roosetheflower · 2 years
tiny update/question
hey everyone! i just finished up my final year of uni and i now will have much more free time to write (yay!). here's the thing, i've been reflecting lately on Wild On You, and i feel like i wish i could go back a re-write some parts of it. i started it when i was still on my first playthrough of rdr2 and now that i am almost finished my second playthrough, i feel as though there are so many things i wish i could have done differently. so i wanted to put this out there to the people, should i keep going with Wild On You? pls let me know :) also i am going to start doing hcs and preferences for the rdr2 characters, so if you have any requests please feel free to inbox me! x
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roosetheflower · 3 years
hello sugar, I'm so happy you're back I already missed you Lol hope you're well :) . He was asking me if you plan to write about GOT.
hello! at the moment i am focusing on rdr2, but perhaps in the future!
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roosetheflower · 3 years
Wild On You - Chapter 5 (Red Dead Redemption 2)
A/N: y'all, when you get to smutty part just listen to this song, iykyk (i put the extended fan version bc it's just *chef's kiss*). also if you hadn't noticed by now, this is a lana-stan friendly space (real ones know that the name of this fic is actually the demo title for her song nectar of the gods - which you should also listen to). anyway, i hope you enjoy this one after a very long wait. it's super focused on Dutch btw :) xx
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex.
Dutch x Fem!Reader - NSFW
Word Count: 3.6k
Chapter 5 - I shouldn’t cry but I love it
You woke up to Dutch pressed gently against your back, his arm resting comfortably on your waist. He always held you like this while you slept. There were so many things to admire about Dutch. His charm, his intelligence, his love. Your eyes fluttered open as tiny rays of sunlight danced across them. You rolled over to face him. He looked so peaceful and beautiful in the morning light.
You stared at him for a while before slowly coming back to reality. That awful feeling returned to the pit of your stomach. You sat up, and let out a sigh that seemed to wake him up. His body shifted, fluttering his eyes to look up at you. “Good morning, princess,” he spoke softly. He raised a hand to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. You couldn’t speak, you were so overwhelmed with guilt. You managed to form a small smile on your lips.
“Good morning Dutch,” you managed to reply.
He sensed your discomfort. He lifted your hand and gently kissed it, trying to give you some reassurance. He assumed you were still shaken after killing someone yesterday, and you were, but there were a few details he was not aware of. “Are you alright, my love?” he asked you, still holding your hand.
You looked down. You wanted to say yes just to move on, but you had to get the guilt off your chest in a way that wouldn’t reveal too much. “Dutch, can I ask you something?”
“Anything, sweetheart,” he said picking your hand up again and gently kissing it.
“I’ve been doing some thinking about you and me. I mean, we ain’t married, I know that. But I guess what I’m trying to ask you is if I’m the only one you’re with or want to be with?”
“Well you aren’t the only person I’ve been with in the last few weeks. Miss O’Shea and I… well let’s just say that’s history now.”
“Right, so you wouldn’t be upset if I had slept with someone else recently?” you said, trying to avoid eye contact.
“You cheeky girl!” he said laughing. “Of course, I’m not mad. I’m a bit surprised. Looks like I’ve turned you into a little nymphomaniac,” he paused. “Was it someone else at camp?” he asked inquisitively. You knew he would probably have been cool if it had been anyone else other than Arthur, so you stuck to your plan.
“Um, no. It was some random fellow I met down in the saloon in Valentine,” you said, hoping he’d buy it. You slid off the cot, approaching your clothes to start getting dressed.
“Huh,” he started. “Well I hope that he pailed in comparison,” he said, slipping out of bed, to stand behind you, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
Sorting through your clothes from yesterday, Dutch noticed your ripped blouse, and then Arthur’s jacket. “What happened here?” he asked motioning to the articles of clothing.
“When we fled, I ran into some bushes that tore up my shirt. Arthur offered me his jacket. That’s all,” you said trying to avoid any more questions. You promptly slipped into a nightgown you’d left in his tent a few nights ago.
“I see,” Dutch said. He had noticed something going on between you two. A glance here or there, a lingering touch as you passed things to each other. He was not a fool. He wasn’t sure if it was just his mind or if there was something more. After your confession, he was more and more skeptical of the things he was seeing. He wanted you and only you, and he wanted you to want the same. He knew he had to draw you in closer. He had an idea. “What if you and I took a trip today?”
“A trip!? A trip to where Mr. van der Linde?” you asked, turning to face him. You laughed, a bit puzzled at his sudden invitation.
“There’s this town west of here called Strawberry. I heard that there might be gold there, I also heard that it’s supposed to be quite nice. There’s a hotel too. What do you say, a little bit of work and a little bit of play?” he suggested, gently placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Just you and me?” you asked raising an eyebrow.
“Just you and me,” he affirmed.
You thought for a minute. Maybe this would help you sort out your feelings. It would also allow you and Dutch to have some real privacy, and maybe if there was some distance between you and Arthur you’d be able to focus on Dutch. After a moment you spoke, “Let’s do it,” you said with confidence.
You and Dutch exited his tent together. “Just give me a moment. I need to gather some of my things, ok?” you asked Dutch.
“Of course, my dear,” he replied, kissing your forehead.
You went to your tent and started to pack a small bag and get changed into something proper. You wore black riding pants and a violet shirt, you paired it with a simple pair of black boots and a lighter beige hat. You packed some more riding gear and a dress in case you had to look like a real lady. You looked at Arthur’s jacket. You wanted to keep it, but you knew you needed to return it to keep up appearances.
Walking over to Arthur’s tent, you took a deep breath. “Mr. Morgan,” you spoke.
“Miss Y/L/N,” he replied.
“I just to thank you for you kindness yesterday, here’s your jacket back.” You’re kindness? More like thanks for making love to me after I killed someone, you thought. As you passed his jacket to him, your hands touched. It felt like the world slowed down when you were together. He looked at you in the eyes.
He cleared his throat, “Thank you.” You turned to walk away. “Y/N, wait,” he said tossing formalities to the wind. “I just- I hope you know that yesterday…Well, it didn’t mean nothing to me.”
You could feel tears welling up behind your eyes. You were so goddamn confused. Arthur made you feel so loved, you felt so connected to him in so many ways and he was quite shy about it. Dutch, on the other hand, was much more open about his love for you, he wanted to show you off. He saw you as his queen, his female counterpart in all this, which scared you. You weren’t born a criminal.
“Arthur…” you trailed off.
“Just tell me that it meant something to you too?” he pleaded.
“Of course it did. But Dutch… Dutch and I are- we’re trying to see how things work out. You know like committing to each other and all that,” you spoke, barely forming a sentence.
He didn’t say anything at first, but by the look on his face, he was devastated. You wanted to apologize, to scream, to throw up, but you couldn’t. So you just waited for him to say something, anything.
He nodded, trying to process the information. “I understand,” he said, barely raising his eyes to meet yours.
“Arthur!” Dutch’s voice boomed from behind you, interrupting the thick layer of tension that had been forming. “Miss Y/L/N and I are taking a trip to Strawberry and we won’t be back until tomorrow, would you mind keeping an eye on things for me while we’re gone?”
“Of course,” Arthur said looking at Dutch, but he wouldn’t look at you. “Enjoy your trip,” he said nodding in your general direction.
Just like that, you and Dutch went to mount your horses and head off to Strawberry.
The air was fresh, it reminded you of when you and your family went camping up by Little Creek River. Hitching your horses, you and Dutch immediately checked in the hotel.
Upon reaching your room, you were quick to flop on the bed. It was the first time since joining the van der Linde gang that you had felt a real bed, hell the first time in a while that you had an actual roof over your head.
“We can rest later, my love. First, we have to do a bit of scouting,” he said.
“But it’s so comfy,” you grumbled.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun. We’ll pretend to be a wealthy couple looking to invest in the up and coming tourist industry here,” he said convincingly. “Get some folks drunk, maybe even rob a few if we’re lucky. And then after that,” he crawled over top of you on the bed, “I want you right here,” he said grazing his fingertips over your heat. You moaned at his slightest touch, he was so good at getting you to do anything.
You put on the dress you brought from camp. The first time you ever wore the emerald green velvet dress was Christmas 1898. You hadn’t worn it since. Putting it on, memories flooded back, of happy times with your family. Your mind paused on Jake, your younger brother. You were supposed to meet up with him in two days so that you could possibly rebuild your family. You knew your brother wanted to be independent, he hated gangs. The O’Driscolls had been terrorizing your neck of the woods for as long as you could remember. Knowing this, you still couldn’t bring yourself to part ways with the van der Linde gang. You couldn’t leave Dutch, or Arthur. You decided to try to give yourself time to think about what you would do.
“My god, Y/N, you look stunning,” Dutch remarked, looking you up and down. He had been watching you the whole time wishing your clothes had stayed off.
You smiled at the warmth of his voice. “Come do me up,” you commanded him, gesturing to the back of your dress. He sauntered over to you, pulling his typical move as he approached you. He slid his hands down your bare back before reluctantly fastening the corset.
