charitachen · 6 years
just a big ole hunk of emotional (slut) meat
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charitachen · 6 years
the jarring permanence of death makes little sense to my mind. my heart was born from ashes and beats in defiance of the inescapable
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charitachen · 6 years
Uncomfortably Numb
I stayed up so late that Sex & The City went off the TV. Now it's the episode of Weeds where Andy- is his name Andy? gets his toes bitten off and does foot porn.
Can understand that. Can comprehend it. Makes sense.
Can't wrap my head around death. Trying. Trying too hard. Can't stop. Half milligram of alprazolam later and observing only a decrease in heart rate. Forgetting but not forgetting, it's not real, it's TOO real. I'm ok I'm not ok. Reliving. She's dead, she's dead, she's dead.
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charitachen · 7 years
2010 me making a tumblr: I'm gonna have FOLLOWERS and be FAMOUS
2017 me shitposting thru depression: *makes secret fumblr*
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charitachen · 7 years
real thinkin bout how everyone I open up to and who I've felt like really knew me ended up quietly disconnecting themselves from me until they cut me off completely hours
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charitachen · 7 years
Tumblr media
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charitachen · 7 years
I wanna live alone so I can cry and masturbate in my living room. Fuck you.
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charitachen · 7 years
I know it feels like love, guilt, and betrayal can't share the same boat. Like if guilt and betrayal crossed a river together that betrayal would casually shove guilt off into the water. Or that love would be devoured by both the others. But if you give me some time, I'll do my very best to solve this puzzle.
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charitachen · 7 years
Jokes on you
I'm already sorry I was ever born
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charitachen · 7 years
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charitachen · 8 years
I'm not entirely sure I'll ever learn how to not hate myself
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charitachen · 8 years
don't come home I just wanna be alone
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charitachen · 8 years
Senpai lol
ok so actually not getting a girls attention when you're trying to SUCKS and I feel for men...ur problems still petty tho gtfo
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charitachen · 8 years
Fuck up
Again and again Maybe the fish kills itself frustrated trying to climb the fucking tree
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charitachen · 8 years
It's ok you fucking coward.
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charitachen · 8 years
Tumblr media
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charitachen · 8 years
I'm so much better alone I'm sick I'm so sick. Brain sick mindsick I'm supposed to be a healer Sick I'm sick p a r a l y s i s
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