chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
2nd place! :D
Didn’t finish painting my Black Legion force before the tournament, but it was a pretty unrealistic goal to begin with hahaI did however, score a 2nd place at my first ever tournament, so that’s damn awesome sauce right there! (^_^)Played Black Legion, and the Defilers were doing some impressive disco moves.The list: ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos – Chaos Space Marines) [103 PL, 11CP,…
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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WIP: 2000pts Black Legion A little black and it could almost pass for tabletop 😛
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
WIP: 2000pts Black Legion (3 days left)
Hmm… guess I asked for this to go wrong the second I made it public lol Nurgle interfered, and I didn’t paint for six days. However, my painting plan still works great, and adding the black to the armor is super easy mode now. The process so far:
Prime black.
Base coat everything metal (leadbelcher).
Gold trim (Retributer Armor).
Wash everything with a black/brown wash.
Dry brush everything with…
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
WIP: 2000pts Black Legion (8 days left)
Not particularly happy with my progress so far. 6 days, and the first coat of gold trim done… I’m constantly fighting the urge to grab something else to paint.
Gonna stick to the painting plan, and do another coat of gold trim before the wash and dry brush on the metals.
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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Necron Unit Cards Updated! Have updated the Necron Unit Cards with all the new releases. Please check them out, and let me know if anything needs fixing 😉 Enjoy
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
2000pts Black Legion (14 days left)
Got my first official Tournament less than 3 weeks from now, so let’s get these dudes ready in 2! 🙂
Build, based, and base coated nearly 100 Necron models… But I just really really feel like playing Chaos right now 😛
A single unit is missing from the picture/list. It’s a surprise for my friend, whom I will play test with tomorrow. Will reveal it after our game 🙂
Let the Galaxy burn!
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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Disembarkation mishap! Was looking through my bits for a Necron head, and got a little distracted haha
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
WIP Warriors upgraded to Immortals with Gauss.
Pretty happy with how these turned out, and even got to update a few old metal immortals as well.
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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WIP Warriors upgraded to Immortals with Gauss Had 100+ Warriors, so converted a bunch into Immortals with Tesla back in 8th.Still have around 70 Warriors left, and Gauss is back on the menu. So putting my bits to use, and making some Immortals with Gauss. What do you think?
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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Rebasing Necrons Zzz I really like the bigger 32mm bases, but I’m not gonna pretend rebasing them is fun (-_-) Zzzz
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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Expanded a little on the Chaos force :) 41 Marauders, 44 Chaos Warriors, 10 Marauder Horsemen, and 25 Chaos Knights 🙂 All rebased, and ready for primer… Now I just need to plan how to speed paint all this 😉
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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41 marauders getting ready to maim in AoS! More important things came up doing the summer, and it’s been slow with painting... But I’m back!
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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8/8 Happy Khorne Day!
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
WIP: Valkia the Bloody
WIP: Valkia the Bloody
Painters block 😦 I’m quite happy with the wings so far, and I do want her armor to be dark. But I can’t decide on the colors of the flames at her feet, the spear tip… any suggestions?
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
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WIP: Terrain (Mantic Urban) Slowly getting done in small sessions, since it’s honestly not that exciting haha Khaki and brown is done, next up some black.
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
UP next: Valkia the Bloody
This is a personal experiment. I will commit to painting this model, and hopefully all the way to the end… and not jump onto the next exciting project, leaving a sea of unfinished models lol
Got this amazing model from my friend Blair, after having read the novel about her. It’s about time I do her justice!
If you want to cheer me on in this quest, then leave a Khornate comment 🙂
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chaoticcolorsstudio · 4 years
This fellow is leading the way for the Dark Angels, and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before they abandon the corpse emperor.
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