charlie2barrett · 1 year
When implementing my social media strategy, there are a couple things I fear considering my client. I’m overall worried about how committed my client will be to this strategy. I can see my client going off track and not posting enough. With the way their customers are, social media marketing has never been a big concern to my client. They already have a loyal customer base that they’ve secured over the years. I worry that my client is going to become inconsistent and irrelevant on social media. I also fear that my client will fail to adapt to changes and fall behind on trends. Failing to keep up with trends is another reason I can see them becoming irrelevant on social media. There are a few programs that I suggested my client should use, such as hootsuite, which I don’t see my client using. To use these programs and to hire a social media team, you need a reasonable budget. I see commitment to a budget to be a problem as well for my small business client. My client is a store that is very old school. They have attempted social media marketing before and have failed simply because they gave up. I think they can see some success by being consistent and more engaging as a start.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
Developing effective content starts with knowing your audience. You should understand your audiences demographics and what kind of content may interest them. Understanding their demographics can help you find what platforms they’re active on. The business that picked for my projects customers are middle aged to senior groups, so Facebook would be the ideal platform to target my customers. You should study your audience to help post effective content. You can see what kind of trends they are into and join the conversation. Finding out who your audience is helps you build a brand identity. You need to create an identity and figure out what kind of message you want to send. When kicking off your social media strategy, a lot of it is experimental. You can start posting and then see which posts are working. You can see which posts are working by looking at engagements and impressions. Getting your customers engaged is also effective. You need to get customers talking about you and giving feedback. You can use their feedback to your advantage in posting content. It’s also important to use hashtags, keywords, and graphics to be effective. Using keywords and hashtags helps boost your posts get more impressions and helps your business draw in the right crowd. Providing graphics is also effective in giving your customers visuals. For some simple tips in posting great content, check out the link I’ve attached below.
Becoming a social organization greatly involves the principles of effective content. By becoming a social organization, you are connecting your business and organization to your audience and creating a relationship. To do this, you need to make sure the content you post is effective and engaging. You need to use keywords and hashtags to attract your audience. You also need to use the appropriate imagery in posting effective content. Every principle applies to being a good social organization.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
After reading chapter 4 on hootsuite, I learned more about the importance of building an online community on social media. When approaching this, it’s important that you know your audience. You have to be on the right platforms and post the right content. One good way to build up your online community is by simply engaging with your audience. You can do this by liking and commenting on their posts. You can also see what is trending among your audience and join the conversation. You want to make customers feel like your care about them and are not trying to just make a sale. As it says in chapter 4, keep engagements friendly and relevant. Building good relationships with customers helps you get honest feedback from them. You can also track the success of your social media strategy by using tools to see your posts impressions and engagement. Chapter 4 also talks about using influencers to increase brand awareness. There are many different types of influencers than can help you reach your goals. When using influencers, it’s important to keep in mind that bigger influencers can really increase your brand awareness, but smaller influencers can be very useful as well. For more on building an online community, the article I attached is very helpful in giving basic steps.
Chapter 5 on hootsuite talks more about impressions and engagement on social media. Using tools to see your impressions and engagements is certainly helpful. It’s important to keep track of your engagements and impressions and looking at your ROI. Obviously, there is a price to advertising and you need to see which posts are really working. Looking at this data and turning it into graphs, charts, and other visuals can be useful when discussing your social media strategy. Overall, keeping track of your impressions and engagement is important because you don’t want your time and effort in your social media strategy going down the drain.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
After watching the video, “The Legal Side of Big Data”, it really made me think about how careful I should be when giving companies personal information. I think that companies need to focus on security. There are so many cases where customers data is stolen, putting them at risk. Companies need to understand the risk of consumers giving away this information. Customers put trust into companies when giving them information. Not only are hackers a threat to customers, but they are a threat to businesses themselves. Data breaches are a bad look for companies and can seriously damage their reputation. Companies should give customers a better idea of what they’re getting themselves into when giving them their data, but should first and foremost make sure they have proper and reasonable security procedures.
