How President Obama and Donald Trump Handle Their HECKLERS.
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Name of presenter: Charles Fredrick
Reg No:N16/3/0561/014
I . C . T   DEBATE
One of the discussion that  ICTs concerns is whether changes in society are  driven by technological development; or whether technologies are actually influenced and shaped by the society that produces them .Discuss which side you support with reasons.
 For societies who are interesting in improving  changes within their environment must say 'YES' and 'WELCOME' technology because all changes  in the societies are driven by the technological development ;hence technology influence our daily operations and actions thus technology is the tool that made and  will make changes in our societies be it  positive or negative changes, due to that we have numerous pillars of illustrations that can defend the statement above ;for example the invention of telecommunication devices changes how people network with each other and  many more reasons that are stated below.
 The invention of digital communication devices, such as Mobile phones which start from the normal phone to the smart phones made communication easier and this changes how society was communicating long time ago. People can communicate anytime, anywhere without geographical barriers.
 In Trade and Industries sectors, the development of  faster and quick calculation devices as well as the invention of the  e-commerce, changes how people do their business because business transactions are so much faster these days that money changes hand albeit electronically by the nanosecond .Calculation and summing of items become easier since technology changes how the society was doing their business.
 In Health and medicine field, hospitals are forced to start using technological research hence those hospitals are more organized and generally more efficient in saving people lives because their medical professional's  skill and dedication are paired with the latest technology that makes for better treatment.
 The transport area cannot be neglected, since the  invention of new technology such as "UBER" and the development of the Artificial Intelligent made changes in the transport sectors because far distance can  be reached within few minutes and the charges also are minimal compared to the  old days and  in addition to that the AI  lead to no wasting time of barging in fairs.
 Mining industries ,the development of excavators had changes how societies mine various minerals ,because they do not use analog methods and the  new ways enable them to reduced their risks and actually death that results from un advanced methods hence most use technology to do their operations.
 Data Management and Information retrieval; computer technology ,needless to say has changed the face of the world. Computers can store organize and manage huge amount of data. They can process large amount of information. The internet that seeded from computer networking concepts is the most effective communication platform and the largest information base existing today.
Impact of Entertainment and advertising ,the technology through internet has brought a positive change in entertainment area and a advertisement industries since over internet advertisements can reach the masses within few minutes. People can  download movies ,songs and games due to all those factors technology had shaped the societies way life.
 I vividly agree that  changes that take place within the societies are due to the development of technology  and societies that go hand in hand with technology are ahead while those societies who cannot do rule of dynamic are still primitive and the power of technology will force them to follow technology whether they like it or not .
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