charliewayn · 7 years
i don’t know what i am doing with my life or my hair 
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charliewayn · 7 years
He’s my best friend, and that’s okay, because I’d rather him be that than out of my life.
wordshealus  (via wnq-writers)
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charliewayn · 8 years
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#this amount of cuteness should be illegal
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charliewayn · 8 years
Charlie still remembered her first day at WAYN. Her co-workers had pulled her aside and told her about Kayla and the type of person she really was. And that’s when Ben chimed in with, “Wait, you are going to warn her about Kayla, but not Leo?” And the room fell silent and Zach proceeded to tell her horrible things about their housemate, followed up by recorded evidence of Leo doing said things.
She’d worked there long enough now to know that you couldn’t believe everything that Zach and Ben said (or filmed). Leo was quiet and reserved, but she thought it was more likely that he was just awkward than a potential murderer. That being said, he’d done and said some weird things to her (the goat incident was not the first time) and she wasn’t entirely sure where the stories ended and the truth began. 
If she had to guess, she’d say he probably wasn’t a raging alcoholic, but she’d believe that he had a suit of armor that he wore around the house just because. 
Meg was constantly trying to tell Charlie that she shouldn’t be friends with him, but Charlie had prided herself in being an excellent judge of character (or so she often thought). And while Leo may be a bit strange, she wasn’t afraid that he was trying to poison her when he brought her a free coffee this morning (which she was going to drink as quickly as possible before Meg grabbed it and threw it away). 
When he handed it to her, she lit up. “You have no idea how much I needed this, thank you so much!” She’d been running on fumes all day and she had been starting to wonder how she was going to make it through the rest of it before Leo showed up. “Hey, I’m planning on making some cupcakes this weekend and bringing them in -- I’ll definitely make sure you get one or two.” 
And that was as far as the conversation went before it got weird. 
“Wait, what?” 
In the course of about thirty seconds, Leo had managed to change his stance on goats (and goat scream music -- which, until a few days ago, Charlie hadn’t even realized was an actual thing people listened to) about three times. And now he was asking her if she liked goats. 
What was happening? 
“Um,” Charlie paused. “I wouldn’t consider myself a fan ... if that’s what you are asking.” 
She paused, again. “So -- question for you: if you aren’t a fan of goats, can I ask what’s up with the goat scream music just like following you around? You know, it’s okay if like ... that’s your thing or whatever,” She added, “I mean, it’s kind of a weird thing, but you do you, Leo.”  
Year of the Goat | Leo & Charlie
The last time Leo had seen Charlie, she had walked in on him alone in the dark at work - listening to goat remixes of popular songs from circa 2010. She’d walked out before he could explain they’d been stuck in his head thanks to his roommates’ antics and he’d had no other alternative than YouTube which, unbeknownst to him had a goat remix channel. Also unbeknownst to Leo, no sooner had Zach heard this story then he had given Charlie a goat remix CD, telling her it was from Leo.
Knowing they’d be working together, today, Leo got up early and went to the local coffee shop, purchasing an order for the others he knew would be there…and Charlie’s favorite drink.  He wasn’t sure what he was going to say, or how, or even why, really, but Leo felt he had to say something.  It had been a weird encounter on top of too many other weird encounters and he needed to clear the air a bit…somehow.
Strolling into work, Leo passed out everyone’s drinks so that Charlie’s came last, giving him a good excuse to…linger.  Facing her with a half-hearted smile, Leo presented her with her drink.  “I, uh, stopped by the cafe on the way here…I thought you might like this,” he said.  Leo felt awkward, and he knew he was acting it.  Not that he had ever been particularly socially graced…Leo had the bad habit of being too quiet or just too grouchy to prove much else.
He wondered if he should leave well enough alone.  Afterall, there was no doubt that Charlie wasn’t interested in him the way he was interested in her, and maybe it was best for everyone if he got a little space.  Still, too much weirdness had gone on between them and if he could make things a little better, he knew he’d regret it if he didn’t try.
“Hey, so…about the other night…I don’t just…you know…I’m not super into goats.”  He tried to shrug casually but it didn’t quite come off.  He was too tense.  ‘I’m not super into goats?’  Is that really what I just said?  Leo sighed, exasperated with himself.  “I mean…I was just listening to the goats because-”
Suddenly, his phone began to ring.  Leo pulled it out of his pocket, quickly, alarmed - tense as he was - by the sudden intrusion.  I Knew You Were Trouble was playing, Zach’s face was laughing on his phone - laughing at him, he felt sure, in this moment - and suddenly there was a goat screaming.  “Oh God,” muttered Leo, punching the ‘decline’ button.  His phone was old and finnicky and it didn’t stop.  “Oh my God,” he punched it harder.  The goat stopped, mid-shriek.  
