe? He wasn’t exactly known for being courteous but that didn’t mean that he didn’t know how to be polite. Honest information is a sufficient reward for keen listeners.
“Anything beyond the five given senses isn’t something that any man can understand. I can’t claim to know the workings of such things, but there are things that for most, the senses cannot pick up. I’m sure you’ve heard stories in your younger days have you not? Who hasn’t heard a silly little ghost story or legends of ‘Duel’ spirits? There is a hint of truth behind these little stories but who am I to say that they really exist? Hypothetically, if they did, life would be much more interesting, don’t you think?”
He smiled at Yuma. “Bakura. That’s the only name I go by these days.”
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Construction Adventures #2
Hey hey everyone,
I hope you've been doing fine the last weeks! Guess who's back now! Thanks for your patience and let's continue kattobingin'!
To-do replies! (Links are to your last reply.)
Judai Yuki (exuberant-slifer-red)
Yami Bakura (steelcoffins)
Yusei Fudo (synchronduelist)
Kotori Mizuki (ribbonedfreesia)
Other important stuff:
If you replied but are not on this list, drop me an ask!
I also noticed some people following me during my hiatus the last couple of weeks. Wecome to this mess called Tsukumo attic! If you are still around and want an(other) RP, just drop me an ask, too!
I have heard about my asks being swallowed on multiple occasions lately, so if I didn't answer, tumblr probably ate it. Please resend!
As you see, we're also redecorating the spaceship [theme; pages to be updated/filled in soon]. So let's shot for the Legendary Numbers!
     - Yuma and mun
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Obomi's Service Announcements #3
Hey guys!
I'm sorry but I'll be away for a while for mun to freak out about real life stuff, so don't be surprised if you don't see me for a few days! It's something huge and important, so yeah...
Hiatus until mid-May!
I want you guys to know that I think you're great and that's why I want to reply properly and not half-heartedly! That's why it may take me a while, so please bear with me!
My past and present inactivity is definitely not meant personal! I understand it if you want to drop our RP, though.
Since I can't tag you all, I'll send everyone who has replied to me during the past month a notice. If you haven't received one by Sunday, drop me an ask!
Onto another note, I've already test run a new theme I've been working on bits for bits for some time, so expect a reorganization and general make-over when I'm baaaa- Clean-ing, Clean-ing up the dumb-ass, Cleaning Up the dumb-ass...
I apo-lo-gize for the in-con-venience.
Sin-cere-ly yours,
      - O-bomi
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma still just starred with big eyes. "Y...Yuma..." he said absently, hitting the wall again.
What exactly was she...? He took a breath in. A being not everyone could see...just like, just like Number Cards or Astral. Yuma childed himself. This was no time to be panicking! What if she was siding with the Barians or wanted to threaten the world? But but this was not the right situation to freak out it was all just so confusing and he ought to do something useful and be the hero and restore peace and-
He pointed his finger at her in a slightly wary way. Bit his lip to appear less nervous and more impressive."You...you're not getting my soul!" Furrowed his brows in childish defiance. "I...it's not like I'm gonna back up and let you take over the world or anything like that!"
To Be or Not to Be - Here I am, Tiptoing the Border of the Truth and the Lie
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Unstable. Unstable! What...Yuma looked down the frail path seperating him from a seemingly endless pit. It...it made him feel uneasy! Just like when you dreamt and knew you were going to fall soon without any chance to make your body move and and-
But this was very much real.
Yuma placed a timid step forward. Another more steady one. The young man on the other side seemed so confident in himself, sure of his steps and Yuma somehow in the spur of the moment knew that this mystery was the answer he seeked without knowing why. If only he found out..He swallowed.
"As long as I have Hope, I won't waver!" Yuma drew the card out in an agile, defined motion, showing face-upwards. "The light that guides the way through darkness! I believe in its power!"
[ooc: It's not that or because of any personal reasons but because rl eating at my time atm. I'm sorry!]
At the Intersection of Darkness and Light; In the End, There Is....!
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
"Hmm...." he hummed contently, observing the empty playground absently a- "Waaahhh-" he made a suprised noise as he was suddenly gently pushed foward, becoming light-hearted laughter. "Ah, thank you!"