“As much as I love you this thing on you, I cannot wait to see it on the floor later,” he spoke softly into your ear. It sent shivers up your spine, you wanted him now but you knew you had to wait.
The two of you made your way into the town, Dutch wanted to inquire with the mayor, as you two posed as a wealthy couple from the North.
Making your way inside, you noticed the mayor’s office was spacious with wooden furniture and walls lined with photographs of the town. There was even a bear’s taxidermied head hanging on the wall, no doubt a prized hunting trophy.
“Good day, sir! My wife and I were wondering where we could find the mayor of this fine town?” Dutch asked the man sitting at the grand desk inside the lodge.
“Well that would be me, sir. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting today?” he asked you both.
“My name is Richard Winslow, and this is my sweet, Elizabeth,” Dutch said, kissing your hand as he introduced you.
“So great to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow, my name is Nicholas Timmins!” he said, excitedly shaking each of your hands. “Welcome to Strawberry. What can I do for you?”
“Well, friend, my wife and I are looking to invest our money somewhere. We’ve been touring towns all over the state looking for a profitable place to do so. You see, we’re originally from up north, New York to be exact and we heard your town is known for its gold,” Dutch cleverly inquired with the mayor.
“Yes, well Strawberry had a history of gold mining many years ago, but I plan on creating a resort town out of the place. Somewhere where folks like yourselves can escape the big city and get a taste of the West in all its glory! We have a few investors already, actually. I’d be happy to show you my ledger,” he said opening a drawer in his desk.
While the men were looking at the ledger, you noticed a safe, tucked in the back corner of the room. It was old and worn, so old and worn that you could clearly see the numbers that made up the combination. Bingo, you thought.
“Well that has been quite insightful, kind sir, thank you. My wife and I are planning on taking in the town. There’s a saloon nearby, correct?” Dutch asked after some time.
“Yes, just down the road to the left,” the mayor replied.
“Wonderful, thank very much,” Dutch said, as he linked arms with you and walked out of the small lodge.
“So? Anything of note?” you asked.
“Not much. Looks like the man is struggling to turn this place into the mecca he has envisioned,” Dutch said sounding disappointed.
“Well, while you boys were looking at that ledger I spotted a safe in the corner of that office. I think I could probably make out the combination,” you said.
He looked at you, his eye filling with lust, a devious smile crept on his lips. “My god girl, you never fail to impress me.”
“I say after the sun goes down, we see what we can find,” you said smiling back. Dutch pulled you close to him, kissing you passionately in the middle of the street. You were caught off guard but loved it regardless.
Pulling away to look at you, “I can’t wait until we get back to that room,” he said. You two made your way to the saloon.
You spent a few hours ordering drinks for locals, and pickpocketing them once they were too drunk to notice. You managed to snag $100 in total, as well as some jewelry. A pretty decent score for a pretty lazy job.
Once it was dark, you and Dutch exchanged looks and left the saloon.
“You ready for this, my sweet?” Dutch asked when you were about halfway to the mayor’s lodge.
“I can hardly wait,” you replied. He hadn’t really ever seen you in action, outside of the first night you met. He knew you were good, but it was even more impressive watching you rob for him.
You checked by looking through windows to be sure the place was empty. Lamps were unlit, the place was silent. You slipped in through a back window, Dutch following behind you. Once inside, you started at the safe. Okay, you thought, 1, 10, 21, 25 how hard can this be? The first few tries were unsuccessful. You kept going at it when suddenly you could hear footsteps and the jingling of keys.
“Shit!” you whispered to Dutch.
“I’ll go distract him, you keep at it. Meet me by the hotel when you’re done,” Dutch said climbing out the window.
You worked quickly to bust the safe open. You tried combination after combination until finally, after what seemed like years of trying, it opened. You quickly grabbed all of the stacks of money you could manage to stuff into your dress. You exited out the back window, making sure to leave everything in its place as if it was untouched.
You made your way back to the hotel, eyeing Dutch smoking on the front porch. “Mrs. Winslow! There you are, I was beginning to worry!” Dutch said loudly for any passerby to hear. “Did you get in?” he asked in a more hushed tone once you were next to him.
“Sure did, stuffed as much of it down my dress as I could,” you said patting your waist and skirts.
“Looks like I have some treasure hunting to do, don’t I?” Dutch said pulling you closer, he laughed as he could feel the stacks of money instead of the soft flesh he was hoping to grab onto. “You really weren’t kidding.”
“How did you get rid of Timmins?” you asked.
“I told him I wanted to invest in a bigger and better hotel, he loved the idea,” he said chuckling slightly at how easy it was to con the man.
“Good, I hope he doesn’t catch on to us,” you said wrapping your arms around his neck. “Now can we please get upstairs?” you leaned closer. “I need you,” you whispered in his ear.
You moved quickly to reach your hotel room, practically running up the stairs. You burst through the door, Dutch following closely behind. He hurriedly shut the door behind you, practically slamming it. He wasted no time finding the lace at the back of the dress and quickly undoing it. You slide the top part down, taking your arms out. Four stacks of cash fell onto the floor, but neither of you cared, you were too focused on getting naked. “We’ll count it later,” Dutch said in between kissing you roughly. His lips couldn’t get enough of you, as he nibbled your lower lip slightly every time you pulled away for air.
A few more stacks fell from you as Dutch managed to get you down to your undergarments. You lay back on the bed, as you watched him undress. He unbuttoned his shirt, slowly revealing his toned physique. Not a sight you hadn’t already seen but your mouth practically watered looking at him. You could see the growing arousal in his pants, as he pulled them down to reveal his semi-hard member.
You removed your corset and britches as fast as you could. You sat towards the edge of the bed as he approached you. He placed his hand on your cheek, running his thumb across your bottom lip. Suddenly, his hand was around your throat. He squeezed hard, you fucking loved it.
“Say you need me,” he commanded.
“I need you, Dutch,” you said without hesitation.
“Tell me I’m the only one you need,” he commanded of you again.
“You’re the only one,” you said choking back tears. “The only one.”
I shouldn’t cry, but I love it, you thought. You loved the way he had complete control over you.
He released his hand and you fell back onto the bed, beckoning him towards you. He climbed on top of you, kissing you with vigour. “You’re so fucking precious,” he growled at you. You could feel him close to your entrance, you couldn’t wait any longer so you promptly spread your legs, you craved him.
His cock slid up and down your soaking wet heat, so he could lubricate himself, but all it did was send you into a frenzy. You whimpered and moaned and he continued to tease you, his tip circling your entrance but never going in. You couldn’t take it, so you tried to pull him closer to you.
“Not so fast, darling,” he said chuckling.
“Please, Dutch, please…” you pleaded, looking up at him with puppy-dog eyes.
He smiled, lining himself up and pushing himself all the way in. This caused you to nearly scream. He continued to thrust inside of you, making you lose yourself to the pleasure with every buck of his hips.
Your bodies were so close, leaving no room for even air between you two. He was fucking you slowly and deeply. Every thrust felt like he was burying himself further and further inside of you. His breaths were turning into deep grunts with every movement he made.
You had a thought and decided to act on it. In one swift movement, you flipped Dutch over so you were now on top. You could see the confusion wash over his face, but it soon turned back to lust. He put his hands on your hips and guided you as you bounced up and down on him. He had to admit, he loved the view.
This position was new for you, and it felt amazing. Plus, you had more control which was always interesting when it came to Dutch. He was slowly letting you dominate him in subtle ways, almost like you were breaking him down a bit.
“God, you feel amazing Y/N,” he cooed as you continued to ride him. You brought his face closer to you. You could barely kiss each other without moaning into each other’s mouths.
You could feel the tension picking up, and that familiar burning feeling.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you said, gasping for air.
Trying to keep up your pace, you started to let go. Your movements became messy as you called out for Dutch. Moaning and groaning in the process.
“That’s it, good girl,” he said, as you came on him.
You kept going, and you knew he was close too. He was squeezing your hips so hard, you were sure there’d be bruises. He bucked his hips upward, trying to fill you up as much as he possibly could. His movements became erratic and sparse. Just then, you could feel his warmth seeping out of you as became still.
You sat there for a moment, his cock still inside of you. Your hands rested on his hairy chest, you were both covered in sweat. You two enjoyed the moment, catching your breath collectively.
After a bit, Dutch rolled himself on top of you and then pulled out. He stood up to get a towel to help you clean up. After wiping you both down a bit, he flopped on the bed next to you. He wrapped his big arms around you and settled his head in the crook of your neck, his moustache tickling your skin.
“I just want you to know that to me, you are more valuable than any of the cash on the floor,” he spoke to you softly, in his deep voice. “Will you be mine, Y/N?” he asked.
You were caught off guard but you were still in the heat of the moment and he knew that.
“Of course, Dutch,” you said, breathless and sleepy. “I’m yours.”
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roosetheflower · 3 years
hello lovely people! i want to apologize for the delay with chapter 5, and I am trying to get in done for tonight, so please stay tuned!!