Looking back up at her, he bit his lip.  “Yeah, nevermind.  I’m just…I love goat screams,” he said, defeated, shrugging.  “What can I say?”  There was no getting out of this one.  He smiled.  He wanted to laugh, all of a sudden, the absurdity hitting him in the face.  Realizing he was now grinning as he endorsed his (fictional) affection for goat squeals, he shook his head.  “Enjoy your coffee.”
Leo rapped his knuckles against her desk, starting to go, and turned back.  “You know what, that’s not true.”  He shook his head.  “I don’t love goat screams.  Or even goats.  I hate goats, actually, beady-eyed little devils.”  Too far, he thought, too late.  But it was true.  Leonardo Harris hated goats.  Especially today.  I’m never going to salvage my reputation with this girl, he thought, feeling resigned like he did everyday.  “Do you like goats?”  
Oh my God, he thought.
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charliewayn · 8 years
CHARLIE NOOOOOOOOOOO but actually that brings up another matter we should discuss!  I don’t think Zach is ~hugely observant~ a lot tbqh hahahaha buT he’s also not stupid hahaha so how obvious do you think it that Charlie has a thing for him?  I’m trying to figure out if he knows, bc obv I think that’d influence his behavior.  I mean, he might be slowly destroying Leo psychologically, but that’s only bc he’s his best friend *thumbs up, confetti*  Zach’s not evil hahaha he doesn’t actually want to hurT anyone
Anyway, the details will become clearer once I have a sense of what Zach knows about her ~emotional situation~ but my gut rn is saying that…yes on the dl he’s trying to help???? but at the same time he does things that sabotage even his own efforts, like presenting Charlie w a person “gift” from “Leo” of goat scream covers of popular songs from c. 2010, etc. so…yes…but also…no hahahah
Okay, so I don’t think Charlie is super obvious???? I mean she def tries her hardest NOT to be for a lot of reasons hahah but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have those moments where it seems like she might??? But I think she balances those with some where she seems super uninterested. B/c yeah -- for one thing, he’s her coworker and kinda her superior since he’s a director pLUS I think she’s probably aware or at least has a hunch that he likes Kelsey??? And even if she doesn’t, I feel like it is obvious to her that he doesn’t view her in that way. And yeah, she def doesn’t wanna lose his friendship haha and she’s def not hoping for anything to happen ++ I think she would actually die if he did find out. 
OOC | Zach & Charlie
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charliewayn · 8 years
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favorite characters of 2016: kara danvers (supergirl)
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charliewayn · 8 years
I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? 
but omg so headcannon that these two became friends b/c they thought the other one was gonna die???? like charlie looks at meg and is like !!!!!! b/c she’s literally the cutest person but also she’s super scared that she’s gonna like die playing pokemon go (apparently all my characters are worried about this haha) or just by standing too close to lore haha and I feel like charlie is like “i must protect her at all costs” and like meanwhile charlie had leo drive her home once and meg was like “charlie!!! no!!!!” and charlie is like “oh he’s harmless and those stories aren’t real about him” but meg is like “um haha no you sweet summer child you will be killed” and meg is like “i must protect her at all costs” and then they just started hanging out w/ each other more and more and then became actual friends but they are still concerned that they other is gonna end up dead. 
OOC | Meg & Charlie
ELIZABETH!!!!!  HOW HAVE WE NOT TALKED ABOUT THESE TWO??????  You know they are the most adorable friends <3333333  Also, do you think she knows Charlie has a thing for Zach, bc if she does, she probs tries to get them together and that probs backfires but yknoW
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charliewayn · 8 years
oKAY BUT ZACH AS A MATCHMAKER IS MY FAVORITE THING!!!!! tbh all charlie would take away from that is “well zach clearly doesn’t wanna date me” ://// but that being said, I feel like charlie isn’t interested in dating anyone right now b/c she’s so hung up on zach and yeah ;DDDD 
do you think he’s still trying to set up charlie and leo btw? or do you think their last “date” was such a mess that he’s stopped? 