"The point is..." He carefully held his index finger up without losing balance. "The point is to believe in yourself and that you have no limits! It's what my dad taught me! It is the spirit to never give up and always challenge yourself everyday at different place in a different time! So that you can keep moving on!" Yuma flashed a bright smile, holding onto the rope again. Began swinging by himself as a spark suddenly caught him. His eyebrows furrowed slightly in a challenging expression. "Limits are just there to be surpassed!"
He swung highter and higher and higher and-
And tumbled onto the sand, limbs spread in all four direction.
Yuma blinked, touching his forehead with his fingers, cringed a bit before shaking himself. "It doesn't matter if you fall or not! The point is to try again and again!" Yuma stopped for a moment to look up into Fuuya's face. "A father..?" He thought about it. Wait! Did Fuuya...? Yuma looked down, not knowing what to say...Suddenly sat up! "I know! I know! A dad puts a band aid on your knee when you fall down and hurt yourself! He puts you on his shoulders and carries you home making train noises! But...hmmm, he doesn't do that forever! He can't!" Yuma laughed. "Next time he teaches you how to put on a band aid yourself! To patch yourself up together and stand up by your own strength!" Another smile. Charming imperfection. "Yes, dads are awesome!"
[ooc: No need to match length. I just needed it to explain right ;).]
The Story of the Hero and the Boy
Fuuya looked at Yuma with a quizzical expression, but smiled nonetheless. He walked up, giving Yuma a light push on the swing- That’s what people did, right? What friends did?
“Sometimes I think you don’t have any limits. You’re just so… you. What was it that you used to say? Kat… ‘Kattobingu’?” Fuuya beamed, reminded of those few instances with Yuma that ultimately changed his life for the better. Without Yuma to pull him out of that dark rut, Fuuya didn’t know what would have happened.
“Yuma, I… This may seem like a really silly question, but what is it like? Having a father?”
It was something Fuuya had wondered countless times. However, he never bothered asking his mother- He knew why he didn’t have a father, and he never once questioned it.
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
"Eh...falling into different dimensions?" he inquired with a big question mark on his head which soon gave way to cheerful laughter, "Ahhh, different dimensions, right!"
He stuck his finger up in the air. "I...I mean if duel monsters existed for real, then we gotta stick together and believe in the cards and be ready to fight! And seek to make the impossible possible to fight the bad guys and change fate for the better!" He took a deep breath. "We'd have to surpass borders and cross dimensions and challenge ourselves to protect future, present and past!"
"Sounds like an awesome adventure, doesn't it?" he beamed, winking like he knew something. "If it were real, that is...!"
Check Point Today: New Adventure!
“That’s the spirit!” he said. He patted the younger boy on the back. Yuma was growing on him already. They both shared an ethusiasm for something and determination. However he lost his train of thought when he asked about life at the academy. “Oh, it’s fine. Sometimes it gets a little crazy. People come and try to cause trouble or falling into different dimensions but you gotta roll with it.” he said. It sounded absurd but it was true. Whether Yuma believed him or not was another thing. But Judai wasn’t worried about that.
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
"Pride..." he closed his eyes for a moment, smiling, "It's something to be treasured for sure!"
Yuma saw it once again, his fathers smile as he had ruffled his hair after he had stood up again on his own for the first time. His father's low chuckle as Yuma had looked up to the husky man towering above him, bending slightly upwards to not let his cowboy-like beige hat tumble to the ground. It felt warm and pleasant and nice!
"Hmm...by the way!" he started, remarking how different the world looked from different perspectives at different times. And he was indeed curious! "Does it look alike to Heartland, the place you're coming from?"
chaos-into-light|| New Encounter ||
The taller male nodded, a bright smile on his face. The boy’s enthusiasm was contagious. “I agree. Even if it doesn’t work out in the long run, you’ll never know if you never try.” he said. Eyes sparkled with delight as he listened to him talk. So full of life he was. He chuckled softly. “I see, I’m sure they’ll be quite proud of you.” he said.
(OOC: It’s okay. ^_^
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chaos-into-light · 11 years
Yuma made swinging motions with his right arm. "I draw!"
"I activate the spell card Plus Star 123 from my hand! It allows my to target a level 4 or lower monster and change its level by 1, 2 or 3, so level 3 Ganbara Knight becomes level 5!"
"Then I normal summon Gagaga Magician! Appear, Gagaga Magician! Its effect allows me to change its level to a number between 1 and 8, so Gagaga Magician becomes level 5, too!"
