Shiu Kong x Fem Reader
TW: fancy party, yakuza, nicknames (sweetheart, doll, and princess), size kink if you squint, Shiu call reader a bimbo, sexually suggestive. MDNI. Not beta read. 
A/N: This wasn’t my originally planned Shiu fic, lol, but since the other one was taking so long and I felt bad, I hope you’ll enjoy this one for now!
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Upon meeting a cute scientist at a party, Shiu feels as though his night might not be so boring after all. 
Word count: 1.3k
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Mitsuya Takashi X Reader
Warnings: Size kink, Vibrator, Crying, Sub drop (?), Aftercare, Pet name “Princess”
Word Count: 583
A/N: This is my first piece of this kind of writing in a year, so please forgive me for how short and awkward it is. Thank you. 
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Small. You felt small.
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Usually, your size difference with Mitsuya was enough of a turn-on to have you tugging at the fly of his pants all by itself, but today was different. As you started to come down from your final high, the vibrator between your legs was turned off and set on the bedside table. You were facing Takashi's chest and your fists still clutched tightly to the fabric of his shirt. The hand that had previously held the buzzing toy to your clit now came to rest on the small of your back. All of a sudden, you realized tears were streaming down your face. Despite your confusion, the salt solution continued to pour from your eyes. You didn’t feel sad… just small.    
His broad frame seemed to engulf your smaller one. It wasn’t just your stature that felt diminished compared to Takashi's, it was also your strength. You knew he was stronger than you, but the reality of how stark the difference was hit you out of nowhere like a brick. Your mind flashed to the bruises his fingers would leave after sex from holding onto your hips and just how easily he could choke you with one hand. As this almost crushing sense of vulnerability set it, you found yourself crying harder. 
You wanted to do what you always did when you needed comfort, snuggle into Takashi’s warm embrace but this almost prey-like fear was preventing you from doing that. Takashi was equally if not a little more confused than you were. He was caught off guard by your sudden outburst and had no idea how he could help you. Stuck in this awkward position, he decided to just not do anything and let you guide the situation. 
Although hard, you managed to start calming yourself down enough to the point where you could bury into Takashi’s welcoming body. He quickly got the hint and wrapped his arms around you, cradling you in a tight embrace. Your tears seemed to dry up eventually, and you found yourself shaking instead. At this point, your brain felt cloudy and incapable of thinking any complex thoughts. Mustering up the bit of strength you had left, you pushed yourself away from Takashi slightly and croaked out “w-water?” 
Takashi didn’t say anything in response, wordlessly helping you into a seated position leaning against the headboard, and handing you a glass of water with a straw in it. He sat up next to you, remaining silent. Takashi knew you, and he knew that you would talk when you were ready. 
Once your thirst was taken care of, you uttered a quiet “Thank you,” handing him back the glass which he set on the nightstand once again. You both sat there, the silence filling the air wasn’t uncomfortable, but rather uncertain. Your brain was far too tired to try and convey what had happened in words to Takashi. Takashi on the other hand was smart enough to not demand an explanation. Finally deciding to speak up, you asked “can we watch a TV show?” Takashi was a little surprised at first, he figured you would want to talk about the prior events, but if you weren’t ready, he was going to respect that. “Sure, Princess. What do you want to watch?” 
He reached for his laptop, setting it in between you two and subsequently initiating your normal aftercare routine. While the events of that night’s intimacy had not exactly been normal, both you and Takashi were feeling a lot better.
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Tired Angel
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Oikawa Toru x Reader x Iwaizumi Hajime
Warnings: Threesome, Creampie, Double penetration, Anal, Fingering, Implied Yakuza Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Mentions of blood on clothes, Use of pet name Angel, Reader calls Oikawa Sir at the beginning, Breeding kink if you squint.   
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This was not the original fic I had planned, but I do think this one is more widely accept.
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After a job that turned sour, it’s only fair that Hajime and Toru would need to relive some stress. Even if that mean waking up their Angel to do so.
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You always did your best to stay up for them when you knew that they would be out late, but you didn’t always succeed. Tonight was one of those nights where you just couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. You fell asleep on top of the sheets waiting for your lovers to return. You weren’t sure for much time had passed when you found yourself being gently awakened by one of your partners gently shaking your shoulder. Your eyes opened tiredly and you were met with the slightly blood-stained suit of Toru. 
