cheapbodyshots · 1 year
A Courting Process: III
“You might feel better if you just do it”
He shoots you a glare before gagging again and facing the bush. You thought helping Bakugou would be a good way to give yourself a little distance to cool off after talking to Midoriya so…intimately…. But now you just felt bad for him, hunched over the shrubbery trying to keep it together.
“Really, throwing up might help. Why’d you even drink this much? You could have had something else…Don’t you know your limits?” “...Never done it”
“Never done what? Beer pong?” “Alcohol”
Now you feel like an asshole. You slowly approach to guide him away from the bush and sit him down on the front lawn before offering him the water bottle. He takes a few sips before leaning back on his elbows to stare up at you-clearly the alcohol is starting to hit him really hard.
“I think you might be done for the night. Maybe you should ask Midoriya to take you home?”
“‘M not askin’ shit”, a pause, like he’s gonna say something more, before flopping all the way back onto the grass and shutting his eyes. You wait a second before deciding to plop down next to him. 
“You’re new to town right? Staying with your cousin, right?” 
You watch as his face scrunches into a scowl before he gives you a short nod. 
“Well…what do you do for work then?”
He pops one eye open to give you a side eye with a scowl.
“What? I’m not very good at small talk, and you could help me out here!”
He tries to ignore you, so you try to poke his cheek and force him to pay attention to you. The moment you make contact, he grabs your wrist and pulls you so you fall across his chest.
“--Excuse me??”
“Don’t talk, ’s loud”
“Me??? I’m loud??”
He gives your arm another tug before using his other hand to push your head into his chest (to quiet down your supposedly loud mouth, or perhaps to smother you, we’ll never know). You struggle a bit, but those muscles are not just for show, and he holds you down easily, wrapping both arms around your torso. You protest a bit more before just sitting still and waiting for him to release you.
The alcohol must really be messing with him as he begins to stroke your hair for a few minutes before ultimately stilling as his breathing evens out. Wait a goddamn minute-did he just–is he–no fucking way. 
He fell asleep. Or, maybe passed out is the more accurate way to put it. But still, he could have at least released you first before deciding to take a nap on the front lawn.
You try to wiggle out of his grasp, but even in a dead drunken sleep, he’s still too strong to move off of you. Fate has left you lying ass up and facedown on this man’s chest with no exit-granted, this could be worse, you think. His pecs are quite comfy, and when else do you have the opportunity to be nestled within a nice pair like this? Enjoy it while it lasts, I suppose; you muse to yourself.
It’s in this position Kirishima finds you about 20 min later after coming out to make sure his friend is ok.
Once he’s finished laughing, he snaps a photo of you two before helping you pry his arms off you (even with two people it's not easy-the man has strong grappling instincts apparently). Once you're free, Kirishima picks up his friend and drags him over his shoulders to carry him inside. You follow, slightly worried, as he brings him upstairs and promptly deposits him on a bed with little delicacy. Bakugou barely stirs, rolling onto his side before beginning to snore. 
“He’ll be alright, right?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Pissed as hell in the morning,” he chuckles, “but fine. You alright?” You laugh a bit, “Yeah I’m fine. The surprise cuddle session wasn’t too bad!”
You both share a giggle before making your way back downstairs, where the party has mellowed out. Your new green haired friend keeps sneaking glances at you as you chat with the others in the kitchen again into the wee hours of the morning, until there’s only a few stragglers left. Denki sobs and clings to your legs when you start to prepare to leave sometime around 3am. After some help from Mina, who gives you an apology for Denki being a “sloppy drunk”, you manage to escape to the front lawn before waving off Midoriya and the others as you find your keys and drive home to sleep. The alcohol (and your social battery) has worn off, and it’s time to rest, although you have already promised to meet up with them on the beach when they come again to surf on Friday again. 
What a night.
When you arrive at the beach next Friday, Denki and Kirishima are already there, along with Midoriya, Bakugou, lounging on the beach, clearly relaxing after already being out in the water. Naturally, Denki spots you first.