Yes, they were calling him! Numbers! He refused to believe they were entirely evil...refused to believe duel monsters couldn't be comrades...they were part of Astral after all! And they could fight together and prove cards are only what you make of them! "Yes," he smiled, "I believe in myself and our possibilities!"
"I overlay level 5 Ganbara Knight and Gagaga Magician! With these 2 monsters I construct the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon! The fire that sears through the darkest pit, the volcano that breaks free from stone, evolution unstopped by time! Raise from the depths of the earth!" He streched out his arm. "Number 61: Volcasaurus (2500AKT/1000DEF)!"
Turn 5: Yuma / LP: 3200 / Hand: 1 / Deck: 3
Number 61: Volcasaurus (Monster / Xyz / Effect / Fire / Dinosaur / Rank 5 / 2500ATK/1000DEF / 2 OLU (Ganbara Knight and Gagaga Magician))
Zerozelock (Spell / Permanent)
Bachibachibachi (Monster / Effect / Light / Insect / LV 3 / 800ATK/800DEF)
Mimimic (Monster / Effect / Earth / Machine / LV 3 / 300ATK/300DEF)
String Devil Muzumuzu Rhythm (Monster / Xzy / Earth / Warror / Rank 3 / 1500ATK/1000DEF)
[ooc: It's nothing like that! I wouldn't let you standing here if I was too lazy. Irl has just been keeping me quite busy lately, that's all.]
Synchro and Xyz; Hope and Future!
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“I end my turn.”
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Junk Warrior (Dark)(LV5)(Warrior/Synchro/Effect)(ATK 2300/DEF 1300)
Spell/Trap (Set/Face down) x2
Fortress Warrior (Earth)(LV2)(Warrior/Effect)(ATK 600/DEF 600)
Junk Synchron (Dark)(LV3)(Warrior/Tuner/Effect)(ATK 1300/DEF 500)
Tuningware (Light)(LV1)(Machine/Synchro/Effect)(ATK 100/DEF 300)
Tuning (Spell/Normal)
((It’s alright. I’m too lazy to reply to some too. But they should use their ace when their LP is at critical? Or when you use it, I’ll use mine.))
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chaos-into-light · 12 years
"Because dueling is not about hate and hurting others!"
He...he closed his mouth again, took half a step back. This piercing gaze, cold and sharp! And uncaring and...drained of all color? "I..." he looked down. What was this sensation that was not hot, not cold, not good, not bad, not powerful (-enough!), not caring (...anymore) - a single color seeping into the ground, dispersing, disappearing into the nowhere...? "I...I..."
"I'm scared."
Under a roof of rain, here he stood confessing to a stranger what he had not dared to voice ever before. Why was this so...? He felt his fingertips touching the surface of the Emperor's Key -cold and smooth-......did he unconsciously...?
"This body of mine..." he pressed the Key -it's shape!- into his palm, "...it's to protect the most important thing...!" He inhaled - closed his eyes - opened them. "I always thought it was the Key! But it's not! It's bonds and the future! It's the power to begin something new and exciting, to take a step forward, to clash! The power to take fate in our hands! It's the ability to change that makes us who we are!" In speaking, it became clear to Yuma himself. He smiled slightly. "Until this body breaks, I will continue fighting!"
Took a step foward, made a sound on the puddles. Once more. "Because dueling," he looked up, perhaps a bit too indignantly, "...dueling is about healing!"
Lights on the River; From the Distance I Hear...!
IV stared down the length of his nose to meet Yuma’s stare dead on. There was no fire in his eyes, only a deep regret to hear the boy speak so passionately about the game he’d once loved himself as a child - now a threatening totem of anger and regret that hung low over his head. There was truth, and there was the lie that IV had so carefully crafted for himself.
In that instant, with Yuma’s hurt so overwhelming, IV could only tap his ashes and shake his head.
“I don’t want to think much of anything if I can help it,” he muttered. “All my opponents end up in hospital beds or worse. Rarely less. Look what happened when you and Kaito went against Mihael and I.” IV paused for a moment. Did Yuma know that Mihael was his brother? “I don’t see much reason to duel anymore. My family is fine. What more do I need?”
IV dropped his cigarette and crushed it with the heel of his boot, frowning to himself before he caught Yuma’s eye. “When we dueled, if we had won I wouldn’t have hesitated to hurt you until you couldn’t walk. So why would I want to duel again?”
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