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roosetheflower · 3 years
Wild On You - Chapter 4 (Red Dead Redemption 2)
A/N: just as an FYI i am changing a few minor canonical details (if you’re a stickler for those things)!!! sorry for the wait! this one is extra long. there's character building, there's story building, and there's smut! also you’ll understand why the chapter is called what it’s called when you get there. i hope you love it! xx
Warnings: suggestive language, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving).
Word Count: 3.3K
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader
Chapter 4 - a rock and a hard place
A few days passed. Life seemed sweet. You kept up your practice with Arthur, something you requested more of after your revelation the other night. And you kept fucking Dutch, which confused you to no end. You loved him, but not in the way that you thought you should - you loved the idea of him. You grew up hearing stories of the greatest romances, of princes and princesses, of love at first sight. Perhaps that was true in some sense, Dutch kept saying that he wanted you the moment he saw you, but desire and love are not the same things. Arthur on the other hand treated you so differently. He spoke to you and not just at you. He asked you questions about your life, about what you liked and didn’t like. He had put his hands on you, but only when he had to, and while you could feel his desire (literally) for you and his need to be close to you, he kept it inside of him. This was also confusing, but it aligned more with what you thought you wanted, love’s slow burn.
On one glorious morning, you rose before the rest of camp. You could feel the dewiness in the air and you could smell a mixture of grass and dying fire pits. You made your way to your horse and started down to the river, where you went every morning to wash up.
You brought some clothes to wash and began scrubbing away at any dirt, sweat, or other bodily fluids that stained them. This was your alone time, and you loved it. It was a chance for you to get away from the gang and be with your own thoughts.
You lay your wet clothes out to dry and decided to take a look around the forested area to see if there was anything to forage. Walking about 5 feet into the woods, you noticed a bright blue ribbon wrapped around a rock. You picked it up to find a small piece of paper underneath it. You stopped for a moment, maybe this wasn’t for you to find, but your curiosity wouldn’t let you not investigate. Opening it up to read it, you audibly gasped, you were in shock. It read:
“Dearest Y/N,
I have spent these last weeks hiding in bushes, slipping in and out of Valentine, and I’ve finally found you. If you’re reading this meet me behind the general store in town. I’ll be wearing our father’s old work hat, so you know it’s me.
You felt like you were going to pass out, throw up, cry, scream and laugh all at once. The brother you thought was dead and burned to ash had just left you a letter. You could barely believe it, but you had a good feeling about it. You weren’t sure if you should tell anyone but decided against it as to not overwhelm your brother.
After the sun had dried your clothes, you gathered everything including the letter and headed back to camp.
Heading into Valentine, you were a mess of nerves. Nearing the general store, anxiety flooded your body. You hadn’t seen your brother in nearly months and had assumed that he was dead. You grieved for him. You hitched your horse and slowly walked behind the store, keeping a hand close to your father’s gun, just in case it was a set-up. But there he was, clear as day.
“Jakey?” you practically whispered. He turned to you, his smile beaming. Running up to you, he pulled you into a hug.
“Y/N! Oh my god, I can’t believe you came, that you’re actually here.” he said.
“I thought you were dead,” you both said in unison. You both laughed.
You stepped back to take a look at him. His skin was tanned like he had been in the sun for a while, and he was skinny like he hadn’t eaten in a while. “Wait a minute,” you spoke, noticing his outfit. “You’re dressed like a damn O’Driscoll, Jakey!”
“I know, I can explain,” he said hushing you slightly. “When those bastards came and burnt everything down, I ended escaping the house, but the gang… they caught me. I managed to free myself a couple of weeks ago, but I had to steal some of their clothes to blend in.”
“Jakey, we have to get you outta here. Come back with me, to my camp, I’ve met some folks. Dutch will understand,” you said frantically.
“What kind of folks, Y/N?” he said skeptically.
“They…I mean we call ourselves the van der Linde gang,” you reluctantly told him.
“A gang? Another stupid gang? After everything we’ve been through with the O’Driscoll’s?” he was so disappointed.
“You don’t understand, Dutch, he hates the O’Driscolls, he wants them dead just as much as we do and-”
He cut you off. “A gang is a gang, it’s the principle.”
“And what do you suggest we do?” you chirped back.
“Come with me, I’ve got a camp set up southeast from here. It’s quiet, peaceful, and from there we could try to start our lives again, as a family.” He was so endearing, and you loved that about him, but things had changed.
“I can’t just up and leave…I have some…jobs lined up, important jobs.”
“What kind of jobs, Y/N? Don’t tell you’re robbing people?” he asked, raising a hand to his forehead. “I thought you kicked your little pick-pocketing habit.”
“I did, for a while, but after everything that happened…I had nothing. I had to make money somehow and you can’t blame me for that!” you were emotional. A month ago you would have done anything to leave with your family but now there was so much more at stake, you were finally building your own life. “Give me one week. I need to sort some things out. After that I’ll meet you at your camp, I promise. Give me the directions.”
“One week,” he said in agreeance, scribbling down some directions to the best of his ability. You hugged him tightly.
“I love you and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that this happened to you, to me, to mom and dad. I just- I wish I could change things,” you spoke, tears running down your eyes as you held him.
“I know, me too,” he said. “You should go before someone sees you.”
But someone had seen you. From behind Micah thought he saw you fraternizing with an O’Driscoll. He decided to keep it to himself, best to keep an eye on you for now.
You had been planning this robbery for a little while. The Valentine’s Savings Bank. Karen had been helping by scoping the place out, looking for a weak spot. You decided that the best course of action would be to go in and get out as quickly as possible.
“You know there might be some heat with this job? Do you think you’re ready?” Arthur asked, gesturing to your gun.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you looked up at him smiling “I’ve had such a good teacher,” you winked.
You had started flirting more opening with Arthur, as long as Dutch wasn’t in earshot. It felt wrong and right all at once. It wasn’t like you and Dutch were married or even close to that but you knew he was under impression that he was yours and you were his, whatever that meant. You still thought the world of him, and the sex was amazing, but Arthur drew you in more each time you spoke.
You, Arthur, Karen, Bill, and Lenny rode towards Valentine together. You were so nervous but so excited to finally be doing a big robbery with the gang. The way you had planned it should be easy, but you still were keeping your guard up.
Karen set it up, walking in with her ‘lost little girl’ routine. At a moment’s notice, the four of you burst in, ordering everyone to get on the ground. Cocking your gun, as to threaten them, Arthur headed to the back to get the goods while you stayed out front.
Everything was going well and no one was retaliating. Arthur came out, but suddenly the meek clerk who was once hiding popped up from behind the counter with vigour. Pointing a rifle to the back of Arthur’s head. You could hear the gun clicking, his finger about to pull the trigger. You raised your gun and shot the clerk right between the eyes.
Your vision went blurry, you couldn’t hear, hell you couldn’t even smell. You had taken someone’s life, something that you were not accustomed to. You couldn’t believe your own actions. You pulled the trigger without even thinking twice, as casually as your target practice, blasting cans of beans with bullets.
Arthur saw it splash across your face. You came to as he nearly picked you up running out of the place. You followed him closely as he fired at lawmen. He shouted something to Bill and Lenny, Karen said something back. You could barely comprehend how you were managing to move your body. Suddenly, he was hoisting you up onto his horse, and you were riding away in an instant.
You rode on the back of his horse. You wrapped your arms tightly around him. He was so comforting and familiar. You leaned your head on his back and closed your eyes. All you could focus on was the warmth of his body and the wind touching your face. Nothing else.
Then he stopped. Opening your eyes, you felt him remove your hands off of him and hop down from his horse. You swung your legs down and managed to walk over a large rock that you could lean against. Slowly coming back to reality, you could hear a gentle stream and see branches above you. Without warning, a cold cloth pressed gently on your forehead and cheeks. You faced Arthur looking directly into his light eyes. You exhaled, bringing your hand to his. “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Ssshhh. You’re okay, sweetheart,” he whispered back. “I’m here.”
“I- I just, I didn’t even think,” you stuttered. “I‘ve never done that before,” you started to cry. The hot tears streamed down your cheeks shocking you to life. It was all hitting you, what you had done.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. You did the right thing, Y/N,” he spoke to you, gently wiping the tears from your face with his thumb. “He would have killed me. I’m alive because of you.”
He pulled you into a tight hug. His toned body felt so good around you. You wanted him to stay there forever, to protect you forever.
You pulled back to face him. He smiled down at you, tilting your chin up with his fingers. You didn’t want him to kiss you, you needed him to kiss you. It was like he had read your mind.
His lips crashed against yours with passion and longing. He pulled you into him, trying to close whatever space was left between your bodies. You started backwards, to lean against the rock behind. He pressed himself against you, you moaned into his mouth. You had been daydreaming about this moment for so long.
He stopped, catching his breath. You looked up at him. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t be taking advantage of you.”