“HEY BABY!!! I’m so glad you made it!! I missed you so m-” Kirishima knocks him on the back of his head with a disappointed face.
You laugh and give a wave as you approach the group. They return a chorus of hellos when you get close, with the exception of Bakugou’s grunt of acknowledgement. As you chat with Kirishima and try not to meet Bakugou’s ever-present burning stare (Seriously, you were starting to wonder if something was wrong with him, or it’s just your face) you notice it. 
Not only can Midoriya not meet your eyes, he appears to be giving you a 6 foot radius at all times. However, as you settle in, Denki and Kirishima drag Bakugou off for his “surf lessons”, you can feel him tense behind you, despite your confusion.
“How are you doing Izuku?”
He gives you a nervous smile, followed by incoherent mumbling, as he looks to the ground and folds his hands together.
…More confusion
“It's alright that I call you that right? You said it was ok at the party…is it?”
His gaze shoots up to meet yours,“YES! Yes! It’s totally fine! Actually better…” and continues his ramblings, avoiding your eyes and scratching his head.
“Is everything ok? You seem uncomfortable…Did I do something?”
“No! Not At All! I just…” He takes a few seconds, stewing on his thoughts, as his face becomes completely flushed, all the way up to his ears.
“I’M REALLY SORRY!” He bows at the waste and starts again, at a normal volume this time.
 “I’m really sorry about the party, I think I was way too forward with you, and if you don’t already hate me, I would really really  like to take you out on a date”
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cheapbodyshots · 2 years
A Courting Process: Chapter II
Apparently, things could get very bad.
After Kirishima’s quick explanation of the rules, the game very quickly deteriorates into a life or death level of seriousness with the vibes drifting between Bakugou and Midoriya. It doesn’t help that Denki’s aggressive flirting seems to add fuel to the fire, although your belligerent rejection seems to amuse the crowd surrounding the table.
Midoriya seems to have been blessed with good hand-eye coordination as he sinks practically every shot he throws. You, on the other hand, are having issues keeping the ball on the table. 
“Thanks for carrying my dead weight Midoriya!” You laugh at him, as your shot bounces off a cup and his drops neatly into the one next to it.
“You can call me Izuku!” He gives you a grin emboldened by a bit of alcohol, and leans down to speak a bit quieter.
“It would be rude of me to miss since you believed we would win!”
You throw your head back and laugh at his remark as Denki scrambles after your wayward pong pong ball. Across the table, your opponents seemed to have formed a shaky alliance. Despite the language barrier, Denki’s endless chatter and shit talking seems to make up for Bakugou’s lack of words. Denki makes his shot and Midoriya takes the penalty drink as Bakugou approaches the table.  It’s hard not to watch his intense focus as he lines up his shot…just to completely miss the table. You manage to catch his ball with surprisingly quick reflexes and jump up to wave the ball successfully in the air. “HA! Free ball you sucker! You’ll all be sorry now-” You stop your tirade and clap a hand over your laughing mouth once you see Bakugou trying to reign in his emotions while glaring at you from across the table. “PFFFFT-” You can’t help the sound that comes out of you, and it only seems to piss him off even more. 
As you prepare to take your return shot, you can see Denki whisper something to Bakugou, before they’re both grinning at each other with equal fervor. Both men quickly rip off their shirts and stand at the very edge of the table, forcing themselves into your shot backdrop. You quickly avert your gaze, but not before getting an eyeful of well toned Denki, and Bakugou’s washboard abs.
“Come on babe! You’ve got a free shot to make! Can’t you hurry it up, sweetheart?” Denki calls mischievously
“Seriously?” “What babe? We just got a little warm over here, nothing wrong with that. Don’t tell me you don’t like~ it!”
You finally manage to bring your eyes down to glare at Denki, before getting trapped in Bakugou’s magnetic gaze. You gape as he brings hands behind his head and flexes at you with a sneer. JESUS CHRIST what are they feeding this man to make him so sexually charged? That look he’s giving you sends a shot of heat straight into your panties, and by the look on his face, he knows it too.