“Hey Angel,” he cooed softly “We’re back.” You could tell from his voice, and suit, that things hadn’t gone exactly as planned. You sat up slightly, propping yourself up on one arm and rubbing your eyes with the other. You could see Hajime unbuttoning his white dress shirt. It was also lightly speckled with blood. Toru broke you from your thoughts though when he used one of his hands to guide your face back to him. He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, pulling away after, only to have you yawn. His expression softened a little, 
“I know you’re tired, but we really need to blow off some steam. We promise we’ll be gentle.” You knew the last part was a lie, but you didn’t care. 
“O-ok sir.” Your voice was a little shaky from exhaustion. Toru pressed another gentle kiss against your lips before pushing you down on your back. He pulled off your oversized nightshirt, leaving you in only your underwear. He pressed kisses to your neck and collar bone, occasionally nipping at the tender flesh. A soft moan left your lips as he continued his trail of hickies down your abdomen. Hajime had finished undressing and was now fully naked. He made his way onto the bed, seating himself up against the headboard. Toru was tugging off your panties when Hajime pulled you from Toru and onto his lap. A small squeak escaped your lips, in your half-asleep state you had barely even registered what was happening until you were torn from your first partner. Toru pouted at this but decided to use it as an opportunity to also free himself of his clothes. 
Once you were seated on Hajime’s lap, underwear fully removed, he proceeds to roll your nipples with his fingers, one hand attending to each breast. You could feel his rock-hard member pressing against your ass. It seemed like the most elaborate sex dream you had ever had in your exhausted state. Toru was also soon stripped of all his clothes and had made his way back to his previous position. 
“Open your mouth angel.” Toru coaxed. You did as he said opening up wid and allowing your tongue to loll out of your mouth. A smirk made its way to his face as he watched your sleepy compliance. Deciding to take advantage of this, he stuck his fingers into your mouth. 
“Suck.” You found yourself unable to disobey him as your started suckling on his digits. Hajime observed all of your actions, patiently waiting for his turn to prep you in his own way. Toru pulled his two fingers out of your mouth with a wet pop. 
“Aww, you’re so wet already.” Toru commented as he spread your leg open. He ran one of his saliva-coated fingers along with your folds, making you shiver. He then slowly inserted that finger into you. You stiffened at the penetration, biting your lip. Toru waited for you to adjust before pumping his finger in and out. he started slow but quickly gained speed, promptly adding a second finger to the mix. You couldn’t hold back the moans that flowed from your lips as his fingers roughly pounded into your core. Hajime noticed your orgasm approaching and decided to aid Toru by rubbing circles on your clit. The added stimulation was enough to bring your orgasm crashing down on you. Causing you to cumming hard on Toru’s fingers. He bit his inner cheek as to not let his own groans slip just from watching you climax. 
Hajime ran his fingers along your folds, collecting as much of your cum on them as he could. Once satisfied, he moved to shift you a little as to allow him to prep your ass for him. He gently rubbed your own juices on your asshole. While he did this, Toru pumped his cock a few times, excited to be able to fill you up with his seed. After Hajime felt that he had applied enough lube, he decided to test the water by inserting one of his slick coated fingers into your ass. You squirmed in discomfort at first but quickly adjusted. 
“I’m gonna add another finger ok?” You nodded your consent to his words. Hajime carefully slipped another digit into your asshole, eliciting a shaky gasp from you. He scissored his fingers a few times, hoping to get you to relax a little. Oikawa noticing your tense state decided to softly rub your clit. The soothing yet stimulating sensations worked wonderers in helping your muscles loosen up. Hajime decided to take advantage of this and pulled his fingers out, lining the tip of his cock up with your ass. 
“Take deep breaths Angel.” He reminded you as he pushed himself into your asshole. You whimpered at the pain, but it soon subsided as Toru continued to stimulate your clit, bringing you close to another orgasm. He sped up his ministrations, flooding you with ecstasy once again. Toru wasted no time while you basked in post-orgasm bliss, before pushing his own length into your core. You cried out at his sudden action, but it wasn’t necessarily a cry of pain. Hajime and Toru nodded at each other before starting to slowly pump in and out of their respective holes in unison. Matching paces, they worked in harmony to fill the air with lewd squelching, their grunts, and your constant moaning. Your body was oversensitive due to how tired you were, so all of the motions the two men made felt amplified. You couldn’t support your head at this point, so you let it fall back against Hajime’s shoulder. 