“You’re not taking advantage of me. Yeah, I’m emotionally a mess right now, but the one thing I’m certain about is how much I need you, Arthur,” you pleaded. “Take me, please,” you whispered, guiding his hand to cup your breast. He squeezed it, and you pushed his hand underneath your shirt to feel you. He leaned down to kiss you.
His thumb circled your nipple, massaging your breast. You let out a soft moan, his kisses were more aggressive and needy. In an instant, he was tearing your shirt off, exposing your bare breasts to the fresh air. Your nipples hardened from the environment and the arousal. He kissed your cheek, making his way past your jaw to your neck.
His mouth eventually found its way to your breasts, you moaned as he sucked and nipped at you gently. Every touch sent your body into orbit. It felt so good to release the sexual tension between you two, and also try to forget about what had happened today.
His kisses trailed down your stomach. He paused when he arrived are your pants. He was on his knees, he looked up at you so innocently. “May I?” he asked, tugging slightly at your belt. You nodded as he undid your pants, sliding them all the way off of you. He kissed your legs as he pulled the pant legs off. You spread your legs slightly. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, his tone was emotional. You thought you were going to start crying again.
He kissed your inner thighs, inching his way closer and closer to your already soaking wet slit. Pullings your lips apart, he planted a gentle kiss on your clit. You almost screamed, you wanted him so badly. He lifted his hand to feel you. “Good god, girl. I didn’t think you wanted me this bad,” he said laughing.
“More than you’ll ever know,” you replied with a breathy laugh.
His mouth pressed against your clit, he sucked at it. Your moans had gone from sweet and soft, to downright feral. He started with one finger inside of you, which made you wild. Then he put another one in, pumping in and out of you, all while still keeping his mouth in place. You grabbed at his hair, pulling at it. He moaned into you, which sent a vibration through your core.
He pulled his mouth off for a moment. “You taste so sweet,” he said before immediately going back to eating you out. He was gentle but rough enough that you were squirming underneath him.
“Arthur…I’m gonna…” you could barely get it out before the familiar wave of pleasure washed over you. You let out a deep moan, tugging at his hair harder. He looked up at your face and smiled to himself. He loved seeing you feel this way on account of him.
He pulled his mouth off of you, still on his knees. You looked him in the eyes, you didn’t speak yet he knew exactly how you felt. He stood up, you were still leaning against the large rock for support. He pressed himself against you, pulling you into a deep kiss. You could feel how hard he was. You slid your hands down his chest, feeling his muscles over his clothes, your fingers found their way to his belt working quickly to undo his pants. You needed him. Now.
Soon enough his cock was freed. It was big, long and girthy. You looked down at it, and he could see the surprise on your face. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” he said tilting your chin to look at his face, he kissed you. You stroked him, to which he replied by groaning. You loved the way his voice sounded when he was hot and bothered.
He turned you around, your bare chest pressing against the cool stone. He slid his cock between your folds, gliding it up and down a few times. You tilted your head back to rest it on his shoulder. In a swift movement, he entered you, slowly but with enough force to make you wince. “Fuck,” you muttered.
“You okay?” he asked with concern.
“Yes, just keep going,” you practically whispered.
He pushed himself all the way in, giving you a moment to adjust his size. He pulled out and pushed back in slowly. His pace wasn’t too fast, letting you soak up every moment, letting you feel everything. His arm was wrapped around your waist keeping you close to him, not a millimetre of space between you two.
He pumped in and out of you, leaving your breathless each time. Your face was pressed against the rock, if it had not been there you weren’t sure if you would have been able to keep yourself upright. You could hear him breathing harder and harder, letting a grunt slip out. “You… feel… so good,” he just barely said, so immersed in you.
His pace increased slightly, you could tell he was starting to get close. “I want you to come inside of me, Arthur. I want all of you inside of me,” you cooed. That was all it really took for him. His thrusts became erratic, they were deeper. He let out a low moan, pulling you even closer and with force.
He continued to thrust, he wanted you to finish. “C’mon baby,” he said encouragingly. Thrusting himself deeper and deeper inside of you. Just then your walls tightened around him, you felt yourself letting go completely. You moaned loudly, shutting your eyes tightly. He fucked you so good you could have sworn you were on the fucking moon.
“Arthur,” you yelled. His cock thrust inside of you, riding out your orgasm with you. He slowly decreased his pace and pulled out of you so he could turn you to face him.
Still leaning against the rock, he grabbed your face and passionately kissed you. Your foreheads pressed together, you just stood there for a moment looking into his eyes. “I swear to god, you can see through to my soul,” you spoke breathlessly. “Like you knew me in a past life.”
He kissed you again. “I think it’s always been you,” he whispered back.
The two of you composed yourself and cleaned up. Getting dressed, you noticed some of the buttons on your shirt had torn. Arthur offered you his jacket to cover them up, as to not raise any questions when you arrived back at camp.
You mounted his horse and wrapped your arms around him, even tighter this time. As he rode, you planted small kisses on the back of this neck.
Once you reached camp, you opted to hold on to the back of his saddle. You didn’t want anyone thinking anything was going on between you two.
The sun was nearly setting. You hopped down and were immediately welcomed by Dutch. “Y/N, I heard what happened. Are you okay?” he asked with a lot of concern.
“I’m okay, just had to cool down a little bit,” you replied, trying to avoid eye contact. You felt rotten inside. How could you speak to him as if Arthur didn’t just fuck you against a rock?
Arthur didn’t say much, and headed to his tent, to lie down. Dutch ushered you to his tent. You looked behind you to make eye contact with Arthur who was feeling just as rotten. Dutch was like a father to him, he felt like he had just betrayed him.
Dutch sat you down on his cot, closing the tent flap behind him. “Everyone’s first kill is their worst. I can still remember mine, to this day. I remember what I was wearing, what the weather was like. I remember how they looked as it happened. It doesn’t get easier, but it gets better, I promise,” he said, handing you a cup of brandy.
“I know, thank you,” you said looking up at him. He sat next to you on the cot, tilting your head towards him to kiss you. You pulled away. “I’m sorry, Dutch. It’s just- it’s been a long day.”
“I understand,” he said smiling at you earnestly. You could tell how much he cared about you, which made you feel even worse. “Sleep in my bed tonight?” he asked.
“Of course,” you said as you lay down. He cuddled you, planting light kisses on your neck and back, gently falling asleep.
What the fuck had you done?
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roosetheflower · 3 years
chapter 4 of wild on you will be up some time today! :)
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roosetheflower · 3 years
Wild On You - Chapter 3 (Red Dead Redemption 2)
A/N: enjoy this one, it's not too smutty but i didn't leave you guys high and dry! I've really been loving writing this one. just as an FYI my inbox is open for one shots, preferences, prompts, etc for rdr2, so please feel free to reach out! I also opened my account to receive tips, no pressure to contribute! xx
Warnings: oral (male receiving), praise, implied masturbation.
Word Count: 2.8K
Chapter 3 - keep steady
A cool breeze washed over your skin, waking you up as it touched the parts of your body left uncovered by the thin blanket that had been placed on you in an attempt to keep your modesty. Opening your eyes and seeing Dutch’s tent was confirmation that you hadn’t dreamt up all of what happened last night, that this was real. You reached out for Dutch beside you but felt nothing but an empty space. You sat up, however, you had moved too quickly and now your head was pounding. I gotta lay off the booze, you thought, placing a hand on your forehead in an attempt to soothe the pain.
Standing up, you walked over to the small mirror tucked in the corner of Dutch’s tent to examine your naked body. First, you noticed a small and very red love bite on the right side of your neck. While it was an animalistic way to show affection, you loved it. You almost wanted to wear things that purposely complemented its red and pink pigmentation. You stepped back to examine your lower half. Small reddish bruises on your ass and hips as you had suspected. Other than that, you seemed to look like yourself. The love marks on your body made you bite your lip, you wanted Dutch to fuck you like that all day, every day, for the rest of your goddamn life!
You walked over to the pile of clothes you two had accumulated on the floor last night to retrieve your undergarments and dress. Sliding your panties on, you noticed how sensitive you still were. You swiftly got dressed in case anyone had decided to waltz into the tent unexpectedly. As you fixed yourself up, the tent flap opened. You quickly turned to face the entrance, only to find Dutch standing there holding two coffees. Instantly relieved, a huge smile crept on your face.
“Good morning, good-looking.” he cooed, handing you a cup and planting a deep, passionate kiss on your lips. “I was hoping I’d find you here still naked.”
“I thought it best I’d try to act as naturally as possible, as to not raise any suspicions.” you replied laughing a bit. “Now, help me lace this up.” you said pointing to the back of your dress. Dutch approached you, sliding his hands down your exposed back, tugging at the dress all while kissing you softly on the back of your neck. “Not now, I’m supposed to meet Tilly in 20 minutes and I still have to change into my riding gear. We have to run into town for something.” you pleaded, just barely resisting his advances.
“Fine, but I need to see you as soon as you’re back.” he said, still gripping your waist from behind, planting more soft kisses down your neck.
“We’ll see.” you said cheekily smirking, as you turned around to exit the tent. You glanced back at him before ducking out, catching his awestruck expression. You wanted to show him that you were more than just his plaything.