“Don’t tell me we’re distracting you, darling?!” Denki gives out a mocking gasp, bringing his hand to his cheek and giving you his best horrified look; “You vulgar woman!” 
You facepalm and shoot your partner a pleading look, but there's not much he can do about the theatrics happening on the other side of the table. He gives them a quick look of amused disbelief before moving behind you. You begin to line up your shot but are visibly shaken by Bakugou’s potent stare. It’s then when your face shifts from a scowl to surprise as you feel Midoriya slide up behind you, one hand on your hip, and the other one sliding up your arm to help you with the shot.
“Foul! That’s gotta be a foul!” Denki cries
Kirishima ponders it for a second from his spot on a lounger to the left of the table. “I’ll allow it!” He calls decisively before going back to his drink and conversation with Mina.
Denki begins to protest, but all you can focus on is Midoriya as he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Just focus on the cups ok? You don’t have to use your whole arm-” He draws in a breath before continuing, “-Just flick your wrist. I’ll do the rest. Ready?” 
You nod, and he gently guides your arm back the slightest bit before pushing it forward, and true to his word, with a slight flick of your wrist, the ball flies into the farthest cup with a ‘sploosh’. 
You two manage to dominate the game after that round, which majorly pisses off Bakugou. Especially when Midoriya lifts you up onto one shoulder (this man is buff as hell, like what the FUCK) to take a victory lap around the table as the surrounding spectators cheer. Denki is wallowing in self pity while finishing his last cup, and you would have teased him more, but unfortunately fate had other plans. Mina and Kirishima managed to absolutely destroy your team in the winner’s match up. It was so bad that you couldn’t even look Denki in the eyes during the whole game. Once the final shot had been made (they finished the last two cups in one turn), you gave MIdoriya a remorseful smile, clinked your cup against his and you both threw back the drinks. Once you made eye contact again, you burst out laughing. At this point, the alcohol was definitely starting to have an effect on you. 
“Wanna go take a break inside? I think I could drink something other than alcohol” 
Your invite seems to surprise Midoriya, and he nods before following you close behind as you cut a path through the crowd. Once you make it into the kitchen, you grab a water bottle before hopping up to sit on the kitchen counter. It’s a bit quieter now, since most of the alcohol has migrated into other areas of the house. Midoriya leans on the table opposite of you, picking up a bottle and downing half of it. Something about the way his muscles shift holds your attention-especially with the way his shirt clings to his chest. You can’t help but stare as a bit of sweat runs down the side of his neck, following that up-oh shit, eye contact. You quickly look to the right, like you weren’t just ogling him, and take another sip from your bottle.
“You know…” He gets up only to lean on the counter right next to you, forcing himself into your line of sight, “If you think I’m attractive, you could have just said so” You splutter out a loud laugh.
“And what gave you that idea?”
“You’ve had your eyes glued to me ever since we left the beer pong table” He meets your eyes when he says this, and takes a sip from one of the cups on the counter. You can’t deny it, so you hold his gaze and look down your nose at him. 
“So,” He continues, “I just wanted to make it clear that being attracted to me is nothing to be embarrassed about”
“Oh really? You little-” you let out a huff, before continuing haughtily, “What happened to my sweet little beer pong partner?!”
“Your sweet little partner realized…” He leans in to speak directly into your ear, his hand moving to lean on the counter on the other side of your legs.
“...He realized that some of his attraction was reciprocated”
“.... Well, aren't you cocky?”
He laughs before moving to be directly in front of you, hands resting on the countertop on either side of your legs.
“Yeah? And are you like this normally, or is the alcohol speaking now?” He chuckles, “The alcohol certainly helps. But a beautiful woman not denying her attraction to me is a much bigger confidence boost” He shoots you his sweetest smile, and that’s when it hits you. Izuku Midoriya is fucking dangerous. 
