charatis-blog · 6 years
Ummmm yea but plz don’t do stuff like that w/o my permission bc it’s RLY RLY creepy and I would’ve appreciated being asked before you did that... just sayin
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charatis-blog · 6 years
I...... live?
I live.
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Doesn’t matter if we’ve never interacted, if we’ve interacted once, or a BILLION times. Doesn’t matter if we have zero threads or FIVE BILLION. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my ask box with in character asks, questions, or starters. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my inbox with ask box memes!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in memes.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in quizzes. 
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts you want me to see!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts that remind you of me/my muse.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in stuff, period! 
ALWAYS feel free to start an interaction with my muse!
ALWAYS feel free to suggest a plot for our muses. 
ALWAYS feel free to send me an OOC message in DMs or in Asks.
I LOVE that stuff. YOU’RE NOT BEING ANNOYING. IT MAKES MY DAY. Talk to me! I love it! :D 
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Lms for a one-liner that’ll probably get longer over time?
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charatis-blog · 6 years
ill be more active today, I promise;; we ran into an emergency and I didn’t wanna fuck with that
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Write a Headcanon about my character
If it’s good, it will become official.
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charatis-blog · 6 years
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In which raspberyl is salty because her peabrained rival stole her glow stick >:c
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Headcanon memes for ships! - platonic, romantic and even brotps
Send me a ✦ for a random headcanon about our muses
Send me a ☮ for a headcanon about our muses’ friendship
Send me a ♥ for a headcanon about our muses’ love life (romantic/sexual/fluffy)
Send me a ☁ for an angsty headcanon about our muses
Send me a ☄ for a lighthearted headcanon about our muses
Send me a ☯ for a headcanon about our muses’ differences
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charatis-blog · 6 years
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[⚔️💙⚔️] - ❝Oh, hi! Sorry, everything is kind of a mess right now but I’m trying my best to clean it all up! I’m just trying to catch up with my friends and have an adventure! My name? Right, sorry! I’m Almaz von Almandine Adamant and I’m a hero! It’s nice to meet you!❞
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Squad tags below!
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Everyone else in the squad has tags for each other and I don’t p LS STAND BY
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Send ( ✨ ) if we haven’t interacted yet, but you want to.
Send ( 🌛 ) if you would rather I send you memes to start interaction
Send ( 😃 ) if you want to plot with me
Send ( ❤ ) if you want to plot a ship with me
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charatis-blog · 6 years
[ Christo ] - “Can you move?”
Feel the pain.
WAS she okay?
It was hard to tell.
After coming under fire from what could only be described as a few hooded figures hell-bent on keeping her from attending classes, Beryl was… More than a little worse for wear. Normally tidy fuchsia locks were now mussed and disorganized; bruises inflicted along her body were beginning to darken into ugly blacks and blues; an unknown laceration that she only just started to feel pulsed and throbbed furiously on her back; and now she herself lay stunned on the floor, adrenaline after taking them on without backup starting to wear off.
Attempting to turn over elicited a wounded groan, but she forced a smile to take the place of her wince and addressed the stranger accordingly.
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❝Oh, uh… I’m sure I am! Just ran into a couple problems on my way to go learn, is all! But I WOULD appreciate some help getting up.❞
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charatis-blog · 6 years
I’m SO happy my lunch break is the hour before I go home. Slow replies, because I want to eat before I leave, but otherwise I’m here!
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charatis-blog · 6 years
RP starters: Injured/death
“Hey, you’re bleeding!”
“Can you move?”
“You will be fine, I promise..”
“Don’t you dare to leave me. Not now.”
“We can get you fixed in no time.”
“Please get up.”
“I refuse to believe it will all end like this!”
“You won’t die, not on my watch!”
“Ouch.. that must hurt “
“Shit, wait.. I’ll patch you up.”
“What were you thinking?! You could’ve killed yourself!”
“I came too late..”
“You should’ve told me earlier.. I could’ve helped you!”
“I swear to god if you die on our way back I’ll kill you.”
“It’s nothing, just a scratch.”
“Look, no need to fuss over me. I’m fine!”
“Well, you see.. It’s a really long story. Will you help me or not?”
“I can’t make it.”
“I am dying. There is nothing you can do about it.”
“It’s not your fault, okay?”
“It just hurts… hurts so goddamn much.”
“Are you going to let me suffer more?”
“There is no happy ending to this.”
“I have been through worse…”
“I’m not going to lie, this is not how I planned this would go down.”
“They came out of nowhere.. I couldn’t react in time.”
“How bad does it look?”
“I knew this day would come.. sooner or later.”
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charatis-blog · 6 years
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charatis-blog · 6 years
Hey there! So I’m gonna be working on my bio tonight, but I thought I’d like to give some early insight on how and why I play raspberyl the way I do!
To start off, a large portion of how I play her is based off THIS fanfic. I read it years ago, loved it, and now I’m bringing it back to share with all of you guys. The only difference is, spoiler alert, my beryl’s mom ISN’T dead. She just ❪stupidly❫ left her husband a couple of years after she had their kid because she couldn’t stand the way he tried to pep-talk beryl into winning against Mao. And since she was too ashamed of herself to take action and help her child out, beryl has a decades-long grudge against her for what she perceives as her mother not caring enough about her to stop her dad from.... well, “playing” with her. He didn’t beat up on her, though; more like he played mental games with her and spent time with her by doing activities that would often end up with beryl getting hurt in some way or another, like eddy’s brother in ed edd n eddy, in THIS clip. He just treats her like a little doll that he can toy with whenever he wants, isn’t all that expressive emotionally around her other than anger if she loses a fight, and tends to belittle her when he feels she isn’t trying hard enough to be a better demon than Mao. He DOES genuinely love his daughter, and he wants her to be a powerful demon in retaliation for him losing the position of overlord ❪another headcanon❫, but his affection for her tends to bleed into his rivalry with Mao’s father, and he ends up mixing them up. As a result, raspberyl is considerably reluctant to spend a whole lot of time around her odd “family”, and pretty much avoids the subject of talking of either of her parents if she can help it. I should also add that it’s a headcanon of mine that a deep, inner part of why she acts out to be the best delinquent is due to a subconscious desire to have her mother and father pay attention to her in a mutual, concerned way, and thus spend more time in her presence where they AREN’T either bullying her or avoiding her entirely.
In short, she’s both trying to grasp at their attention, and give the demon world what she never really got growing up. She may be knowingly deviating against her instincts, but she cares. She REALLY cares.
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