Outside, you immediately noticed the looks the other gang members were giving you. Some were giggling, some were side-eyeing you, and some were trying not to even make eye contact with you. You ran into your tent, trying to hide from all of the speculations. You quickly switched into your brown riding pants and dark red shirt, paired with your light beige hat, black gloves, and brown boots. You messily braided your long hair to keep it out of your face. After the record time, it took you to get ready, you decided to sit in your tent for a minute or so. You were overwhelmed by the mixed reactions.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there” spoke a familiar voice.
You sighed, “Come in, Tilly.”
“You know, you can’t hide in here forever.” she said sitting down on the cot next to you. “How were things last night, by the way?”
“Like you don’t already know…the whole camp is talking about it.” you said dropping your head to your hands.
“But you enjoyed yourself?” Tilly asked smiling, poking at you.
“Of course I did. Dutch is- Dutch is wonderful. I didn’t even think I was capable of feeling that way.” The two of you laughed.
“Well,” she said rising up from the cot. “let’s get going, I don’t want us to mess up our timing for this job.” she extended a hand out to you.
You made your way to your horses, passing by a few of the men when you heard Micah whistling from behind you.
“You know, I thought we had opened a whore house in camp last night with all of those noises you were making.” he chirped.
You stopped dead in your tracks. People near you were getting quiet noticing the confrontation. Turning on your heels to face him, you let out a light chuckle. “I bet you haven’t made a woman feel any sort of way in years, maybe never. Aren’t too skilled in that department, huh?” you retorted pointing to his crotch. You held your fingers up, gestured how small he probably was.
“You little…” he started at you, fire in his eyes.
“Micah!” John yelled, trying to diffuse the situation. Lenny and Javier followed his lead to try to subdue him.
“What’s going on here?” Dutch piped up coming out from his tent after hearing the commotion.
“Don’t worry boys, I can certainly handle myself.” you said. Walking up to Micah you started him right in the eyes and then swiftly kneed him directly in the balls.
“ARGHHHHH FUCK!” Micah cried, rolling onto the ground in agony.
“Oh Micah, don’t be so dramatic. You wouldn’t want others thinking we’re running a whore house out here? Pick yourself up, shouldn’t take too long to heal, not like there’s a lot going on down there anyway.” you said, cooly walking over to mount your horse.
You turned around before leaving camp, eyeing everyone’s reaction. A lot of folks were chuckling, watching Micah roll around like a baby. You had just done what everyone has wanted to do every day, and they respected the hell out of you for actually doing it. You looked to Dutch, who was smiling at you. You winked at him and rode off with Tilly to Valentine.
“With all due respect, sir, I have no idea what you’re even talking about and frankly I am offended that you would even accuse me of such a thing.” you shouted.
“Ma’am, I know you stole my watch. It was gone the moment you stepped in here. Now give it back and I won’t call any lawmen.” the post office clerk demanded.
Hearing the commotion from outside, Arthur made his way inside after recognizing your voice. “Woah now, is everything okay here?” he asked approaching you.
“Sir, this woman has stolen my watch and is refusing to cooperate with me! I will not hesitate to call in the sheriff.” the clerk shouted.
“I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding.” Arthur stated giving you a look to stop the nonsense.
“Maybe if you looked around and actually tried to find it, you wouldn’t have to harass me so.” you hurled back.
The clerk huffed and puffed, angrily looking around for a lawman before stopping after catching a shiny silver object in the corner of his eye. On the shelf inside the post office booth, laid his watch. He picked it up, in disbelief.
“Well, well, well…” you scoffed. “Looks like someone misplaced their belongings. Now if you wouldn’t mind making sure my letters get sent post haste, kind sir.” you said condescendingly.
“I apologize ma’am. I will post those for you immediately, again I’m so sorry.” the clerk said sheepishly disappearing into the back room.
You left the post office, Arthur trailing behind you confused as ever. “What the hell was all that?” he asked you in a hushed tone.
“A distraction, Arthur, nothing more.” he said with confidence.
“A distraction? What the-” he stopped, seeing Tilly ‘round the corner of the post office, giving you a sly thumbs up. Arthur chuckled, “What are you girls up to?”
“You get all of it?” you asked Tilly.
“Sure did, and then some! Made it look like the cart driver didn’t secure his goods properly.” Tilly replied.
“Excellent.” you said high-fiving her as she handed you the bag of cash. “Come on let’s get back. You too, Arthur. I’ll explain on the way.” He just shrugged, and the three of you rode back to camp.
“You’ve got to fill me in here, darling.” Arthur demanded.
“Every Tuesday at noon a cart from Strawberry delivers packages and letters to the post office. They also deliver a lock box that contains roughly around $1000 dollars that they float in their registers.” you explained.
Tilly piped in, “I counted $1500 today, much more than we anticipated.”
“Exactly. So I figured I’d steal the clerk’s watch as to deflect his attention on to me, rather than the delivery cart outside, I never planned on actually stealing it. When I handed him my ‘letters’, I slipped it off of him, and when he went to the back room to get stamps, I put it on that shelf inside.” you continued. You were actually quite proud of yourself.
“Holy shit!” Arthur exclaimed excitedly. “Wait, but what about the cart driver?”
“Well, I've been staking it out for a few weeks and noticed that the first thing the driver does is make his way to the saloon, so he wouldn’t be a problem.” you said.
“You’re a genius, Y/N. You too Tilly. $1500? That’s not bad for such a low-scale robbery. Dutch will be pleased for sure”
“I know he will be, but keep it to yourselves for now? I want to tell Dutch myself.” you asked politely.
“Of course, it’s your score, you should do the honors.” Tilly agreed.
As the three of you rode back, Arthur couldn’t help but be amazed by you. You had only been with them for a few weeks but he was so impressed by your ambition. He watched you as you rode ahead of him. You were smart but also beautiful and he couldn’t help but notice that, especially the latter. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone since Mary. He knew something was going on between you and Dutch and felt admittedly jealous after hearing you moan Dutch’s name like that last night.
As you approached the tree line leading into the camp, Arthur paused. “Hey Y/N, since you’ve had such good luck today why don’t we practice your shooting.”
“Sure, why not.” you smiled and the two of you rode down to the riverbank.
After setting up, you started your aim. “Careful now, you have to be steady.” Arthur said, coming up behind. Instead of just adjusting your hips like last time, he pressed his whole body against your, reaching down the length of your pointed arm to steady you. You let out a shuddered breath, feeling something hard against your ass. “Just like that.” he said, adjusting your hips. You were so overwhelmed by the sensation of his touch that you nearly forgot about what you were doing. Coming back to reality, you focused on your target, hitting it dead on.
“Oh my god!” you yelled, jumping with excitement.
“Nice one!” Arthur exclaimed picking you up and spinning you around. As he placed you back down, you made direct eye contact with one another. You could feel a growing tension between the two of you. As your feet touched the ground, his hands were still around your waist, you two were just awkwardly staring at each other.
You gently wiggled away. “I should probably try another one. I need get a couple without your help, you know.” you said trying to make light of the situation.
Arthur agreed and you spent roughly an hour, shooting every target he set up for you. You were improving very quickly.
When you got back to camp, you took your time getting settled. You knew that Dutch saw you and Arthur come back, but you wanted to make him wait. After washing your face and taking out your braid, you made your way over to Dutch’s tent.
You didn’t even announce yourself, walking right in to find him sitting on his cot reading a book. He was surprised to see you so assertively enter his tent.
“It’s about time.” he said closing his book to direct his full attention to you.
You approached him and set the bag of cash on his table. “$1500 in cash, quietly taken from the post office in Valentine. No commotion, no trouble and we were in and out in no time.” You said sitting on his lap facing him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer.
He kissed you roughly, biting your lip as you pulled back. “First you put Micah in his place, you successfully pull off a $1500 robbery, and now Arthur tells me you shot all your targets today. You really are something else…” he trailed off, kissing your neck tenderly as his hand moved up and down your body, hungrily grabbing at you.
You kissed him hard, your tongue slipped into his mouth. You ground yourself against him, feeling him become more aroused by the second. He let out an impatient, low groan. He reached a hand up to squeeze your breast, causing you to moan in approval. You loved his desperate, neediness.
Grinding against him a few more times, you scooted off his lap and on your knees in front of the bed. “What are you doing?” he asked, furrowing his brows.
“Just lie back, Dutch.” you instructed. He had an inclination of what you were going to do but was still not expecting it from you. He did what he was told.
You unbuckled his belt, and slowly undid his pants, sliding them and his underwear down just enough for his already hard cock to come out. You pumped your hand up and down it a few times, which made Dutch’s breathing get heavier.
A year ago, an older cousin of yours once divulged to you her secrets to giving the best blowjob. She was a distant cousin and was more like a friend, but nevertheless, you held on to that information in case it was useful later. It was definitely coming in handy.