With your knees brushing his sides, and his hands loosely caging you in, you chat away, drinking and laughing. As the night goes on, he gets a little bit bolder, gently brushing your hair back when you laugh, resting another hand on your hip when he’s explaining something. He also somehow wedges himself between your legs at some point as well. Although your conversation is relatively innocent (albeit, flirty as hell) he manages to slowly sneak into this cozy position, which is exactly when the rest of the group finds you an hour or so later.
“Hey! We were looking for you guys!” Kirishima smiles bashfully.
You’re a bit embarrassed when you gently push Midoriya away so you can hop off the countertop. It’s hard not to be a little red, especially with the look Denki is giving you, wiggling his eyebrows and presumably making kissy noises.
“Well, we’ve been here the whole time. So who won your match?”
“Well,” Denki sniffs indignantly, “We would have won if I didn’t have to drag Bakugou’s dead weight around! This dude didn’t make a single cup!” He points an accusatory finger at Bakugou, as Mina and Kirishima laugh.
You are laughing too, until you get a glimpse of Bakugou’s face. He looks pissed off of course, but he also looks like he’s gonna yack all over the floor. Must be the beer hitting him all at once. You go up and put a hand on his forearm to get his attention.
“Hey, you’re not looking too good. You wanna get some air?” “...’M fine”
“Really? Because you look like shit. Anyways, I could use some air and I could use some company, so let’s go”
You give everyone a wave as you grab an extra water bottle and drag him by his wrist out the side door and onto the front lawn. You know you’re being a bit rude, but he really does look awful, and you’re sure some air and light talking will help him sober up.
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cheapbodyshots · 2 years
A Courting Process
Moving to a small costal town was the best decision you've ever made. However, once you get caught up with something you thought was an old wive's tale, two men seem determined to claim you as their own. Mermaid!Bakugou and Mermaid!Midoriya
Hi! this is my first time writing for MHA, and my first time posting fics on tumblr. Id you have any recommendations for me (formatting, style, etc) please let me know! I also post on AO3. Hope you enjoy! ❤️❤️
Chapter 1
Sitting down in the hot sand you sighed to yourself. Moving from your landlocked hometown to the outskirts of a small beachtown for your first major job was probably the best decision you had ever made. The job was boring, but it pays great (more money than you ever thought you could make!) and the added bonus of working from home sold you on the job. Things had been working great in terms of work-hell, you finished early pretty much every day. However, working from home also meant different types of problems showing up. No coworkers to chat with, few neighbors, and moving to a new town happened to spell out one major problem.
You are easily on your way to becoming a hermit in your 20’s. Fantastic.
As you sift the sand through your hands, you sigh. How hard can it be to make friends? Granted, the town itself is small, but you could see people around your age walking around in groups on occasion. You knew they existed, obviously; integrating yourself was another matter. Living outside of the town wasn’t helping either-but if you wanted beachfront property, you had to make some sacrifices. The sun begins to touch the horizon, gentle rays hitting you as you stare into the sea. The waves give you a little light show to watch, flashing here and there as the sun makes its way into the water. You swore you could see the flames of the sun running through the waves, but it was just the sun saying goodbye before finally laying down for the night. Once your butt has gone numb from sitting, you make your way along the waves, taking your time walking back to your little beach house.
When the day comes again, it’s finally Friday, so you get off of work a bit early, and are finally able to move around when the afternoon hits. After putting on clothes plus your usual bikini, you decide to take a long stroll down the beach to look for a good spot to camp out with your towel and book. After walking maybe a mile and climbing over some rocks, the sound of car doors closing and people talking reaches your ears. Up over the embankment, you can see some people walking around a pickup, pulling surf gear from the trunk and making their way to the beach. You only have a moment before one of them catches your eyes with a surprised look. Oh shit, you were not prepared for this when you left the house today.
“Hey!” the guy calls out, tapping his friend’s shoulder before walking towards you. As he approaches the top of the dune, you can finally get a good look at him without sun and grass getting in the way. This man is huge, jacked like a bodybuilder, with bright red hair half tied to keep it out of his face. His face is absolutely stunning, especially with the 10,000 mega-watt smile he’s pointing your way.
