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Мертвец is actually "deadman". Corpse would be труп, and it is inanimate. Я встретила мертвеца. (animate ending in Accusative) BUT Я вижу труп. (inanimate ending in Accusative).
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my friend and i were going to study a language together and wound up having to cancel our plans due to scheduling pressures, but! through research we came across a really cool resource for reading in a TON of languages: bloom library!
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as you can see, it has a lot of books for languages that are usually a bit harder to find materials for—we were going to use it for kyrgyz, for example, which has over 1000 books, which was really hard to find textbook materials for otherwise. as you can see it also has books with audio options, which would be really useful for pronunciation checking. as far as i can tell, everything on the site is free as well.
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ВОТ ЗАЦЕНИТЕ.. .. .. . .
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LOL This is brilliant!
The whole Russian Federation in one picture
"Stop immediately!
Fine RUB 1000.
Vocabulary немедленно - Immediately прекратите - stop it! (plural) запрещено - forbidden
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Rulers of an electrician, a tile guy and and a carpenter who made my kitchen....
ruler - рулетка
электрик - electrician
плиточник - a contractor who does tiles
мебельщик - a furniture guy, a carpenter
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just learned about the existence of Tatar and Caha (yakut), both sound so beautiful and relaxing and now I want to learn a turkic language. Maybe I'll give straight turkish a try
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cheesecakeandlanguages · 10 months
Более vs Больше
Более makes a comparative degree with adjectives and adverbs. Also is used in sentences with numbers meaning "more than...", "over ..":
Мне нравятся более холодные цвета и минималистичный дизайн. I like the cooler colors and minimalist design.
Индийский океан более тёплый и более солёный, чем Тихий океан. The Indian Ocean is warmer and saltier than the Pacific Ocean.
Проект включает в себя более ста различных моделей зданий. The project includes more than one hundred different building models.
Это исследование проводится уже более 35 лет. This study has been done for over 35 years.
Comparative for много - 
У меня много друзей, но у тебя больше! I have a lot of friends, but you have more!
Comparative for большой - 
У тебя большой дом, но у меня больше! You have a big house, but I have a bigger one!
In negative sentences as "not any more", "no longer"
Я больше не хочу жить в Колорадо! Я хочу жить в Аргентине. I don't want to live in Colorado anymore! I want to live in Argentina.
4. Also is used in sentences with numbers meaning "more than...", "over ..": Это исследование проводится уже больше 35 лет. This study has been done for over 35 years. - less formally.
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cheesecakeandlanguages · 11 months
Negative Pronouns with НЕ
There is no …
….one = некого, некому, некем, не о ком = нет человека
… thing = нечего, нечему, нечем, не о чем = нет вещи 
… time = некогда = нет времени
… place = негде = нет места
… place to go to = некуда  = нет места, куда можно пойти (или положить, поставить что-то)
These pronouns describe what was lacking, why the action wasn’t performed/ is not being performed. 
How to build a sentence with negative pronounces: 
Dative + не … + Infinitive
Dative - instead of the subject
Собаке … 
Negative pronoun - to say what’s lacking
Verb in the infinitive - what action cannot be performed 
Я прочитала все книги. Мне нечего читать! 
От него убежали все друзья. Ему некому жаловаться! (All his friends have run away from him. He has no one to whine to!) 
Она работает на трёх работах. Ей некогда грустить! (She works three jobs. She has no time to be sad!)
Банк отобрал у них дом. Теперь им негде жить. (The bank repossessed their house. Now they have nowhere to live.)
Уже полночь, все рестораны и магазины уже закрыты. Тебе некуда идти. (It's midnight, all the restaurants and stores are closed. You have nowhere to go.)
It was your random Russian lesson.
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cheesecakeandlanguages · 11 months
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dreams come true if you're not a loser
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I shoulda never smoke that shit, now I`m reading about proto-indo-european languages
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This cartoon is based on two idioms.
-- Oh, are you closing too?
-- Yes, there is no demand for my service. What's your problem?
-- Ah, nobody buys anything.