You licked the tip of his cock, putting your mouth around it and then gently pulling off of it. Dutch's head went back at the sensation of it. Taking in more of his length, you used your tongue to swirl around the tip of his member. You bobbed your head up and down, trying to get up to a reasonable pace.
Dutch placed a hand on the back of your head. “That’s it, that’s it. Mmmm… yes, good girl.” he cooed, running his fingers through your hair. You looked up at his face, moaning into his cock. He tugged your hair in approval.
You continued your pace, this time you tried to put see how much of him you could take, moving your lips further and further down his cock, until you reached the base. You gagged a little, pulling off for some air.
“You look so pretty, you’re doing such a good job.” he said. “Keep going, darling.”
You started again, bobbing up and down, taking in as much of him as you could. You started increasing the speed of the rhythm, which sent Dutch into a euphoric haze. Mumbling and groaning with pleasure. You could feel him bucking his hip towards you, you knew he was getting close. He growled, pulling at your hair much harder this time.
Suddenly he let out a deep moan. “Fuck, Y/N. God, you’re so fucking good.” Bucking his hips once again, he spilled himself in your mouth. You quickly swallowed his load, only letting a little bit drip out from the corner of your mouth. Dutch flopped back onto the bed in pure ecstasy.
You stood up and wiped your mouth, you drank whatever was left of the brandy in the cup Dutch had been drinking from, and walked over to kiss him roughly. As you headed to the tent flaps to leave, he called out to you. “Where are you going?” he asked. He was shocked, excited, and perplexed all at once.
“Goodnight, Dutch.” you said leaving his tent.
You lay down in your own cot tonight. You felt so powerful and in control. You loved the way Dutch made you submit to him, but sometimes you wanted to have fun too.
Undressing yourself, you also couldn’t help but think about Arthur. The way he pressed himself against you like. There was something so understated, yet sexy about him. Your fingers brushed over your clit, he was all you could think about.
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roosetheflower · 3 years
new chapter + inbox info
i don't know who follows me for what anymore, but for those who have been following Wild On You, a new chapter will be posted sometime today! also i am open for requests for any RDR2 content! i am willing to do one shots, preferences, prompts etc. so just inbox me your request and i will be sure to get to it!
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roosetheflower · 3 years
Wild On You - Chapter 2 (Red Dead Redemption 2)
A/N: Back again, and as promised I have delivered some good old fashioned smut. I was listening to Quiet, The Winter Harbor by Mazzy Star a lot while writing this, so check it out if you want to get the general mood of the chapter lol. Anyways, enjoy! xx
Dutch x Fem!Reader - NSFW
Warnings: SMUT and lots of it. First time (taking virginity), light daddy!kink, light choking, light praise!kink, and some dubcon (i.e. age gap, power imbalance, alcohol).
Word Count: 2.9k
Chapter 2 - I burn for you
The first week at Horseshoe Overlook was hard. It took the other members of the gang some time to warm to you. Tilly was the first one to offer a seat next to her by the fire one night. Beckoning you to join her, you ended up talking with her and Abigail all night. Sharing stories and laughing until your stomach hurt.
After almost two weeks you felt at ease at camp, with Tilly and Abigail doing their best to get the other members to accept you as one of their own. Of course, some members like Arthur were already fond of you. He had been teaching you to shoot a gun properly after you had expressed interest in wanting to join in on bigger robberies.
“Steady now.” Arthur said from behind you. He walked over placing his hands on your hips, angling them just to the left. His touch sent shivers down your spine. You had never been with a man before, and something about being in this camp surrounded by outlaws made you crave touch now more than ever. “There. Now take the shot.”
You focused on your target, an old, empty can of beans sitting across the narrow riverbank. Pulling the trigger, the bullet flew out just barely hitting the top of the can. “Whoo-hoo!” you shouted, laughing maniacally, dancing and flailing around. You had been out there for hours, the sun was about to set, and had finally hit your target.
“I’ve never seen someone so happy to make one single shot on a can of beans before.” Arthur said laughing and shaking his head. “We should probably get back before it gets dark.” he spoke at you, approaching your horses.
“You know, I think I want to try a moving target next time. Maybe we should go hunting or something?” you said excitedly mounting your horse.
“Next time you should try to shoot at least three cans in half the time it took you today. One thing at a time, girl.” he said as you rode off together back to camp.
At camp, the moods was high, people were drinking and getting the fire pits ready for the evening. Javier was even tuning his guitar when you two returned. You smiled, it was the first time in a while that you actually felt like you were part of something. This new chosen family, or chosen gang, was starting to feel like a new chapter for you.
As you walked back to your tent, you were greeted by Dutch. “How did it go out there today?” he asked optimistically. He followed you inside.
“Well,” you removed your riding gloves and hat. “I managed to shoot just one can in nearly two hours, I’m pretty happy but Arthur seems to be not so pleased.” you said laughing. Dutch chuckled with you.
From that first day in Valentine to now, he had always been so attentive to you. Checking in on you constantly, always inviting you to have a drink with him in his tent most nights. You usually declined his offer as to not upset the other gang members, you didn’t want people thinking you were getting special treatment in any way. But a part of you wanted to accept his offer, to find out what his intentions really were, pure or impure.
“When you’ve settled, come sit next to me by the fire tonight?” he pleaded. “We’ll have to celebrate your success. I’m proud of you.” Your stomach did backflips when he said those last four words. Being praised by Dutch was not something you expected to turn you on, but you could feel yourself getting wet at the thought of him saying those words in a different context.
“Of course.” you said. He tipped his hat to you and left you to peel the sweaty clothes off your body. It was hot outside tonight so you decided to wear something light. Picking through your stuff you landed on your white linen dress your mother had bought for you so many years ago. You used to wear it to sleep on summer nights. You hugged it close to your body, eyes welling up at the thought of what life used to be. Slipping the dress on, you noticed it was a bit sheer but figured that because it was nighttime that it shouldn’t be too obvious. You laced it up in the back tightly to accentuate your figure. It looked like you were wearing undergarments, but many of the women were doing the same thing, even men were stripping down a bit.
When you exited your tent you could feel eyes on you. It was the first time you had shown a bit of skin. You saw Dutch look you up and down from across the camp, taking a swig from his beer bottle before standing up as you approached him. “You look lovely, darling.” he said kissing your hand. Your stomach was doing an entire gymnastics routine now. Sitting close to him, he handed you a beer and Javier played songs while everyone sang along.
At some point in the night (you don’t really remember why or when after drinking that much) you wandered away from the fire and Dutch, to find Tilly looking up at the stars near the edge of camp. “Tilly!” you ran towards her, drunkenly crashing into her.
“I’m surprised Dutch let you slip away from him.” she said, laughing as she caught you.
“Why does everyone think Dutch is obsessed with me?” you asked. “You know, Abigail said something to me that was similar. She said, sh- she…” you mind wandered. “I don’t remember what she said but it was similar!” you said, tipsy in your speech. You weren’t drunk enough to not be able to understand what was going on but buzzed enough that you had lost any sort of social filter.
Tilly just laughed at you, shaking her head. “What do you think of him? I mean, do you like him like that?” she prodded.
“I don’t know, I mean he’s always been so nice to me, and he’s definitely not ugly…” you said smiling at the thought of him.
“Well maybe you should find out how you feel. Maybe slip into his tent later for that ‘drink’ he’s always asking you about” she suggested, raising her eyebrows deviously.
“Tilly! You’re so bad!” you said giggling, pushing her gently. “I mean, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”
“Exactly! Now use that liquid courage and go seduce that man!” she said directing you towards his tent.
The fire had died down and most of the gang had turned in for the night. Lenny, Javier, and Sean were the only ones left, drunkenly slurring and singing what sounded to be gibberish.
Approaching the flaps of Dutch’s tent, you took a deep breath. If tonight went down like you were hoping it would, Dutch would be the first man to touch you like that. You had goosebumps at the thought of his rough hands doing dirty things to you. “Dutch?” you called out to him through the tent.
He swung open one of the flaps. “Y/N, what can I do for you?” There was a bit of surprise in his tone, he was definitely not expecting you to be here but he wasn’t mad about it.
“I came for that drink you’re always offering me.” you said attempting to be flirty. He motioned you inside.
“I have some brandy, will that do?”
“Perfect.” you responded, sitting on his cot as he handed you a cup. You could feel your heat tingling between your legs from the drink and Dutch.
He looked at you with lust filling his eyes, your heart fluttered. “I’m glad you’re here. Not just because you’re in my tent right now, but because I see so much potential in you.” he said, sitting next to you and caressing your thigh with his left hand. He gently placed another hand under your chin to turn your head to him. “I mean it, you’re special.”
“Thank you, Dutch.” you practically whispered. Just then he softly crashed his lips against yours, you could you the tenseness in your body melting away. You kissed him back, following his lead. He pulled back, a small smirk appearing on his lips. “I want you so badly.” you spoke lowly to him, craving his body against yours.
