charityapin · 8 months
"What Must Be Believed In"
"What Must be believed In" or "Ang dapat Paniwalaan" in tagalog was written by Jose F. Lacaba around 1965-1969. Using the bibliography criticism theory approach and psychoanalytic approach, you can decode deeper meanings and symbolism in the poem. Jose Lacaba is well known in writing literature including journalism and creative writing.  During the Martial Law era in 1970, Lacaba openly fought against Former President Ferdinand Marcos. He also published a poem “Prometheus Unbound” in a magazine that had allied itself with the Marcos regime.
Based on the author’s background, this poem is a symbolism that tells us their story during the Martial Law period. The Grandmother represents the dictators in our government who used to tell us lies and brainwashed us from the truth. The creepy creatures such as trolls and ogres represent the lies the government used to tell and these ugly creatures bring fear in the mind of the kid. When the grandmother died, the kid seemed to be free and enlightened from the fictional dark stories his mother planted in his mind. On the other hand, it represents their situation when Ferdinand Marcos died. After his death many Filipinos became free from the nightmare the Martial law brought them. When this period is over, many become educated, empowered and awaken from the twisted truth they have heard for many years of dictatorship. This response is based on how the reader analyzed the author’s situation and how it interpreted  the poem.
On the other perspective, the poem used a lot of symbolisms, and figures of speech. By focusing on the story itself and using sociological theory to understand the poem, I can conclude different issues such as the use and influence of power. It also conveys meaning on how having education can bring a so much difference in an individuals identity. Education and sticking on the truth is a great weapon.
Symbolism: Had gone Six feet below the ground symbolizes the death of someone.
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charityapin · 11 months
A Fractured Nation: The ISRAELI-PALESTINE War
Tension starts to lit up again between Israel and Palestine after the continuous attacks of captives in Gaza. Numerous airstrikes and attacks are still happening between the two. 1400 Israeli and at least 2750 Palestinians with 9000 reportedly injured were suffering from the Palestine militants–known as hamas. Israel says “It’s at war” after a major attack was launched by the Hamas on Supernova Israeli Music Festival last October 7 at Negev Desert where 260 innocent people were killed including tourists and at least 199 people were abducted and held countless attacks. Hamas continued to kill hundreds of Israeli and as a revenge, the Israeli held a total blockade including a ban on admitting food and fuel on the Gaza strip.
The root of the conflict
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has raged on for three-quarters of the century. It all started when Britain took control of the area known as Palestine or a strip of land located between Egypt and Jordan after world war 1. Back then, the land was originally dominated by Arabs and less Jewish. In 1947, the United Nations adopted resolution 181 known as the Partition plan.They voted for Palestine to be split into 2 nations which are the Arab state and the Jewish State. But both the Arabs and the Jews that historical Palestine was their Land. On May 14, 1948, Israel officially became a state, sparking the first Israeli-Arab war.
A war broke out with neighboring Arab countries joining the war, particularly Jordan and Egypt. Israel won and the war ended during 1949 and it was what they call “Al Nakba” or the catastrophic event for Palestine for which 750,000 were displaced and lost their identity. Israel controlled most of the land while Palestine occupied the West Bank and Gaza strip.June 6, 1957 , the 6-day-war started where the map was once again renewed, Israel defeated the Arab armies and became the preeminent military power in the region.
Israel-the only Jewish State on Earth, is the home to one of the most holiest land for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Jerusalem-their capital, is the holiest city in Judaism and also known as the “Promised land” of the jews according to the bible. It is located beside the west bank but under full control by Israel. The country has a strong economy and natural resources especially in the agricultural field. Israel has one of the world's most powerful militaries, bolstered by more than $3.8 Billion of military aid a year from the US.
Israel also ranked 4th as the most successful economy among developed countries last 2022. The country has a technologically advanced market economy and their military has been supported by the U.S government with 3.3 billion dollars in congressionally mandated annual funding, plus another $500 million toward missile defense technology. They also have Patriot’s missiles, advanced American F-35 fighter jets for their air force, 170,000 troops, and the Iron Dome missile defense system that is made and developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries.
Who are Hamas
Hamas is a terrorist organization. It has an Arabic Acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya which translates to “Islamic Resistance Movement”. Is one of the largest  political parties in Palestine. Palestine is divided into two parts- the West bank and the Gaza strip. The West bank has been controlled by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) while the Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas since 2007. Hamas was led by Ismail Haniyeh, the designated chairman of Hamas who operates with Qatar.
On the other hand, only 22% of the palestinian supports the Hamas, 73% don't support them because they believe that Gaza widespread corruption by the institution who lives Hamas. Turkey has also repeatedly send funds to Hamas IAccording to report by the US Government department, Iran was their number 1 supporter and  also Hamas’ primary backup and main donor of weapons. They provide military training, funds and weapons making them an Ali to Palestine.  
Despite Israel's extensive missile defense network, Hamas has built up a large stock of locally manufactured missiles with the intention of firing multiple salvos to break through. According to the Israeli military, over 5,000 missiles have been fired at the country since the war began. They also have assault rifles, heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank weapons, as well as longer-range sniper rifles and 20,000 soldiers.
Many believed that Palestine had the right to own Bigger part of Israel because During the Iron Age, two related Israelite kingdoms, Israel and Judah, controlled much of Palestine, while the Philistines occupied its southern coast.
The attacked that triggered the war
October 7, 2023 Hamas attacked the Israeli Supernova Festival where atleast 260 Israelis and tourists died. The attacks came from both land and air, fighters arrived in trucks and on motorcycles wearing body armour and brandishing AK-47 assault rifles. Gunmens arrived descending in paragliders at the gathering, firing people on the ground who just wanted to dance for peace and unity. The survivors hid from bushes and ran for their lives in order to save themselves. Israel stated that because Hamas started it “They are determined to finish it”. Hundreds of Captives are also taken and being hid in Gaza, one of the reasons why Israel is not stopping to attack the Gaza strip.
Who is the most Affected?
As the war continues, only the innocent citizens of both Israel and Palestine are affected. Thousands of people lost their homes and lives. Many infrastructures including hospitals and schools are destroyed. More than 1000 children were also killed during the bombing and attacks. 
Three Filipino died so far identified as Loreta Alacre, a caregiver from Negros Oriental, Angeline Aguirre, a nurse, and Paul Vincent Castelvi, a 42-year-old caregiver.
-Palki,Sharma. “Gaza Plunges into Darkness as Israeli Strikes Continue”. Vantage, First Post, October 12,2023
-Palki,Sharma. “How Hamas Was Formed and Which Nations Support the Terror Group?”.. Vantage, First Post, October 8,2023
-Cupin, Bea. “2 Filipinos dead in Israel-Hamas war”.Rappler.com, October 11,2023
-Hams, Mahmud.”Israeli-Palestine Conflict”. Center for Preventive Action, Global Conflict Tracker, October 16, 2023
-Staff, Al Jazeera. “What’s the Israel-Palestine conflict about? A simple guide”.Aljazeera.com, OOctober 9,2023
-Bain,Kate.”Israeli Festival Organizers Release First Statement After Event Massacre: ‘Unspeakable Tragedy’”. Music news, Billboard.com, October 14,2023
-Miller, Daniel. “The history of ‘Israel’ and ‘Palestine’: Alternative names, competing claims”. The conversation.com, July 6,2021
-Gambrell,John.”As Israel ground war looms in Gaza, what weapons may be wielded?”. The Associated Press, CY4ISRNET.com, October 14,2023
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charityapin · 11 months
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