chef-hagrid · 2 months
I can do the honors 👑
Can someone tell Ron Weasley that he is loved.
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chef-hagrid · 2 months
And just like you writers like putting it in words for us, we readers like reading it and having that imagination play in our head! I can’t represent all but I feel that I can still represent a good few readers who wait everyday, check your blog everyday in hope of a new or a continuation of a story. We see your work, your efforts, and we appreciate it dearly!! While reading, we hope that the story never ends, because we love it so much! So if you feel that your story is not good enough, just remember that there is always at least one person eagerly waiting for your magical writing and the illustration it creates. Just remember that even if you may not feel like it, there’s always someone who appreciates your work and is loving every piece of it!
keep writing, cause you will always have an audience eagerly waiting whenever you post your next work of art! 🖼️
Hey fanfiction writers: If no one's ever told you this before, it's not just fanfiction.
It's something you spent hours, days, maybe even months on, pouring your heart out onto a page because you were so full of passion and thoughts about a story or characters, you felt like you were going to explode if you didn't get it out. Maybe you lost sleep because your mind was racing with ideas or you forgot to eat or drink water because you were so focused. Maybe your back aches from being hunched over for so long, unmoving. Maybe you even felt like you were going a little feral because you were so excited about what you were creating, or were frustrated when you got stuck. Either way, you put your heart, mind, soul, and body into making something.
It's okay to want people to read it, and it's okay if you're disappointed that they don't or it doesn't get as much of a reaction as you were hoping for. Humans are social creatures. Sure, we write for ourselves, but we also share because the joy of doing so is just as powerful as the joy of the process. Of having created something.
We all experience that joy and that disappointment, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
So it's okay. It's not just fanfiction.
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chef-hagrid · 2 months
no one supports you like an internet friend you never met
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chef-hagrid · 2 months
50 & 96 for the ask 🤍 (hinny of course 🤍)
50. Arranged Marriage 96. Scars
Okay, I may have gotten a little carried away with this one.
She had shouted and fought and physically refused to go, but in the end it had not mattered. After a quick wedding, both of them were wordlessly escorted to their new home. She did not even get to see it, they were brought to their room and the door was locked.
Left to the mercy of a man she barely knew more of than his name. For the rest of her life.
She sat on the bed still wearing her wedding dress. He had not looked at her since they entered, turned away from her as he sat at the end of the bed, and she at the head. In a way, it was somewhat reassuring. She wondered if he'd start talking.
She watched as he bent down and undid his shoes, untying the laces slowly before stepping out and then setting them aside. He took his vest off and loosened his tie. She did not move an inch and kept her arms folded around her knees.
He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. She saw the lashes down his back, some old and one far too fresh.
She couldn't help the gasp that escaped her throat. She slapped her hand in front of her mouth to make sure no other unwarranted noise escaped.
"I'm sorry," he spoke. "I know they're ugly."
"No!" she quickly spoke. "They're not." She found herself moving towards him. "Who did this to you?" She took a spot beside him.
"Who do you think?" he asked. "I disobey, I'll suffer for it." He looked down at the clutched shirt in his hands. "It had been a while but my last attempt to stop this wedding..."
"It appears nothing we could've done, or said, would've stopped this," she muttered. She glanced at the fresh one. "That looks like it hurts."
He shrugged. "It'll fade."
This wouldn't do. She couldn't let him suffer like this. She found herself pushing off the bed and to her two bags in the corner. She rummaged around in the smallest one until she found the numbing ointment.
She turned around and met his eyes for perhaps the third time since they had met. "Can I?" She showed him the little tin.
"You couldn't possibly make it worse."
With that vote of confidence, she walked back to the bed and sat behind him. He flinched at the first touch but then his shoulders relaxed and she continued applying it.
Then he sighed with relief. "That feels so much better," he said. "Thank you."
She came to sit back down beside him. "Just tell me when it hurts again, and we can reapply."
He looked at her for a long moment and then he nodded. "Thank you," he said once again. "I'm sorry about all of this."
She breathed out and offered him a weak smile. "Me too."
For Fanfiction trope mash-up (send me 2 tropes and a ship!)
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chef-hagrid · 2 months
Some domestic Romione fluff...
"Mummy, mummy, close your eyes!"
"What have you got there, Hugo?"
"Me and daddy made you Va'ntine card! Close your eyes! NO PEEKING!"
