chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Sorry guys! Admin Milly online!
Sorry. I don't know where the main admin hasn't been on. But feel free to ask question and please send in apps!! -Admin Milly
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
The player decided to switch characters.
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Hello beauties
I would love to see some auditions and questions! -Admin Milly
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Giving you guys an advance warning. June 4-7 I am going to be at Girls Camp, so obviously I won't have internet. Just so you guys know :)
Thank you for letting us know! Have fun at camp.
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Unfollow due inactivity:
Sam Evans
Adam Crawford
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Ryder Lynn Accepted
Welcome Elav. Thank you so much for the audition! Make your account, and send it in within twenty four hours. Remember that the URL should start with “chattingwith”!
Name/alias: Elav
Age (16+): 16
Timezone: GMT -5
Activity level: 7/10 I go to school everyday and that stuff we all do, I guess. Other than that, I do absolutely nothing.
Ships: Ryley 4eva, Kyder, Ryder/Marissa, Ryder/Chemistry
Anti ships: Rynique? Is that even a ship? And Ryder/dudes
Previous roleplaying accounts: RFP
Anything else: For the Longest time
IC Information:
Desired character: Ryder Lynn
Any changes you’d like to make to the bio?: No, my darling. It is perfect.
Writing sample: RFP
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Admin Jenny is back!
Sorry about my inactivity, I told in OOC chat what was my problem. But the important thing is that I'm back.
Tumblr media
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Tumblr media
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Hello lovlies
Admin Rachel online! Love to see some apps! If you have any questions ask Chattingwithfunnygirl directly due to technical problems!
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
What do the Role Players do now that the season is over?
They continue roleplaying. Doesn’t matter if the season is over. Again, This RP is canon up until “Feud“ 
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Serious question the rp isn't gonna disband because glee is now over is it?
No. And glee is not over.
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
Your follow list is alllllllllll messed up :x
Are you sure? check here.
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chatting--gleeks · 11 years
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