chas-tine · 7 months
"Moving from one stage of life to another is a challenge but what's more challenging is coping your way of adapting"
My name is Chastine Mae Canales, a nineteen year old grade 12 student who's taking up Accounting Business and Management Strand.
I would like to share with all of you the journey of my life from stage to stage or simply, me adapting how life should actually be.
When I was younger i always thought that life is just all about unicorns, fairy tails, and fantasy things. Back then I didn't have to think about tomorrow.
But when I've grown older I've realized a lot of things, I've learned that fantasy doesn't exist and your future should be thought ahead so that you'll be able to stabilize your life.
What i wish i knew sooner was that life changes just as we,people do.
That as we grew older our responsibilities also grow with us, it also grew like how our age does. I wish i had an awareness before facing the real world.
Either way, I could still proudly say that I've survived and I did become stronger,because along the way of my journey towards today taught me resilience and now I could face real world struggles and challenges and tell my self I've experienced harder so this is nothing.
This may not be a detailed story but I hope you realize things and find strength in my experience, I deeply wish that each and every reader of this text realized that whatever you are facing today will just be part of your past in the future.
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