cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Memory Palace “Amok”
·        -Animals were sneaking up on unsuspecting people and killing them
·        -Rhino was provoked and escaped from the zoo and ended up letting the other animals loose
·        -31 people and small wild animals were killed
·        -Heroes had shot down the predators but there were still animals unaccounted for and people panicked
·        -This story was all a hoax but no one read that far in the newspaper article
·        -Newspaper publisher, cops, and mayor were all angry at the false story as it led to real panic
·        -“problems can arise when you let imaginary beasts loose in the real world”
  Relevant Links:
·         http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/the_central_park_zoo_escape/
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
RPG Profile
problem solving
somewhat creative
Plenty of experience with games
Prefers working alone
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
I like to play video games mostly: action games, such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, as well as sports games, such as MLB: The Show and NBA2K Series. I also enjoy many board games especially party type games. I have played many different games. Something I find interesting about video games is how intricate some are and the amount of designing and coding that has to go into some to get everything just right.
Games I’d like to play:
1) Watch Dogs 2-    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GIVVsTKTLg#action=share
This game is about a hacker who tries to help take down the city’s surveillance system. It just seems really interesting through the commercials I’ve seen on TV.
2) Kingdom Hearts 2-    http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Kingdom_Hearts_II
This game is about a boy, who joins Disney characters, such as Donald and Goofy, to try to stop the “Darkness,” which consist of Disney villains and “Heartless” monsters. The original was one of my favorite games growing up and I’ve always meant to play the second.
3) Strat-o-matic basketball-     http://www.strat-o-matic.com/products/basketball
This game is a board/computer game. It is a way to manage basketball teams and simulate games against other players. I have played the baseball version and love it and would love to try the basketball version.
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
GTA V Mechanics
Materials- video game console, controller
Interaction- can play online mode with other people within the open world of Los Santos and can go on missions and complete challenges with or against other players
Plot- in solo mode, there are three playable characters. Michael and Trevor were criminal buddies from years ago, but lost touch when Michael faked his death as Trevor was not aware he was faking. Michael retires from the criminal life. Franklin is currently working at a car dealership repossessing cars and repossesses one of Michael’s car. Michael takes him under his wing and reenters the game of criminal activity. After performing a heist on a jewelry store, Trevor recognizes Michael on TV and tracks him down. The three of them then go and complete heists together. Players switch between characters to complete different missions.
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Friday’s Notes
·         Play is a form of entertainment, kids on a playground comes to mind
·         Games must have a conflict/goal
o   Rules
o   Can be multiplayer or solo
o   Strategy
·         Premise was very simple, not very intricate
·         Did not take very long to play through
·         Materials- cards to tell if you are a spy or part of the resistance; cards to show whether either person decides to succeed or fail the mission; board to show how many people for each mission and who won each mission; accept/reject tokens for if everyone accepts or rejects the mission team (symbolizes trust for other players)
·         Interaction- players have to talk to decide if they accept or reject the chosen team; round leader has o pick a team for the mission; team secretly votes to succeed or fail
·         Plot- spies try to stop the resistance and the resistance tries to overthrow the government but does not know who among them are spies
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
This is the word crowd of the script I chose. This doesn’t give a lot of insight into the text itself as most of the bigger words are just the character names and most of the other words are basic actions. It gives very little insight into the dialogue.
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
I chose a television script. This is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. This show is significant to me because I originally planned to pursue a major in “TV, radio, and film,” and this is one of the shows that led to that choice. It’s not only intriguing but super well-written, and well-directed. This script is the original draft so obviously it is different than the aired pilot episode but it’s interesting to see how it’s changed. (This was also one of the only scripts that I was actually able to copy and paste into one of the word cloud generators.)
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Library Book Notes
Time on TV
Time travel has been a part of TV and film for the better part of a century
The concept of time has been a main focus for many TV shows, such as Doctor Who.
Shows with time travel often depict possible paradoxes and what can happen as a result.
Some of these shows have timelines that are confusing to viewers due to all the back and forth through time.
Violence on Television
The amount of violence on TV continues to increase dramatically.
In non-children’s programs, school children are most often the victim of television violence.
Violence on British television is much more likely to be physical as opposed to the use of a gun.
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Habitica habits
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
An Illumination
Tumblr media
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Rhetorical ecology
Rhetorical ecology of “Winning”
 Trump uses winning in his speech saying “America will start winning again, winning like never before.”
 “To win” is defined as being victorious, such as in a contest
1) But what contest is America currently losing?
       a) Who are we trying to beat in competition?
 2) The word “victory” originally applied to warfare
       a) Trump could mean “winning” in this sense, in the war on terrorism,                     based on his anti-terrorist (and anti-Muslim) campaign
               i) How would this be “winning like never before” though since America                   has won almost every war they’ve been involved in
 3) “winning” can also mean successful
       a) Trump could mean a successful economy with the jobs he wants to                  “bring back” and getting people off of welfare
 4) “win” could mean to gain
       a) What does America have to gain?
              i) Are we gaining jobs back and/or wealth?
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Work habits for this semester:
Turn off phone while doing homework                                                                 Manage my time better and don’t procrastinate with every assignment               Put more effort into studying for quizzes and tests                                               Actually read all readings for my classes
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Rhetor: Barton Swaim of the Washington Post
Context: analysis of Donald Trump’s inaugural speech
Exigence: Swaim notices remarkable similarities between Trump’s speech and Obama’s inaugural speech in 2009.
Audience: intended- Washington Post subscribers                                                                unintended- anyone who finds it through the use of the Internet
Medium: print, online article
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cheezman12-blog · 7 years
Rhetor: Donald Trump
Context: Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.; The inauguration of a new president, Donald Trump
Exigence: Trump is assuming the presidency; he wants to ensure the people that the power is in their hands and that he will be a president for the people and put America first
Audience: Chief Justice Roberts,; former Presidents Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama; the American people and the world
Medium: formal speech which was also live streamed on television and the internet; transcripts
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