“Fuck Angel, you’re so tight” Toru grunted as he bucked his hips hard against yours. He felt your walls tighten around his cock, trying to pull him in further. He loved how greedy your body was for him. As both men worked towards their own high, you were brought to orgasm once again, your juices flowing onto Toru’s dick, motivating him to keep going and chase his own high. The two men could feel each other’s movements through your pelvic floor, only adding another level of pleasure. Oikawa came first, his thrusts becoming sloppy before finally shooting his load directly into your womb. He loved the way your walls milked him for every bit of his seed. Hajime climaxed soon after, pulling out in time to shoot his cum onto your ass and lower back. Toru also pulled out. Pausing to muse at the way his cum leaked out of your sensitive hole. Your whole body relaxed, unable to maintain any semblance of awareness anymore. Toru chuckled as Hajime laid you down allowing you to carefully fall to his side so that you were using his chest as a pillow.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to stay awake any longer,” Toru cooed as he slid under the covers on your opposite side, “You did so well Angel.” You found yourself unable to form any response to his words as you slipped back off into dreamland.
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Just a taste
Tired Angel out now
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You could see Hajime unbottoning his white shirt. It was also lightly speckled with blood. Toru broke you from your thoughts though when he used one hand to guide your face back to him. He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, pulling away after only to have you yawn. His expression softed a little, 
“I know you’re tired, but we really need to blow off some steam. We promise we’ll be gentle.” You knew the last part was a lie, but you didn’t care. 
“O-ok sir.” Your voice was a little shaky from exhaustion. Toru pressed another gentle kiss against your lips before pushi you down on your back.  
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HSHSH I can’t believe someone recommended me. 
I also have decided to use this as an opportunity to address my new followers. I know I haven’t posted in a hot minute, but I have a... odd... IwaOi x reader fic coming. It’d defiantly out there and I’m sorry if it’s too weird lol
I personally recommend @chaotic-neutral-fanfics
hello anonnie, thank you for sharing ! their profile looks so cool and everything is aesthetically pleasing ♡ i will def check them out ! also enjoy your week ♡♡
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Miya Osamu:
Tummy Ache (Miya Osamu x Reader x Miya Atsumu)
Miya Atsumu:
Tummy Ache (Miya Atsumu x Reader x Miya Osamu)
Suna Rintaro:
Manager-chan (Suna Rintaro x Reader Smut)  
Kenma Kozume:
Little Problem (Kenma Kozume x Reader Smut)
Oikawa Toru:
Tired Angel
Iwaizumi Hajime:
Tired Angel
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Suna x Fem Reader
Warnings: Non-con, Finger fucking, Finger sucking, Slight Voyeurism, Degradation
Word Count: 1k
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Suna can’t help but finger you in the club room, all the while telling you how gross you are for enjoying it even though he’s given you no choice in the matter. 
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It was the end of practice and you were handing out the water bottles to the volleyball team. You had only been their manager for a couple of months, but you had really grown to like them. Everyone was so nice and welcoming to you. You were stepping in for the third-year manager who had left more suddenly than expected due to the fact that she wanted to focus on her classes. You had been worried that they wouldn’t like you, with your lack of experience and the fact that you were a first-year, but all of your worries faded within your first two weeks. 
After the boys had finished drinking Kita ordered them to start cleaning up the gym, a few mumbles of protest could be heard among the group but they all got to work just the same. As you were walking to put away the water bottles you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see Suna looking down at you. 
“Do you need something?” you asked a little hesitantly. Suna had never directly talked to you. You didn’t mind, but you had noticed that he watched you every now and again. 
“Come with me,” he said before just walking off. You had to run a bit to catch up to him, wondering what he needed, and more importantly where he was going. He eventually stopped in front of the club room before opening the door and holding it open for you.
“What are you waiting for?” he demands. You pause for a moment and looked at him once then finally stepping inside the small club room. 
“So, what is it you need?” You questioned looking around the space. You heard the door close loudly, and you jumped a bit at the sound. When Suna didn’t respond you turned around to see where he was. You were startled when you came face to face with him directly behind you. He took this opportunity and pushed you against the wall, pinning you down with one of his arms. 
“S-Suna, what are you doing” you stuttered, the shock still setting in. You attempted to push him off but he just placed his full weight down on you. He pushed up the hem of your uniform skirt and started to rub slow circles over your clit. You choked a little at the sudden stimulation, before trying even harder to break free from his hold, but it proved futile. He continued rubbing you through your underwear.
“I can feel you getting wet” he sneered, “Is this turning you on?” He pressed his thumb down hard right on your clit making you whimper and shake your head no. His eyes were intense, they made you feel like he was staring into your most private secrets and judging you. He roughly pulled your panties down to your thighs with one hand, and you shivered a little as the cold air in the room touched you. Next, Suna inserted one of his long fingers into you, causing you to gasp, and then moan when he started pumping it in and out of you.