Customers themselves should be more cautious on how the give their personal data. I feel that customers give away their personal info to companies without thinking much about it. Customers should be wary on who they give this information too. As said in the video, customers data is very valuable. It can be stolen or sold by companies for profit. Customers data is very profitable to other companies in todays age. Customers data is also beneficial to criminals. The RadioShack case really stood out to me. Companies can sell your data for their profit when they’re in trouble. It really goes to show how valuable our data is and what we’re getting ourselves into when entering our data on the internet. We should definitely be more cautious as customers. We enter our personal information into the internet without thinking much about it and don’t realize the damage it does.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
The Oxford article, “Three reasons junk news spreads so quickly across social media”, explains why we see such poor quality content on the internet sometimes. It explains the main factors to why, which are algorithms, advertising, and exposure. The increase of poor content is a danger to society. The internet can be a great place to quickly access news around the world, but it can also be a dumpster fire.
I’ve experienced the affects of algorithms and how they limit the content that I see. When I scroll through Twitter and Instagram, I see a lot of suggested posts and accounts to follow based on my preferences. Algorithms are programmed to keep you on these sites for as long as possible and one way it does that is making sure you see content that match your preferences. I also enjoy watching Instagram reels. I enjoy watching reels that make me laugh and that have content that interests me, but when I watch them, it sometimes makes me think of how much my phone really knows me. We don’t see content that is important or beneficial to us, we only see content that will keep us on social media. An interesting article I found is “How algorithms are controlling your life” by Sean Illing from Vox. Illing interviews mathematician Hannah Fry and she explains why we should be be more aware of the affects of algorithms.
When the Oxford article talks about the problems in advertising on social media, one part pretty much summed it all up. Social media is free because we pay with our personal information. I constantly see clickbait on social media and get tired of it. I think it’s gotten easier to distinguish clickbait from quality content. I often see news articles with bold and exaggerated headlines that are designed to draw attention and make me click. Our phones know us well and know what we care about. I think that the reality is that many people still click on and read junk articles on social media. People will see a headline that makes them feel threatened or concerned and will go on to read the article. This often leads to a great waste of time in people’s lives and exposure to inaccurate content. To read more about the affects of advertising on social media and how it leads to exposure to fake news, read “Social media advertising can boost fake news - or beat it” by Tom Relihan of MIT.
Reading the exposure part of the Oxford article really explains why we are so politically divided today. I have my political views and my phone knows what they are. I use Twitter as a source for news. I often go on the trending page to see what’s happening around the world and when I do, I always see content that matches my preferences. I really feel that sometimes I’m limited to what I see and am blocked from the entire truth in the news I read. The purpose of news should be to keep people informed and help us question what we believe with accurate and diverse content. The way social media is programmed prevents us from seeing the truth. Selective exposure on social media can be very dangerous. People are too resistant to new information that contradicts what they believe. Selective exposure only makes this issue worse by giving us junk content. “Mobile Selective Exposure: Confirmation Bias and Impact of Social Cues during Mobile News Consumption in the United States” by Morgan Quinn Ross from MDPI is a long, but informative article that talks about selective exposure and confirmation bias on social media.
Businesses and individuals need to be more aware of the exposure of junk content. Businesses rely on advertising on social media and some are guilty of its consequences. Businesses as a whole should come together in stopping the spread of fake news and junk content. I think that businesses can use social media for great purposes that are good for society. There needs to be improvement on their side and more accountability. Individuals definitely need to be more aware because they are the ones who face the consequences of social media. We should be better in detecting fake news and clickbait on social media. We should have more discussions on this issue. Social media truly has made us very politically divided and we need to be more open minded. People need to stay informed on these issues and should start questioning their phone usage.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
In today’s world, where social media plays a very important role in marketing, the role of a social media consultant has gained significant role. A skilled social media consultant possesses a great set of qualities that helps them navigate social media platforms to create success for both their clients and themselves. These qualities include being tech savvy, creativity, communication, and adaptability.