“Hi! Haven’t seen you around here before-do you live around here?” He looks at you expectantly, but before you can push a sentence out of your gaping mouth, his companion manages to knock him in the head with a surfboard as he scrambles down to approach you.
This one is blond, more of a lean muscular, and clearly on a mission as he makes his way to your shrinking form.
“Heya! My name is Denki Kaminari, I’m a gemini, I work in IT, I don’t chew with my mouth open, and I give great massages,” He takes a huge breath, as he plants his surfboard in the sand and leans in your direction, “So you taken? Or can I take you out tonight?” he finishes eagerly, flashing you his biggest grin.
You hold it in for a second before bursting into laughter, trying to reign in your giggles before responding, but his friend beats you to it.
“Jesus Denki, try not to kill me the next time you see a pretty girl” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.
“Sorry man, I gotta shoot my shot before somebody else does” He calls behind him before swinging his head back around to address you, beaming, “So? Can I take you out? Or you gotta boyfrie-”
Still trying to contain your giggling, you hold up a hand to stop him.
“No I don’t have a boyfriend,” you explain, “but I also don’t go out with strangers”
“Strangers? But you know everything about me now babes” He whines
“That’s everything about you? Just that?” 
“Well, I’d prefer to show you how good I am at giving head but I wanna take you out to dinner first-” 
His friend manages to clap a hand over Denki’s mouth before shooting you a sheepish grin.
“Sorry about him, he’s…. Uhh…a romantic? My name’s Kirishima, by the way”
You give an amused smile in return. “I’m Y/N”
Denki shakes him off before a girl appears over the sand dune with a surfboard to give her greetings.
“Hey! I’m Mina!” She waves excitedly before coming down to smack Denki. “This is why I’m the only female friend you guys have!” She scolds him.
Kirishima turns back to you. “We’ve been coming here to surf since forever, but we’ve never seen people here before. Where you from?” “Oh, I just moved into a house a little ways down the beach. I think it was empty before, since its a bit of a fixer upper” you shrug.
“Cool! Well, if you’re not doing anything, would you like to hang out with us today? We’re just planning on surfing for a while and having a bonfire once the sun goes down”
You hesitate, and he shyly rambles on.
“You know, we never really meet new people-and it’s just a coincidence that-it would be nice to talk a bit and no pressure! But we could always use-and I promise I’ll keep Denki off of you and-”
“Yeah, I’ll hang out” You smile. Why not? It was an unexpected opportunity for friends. If things got weird, you could always fake a stomach ache and leave. 
“Great!” Denki chimes in from behind, “You think you could help me with my sunscreen? My skin is dainty, so I need the extra-” Thankfully, Mina doesn’t let him finish.
The day goes surprisingly well, as someone is always taking a break to chat with you. Watching them surf is entertaining beyond belief-it’s a mixture of talent as well as comedy when they try to hijack eachother’s boards. As the late afternoon drags by, Kirishima even manages to convince you to try surfing on his board. After some gawking from Denki, you make it into the water to try unsuccessfully a few times to stand up. All in good fun, you splash around for an hour or so until something extra slimy touches your foot, and you decide you’ve had enough.
Once the sun sets, they get a fire going and break out a cooler full of hot dogs and beer as they settle comfortably into the sand.
“You know, I’m having a party tomorrow night” Kirishima smiles at you, “Would you like to come? We’ll all be there as well as some locals, and I can introduce you to everyone!”
You think about it for a second while Mina and Denki give you their best puppy eyes from the other side of the fire.
“Alright! Alright! I’ll go- it sounds like fun!” 
You trade contact info and hang around for an extra half hour before getting up to make your way home. You’re extremely happy that things worked out so well today, and you can’t help but grin as you turn back to wave as you cross over the rocks dividing the beach. Once you’re out of sight, you skip a little with excitement before settling into your walk, roaming among the waves gently hugging the shore. 
As you make your way up the beach and back into your house, you give the ocean one last look before shutting the door and getting ready for bed. Little did you know, something within those waves had also set its gaze upon you.
