charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
Kristen Stewart and Simon Baker.
Charlotte and her dad, Cormac.
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
Charlotte and her dad, Cormac
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
Thug life daddy cane nigggggggaaaaas.
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
Genevieve McLaggen
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
We all have our phases.
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
This is me trying to procrastinate doing my math homework and math test. And my English Research essay. This is also me wanting some love from the darlings who always make me feel better. Just cause lately, I could really use some cheering up.
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
Read More
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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alice-carrow liked your post: .
Does that mean you're alive?
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
Can't find a picture of my FC because all the pictures are of Rob and Kristen kissing.
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
“I do smile sometimes”
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charlotte-mclaggen · 12 years
"Bigger issues?" she asked. She winked again at his raised eyebrow and watched his eyes scroll down and then back up to her eyes. "It's not fun unless it's interesting," she added easily. Talking about it was easy. She had experience with joking with blokes all the time. Blokes joked with her about it often, especially Scorpius. He had a reason for the joking however. But as he looked down at her she wondered what he was thinking about, what might happen from their situation. They had the whole night ahead of them... Charlotte realized she never planned for things to go past the friend line with blokes; with her, more often than not it just happened. She assumed James was no exception, but her thoughts turn onto her own actions, realizing that she could just as easily stop all the things that happen with her and other blokes if she wanted. She turned back at the sound of his voice and replied to him in an instant, "I enjoy being controlled." She paused for a moment before lifting a hand and poking his chest, "So now what?"
Sleepover ||James & Charlotte
“I’m glad that you can handle yourself or else we’d have bigger issues,” he said, smiling pleasantly back at her. He raised an eyebrow at her statement, mostly amused by the situation. “Get worked on, huh?” he asked, looking down at her body then back to her eyes. “Interesting way to put it, Char.” James was slightly uncertain where to go next with their situation, sure he could talk for ages about things that might or might not happen, but the fact of the matter was that he wasn’t quite sure where this was going. When he’d first suggested this whole thing he’d really meant it as first a joke, then something only slightly less than innocent. But with the way things were turning out it could go anywhere. “Though, I dunno, I quite like being on top. Have more control on the situation anyway.”
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