"Darling, why are there slugs with hearts on the card?"
"Because daddy said he barfed slugs for you!"
"That was an accident."
"Daddy said he would do it again for you!"
"Did he, now?"
*Ron blows her a kiss from the living room and mouths 'I love you' as Hugo watches*
"I would barf slugs for you too, mummy!"
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
sometimes i'm going about my day and then i remember voldemort couldn't possess harry because his love for sirius was so powerful that he wanted to die just so he could see sirius one more time
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
Reg *walking into the gyrffindor common room for the first time*: what kind of awful place is this?
Sirius: its reality you emo bitch
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
this HAS to be canon
Harry,to Hermione & Ron during Horcrux hunting: Remember, if you get captured, no matter what they do, don’t talk! Hermione: What if they torture us? Harry: Just don’t talk! Ron: Can we scream a little? Harry: Yes, screaming is allowed
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
[Deathly Hallows] Hermione: Harry- Harry, sighing despondently: Ginny used to call me Harry. Ron: Because it's your fucking name.
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
Harry Potter Incorrect Quotes #8
Harry: *Drunk* Hermione ... Ron told me a secret and I can't keep it to myself any longer, but you can't tell him that I told you.
Hermione: ... Okay?
Harry: Ron has a crush on you.
Hermione: When did he tell you that?
Harry: *Counting on his fingers* In the Third Year.
Hermione: *Running her hands through Ron's hair, who drunkenly fell asleep in her lap, and who she's been dating for the past three years* I promise you, Harry, I won't tell a soul.
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
Harry Potter Incorrect Quotes #2
Harry: So how’d you guys manage to crash the car last night?
Hermione: Ron wasn’t paying attention to the road, and there was a deer. So I shouted, “RON, DEER!”
Hermione: Go on. Tell him what you said.
Ron: … “Yes, honey?”
*Cue Harry dying*
George: *Whispering so they don’t get caught out of bed by Filch* What time is it?
Fred: *Screams loudly*
Fred: There you go.
Hermione: *Showing Mr. Weasley how to use muggle technology* There you go. Your laptop is all set up.
Mr. Weasley: Will it get heavier if I put more files in it?
Hermione: What?
Mr. Weasley: Like, if I download files will it weigh more?
*The girls decorating the Christmas tree*
Hermione: Does anyone know where the angel is?
Ginny: *Pointing at Luna* Found it!
Mrs. Weasley: When I said bring me something back from Hogwarts I meant something you bought at Hogsmeade.
The Twins: *Struggling to contain a Bludger* Well you didn’t specify that!
Neville Longbottom: So how’d you know Harry was the one?
Ginny: *Dreamily* He looked at me the way every woman wants to be looked at…
Neville: Awww.
Ginny: With fear in his eyes.
Hermione: Awwwww.
Ron: Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cause you’re a whole snack.
Hermione: Are you silence? Because you make me speechless.
Ginny: Who do you think is going to make this dirty first?
Harry: Turn this dirty? Neither of them, Gin, they’re too cute for one another.
Ron: Are you my pinky toe? Cause I’m gonna bang you against every piece of furniture I own.
Harry: I take back my previous statement.
*After watching Frosty the Snowman*
Ron: What did Frosty the Snowman do other than come to life, do a little dance, and die?
Harry: Isn’t that what we all do, really?
Ron: You played me like a fiddle!
Fred: Oh no, Ronniekins. Fiddles are actually very difficult to play.
George: We played you like the cheap kazoo you are.
Ron: *Walking into the living room to complain* Mum! There’s no more snacks in the kitchen!
Ginny: *From the kitchen* But I’m literally right here!
Ron: *Frustrated groan*
The Twins: We can assure you, our place of business is extremely safe.
Ron: *Looking up at the ceiling* The smoke detector is a white bowl with a red M&M taped to it…
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
[Deathly Hallows] Hermione: Harry- Harry, sighing despondently: Ginny used to call me Harry. Ron: Because it's your fucking name.
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
Do you ever think about the fact that Sirius Black was so mentally strong that despite being imprisoned in Azkaban for 12 years; 12 years basically in solitary confinement because he’s hardly chatting to the Voldy crowd; and we are told he was ONE OF THE MOST HEAVILY GUARDED in the entire prison - despite all this, During Fudge’s visit to Azkaban, Sirius casually asked if he could have Fudge's newspaper (since he missed doing the crossword), which the unnerved Minister handed over?