He took that as an invitation to place your cups on the table so he could use both of his hands to push flat onto the cot, straddling your body. He kissed you harder this time, his apprehensions gone in the wind, he was more serious now than ever. He was desperate for you. His tongue battled for dominance in your mouth, as his left hand found its way to your right breast, thumbing your already hard nipple through the linen dress. He kissed down your neck moaning into your skin. You let out a whimper. “You’re such a little tease for wearing this dress tonight. It’s practically see-through, you know? I could see all the men looking at your body tonight.” he growled. This was a side of Dutch you hadn’t seen before, he was so possessive of you.
“But I’m not in any of their tents tonight, am I?” you retorted. He bit down on your neck, surely to leave a mark on you. He wanted everyone to know that you belonged to him. You cried in ecstasy. “Dutch,” you gasped. “Dutch wait.”
“You okay, sweetheart?” he said cupping your face, dragging his thumb across your bottom lip.
“You’re my first.” you whispered. You looked up at him with doe eyes, placing your hand on his chest gently.
His face went from worry back to lust instantly. Smiling he spoke, “Tell me you need me.”
“I need you Dutch. I burn for you.” you said writhing underneath him, bucking your heat against the growing member in his pants. With that, he began sliding your dress off of your body as quickly as he could, throwing it to the ground. He leaned back to take in the view of your naked body. He started unbuttoning his shirt, and then his pants.
Crashing against your body, he worked his mouth down to your breasts, taking your nipples in his mouth, biting gently. You let out a hushed moan. He kissed his way down your stomach, to the edge of your panties. Making eye contact with him, you nodded and he gently slid them down your legs, tossing them into the growing pile of clothes on the floor.
With his head between your legs, he kissed your inner thigh which caused you to moan again. He chuckled at how sensitive you were to his touch. “If that’s making you lose your mind, I can’t wait to hear what sounds you make when we really get started.” You bit your lip, a bit embarrassed. “I’m just teasing you, darling.” he said, which was comforting. He started back at your heat, gently spreading open your lips and thumbing your clit. You squirmed at the feeling. You had touched yourself plenty of times, but this was so different. The tension alone was enough to send you over the edge. “So wet already? You’re such a naughty little girl, aren’t you?”
“Oh Dutch…please. I need you.” you cried as he teased you, still gently making circles around your clit with his thumb. He flicked his tongue gently against your slick, coming back up to the clit to suck it. You let out a boisterous moan. You didn’t care if the whole camp could hear you, you needed him to fuck you.
He continued to suck, lick, and absolutely ravage your pussy, only coming up for air so he could get a look at the agony building on your face. “Does that feel good, baby girl?” he asked with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Hmmm… yes!” was all you could manage as he continued to eat you out. You could feel your stomach tightening, as you started grinding against his face. His facial hair made the sensation even more arousing. “Dutch…I- I’m gonna come…” you tried to get out before the wave of pleasure hit you. Your whole body convulsed. Dutch grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers together as you came, helping you to ride out the orgasm.
Dutch finally took his mouth off of you, in awe of your reaction to him. “Goddamn…” he said in a breathy voice. You laughed, as he pulled you up towards him so that you were straddling his lap. His hands moved up and down your back as she planted aggressive kisses on your neck and collarbones. Your foreheads touched, looking into your eyes he said “Are you ready for me, princess?” You could feel his cock, hard as ever, underneath you. You nodded, kissing him passionately.
You slide off of him and he wasted no time sliding his underwear off. His cock sprung out, giving it a few pumps with his hand. He crawled back onto the cot, with you lying underneath him again. “I promise we can make things more interesting next time, sweetheart. But your first time should be done carefully.” he said brushing your hair from your face.
“I appreciate it, Dutch, I really do.” you said, pulling him into a kiss. “I’m ready.”
Angling his hips to yours, he lined up his cock with your entrance. “I’ll go slowly, and you can tell me to stop at any point.” With that warning, he pushed the tip in. There was a sharp pain and you winced a bit, but soon you adjusted to his size. He was much bigger than you had thought. Average length, but girthy as hell. He pushed in further, once again allowing you the time to adjust to him. Soon he was basically all the way in, and it felt unbelievable. In one swift motion, he pulled out of you, thrusting back in quicker this time. The feeling caught you off guard, you almost screamed from the feeling. “Are you okay?” he asked.
“Mmm yes… God, you feel so good Dutch.” you groaned. He started up again, working up to a steady and reasonable pace, that left you breathless with each thrust. Dutch grabbed at your ass and hips hard as he increased the pace slightly. You were making noises so full of raw lust that he was going absolutely crazy for you. “Mmm-fuck…” you cried. “Da-da-” you stopped yourself, you weren’t sure how he would react to you calling him daddy, but he had already caught on and was loving it.
“Oh, you better say it baby girl! I wanna hear you say it.” Dutch boomed.
You gave in immediately, mostly because as he spoke he was hitting that spot deep inside that made you feel dizzy with pleasure. “Daddy!” you practically screamed.
“Goddamn girl!” Dutch hollered, slamming his cock in and out of you. He could feel your walls tightening around him, so he kept up his pace, placing his hand around your throat. He squeezed hard enough for you to feel the pressure of it, but not too hard so that you could breathe just fine. “I want you to come for me, darling. I want you to come all over my cock.”
You bucked your hips against him, and wrapped your legs around his hips, moving your bodies in unison. Your tits were bouncing, your bodies were coated in sweat, and all that could be heard were your exacerbated moans and the sound of flesh slamming against flesh.
“I’m so close, Dutch.” you said in a breathy voice. He buried his face into your neck moaning and groaning with you, as he continued to pound himself into you. Suddenly that wave of pleasure started again, feeling it burning in your stomach. As it washed over you, all you could manage to say was “Fuck…mmm daddy…”
The pleasure was like nothing you had ever felt before. It was intense, but sweet, and Dutch made all the better. You let out your last deep, orgasmic moans. He kissed you passionately as you came.
You noticed Dutch was getting close too. His thrusts became less consistent as threw his head back and groaned deeply. “Fuck…Oh my god, Y/N!” he yelled, spilling himself inside of you. He gave a couple more thrusts before pulling out and rolling over next to you.
You stayed there together for a moment, pulling you into his arms, kissing you wherever he could. Just a mess of limbs. After a while, Dutch sat up in search of a rag to clean you up. Upon finding one in the corner of the tent, he turned around to face you, stopping before he could reach the cot. Your legs were spread, chest still heaving. “What?” he asked as he continued to stare.
“I just love the way you look, with my cum dripping out of you like that. I wish I could take a goddamn photograph of it.” he laughed and so did you. He wiped you up gently. Your cunt was still so sensitive from him fucking you senseless. He laid next to you, kissing your shoulder, and pulling you into an embrace.
You didn’t move much from that position, as you two whispered sweet nothings to each other all night long. Laying there naked, with a man almost twice your age who you had only known for a few weeks seemed crazy, but it felt so right.
“I’ve wanted you for so long, since the moment I saw you in Valentine. And you’re so fucking perfect.” he whispered to you sleepily.
“I needed you so badly. Thank you, Dutch.” you whispered back, falling asleep in his arms.
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roosetheflower · 3 years
Wild On You - Chapter 1 (Red Dead Redemption 2)
A/N: I'm back and revamping. I've been playing this game non-stop and have been majorly crushing on a few of the characters. I figured this would be the best way to channel that energy. I promise smut in the next chapter, but I had to set it up!! Let me know what you think!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1211
Summary: After your family is murdered, you have to find a way to make ends meet. You end up running into the van der Linde gang after an awkward introduction. Fem!Reader.
Chapter 1 - fresh start
When you first joined the Van Der Linde gang you were just 20 years old. The O’Driscoll’s had burnt down your family homestead which included a large farm. They had also burnt your whole family with it.
You had been restless that night and decided to get some air. Before you knew it, your only home had burned to the ground. By the time you got back to the house, it was too late. The O’Driscoll’s were gone and so was your family.
Before you left, you took anything with you that you could salvage. Clothes, weapons of any sort, jewelry to sell. Out old dresses, you fashioned pants and practical blouses. You repaired old leather boots and cleaned up a sawed-off shotgun your father kept outback (even though you had no idea how to actually fire it). You brushed your fingers against the flowers carved into the wood.
"They're lilies." Your father told you as he cleaned the sturdy-looking weapon. "Sometimes the most delicate things are the most dangerous."
Invigorated by the memories of your past, you decided you would make your way to the nearby town of Valentine. It seemed like a good place to attempt to restart, become someone else, and one day avenge your family's death.
You soon discovered upon arrival that Valentine was tougher than you'd anticipated. You checked into the hotel and immediately took a bath, scrubbing away the sweat, dirt, and ash that coated your skin. After feeling fresh, you hatched a plan: by whatever means possible, kill Colm O'Driscoll.
After a couple of weeks, you had established yourself in Valentine. During the day you would come up with ways to seek vengeance. You figured that you would benefit from having some extra muscle when the time came to enact your plan, and you know it wouldn’t be free. So at night, you began going down to the saloon, pickpocketing drunk patrons for whatever you could find. Anything from nickels to jewels went into your stockpile. You started small, but gained confidence and began trying to steal more ambitious items. You learned quickly what it meant to be a thief, as you relied on what you managed to stake to keep yourself financially afloat.