A great social media consultant possesses knowledge of social media platforms, algorithms, and trends. They stay ahead of the latest updates, algorithm changes, and emerging platforms. This knowledge allows them to understand their audience better.
An effective social media consultant is a strategic thinker who can develop comprehensive plans aligned with clients goals. They possess a deep understanding of their target markets. By setting clear objectives, they ensure that every action on social media is successful and makes a difference in their business.
The ability to create engaging content is very important in being a great social media consultant. Their creativity enables them to lure their customers. A great social media consultant understands the importance of data analysis. They utilize social media analytics tools and other platforms to monitor their performance. By analyzing data, they can identify trends, optimize campaigns, and creative strategies for maximum results.
Effective communication is vital for a social media consultant to understand clients’ needs, collaborate with team members, and engage with followers. They possess both written and verbal communication skills, enabling them to create attractive content, respond to comments, good and bad, to maintain a positive brand image.
The world of social media is always changing. A successful social media consultant must stay committed to continuous learning and keeping pace with the latest industry trends. They’re always looking for new platforms, explore every new feature, and adapt strategies accordingly. By taking advantage of change and being adaptable, they can gain new opportunities and deliver postitive results for their clients.
Being a great social media consultant requires a diverse skill set, including expertise in social media platforms, strategic thinking, creativity, communication, and adaptability. A social media consultant can not only help their clients utilize their online presence but also improve their own social media presence.
If I were a social media consultant, I would try to communicate and be as creative as possible. I would like to get to know my audience well. I would engage with my audience in the best way that represents my company. I would also optimize my tools the best I can. I think that using these tools. So far in BIS and marketing classes I’ve taken, I’ve learned about how to use social media to attract customers and how to use it for my own gain in my career, like on LinkedIn and Handshake. I can do more in learning about specifics on what kind of content attracts my audience and how to keep them on the line.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
In Netflix’s documentary, The Social Dilemma, you see experts of social media explain its negative effects. I think that it shows the real evil of social media. Big data and algorithms are a big danger because our devices know so much about us, in some cases more than what we know about ourselves. In the documentary we are described as “lab rats” and “an experiment” to social media platforms. Our phones know exactly how to keep us from putting it down and focusing on reality.
This documentary made a bit scarred for our future with social media use only growing. They mention in the documentary that few people for big social media companies know how these algorithms work, and even fewer know what how it’s really going to affect our future. We are so addicted to our phones because of the dopamine released in our brains when we get a likes and comments or just notifications. We itch to reach for our phone when we hear it buzz, and we always reach for it even in times where we know it’s not appropriate. The people talking in this video all worked for big social media platforms discuss how they can’t put down their phones in times where it’s not appropriate while they know exactly what they’re doing to us.
This documentary also talks about how the internet is dividing us. The internet can get us to believe ridiculous things. They talk about the “flat earthers” and believers of many hoax’s. We see so many things on the internet and sometimes don’t know what to believe. The goal of these social media is to keep us talking about fake news because that’s what makes them money. I’ve personally seen this a lot while browsing Twitter. I see people arguing of ridiculous things that are a complete waste of time. It’s scary to think how social media platforms want us to spend as much time possible on their sites at whatever costs. It’s also scary to think about how politicians can take advantage of social media to manipulate us.