Right now, Half of your focus was on doing your makeup nicely, the other half was focused on not throwing up. Why does meeting new people have to be so nerve wracking? Hell, they’re just people, it's not like they were all going to point and laugh when you walked in the room. Finishing your makeup, you go to pull out an open back crop top with decent cleavage, and a pair of jean shorts-the vibe you’re aiming for is “flirty casual” as you don’t want to overdo it. You pair it up with some platform sandals, and before you can second guess yourself, you’re already in the car and on the way to the houseparty. 
When you pull up, you can hear the music thumping from all the way down the street. The houseparty seems to be closer to a block party at this point, with the sheer number of people crammed on the property. Once you eventually get through the door, you push towards the kitchen and thankfully spot Kirishima and Denki taking shots together.
“Hey! You came!” Kirishima grins, happy to see you.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?” You flash him a grin before downing the shot that Denki passes you and grimacing.
“YEAH BABE! I love it when you make that face at me~” Denki blows you a kiss from across the table.
“Hey Denki and I are gonna teach beer pong to the new guy from my job, and we could use another player,” Kirishima leans on the table, “You want in?”
“Absolutely I do”
After grabbing drinks, they lead you out a sliding glass door into the backyard, which is a little less crowded. There’s a pool to your left and on the right, a little patio area where the beer pong table is set up, where you can see Mina sitting with another darker haired girl on her lap, and two guys.
Once Mina catches sight of you, she’s excitedly waving at you, hard enough that the girl on her lap almost falls off. You laugh and wave back and say hello once you get close enough. She introduces the girl on her lap as her girlfriend, Jiro and you chat for a minute before turning back to greet the other two. The second you turn around, you realize that both of the new guys are watching you as you were chatting. And holy shit, these are some of the best looking men you’ve ever seen.
The taller one has spiky blond hair, and clearly well defined muscles which are visible as he only wears a black tank top and some dark khaki shorts. However, the most distracting thing are his intense red eyes, along with the smirk that’s adorning his face. Wait, did he catch you just checking him out? You can feel your face burning as you try to keep your expression neutral and turn to his companion.
This guy has the sweetest face you’ve ever seen, soft green eyes framed by unruly curly green hair. He smiles at you and you only have a second to notice that this man is an absolute beefcake before he’s holding out his hand to you.
“Hi! I’m-m-Midoriya! Izuku Midorya!” He shakes your hand a little bit longer than necessary, before letting go with flushed cheeks. He’s got a bit of an accent, but you can’t quite place where it’s from. He quickly turns to his friend, who’s staring you down like he’s ready to eat you. “This is my…cousin! He’s not that great at English but he understands a lot!”
The blond shoots Midoriya a glare before folding his arms and giving you a look. In a heavily accented voice he introduces himself.
“Katsuki Bakugou” He nods at you.
His gravelly voice caresses your ears (and some other places) a bit more than you would like, but you manage to keep your face neutral despite the fact that you're blushing quite a bit.
You nod back, “Nice to meet you”
“Well!” Denki chimes in, “As hard as that was to watch, everyone knows everyone now so buddy up bitches!” He beams at you before adding, “Sweetheart, if you’d like to be on the winning team, it’s best to partner up with me” He winks. The bastard!
“That’s sweet Denki but I don’t count second place as ‘winning’” You tease with a smirk.
Turning, you loop your arm through Midoriya’s and pat his bicep-WOW is that firm- and give Denki a pout. “You'll just have to try your best to keep up with us” Looking innocently up at your partner, “Isn’t that right Midoriya?” Midoriya seems to be struggling to form a sentence and Denki’s jaw drops open as Kirishima, Mina, and Jiro laugh. Glancing at Bakugou, you can practically see the competitiveness flare up in his eyes as he gives you a predatory grin. That look makes you falter-even with Kirishima as the referee, all of a sudden you’re not as confident as you were ten seconds ago. It’s just a game though-how bad could it get, right?
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