On a particularly busy night, you headed to the saloon early to prepare yourself for the evening. You were so close to your goal in order to purchase the mercenaries you needed. If you wanted to be successful tonight you had to go big or go home. Patrons started to flood in as soon as the sun went down, but something was different about tonight. You began noticing people walk in who you had never seen before. Now, usually, that wouldn’t raise alarm bells but all of those strangers seemed to know each other, to be friendly with one another. You kept your guard up extra.
After collecting nearly $30, two cigars, and a platinum ring, you knew that your next score would have to be major. Scanning around the room you spotted a man sitting at a table in the corner. He had dark slicked-back hair, dark eyes, and wore dark clothing apart from a shiny gold pocket watch with a long gold chain, and a large red gemstone at the center of it. Bingo, you thought.
You kept your distance until the right moment. You moved closer eventually, eavesdropping on one of their conversations. They were talking about the O’Driscolls in a…negative way. Common enemy, you thought. As a drunk patron passed the table you began marching directly toward them, making sure to bump into the passer-by, falling to the ground. Once on the floor, you made quick to snatch the watch off of the man’s body before dusting yourself off and leaving the saloon.
Making your way to your horse you smiled down at what you had managed to steal. It felt so good knowing your hard work had paid off.
“I wouldn’t go much further if I were you.” A deep voice said behind you.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard the sound of a gun clicking. You turned slowly to face the man. He was tall, strong-looking, and was fairer in his hair colour and eyes. He approached you slowly, gun unholstered.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir, but I’d best be getting on my way.” You said trying to play it cool.
“I saw you snatch the pocket watch, missy.” he said pointing to your satchel. “Hand it over and we can forget this happened.”
Just as you were about to respond, three men exited the saloon, one of them being the dark haired man whose pocket watch was the topic of conversation.
“I see you’ve found her.” the raven-headed one boomed.
Knowing you were outnumbered, you tried to figure out the best outcome. You would have to use your bargaining skills to get out of this one.
“Gentlemen! Gentlemen!” you said raising your hands and gesturing towards them. “No need to escalate! I have something of yours and you have something I need.” you prayed you’d chosen your words correctly.
“Go on.” the dark-haired one spoke.
“You want your watch back, and I… I want to kill Colm O’Driscoll… a mutual enemy of ours, I believe.” you prepared for the performance of a lifetime, trying not to appear scared shitless. “I’ll give you your stuff back and then some if you help me take that man down. I can cook, clean, mend, and I can certainly rob. Please… I- I only want to avenge my family.”
The men exchanged looks with one another before the owner of the pocket watch stepped forward, chuckling slightly. As he approached you, you noticed how handsome he was, for an older man. Magnetic in his energy, you were drawn to him in some strange way.
He reached out his hand for the watch, which you placed in his hand. “What’s your name?” he asked you, his eyes piercing your soul.
“Y/N.” you said shyly, trying not to prolong your eye contact. You felt your stomach swirl around him.
“Well, Y/N, I’m Dutch. Dutch van der Linde and this is Arthur Morgan, John Martson, and Sean Maguire.” the men tipped their hats to you. Mr. Morgan, you thought to yourself, singling out the man who had initially threatened you. “I’m always willing to help an enemy of the O’Driscolls.” he said grinning.
“Arthur!” Dutch quipped. “Take Y/N back to camp, we’ll meet you there later. I have some things to wrap up.” Arthur nodded and motioned you and your horse towards him.
After a quick and silent ride, you arrived at Horseshoe Overlook. Arthur led you to an empty tent, as other members of the gang stared at you.
“Don’t worry about them, Dutch will explain.” he said reassuringly. “I’ll get Miss Grimshaw to bring you some fresh clothes if you want. Do you need anything?”
“No, thanks but thank you Arthur.” you said smiling coyly. Arthur’s presence was calming and his hardened exterior did not match the softer interior you were getting hints at. He left you to get settled for the night.
Stripping down to your undergarments, you slid into the comfortable cot. I hope I’ve made the right choice, you thought as you dozed off for the night.
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roosetheflower · 3 years
resurrecting the old blog??
would anybody be interested in a red dead redemption 2 fic/ one shot/preferences?? comment or inbox me!!
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roosetheflower · 5 years
Thank you for the answer ! I'd be down for something sweet with the same lads from GoT. Maybe with kids? Or maybe "How they react when you give them something they like", something like that? 🤔
yes i’d love to do something like that, maybe a “how they react to you being pregnant”? stay tuned!!
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roosetheflower · 5 years
I just love your preferences, they give me life and I find them accurate. Especially the GoT. And because you mostly write about my daddies, I'd like to see you write more got preferences. But before suggest something that could be a big no or something, could you please give us a list of the big "no"s (like nsfw, angst, etc). Kisses ! 😙😙😙
thank you!! i really appreciate that. i’m pretty much down to write anything i guess the only stuff i would turn away immediately would be any kind of sexual violence from the characters (rape fantasies, etc.), or just violence in general. otherwise, i’m good to write anything from kinky to sweet!! hope this helps.
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roosetheflower · 5 years
Hey!! I originally followed because I loved the way you wrote Sandor, but I would also adore more Loki fics with all the Endgame hype rn. Hope you are well!
aw thank you! i really want to write more loki stuff soon, i just haven’t seen endgame yet (i’m seeing it on wednesday), so i feel like i once i’ve watched it i’ll be in the mood to write TONS for loki!! i’ll get something started tho, now that i know what you’re looking to see.
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roosetheflower · 5 years
i’m feeling like this blog is dead and idk who is following me for what, like ughhhh idk what to write about. please help me by inboxing me any requests you have, because i don’t want to quit this, i love it too much!!
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roosetheflower · 5 years
what do you want to see from this blog? please inbox me suggestions! i’m open to anything nsfw or fluff! GOT, Marvel, or Harry Potter!!
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roosetheflower · 5 years
How They React to Seeing You Naked For The First Time - GOT Preference #13 (NSFW)
A/N: i’ve BEEN sleeping on beric and thoros wtf anyways yeah shoutout to the blog @underratedcharactersimagines for inspiring me to get more creative because their imagines/preferences are really well done !!!
Roose Bolton-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he would try to play it off like it was not a big deal. Really, he would be in awe of your body, watching you move closer to him, made him weak. As soon as you were close enough to him, he would have to touch as much of you as he could, cupping your breasts, and sliding his fingers in your already wet cunt. You were able to see a vulnerable side to him, as he was lost in your beauty, showing that you meant a great deal to him.
Petyr Baelish-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he wouldn't be able to stop smirking, beckoning you closer to him. He would lay you down underneath him, giving him the best vantage point for your body. He would kiss his way down to your thighs, marveling at your natural beauty. Making brief eye contact with you, he would begin to sensually start pleasuring you orally, getting a good grip on your thighs, feeling you squirm beneath him.
Jorah Mormont-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he wouldn’t be able to look away from you, almost in disbelief of what was transpiring. Sitting at the edge of the bed, with you in front of him, he would ask to touch you, softly stroking your breasts and nipples. Restlessly, he would pull you onto him, allowing him to run his hands up and down your body, giving you goosebumps. You would look passionately into each other's eyes, as he began to explore your body.
Euron Greyjoy- 
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he would be overly excited, complimenting you every which way he could. He would get up to walk around you, admiring you from every angle. He would then pull you onto his lap, wanting to be as close to you as possible, loving the way your naked body felt against his. He would bury his face in your chest, kissing, licking and sucking your breasts to no end. 
Sandor Clegane-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, you would be laying on your stomach with your back exposed. He would lean down to kiss you on your all down your back, with urgency and complete desire. Not only was he completely in shock of your naked body in front of him, but he couldn’t get enough of you especially the way your ass looked. You straddled him allowing him to be able to fully grip your ass, making him happier than ever.
Tywin Lannister-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he would obviously be very pleased, wanting to have you then and there. However, he patiently called you closer to him, laying you on your back while he lay beside you, stroking and fingering your clit, making you fully submissive to him. He would love feeling your cunt but would relish in the faces you would make as he pleasured you, as recognition that you were his.
Beric Dondarrion-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he would be extremely happy and somewhat emotional. He would touch and treat as if the Lord of Light had sent you to him, taking in your beauty slowly and sensually touching every part of you. He would start by sucking and kissing your neck and collarbone, while his hand worked its way from your breasts down to your wet cunt. He would chuckle when he felt how wet you were, proud of the effect he had on you.
Thoros of Myr-
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When seeing you naked for the first time, he was totally amazed by you and how you moved. He would sit while you stood before him, holding your hands just looking at you and smiling. He would then pull you to straddle him, while he ran his hands all over you, focusing on your lower back and ass, loving the way your curves felt. As you leaned forward to kiss him passionately, he would have a firm grip on your ass, squeezing it, making you giggle.
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