“Shhhh” he hissed in your ear, “you don’t want people to hear you know do ya?” You quickly shut your mouth, you hadn’t thought of that. Your mind started to race, what would happen to you if you were caught like this? Would anyone believe you if you told them that he had forced himself on to you? You were quickly brought out of your inner panic as he inserted another finger into you. You felt a moan catch in your throat, you were trying so hard to hold it back, but it was becoming increasingly hard to suppress the more Suna pumped his fingers. Eventually, you couldn’t hold it back anymore and a series of moans and whimpers spilled from your lips. 
“Do you want the team to find out? What do you think they’ll say when they see their little, innocent manager-chan is really a slut?” he jeered directly into your ear, purposely moving his fingers more harshly making you cry out. You could hear the way he was snickering under his breath. You could feel a strange sensation settling into your belly as your heart rate sped up. 
“Your little cunt is squeezing my fingers so greedily, are ya gonna cum?” he scrutinized. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond to him. Although he got his answer a few moments later when you gushed all over his fingers. Your legs felt shaky and you found it hard to stand. 
“Tch” Suna clicked his tongue “You made a mess all over my fingers. It’s only fair that you clean them off, open your mouth.” When you didn’t, he forced them into your mouth. 
“Suck” he commanded, you whimpered before doing as he said this time. Sucking your cum off his fingers, he had such a smug look on his face. It was then that the club room door opened to reveal Atsumu and Osamu, bickering about who had gotten to there first, but they stopped the moment they saw the scene before them. You could feel tears building up in your eyes, you feared what they were going to say. Suna pulled his fingers out of your mouth and looked back at the twins. 
“Don’t hog her all to yourself next time” Atsumu complained before going about changing. Suna stopped pushing you down and stood back a step, you were in shock, had you heard Atsumu right? Now wasn’t the time to think about that though, the other teammates would be soon to follow. You hurriedly pulled up your panties and pushed past the three boys the tears in your eyes finally spilling over as you ran out of the room. You dashed past Aran and Kita who exchange worried looks before entering the space you had just fled.
“Do you know what happened to make her cry?” Kita asked, looking around sternly. Suna just shrugged, 
“Not a clue”  
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Little Problem
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Kenma Kozume x Needy Reader
Warnings: Blowjob, Slight teasing, Kenma’s streaming, Cum swallowing
Word Count: 700
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You find yourself quite needy while Kenma is doing one of his streams and decided to get his attention in the best way you know how.
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You were pouting at Kenma from across his streaming room. He was live on twitch, playing some game, you honestly couldn’t care what it was, all you knew was that he was paying attention to it, and not you. You whimpered quietly, rubbing your thighs together. The longer you watched him from the little sofa he had in the room, the more you wanted to be touching him. You had found yourself very needy recently and you couldn’t remember the last time he had touched you. 
Eventually, you grew tired of just rubbing your thighs and formulated a plan to get what you wanted. You carefully slid off the sofa and onto the floor, crawling on all fours over to his gaming set up. You slid unnoticed by the camera under his desk, Kenma, on the other hand, was very aware of your presence. He continued on with his stream, commenting on something about the game, however, you were interested in something else. You carefully made your way between his legs, brushing your cheek against his clothed inner thigh. You gently moved to pull his dick out of his sweat pants. You pumped his cock a few times but earned no response from him. Kenma was not going to give you a reaction that easy, he knew what you were doing, and he intended not to let you have it. 
You scooted yourself up a little, before taking him into your mouth. Slowly you started bobbing your head up and down. You could feel his cock grow hard in your mouth and you allowed yourself to pull off his tip with a pop. Teasingly you ran your tongue over his slit, making him shudder a bit, but his face didn’t change, and he continued on with the stream. 
It had become a bit of a game between the two of you at this point, with you trying hard to get a reaction out of him, and him working not to give it to you. You pushed yourself all the way down on his cock, his pubic hair lightly tickling your nose. Kenma had to stifle a groan as he felt the way your throat convulsed around him. You swallowed hard, hollowing your cheeks around his dick, causing it twitch in your mouth. You knew he was close, so you went back to bobbing your head up and down his shaft. You could taste his pre-cum in your mouth. You knew that all you needed to do to get him to cum was to deep throat him again, but before you did that you pulled all the way off him making a pop sound as you did and swirled your tongue around his tip to teas him. You were the one in control right now, and you were going to take advantage of that, at least for a little longer. 