Newer generations will never know a world without phones. Teens today have higher rates of depression and suicide than ever before because of them. I think it’s truly evil that social media platforms only want us to use their sites more, disregarding how it affects society. As a society, we need to recognize these affects more. Technology has become so embedded in our education system as learning tools. While it’s used in many positive ways, we should teach younger generations to just take a break sometimes. In light of the dangers of social media being realized more and more, we as a society need to bring more awareness to these issues. Personally, we need learn to just put the phones down sometimes. We should find activities or spend more time with friends and family. I think if we put our devices down more, we’ll come to realize how much more enjoyable life can be. After learning more about these algorithms in this documentary, I’ve realized that all of this is much easier said than done.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
For the past couple days, I’ve tested myself by distancing myself from social media. I’ve been in Traverse City for the past few days visiting family. Every day, I limited my phone use and have stayed off of social media for at least 7 hours during the day. I’ve found the experience pretty refreshing. I’ve been able to have great conversations with family that I only see every few months. I’ve also spent a lot of time outside, like going by the water and walking around the city. We also went hiking at Sleeping Bear Dunes today. The thought that I haven’t even pulled my phone out in 5 hours was pretty mind blowing to me. I realized that my head was clearer as I was just enjoying myself with people who are significant to me. Keeping myself off of social media has been a great experience. I think that overall, I’ve been enjoying myself more. After a day of being up here, I’ve realized how stress relieving it can be to not pick up my phone so much. Spending time with close friends and family and taking a break is a very refreshing experience. I think that everyone should find a way to get out and take a break often.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
When watching the video “We’ve Been Sneaking Into Your Brian’s” and reading the article “Before The Internet”, you can really see the dark side of social media. Social media can really take control of someone’s life. I think that there are both goods and bad sides of social media.
I think that social media is good in a way, because it’s a good way of connecting people. Humans are connected like they haven’t ever been before. With social media we can connect with our friends, connect with new people, and see what’s happening around the world. I think there are many positive of people staying connected.
After watching the video, it made you see how social media can really latch on to one’s life and take control. I think that too many people care about what others think what others care about them. He makes really good points when discussing people’s addiction to social media. I’m guilty of often being distracted by social media as many other people are. In the video, he covers the psychology of social medias affects. As we use social media and the internet more, our devices learn more and more about us and find better ways to keep us attached.
I think that the internet affects me daily by taking my mind off things that are important. Social media and the internet are good at turning our minds from what’s in front of us and pointing them in the direction of what’s important in our lives. One thing the video and article really made me think of is how when people are having a good time and have to pull their cameras out to take a pictures because they have to post what they are doing, so everyone else can see. Without the internet and social media we would be able to appreciate ourselves and enjoy our lives more. There’s nothing like having real conversations with people and enjoying real life experience.
Overall, we have to accept technology’s ongoing advancement in our world. We have to accept it and learn how to control ourselves more. We can use technology to make connections with important people. For example, LinkedIn is a good way to meet people who may have some involvement in your future career. We can also use technology for knowledge. Technology gives us a source to learn new information faster and more accurately.
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charlie2barrett · 1 year
Hey everyone!
My name is Charlie. I’m currently an accounting major and entrepreneurship minor at Central Michigan University. I plan on graduating in the spring of 2024 and obtaining my CPA afterwards. I’m currently an accounts receivable intern for a growing company, Conlan Tire. So far, I’ve found the experience to be very useful for my future.
A little bit more about me, I’m the middle child of 3. I have an older brother, Ben, who is an operating partner of a Detroit Wing Company in Traverse City. I have a younger brother, Colin, who is a sophomore at the University of Michigan. I very much enjoy spending time with them and am proud of what they’ve accomplished in life.
I’m very into golf and fishing. In my free time over the summer, I enjoy doing these things with my friends. I find these activities, along with other activities, a great break from school and work. Both can be challenging and require some patience.
In BIS315, I hope that I’ll learn more on how to optimize social media. Social media has had a growing presence in our world and learning how to use it in your favor can be a big help in your future.
If you like golf like I do, then you should check out Golf Digests Twitter account. Golf Digest is a magazine that covers every angle of golf. They provide a deeper insight of golfers and their ups and downs. I think it’s really cool and interesting to see the mindset of golfers during tournaments. Everyone who plays knows that golf can be a great mental challenge, and hearing from the pros themselves shows how they are just like any common man. Golf Digest also posts tips that the pros share which can help improve your game. Golf Digest tweets many times a day and stays keeps a strong presence on other social media platforms. The material posted can easily attract any golfers eye. If you want to check them out, click on the link below!
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