chaosrunepownage · 9 years
I can't believe that you are Yu Narukami! YOU NARUKAMI!
Amber, (@an-actual-objectum-sexual) in response to my extreme love of cats.
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
That autism feel when you mess up something super obvious to neurotypicals and then obsess over it for the next few hours.
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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So I heard there was this holiday for smoochin?
Short but sweet monster school romance between Lilith, and her adorable girlfriend Willow.  Originally part of my 2015 minizines, now for you!
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
Not all owl hoots are majestic…
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
Send me a symbol for a drabble
Or send “drabble please!” and I’ll use a generator to decide.
# and a number: inspired by the first full sentence on that page in the book I’m currently reading (if using a generator, use a sentence from the page you are currently on/last page you read)
♬: based off the first song that comes up on my itunes after putting it on shuffle
✉: based around the last text I sent/received
△: inspired by the plot of the last movie/tv show I watched
☀: based off a post on/in my wishlist
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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beautiful skys over Arizona
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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Sigma will regret that suggestion eventually.
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
Eat one Wii U a day
Get those healthy amiibo acids
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
“how do u sleep so much?” depression
“omg why do you stay up so late” depression
“how do you still manage to get everything done?” anxiety 
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
a few monster girl things for femslash february.
a vampire lady whose wives help her with her hair and makeup since she can’t see herself in a mirror.
ghost girlfriends who ‘haunt’ the local gay bar, innocuously changing the music to the jazz that played when they were young. the owner loves it and remodels the bar to match.
a centaur and a faun who live in a cute forest cottage with wide doors and an apple orchard in the back. the faun does the gardening since her wife can’t comfortably reach the earth with her human hands, and the centaur picks the apples from the tall trees.
a gorgon with a gargoyle girlfriend who can always turn back from stone after looking into her eyes.
a siren who will die if a ship ever sails past her cove, and her harpie girlfriend who snatches up the sailors that try to resist the song.
werewolf wives with eight children. they are total soccer moms and the rest of the pta was terrified of them for months, but they won the other moms over with an amazing shepard’s pie at the potluck.
scylla and charybdis, cursed to half-lives as monsters living across from one another in the strait, find comfort in each other’s company. sailors talk of the pass between them narrowing at nights, truly impassible.
monster girls who love other girls (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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A short comic about a Frog and a Troll.
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
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“Megaman X Transformers (Heroes)” by RadicalDreamerX
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chaosrunepownage · 9 years
“Heehee, you have such spunk! It’s a shame that you’re not recognized for it more... Sure, you’re no Zero but you’ve got some pretty good speed from what I can see and with that kind of attitude? Heehee! I wonder why the world isn’t groveling at your feet already like they are with Sigma!”
And so, like a caged animal, she begins to pace around this section of the lab. Undoubtedly there’s more than just this if the scale of these... experiments is anything to go off of. Each step is deliberate and she steps hitting the ground toe-first rather than heel-first, giving her an even more animalistic gait. Maybe a side-effect of the cat in her? Cats do walk on their toes, after all.
“Ah... You’re a bit of a softie, aren’t you? Can’t stand to see someone you like being harmed? Heehee, you’re just like her~! It makes me wonder if I���d be like that with friends. So many variables out there in the multiverse but also so many constants... You can see an alternate from miles away if you know these constants.”
She speaks in a deliberately sing-songy tone. She turns, smiling all-too-wide at Wyvern once more.
“I wonder, how long will it take for someone to miss you...?”
Mad!Sophie AU
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