chardelamort-blog · 10 years
10 years is a long time To sweat into a nameless machine Transforming and hurling private horror Vibrating across a disinterested void But 10 minutes as the machine Is far worse Sometimes I really have nothing Left to say I am my own exoskeleton, Dried under an expensive and indifferent sun
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
you are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned? it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
Me sera-t-il permis aujourd'hui d'ouvrir un tombeau devant la cour...? J.b. Bossuet, sermon sur la mort
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
If only, sweet-eyed Salome I could tell you all the thoughts I have had in this last hour
All the spleens agitations Flagellations Blanks
But you would sooner have My head on a silver platter
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
Train Train
take me on your first trip to nowhere-
selfless mountains have nothing to conceal
because they are in fact nothing
Maybe some day I can ride this silver bullet
into myself, the only ishmael,
and find some perfume-eyed prophet to tell
me what is next
call me ishmael
and then I can call myself
by only my favorite stories
feed me all your worst poisons,
alcohols to preserve everything I have lost
and watch me sweat them out
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
Ten years ago I pursued beauty and gave no thought to money. I listened to the lovely tunes of Mahler and felt a sickness in my very soul. Now I pursue money and on the whole feel better. 
-Walker Percy "The Moviegoer"
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
On Christmas day
I walked down down to the ice guilded Rhine
and the king of shadows asked me:
“are you for sale?”
What could I do but blush
laugh my stupidest laugh
“to whom
and how much?”
Of course, that hardly mattered-
what does anybody want 
but to be wanted
and a reward?
But when I had my hands on my prize
i only saw
that i had nothing left to sell
For i was the king of shadows, and he I
O for a harp in my calamity
when mine is stuck to the willow
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
All the women i have ever loved live in los angeles and don't know each other;
the only boy i ever liked lives above a bakery
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
patres nostri peccaverunt et non sunt
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
two ghosts under a she wolf
(were you even there
or are you just the a ghost of a ghost)
  what to do?
  bludgeon with aspirin concepts
and poison
with formeldehyded dreams?
  no assurances are blessed
like knowing that there is nothing left to create
except some looping images of this city
engulfed in flames
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
a little bit cheaper than i need to
Je ne sais pas si tu sais
mais bien sûr tu le sais bien
  qu’un de tes regards dans l’autre sens
me fait plus que dix regards dans mes yeux
tes yeux pales et vides
qui me font voir moi-même
ils me repulsent
  Mais quand tu me fais pénétrer
par ton absence calculatrice
et quand tu me noie dans une indifférence
qui aurait pu être aussitôt la mienne
je me sens inflammé au point de te faire le plus profond mal
et pareille à moi même
sancta maria ora pro nobis
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
  How many caulk eyed loreleis can there be
beneath that silt churned channel
  their disdain makes the festeburg shiver
and themselves even more alone
  You make me feel like a burning bush
inflamed but never consumed
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
Au bar
En fait tu me prends pour un gros mou
tu as raison mais si tu savais
  c’est juste
  quelle horreur d’être moi même tout le temps
quand je pourrais être personne en particulier
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
Tumblr media
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chardelamort-blog · 10 years
Narcissist Echo Fantasy
  I could easily kill for an echo
to my strange fugue of narcissism
  Busy old fool, unruly sun
shine here to us, and thou art everywhere:
This bed thy center is, these walls, thy sphere
  These lightless mountains of Visp dont embrace me
they rape me
and they thrash
my self into all things that will scare me
  —— dont me me
thrash me tomorrow————
Veillée Atroce (Milhüse)—————————
  Quel Bordel
  Who, besides everyone,
would have seen me as a saltimbaque
in this city with no past
besides its own predestination
  "You know that I never did anything with a man before you?"
  Flesh of norman neo-medieval rafters
mortified in whitewash
  "be flattered"
  The elect crush their wills to a benevolent destiny
  ‘Well i’ve never slept before with an American- be flattered"
  Je suis le maître du bruit
I am my own shade
Visp (through a glass darkly) ——————
  ——-don’t me me thrash me tomorrow———
  Don’t just stare at
me, sterile schwytzer barracks, at least show
me some disdain
thrash me with with your indifference, for
  Busy old fool, unruly sun
shine here to us, and thou art everywhere:
This bed thy center is, these walls, thy sphere
Tomorrow you will hardly know me
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