charliewatscn · 3 days
"Hah, you flatter me," Charlie laughed softly in reply. "But I suppose it all depends on the type of company someone likes to keep. Just because I am not to someone's tastes does not mean I'm not to someone else's," she then shrugged back simply. Those she did keep close with she got along with wonderfully after all. "Show me around? Sounds official. I cannot say I am the type to frequent a casino but since it's such a unique offer I might consider taking you up on that."
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"You're not? Well I have to say that surprises me. But then again, I would say there are plenty without the good taste that I have got. It sounds like they are the ones that are deficient and therefore losing out." Xander complimented smoothly. "I would enjoy that. Maybe next time I can show you around my casino if you haven't already been of course. I can show you how to play in the real environment."
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charliewatscn · 9 days
"I can't say I'm familiar with... zorbing – however it sounds... interesting?" Charlie replied with an uncertainty to her tone as she was unaware of the activity he was suggesting. She still wanted to show interest and engagement in the conversation so she did her best to keep it going even if she didn't know what they were discussing. "Do you think your employers will be as passionate about its benefits as you are? Or at least be open to it?"
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"So, I've been put in charge of employee wellbeing in the workplace. Might not have been their best choice because I am significantly more attuned with creatures but thems the breaks I suppose. Either it will have been their best move ever or they will find they were seriously mistaken in their decisions. Anyway, I'm making a list of social activities we could do but these are definitely heavily biased towards my preferences but really, zorbing is a great way to lift your mood. That or you could potentially give your bosses a little bit too much of a push 'accidentally'." Alfie stated as he leaned back in his seat, rolling his shoulders lightly where there was a slight ache.
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charliewatscn · 9 days
"You're certainly not alone in that," she pointed out with a smile and a laugh when the blonde confessed to preferring a sweet beverage to anything more bitter. "I mean... potentially? Or it might not impress you as much as it does me. Nothing wrong with either outcome at the end of the day. But hopefully you'll still enjoy it a normal amount in the least."
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"You'd be correct in assuming that." Freya confirmed with a soft laugh at the question. "I'm not sure I could handle my coffee black, there always has to be a kick of something sweet to it. I feel like I'm going to be introduced to a whole new world with the way you are talking about it."
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charliewatscn · 18 days
"That is absolutely fair. I just put way too much pressure on myself in every aspect of my life. Sort of my thing," Charlie confessed with a laugh. "But thanks. I suppose we all have our things that we pour our time and dedication into."
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"Most people have a main instrument, that's nothing to be ashamed of. It takes a lot of dedication to get that far with learning something. It says a lot about you I think."
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charliewatscn · 18 days
"Well you don't need to be that surprised," she snorted lightly when he asked about her interest in the physics of it. "But of course I am. I find it weirder that someone wouldn't be," Charlie added. "We can fly. Like what isn't fascinating about that?"
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"Yeah that is true." He admitted, well as long as he chose the right places to fly anyway. He was a little surprised at her next comment however. "Really?" Lucas asked leaning in. "You're interested in the physics of it?"
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charliewatscn · 18 days
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LILY COLLINS Harper’s Bazaar Germany (January 2023)
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charliewatscn · 24 days
"Well if you've got your own broom it's not like it's anyone's place to keep you from hopping on it for a little flight whenever you'd like," Charlie pointed out with a smile. "Now that side fascinates me a lot more. I've never been big on sports but the physics of it is something I could get behind," she added with intrigue.
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I mean, I love watching Quidditch, don't get me wrong but I've never been the type to want to be a professional player. I always enjoyed being on the broom for the flying. That feeling of freedom." Lucas explained. "And that I can use physics and equations to create something that helps you do that even more efficiently... well that's just a happy bonus."
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charliewatscn · 24 days
"I'm not usually known for my 'good company'," she confessed, a little surprised at the compliment from the man but appreciating it nonetheless. "Happy to have not bored you to death however. Perhaps we'll play again sometime."
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"I find that the best opponents aren't necessarily the ones who are good at the game. It's more about the company they provide. You were one of the best for that." He complimented lightly at the woman's words.
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charliewatscn · 1 month
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"Must be. It always comes in handy for us when we play charades and stuff with others," she mused with a grin, following Alastair out. "Honestly, me too. Even though I suppose we could've just gone whenever we wanted."
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"You read my mind. Must be the twin thing," Al joked, picking up his jacket, "Let's go. I have been dying for an excuse to go back there."
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charliewatscn · 1 month
"Alright, if you're sure," she nodded, smiling a little in reply. "Telling me I'm doing you a favor only helps my peace of mind in that matter," Charlie added with a soft chuckle.
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"It's a little slow for me today," Asher replied. "So honestly, you'd be doing me a favor."
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charliewatscn · 2 months
"I've got a few favorite spots I could take you," Charlie admitted when the other asked where she wanted to go for coffee. "Is it fair to assume you've got a sweet tooth? I prefer mine black but I know a place that might have a wide variety of options. Something on their menu is sure to tickle your fancy."
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"I understand that." Because Freya would have hated to have someone being unable to tell her how they really felt. She didn't want to be left guessing. It was too easy to cause communication errors that way. "Where did you want to go for the coffee?"
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charliewatscn · 2 months
"Have you always been this enamored with Quidditch?" Charlie asked curiously when he spoke on his fascination. "Or is it less-so the sport that fascinates you and more the physics and logistics that go into broom-flight itself?"
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"I mean, about as good as you can get when it's a prototype I guess. They are helping me figure out what needs to be worked on. It's honestly a fascinating subject...at least for me who enjoys all that type of thing and enjoys a challenge too." Sometimes he wished it was a little less of a challenge however.
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charliewatscn · 2 months
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charliewatscn · 2 months
"If having your own shop some day is something that you want to achieve, I don't see why that can't happen for you," she spoke supportively. It was clear the woman spoke with a lot of heart for the profession. "I can't wait to come through there and get my own original Delacour wand some day."
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"I love working there." Clementine spoke without missing a beat. She wanted her own place someday, yes but right now working at Ollivanders was so eye opening to her. Ben never seemed to put up any barriers to her learning and was willing to allow her to have a go at anything provided she was at a level that would make it safe for her to attempt. "I have a good employer and I get to learn about what I love. The only thing that could make it better would be for it to be my own shop."
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charliewatscn · 2 months
"That's a way to see it, sure," Charlie nodded with a light shrug of her shoulders. "I've always been pretty direct though. I guess it's how I'd like people to be with me in turn but I can still understand why some people aren't that way."
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"I suppose beating around the bush just wastes everyones time." She certainly tried to be open and honest with people, though sometimes, her urge to not want to hurt peoples feelings could mean that it took a little bit longer to get it through.
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charliewatscn · 2 months
"Have you been getting good feedback off of them?" Charlie asked when he said he'd been enlisting the help of some professionals for test runs of his brooms. "Pun intended?" she couldn't help the humored smirk in the corner of her lips. "But no, I get that. It's clear that you're so passionate about your work and want to put your best foot forward. You want to come out with the best possible product you can and that's admirable."
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"Of course but right now I'm wanting to really hit the ground running on this. It's why I've been trying to get the help of some actual players to see if they can give them a test run in the meantime." Lucas explained as he seemed to get even more involved in the conversation. "I intend to do this right. There's a lot riding on it."
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charliewatscn · 3 months
"It's not a competition, Alec," she told him firmly. "Besides, I've known you your entire life and you are far too hard on yourself."
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Alec blushed lightly and shook his head, "Yeah, I don't know about that. Jules is a much better person than me."
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