OOC | Zach & Charlie
*tries to set charlie up w leo* *probably accidentally makes it sound like he thinks she should date someone completely different*
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charliewayn · 8 years
I KNOW!!!! I’M still laughing!!! Anyway, I feel like maybe it’s been a few months ago??? aND i FEEL LIKE, AT THE TIME, CHARLIE had just started to realize that zach/ben’s stories are all lies, but I think sitting with him alone probably made her a little uncomfortable still like “... wait ...maybe they aren’t kidding??” b/c I feel like charlie has kinda an active imagination and yeah. I just love that they were kinda on a date and leo’s thinking about things to say and charlie is seriously wondering if he’s like this crazy violent person who might want to kill her ;DDDDD 
I do think she knows him well enough at this point to know that he’s a good person and that ben and zach are just being stupid, but she has no idea that he cares about her and that they “dated” and that she gave him the impression that she didn’t care at all 
OOC | Leo & Charlie
Their accidental not!date is the greatest thing in the history of ever tbqh  Btw, how long ago do you think that took place?  Bc I def think he was/is more awkward if it’s recent but he’s probs cooler w her but more bitter @life if it was awhile ago hahahaha
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charliewayn · 8 years
ooc. charlie/rem
i feel like these two are v cute and chill friends haha! like they just hang out together on breaks and don’t even really need to talk/they just sit and read together. :) also I know that we talked about them possibly being housemates??? but you weren’t sure if rem was living with someone else? (i think allison maybe???) 
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charliewayn · 8 years
ooc. charlie/thea
so I remember we talked about these two for a hot second, but i can’t remember exactly what we said??? I know that Charlie is (or at least was) super terrified by Thea and probably knew her best from stories that Ben told her and shes just like “yikes” and probs tries to stay out of her way haha 
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charliewayn · 8 years
ooc. charlie/mira
so I feel like charlie likes mira a lot!!! and while she likes trying to figure out who pete is, part of her just really wants to just know b/c charlie is def a cat person and exhanging cat pics with mira would make her day tbh <333
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charliewayn · 8 years
ooc. charlie/walter
I feel like charlie is super intimidated by walter and honestly just like the entire engineering department in general and like if something brakes I feel like charlie is like “i hope someone else notices b/c i’m not gonna go talk to them” 
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charliewayn · 8 years
charlotte “charlie” monroe
production assistant: camera/prompter/graphics
relationships: Zachary “Zach” Hall (friend/interest), Orett Dalton, Jayson Rosner (best friends) Leonardo “Leo” Harris, Jeremy Nichols, Benjamin “Ben” Huston, Aalyiah Tazel, Megan Jacobs, David Castello, Robert “Robbie” Goldberg (friends), Amanda Harper, Kayla Barfield (irritants)
someone help her she’s awkward
pretty good at hiding her crush on zach b/c she’s just as awkward around him as everyone else tbh
she def fantasizes about what dating him would be like/their life together and honestly she’s just about 1 step away from doodling mrs. zachary hall over everything
one time zach said she was awesome and she’s not even sure how sincere he was, but she likes to replay that moment smdh
despite her daydreams she knows that that’ll never happen for an entire host of reasons, but #1 being he doesn’t see her that way and probs never will gets weird when someone tries to flirt with her
charlie, trying to flirt: if you were a tree, you’d be a good tree
(most of the time she doesn’t realize when they are or thinks ppl are flirting when they aren’t)
it is a mess
“does he like me or is he just being nice?” - a novel by charlie monroe
just moved outta her parents house and is working basically 24/7 to support herself 
works at jc penny’s as a cashier on weekends and as a school receptionist during the week and this is her night job
everyone: when do you sleep
charlie: i don’t
drinks coffee now and again when she needs the extra energy but yikes she gets so wound up
everyone: what’s with charlie?
charlie: i don’t know her
normally she’s pretty quiet and doesn’t really talk unless you talk to her first
charlie’s programmed not to speak unless spoken to 
it’s annoying
calls you a loser and/or a nerd if she loves you
is probably also the biggest nerd/loser of them all tbh
probs first fell in love with zach when they were both talking about it smdh
zach is one of the few ppl who don’t think she’s crazy when talking about it
(actual picture of charlie talking about her theories)
House Harand/Hufflepuff/INFJ
insecure af
tries to be positive but can be kinda sarcastic and cynical 
carries a book (or ten) with her everywhere
loves the rain and dances around in it when no one is looking
could probably live off of chipotle
netflix and chill literally means netflix and chill
would probably get offended if you tried to make a move when watching something tbh 
takes her tv shows too seriously 
also kinda obsessed with VN but it takes a back seat to ODR
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charliewayn · 8 years
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Charlotte “Charlie” Monroe, 26 (melissa benoist)
relationships: Zachary “Zach” Hall (friend/interest), Orett Dalton, Jayson Rosner (best friends) Leonardo “Leo” Harris, Jeremy Nichols, Benjamin “Ben” Huston, Aalyiah Tazel, Megan Jacobs, David Castello, Robert “Robbie” Goldberg (friends), Amanda Harper, Kayla Barfield (irritants)
an awkward turtle
works three jobs but still manages to have a lot of energy?
“she moves the camera at like eighty miles per hour” ~ david
is aalyiah’s favorite pa b/c she has a “sweet and calming presence”
taken by lizzy.
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