You slowly pushed yourself all the way down his cock once again. You could hear how his breathing had become a little heavier, and you could tell it was taking all of his concentration to focus on the game. This only proved to motivate you. You moved your tongue lightly back and forth on the underside of his shaft for added stimulation. That was all it took to make him climax and his cock twitched in your mouth as his cum shot down your throat. Kenma paused the game and looked down at you, your mouth still around him, a mixture of cum and drool leaking out the corner of your mouth. It was one of his favorite sights and he finally had to give in. You pulled off his dick and swallowed the rest of his cum, although you intentionally let a little more dribble out of the side of your mouth with the biggest, most innocent looking eyes you could manage. Kenma looked back up at the screen to address his viewers,
“Sorry to end the stream early,” he cleared his throat “but I have a… problem that I have to take care of.” and with that he shut off the monitor and looked back to you between him legs, a smirk making its way to his face.
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Tummy Ache
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Osamu x FemReader x Atsumu
Warnings: Force feeding, Implied kidnapping, Yandere behavior, Brief use of restraints, Use of the pet name princess, Slight dumbification, Mentions of sedative use, Tummy rubs.  
Word Count: 1.5k     
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Osamu just can’t help but want to make sure you’re well fed, even if this means that he has to hand feed you himself. However, he may just go a little to far causing you to run to his twin for comfort. 
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Osamu hummed to himself quietly as put together the dish of onigiri he intended to bring you. He had made these one’s fresh and just for you after he closed his shop, and he couldn’t wait to see your face as you ate it. He made his way to the bedroom where he had left you, to find you handcuffed to the bed just the way he left you. You had been going through a bit of a rebellious phase, so Atsumu and he decided to go back to using physical restraints until you got through your mood. He closed the door behind him and made his way over to the bed noticing that you were still asleep, he decided to not turn on the lights quiet yet. He and Atsumu had found that one of the best ways to make sure you wouldn’t misbehave while either of them was at work was to have you be asleep. Osamu set the plate down on the nightstand before turning off the camera that they kept set up for when they were out so that they could monitor you. 
   Once he had done that he turned on the lights and then sat down on the edge of the bed. You squirmed a little as the light hit your eyes and he chuckled. You looked so cute when you were asleep. He gently brushed the hair out of your face before whispering, 
“It’s time to wake up princess, I brought you dinner.” You groaned in response, not wanting to open your eyes. 
“Now, now” he scolded, “you wouldn’t want the food to get cold.” You moved your one free hand to rub your eyes, slowly opening them before focusing on Osamu. You pushed yourself up to a sitting position before yawning and blinking a few times, still trying to clear all of the sleep from them. Osamu knew that the sedative they used took a while to wear off, so you would be a little groggy for a few more minutes. He took the opportunity to take to the plate off the nightstand and place it on your lap.
“Eat up” he beamed. You looked down at the four, pretty big onigiri on the plate. Did he really expect you to eat all this?  
“I’m not hungry” you grumbled. He pouted 
“Of course you are,” he retorted “You haven’t eaten since breakfast.” He was right, you hadn’t had anything to eat since the omelet he had made you this morning. You pouted a bit before you reached down to pick up the rice ball, only to have your restrained hand stop halfway. Osamu paused before asking, 
“You promise not to misbehave if I unlock the cuff?” You nodded vigorously, eager to free your aching wrist. He took the key out of his pocket and freed you. You quickly pulled your writs to your chest and rubbed the tender skin. 
“Now eat.” He commanded. You picked up the first onigiri and cautiously took a bite. It was delicious, not that you were expecting any less from Osamu’s cooking. That had been one of the only good things about your situation. You felt awkward just eating in silence with Osamu intently watching. You had just finished the first rice ball when you heard the door open. Atsumu was home from practice. 
“We’re in the bedroom” Osamu called out, and you heard Atsumu’s footsteps getting closer before he opened the door and stepped into the room. He was still a little sweaty from practice and his bag was slung over his shoulder.
“I’m just giving her dinner now,” Osamu informs him as if you weren’t even there. Atsumu nodded in approval.
“I already ate” he explained “I’m gonna take a shower now because I skipped taking one at the gym to make sure I got home quicker.” He started to undress as he finished his sentence, leaving himself in only his boxers before walking into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. You stared at the closed door until Osamu brought you back to the task at hand. 
