David held Atti tightly, carding his fingers through his hair as the Fae clung to him, pleading with him to join him and Kwan but he knew he was needed here. "We will come back to you, little Fae, I promise. For now I need you to be strong for me ok? I need you to be strong for that little one growing inside of you. Kwan will be there with you and know that your Papa and I will be out of harms way with the healers." He says kissing his head before Magnus took the sobbing Fae into his arms to give him a moment with his newest son.
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"It's ok to be afraid, my sweetheart, I am too." He murmurs in Ezra's ear "Thank you for being so strong for your brother. Let Liam care for you too." He adds softly, kissing his cheek before he gave him a nod "You don't have to thank any of us, sweetheart, we want you both safe and to live without fear. We will end this one way or another." He says giving both of his sons another hug and kiss to their cheeks. "It seems it's time, my darlings, don't worry so much. We will be back for you soon." He says as he pulls away and takes his spot at his husband's side.
At Priam's
@atti-wants-to-be-your-friend @ezra-loves-flowers @magnus-fucking-bane
David hated this, hated sending his sons away but he knew it was for the best. This psychopath was after his darling Ezra and Atti, his darling Atti, had already been through so much and he refused to let his little one lose another child if he could help it. He knew it needed to be done but he couldn't help but cling to his husband, sniffling as he watched everyone saying their goodbyes and trying to avoid the inevitable. He saw when Eric finished talking with the brothers and knew his time of avoidance was over. "Let's say our goodbyes, miname." He tells his husband softly before moving toward their two sons, pulling each into his arms as he kissed both of their cheeks. "Please be safe, my little ones." He says as he chokes on a sob "I will miss you and worry until this is all over. I love you both so much."
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At Priam's
@atti-wants-to-be-your-friend @ezra-loves-flowers @magnus-fucking-bane
David hated this, hated sending his sons away but he knew it was for the best. This psychopath was after his darling Ezra and Atti, his darling Atti, had already been through so much and he refused to let his little one lose another child if he could help it. He knew it needed to be done but he couldn't help but cling to his husband, sniffling as he watched everyone saying their goodbyes and trying to avoid the inevitable. He saw when Eric finished talking with the brothers and knew his time of avoidance was over. "Let's say our goodbyes, miname." He tells his husband softly before moving toward their two sons, pulling each into his arms as he kissed both of their cheeks. "Please be safe, my little ones." He says as he chokes on a sob "I will miss you and worry until this is all over. I love you both so much."
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David: I should have known he would recruit help.
David: Don't worry, little one, we will fix this.
David: Adam will help, you're pack now. Keep me updated.
David: Your burdens are my burdens, little one, that’s what happens when you have a family that cares.
David: He sent that last night?
David: We’re coming home. We will be there within the hour.
Ezra: Yes, Papa. It came as a fire message. He must have a warlock with him
Ezra: He is very angry with me
Ezra: I’m with Liam right now. We’re going to see Adam
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David: Your burdens are my burdens, little one, that's what happens when you have a family that cares.
David: He sent that last night?
David: We're coming home. We will be there within the hour.
David: I need to know these things so I can protect you, little one.
David: I believe you and I’m not angry though I am a little upset you didn’t tell me.
David: When was the last time?
Ezra: I know
Ezra: I am sorry
Ezra: I thought I could handle it without having to burden you
Ezra: Last night. He just said ‘I am coming’
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David: I need to know these things so I can protect you, little one.
David: I believe you and I'm not angry though I am a little upset you didn't tell me.
David: When was the last time?
@ David
Ezra: Papa David?
Ezra: Are you terribly busy?
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David: Never too busy for you, little one.
David: What's wrong?
@ David
Ezra: Papa David?
Ezra: Are you terribly busy?
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Moroccan Honeymoon
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I would travel to the ends of the earth with you, my love.
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"It's alright, darling, you seemed distracted. I was just making my round thanking the guests for joining us tonight to celebrate." David smiles "Are you alright?"
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“Sorry… what? I was miles away.”
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"You look dashing. I'm just honored that you and your family accepted the invitation. I know how busy you all are. Monster in the eyes of many or not, I hold a great deal of respect for your family." David says with a kind smile.
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“What? Just because I’m a monster in the eyes of most doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to dress for a party.”
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"You are always welcome with our family, Helenus." David smiles "Is the lovely Alexander joining you tonight? I think I saw him chatting with Danny earlier."
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“Well we are honored that you accepted the invitation to join us today for our big day. After all you are an honorary member of the family now.” David smiles at the elder Fae.
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“The honour is all mine David, I assure you of that,” he replied, placing his hand over his heart. “I’m delighted to be able to celebrate this with you all,”
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35 notes · View notes
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"It's beautiful, little one. My miname has taken a shine to you hasn't he? Not that I blame him, you're precious." David smiles.
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“It’s really pretty isn’t it? Magnus made it for me.”
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"Well we are honored that you accepted the invitation to join us today for our big day. After all you are an honorary member of the family now." David smiles at the elder Fae.
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“Oh, I lost track of how many weddings I’ve attended over the years,”
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"Chase, love, when are you going to stop making Marcel chase you? You have his heart already." David laughs at the hybrid.
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At the Head Table
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"Thank you, darling, for joining my husband and I today in the celebration of our love." David beams as he blew a kiss, as per his usual antics, to the guest in question.
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"Oh Miname, you know my heart, mind and body belong only to you." David smiles, leaning in to give his husband a real kiss instead of the fake ones he threw at the guests. "My savior. My love. My husband." He says nuzzling his nose with his own.
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At the Head Table
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"Thank you, darling, for joining my husband and I today in the celebration of our love." David beams as he blew a kiss, as per his usual antics, to the guest in question.
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"Have your fill, love, there is plenty. I made sure to have enough for the shifters in attendance." David smiles.
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Getting caught going back for fourths
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At the Head Table
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"Thank you, darling, for joining my husband and I today in the celebration of our love." David beams as he blew a kiss, as per his usual antics, to the guest in question.
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