chaoticwhim · 2 years
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more of ✨them ✨
I swear I have other ocs I’ll post at some point—
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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I did one of those Steven Universe challenges, and I’m a Garnet. I figured I’d do a Cotton Candy Garnet, because I’m still discovering myself.
And yes,, my favorite weapon is a bow and arrow 😂
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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I did one of those Steven Universe challenges, and I’m a Garnet. I figured I’d do a Cotton Candy Garnet, because I’m still discovering myself.
And yes,, my favorite weapon is a bow and arrow 😂
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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Victorian Bushfire Appeal WIRES-Emergency Fund for Wildlife Pics That Sum Up The Hell On Earth That Is Taking Place In Australia.
Help Thirsty Koalas Devastated by Recent Fires :
Mogo Zoo Fire Recovery
WIRES-Emergency Fund for Wildlife
Victorian Bushfire Appeal
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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Adora trying to get Catra to leave the horde 
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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This is Colors, a short comic written by @monsieurtoast and illustrated by myself, about the influence we have on others around us. I had sooooo much fun working on this and I owe it all to Toast for coming up with such a creative concept! Take care of your colors my guys ♥
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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The adventures of Crow-ley and Aziradove! (went to a museum of zoology yesterday and all the taxidermy birbs gave me silly ideas lmao) 
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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It’s a serious matter guye
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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moji making :]
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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Okay, I’m sorry but I just feel so restless about the bushfires, I made a mini-comic. Maybe it will get a few more people to donate. I wish I could do more.  Please see http://wires.org.au if you want to help. :(
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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Hahha fuc
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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I need a new laptop. My current laptop is very broken and old, it does things like this, makes things difficult for work and every day life, and is at risk of dying any day now – which is bad and would impact my life severely and I can’t borrow other’s computers or backup important files at the moment either. 
That’s why I’m opening commissions and donations. I can do backgrounds, multiple characters, realistic styles, stylistic, cartoon-y, food, scenes, book cover illustrations; you name it. 
I also have a patreon open with HD art, tips, and exclusive content.
My goal is $750 for a decent “mid-tier” laptop that could handle what I need.
Here’s more of my art / Service Info Page / Contact Page 
Ko-fi / Paypal / Patreon
You can also DM me here for inquiries and to get a quote of a price.
Commission me, Donate, or Signal Boost!
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
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I only recently found out that some Pokémon will high five you, but I did not expect Mimikyu would be one of them, so I completely lost my cool
… I implore advise everyone to high five your Mimikyu ; v ;
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chaoticwhim · 5 years
I have decided I'm going to Flourish in 2020
I will make things that I enjoy
I will have help with my mental health
I will get better and I will enjoy things and I will find reasons to fall in love w myself
I'm charging up this energy for me and everyone who reads this
I'm gonna make 2020 my year I'm over it Broski's
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