“Don’t get distracted now,” Osamu piped. You sighed before picking up the second onigiri and biting into it. You got about halfway through this one when you felt full. You set it back down on the plate and looked up at Osamu.
“I’m full” you declared, “Thank you for the food.” Osamu looked down at your very much unfinished plate before looking back up to you a frown making its way to his face. 
“You barley ate anything, how could you be full?” he asked, his words sounded almost accusatory. 
“I don’t know” you retorted, “I’ve just eaten enough apparently, so I’m full.” You looked at him unsure of what else to say, you really didn’t know what he wanted to hear. 
“I don’t believe you” he stated. You were shock, did he really just say that? Before you could ask, he continued,
“I don’t believe your full. I think that you can still eat more.” upon finishing his accusation he picked up your half eaten rice ball and brought it to your lips. You took it from his hands and scowled before proceeded to take a huge bite. You continued to scowl as you finished the rest of the onigiri.
“There” you stated “I finished it.” You looked at him expectantly, hoping that was all you had to do. He paused, obviously in thought before saying, 
“I don’t think you’ve had enough” You wanted to smack him right there and then but before you could move he had pulled you onto his lap and pressed the tird onigiri to you mouth. When you didn’t open up to take a mouthful Osamu pressed his thumb against your bottom lip, carefully opening your mouth and pushing the food into your mouth. You instinctively bit down and stared chewing. 
“That’s my girl” he cooed, continuing to feed you the onigiri. By the time you had finished the third, your stomach ached, so when he lifted the forth one to your mouth you tried to wiggle off of his lap. 
“I can’t eat another bit” you whined “My stomach hurts so bad.” He just shook his head and started feeding you the last rice ball. 
“It’s my job to make sure that your eating properly, and I wouldn't’ be doing that if I let you stop now.” he explained. You felt tears pooling in your eyes as the tightness in your belly only grew. Osamu praised you as you finished the very last bite, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and wiping few stray bits of rice from your face. 
“I knew you could do it princess” he chuckled rubbing you lower back. It was then that Atsumu walked out of the bathroom. 
“She’s done eating,” Osamu told him “Do you mind watching her while I do the dishes?” 
“Of course not Samu, she’s my princess too ya know.” Atsumu sang. Osamu rolled his eyes before gently scooting you off of his lap. You groaned at the movement, placing your hands on your tummy. Osamu placed on last kiss on your lips before taking the plate and heading out of the bedroom to take care of the dishes. Atsumu threw on a pair off sweat pants before turning to face you. You were still sitting on the bed just where Osamu had left you, your face screwed up in discomfort. Atsumu smirked a little as he made his way over to you, sitting down next to you on the bed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you against him. You hiccupped as you hit his side and he looked down at you to see you had one hand on you belly, and the other covering your mouth as you continued to hiccup. 
“Seems like Osamu over did it a bit” he laughed as he rubbed your back. You nodded lightly as your hiccups finally ceased. 
“Here” Atsumu said as he moved to sit back against the headboard, patting the space next to him. You paused for a moment, you hated hoe compliant you were being right now, but you gave into your desire to seek comfort in his arms. You whimpered a  little as you moved, but fought through pain and made your way to Atsumu’s side, laying your head on his chest. 
“Alright princess” he comforted, “It’s your tummy that hurts right?” you nodded and nuzzled closer into his chest. He chuckled at you action and proceed to roll up you shirt and reveal your slightly distended belly. 
“Damn” he commented “Samu really did go overboard. Well, no need to worry, I’m here now.” A cheeky grin made it’s way onto his face as he started to slowly rub your belly. You whimpered at first, but as he continued his ministrations you relaxed into his touch, your belly feeling a bit better. 
“Thank you Atsumu” you mumbled quietly. Atsumu’s grin only grew wider, maybe he would have to get Osamu to over feed you more often, he like how cute you looked clinging onto him for comfort.
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Navigation + Rules + About Me
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About Me:
My name’s Smol
 I’m 19 and a student at university
This is my dark content blog for most of my writing 
I also have a side blog for Jujutsu Kaisen ( @chaotic-jjk-fiction​ )
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As stated, this is a dark content blog minors DNI (18+)
I will write just about everything, if something comes up that I’m not comfortable with I’ll let you know. 
I currently am in the mood to write for: 
Jujutsu Kaisen: Request open
Haikyuu: Requests open
I don’t really do traditional requests for I am not at great at writing someone else’s desires if I can’t relate to them. Please send in thirst though! Maybe it will spark something in me. 
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