Two businesses: Медвежьи Услуги, literally, Bear Services (Idiom, meaning misdirected good intentions, to do more harm than good) Конские цены, literally, Horse Prices (Colloquial idiom, similar to sky-high prices, unjustifiably high prices). Now you know how to say "You do more harm than good" and complain about high prices in Russian :)
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A bit more Age-Related Vocabulary (B-1)
Many Russian learners confuse старый and старший. 
Старый means old, as an old man, or an old house. 
Старший, or старшая refers to a an older sibling. Also, старший may refer to a person of a higher rank. 
Его пёс такой же старый, как он сам. His dog is as old as he is.
Где твой старший брат? Where is your big brother?
Она работает старшей медсестрой в больнице. She works as a head nurse at a hospital.
There are two other confusing words молодой and младший. 
Молодой simply means young.
Младший - means younger brother or sister, or about somebody of a junior rank. 
В этом фильме играет очень молодой Шон Коннери.  A very young Sean Connery plays in this movie.
Моя младшая сестра выходит замуж на следующей неделе! My little sister is getting married next week!
Он был младшим помощником капитана. He was a junior assistant to the captain.
Please note, старший and младший do not make a comparative adjectives! For comparatives “older” or “younger”  you should say старше or младше. 
Муж старше жены на два года. The husband is two years older than his wife.
Она была младше него. She was younger than him.
Моложе is almost a complete synonym of младше, but моложе has a wider meaning. IT may refer to the age difference, but also to the appearance, to the way a person look. 
Ты изменила причёску и стала выглядеть моложе! You look younger with the new hair style!
A word for adult or grown up  in Russian is взрослый. 
Твой сын стал совсем взрослым! Your son is all grown up now!
The opposite to it would be детский. 
Она сохранила наивный детский взгляд. She retained her naïve childish look.
And a few more opposites. You probably know a word ребёнок, a child, or a baby, but there is also a word младенец, an infant. 
Мадонна с младенцем - один из самых популярных сюжетов Европейской живописи. The Madonna and Child is one of the most popular subjects in European painting.
An old man in Russian is старик. And if it’s an old woman, it would be старуха. But if you ever call a woman старуха in her face, you’ll get yourself in trouble!  Бабушка is a much more polite way to address an old woman. 
Жили-были старик со старухой у самого синего моря. Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman by the blue sea.
Illustrated flash cards along with audio are available on my Patreon. By supporting me on Patreon you boost your Russian studies and help me to create even more educational materials for you!
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✨he✨ began to learn my language (Russian) just to talk to the dog
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Word of the Day: лгать
лгать /ɫɡatʲ/ verb, imperfective -- to lie, to tell lies
Телевизор лжёт, лучше никогда не включайте его. TV lies, you'd better never turn it on.
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Related words:
ложь - a lie лжец - a liar
врать is neutral - colloquial; лгать is more formal.
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I apologize if this question is hard to understand but my question is related to foreign languages in Russian. If someone says something like "au revoir" or "hola" or "ciao" in a movie or script, does Russian write it in Cyrillic or do they keep it in the Latin alphabet? I've always been curious if it works like foreign names and words, or how they do foreign language textbooks and dictionaries for Russian people to learn. If a Russian person is looking at a dictionary, will a word like "bonjour" be written in the Latin alphabet and then include the Cyrillic pronunciation?
This is a very interesting question!
In fiction books in Russian, the words from other languages are normally written in those languages, i.e. if it is French, it would be in the Latin alphabet.
In the movies, I believe, there are no standard way to displays foreign language inserts, and basically it is up to the people who are making the subtitles.
In the language textbooks, there could be different approaches. For beginners, it would be like this:
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In the dictionaries targeted for more advance audience, only some words have transcription, mostly for irregular or difficult words:
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Academic dictionaries may lack transcription altogether, as the learners are supposed to know the reading rules.
I still don't know why IPA is not popular in Russia. Nobody taught me IPA in the university, even though it was a linguistic department.
I can't say if it is the case in the modern Russia, but when I was a kid, most people were more or less familiar with the Latin alphabet (vitamins, chess, foreign brands -- Latin characters were everywhere).
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Hey! Can we learn about sea related (sea creatures, ocean, so on..) words this week? Thanks
You know, I had a lot of fun working on your request! I love sea creatures and I think they are amazing.
Here is a set of vocabulary cards:
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You can download printable PDFs with this set from my Patreon for free - here.
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