Because I do.
And do you ever think about the fact that despite surviving 12 years of hell, then other stuff like eating rats in a cave and risking getting his soul sucked out by Dementors, the only time we see Sirius Black in a bad way is when he is stuck in Grimmauld Place for the first time since he ran away as a 16 year old. Stuck there reliving old memories and old losses and unable to help Harry (his whole raison d’être), drinking and low in mood. He gives Buckbeak his mother’s old room (does he want Buckbeak to ruin it or an excuse to go into it, Probably both) and leaves Regulus’ room completely untouched, unchanged, like a shrine to his ‘idiot, too soft’ baby brother?
Because I do.
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
are there any marauders fans out there that ship Jily and Remadora and actually respect the canon? I’m so sick of jegulus and wolfstar and everything else the marauders f*ndom going on?
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
Canon Sirius through quotes
Part 1. Appearance
In the canon, he's described as handsome 3 times from Harry's point of view - but never pretty. By the way, Harry has only described four people as handsome (+ Tom Riddle, Cedric Diggory and Gellert Grindelwald).
"Sirius was tall and handsome. He loped with an easy grace, his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face."
"Beside him was Sirius, carelessly handsome, his slightly arrogant face so much younger and happier than Harry had ever seen it alive."
"Sirius stared around at the students milling over the grass, looking rather haughty and bored, but very handsomely so."
"Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed."
"He's still handsome, isn't he, even after Azkaban?" (Tonks about Sirius, Pottermore)
So, Sirius was handsome, but definitely not pretty. The word handsome can be used for all genders, highlighting attributes like strength, elegance, or a more classic form of beauty.
His height is described as tall several times. James is described as the same height as Harry in the Deathly Hallows, meaning at the time of his death James was as tall as Harry in the 7th book: “James was exactly the same height as Harry”. He was described as tall in later books but not as tall as other characters like Dumbledore, Ron, Sirius, Draco, Tom Riddle, Bill.
In England, as in most Western countries, a man is usually considered tall if he is over 6 feet. Typically, very tall is considered to be 6 feet 3 inches and above. So, James could be somewhere from 6 to 6'3", and Sirius taller, say 6'3"-6'4", Remus possibly under 6', but not short, since Harry doesn't note his height at all.
"To Sirius’s right stood Pettigrew, more than a head shorter, plump and watery-eyed, flushed with pleasure at his inclusion in this coolest of gangs, with the much admired rebels that James and Sirius had been."
The average head length of an adult, regardless of gender and age, usually about 8.7 to 9.8 inches. So, Peter was noticeably shorter.
6'3"-6'4" is indeed very tall. (When fanon gives Remus a height of 6.7, I wonder, have you often seen such giants in real life? My granddad is 6'8" – and he's huge to me, frighteningly so.)
After Azkaban and in the fifth book, he has long hair, but in the fourth book, when Sirius is doing well and is relaxing somewhere in the south, he has short hair.
"Sirius looked different – the hair was short and clean now, Sirius’ face was fuller, and he looked younger, much more like the only photograph Harry had of him, which had been taken at the Potters’ wedding."
"Sirius, when he still had short hair" (Moody about Sirius in the Order of the Phoenix photo)
Though in the story about Sirius and James for the auction, Sirius had long hair in 1977:
"The one who had been driving had long black hair; his insolent good looks reminded Fisher unpleasantly of his daughter’s guitar-playing, layabout boyfriend."
I prefer him with long hair, so that's usually what I go with.
Build isn't described. We know Regulus was definitely smaller than Sirius, but nothing specific about Sirius himself.
"Regulus was instantly recognisable as the boy sitting in the middle of the front row: he had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter and rather less handsome than Sirius had been."
His animagus form is a bear-like dog of huge size, but that’s a weak argument.
"The enormous, bear-like dog bounded forwards."
Perhaps canonically Sirius was naturally inclined to muscle (i.e., tall and muscular rather than lanky, because lankiness usually suggests skinniness. Regulus, likely, was lanky), but since he probably didn't engage in activities like workouts, he wasn't exactly buff. Muscles don't just appear out of thin air, but some people are naturally more muscular. Basically, a normal build that doesn't need any special description (not bulky, not skinny, just normal, but tall).
He definitely doesn’t have any tattoos described, but it's unlikely Harry would have inspected every part of his body for tattoos... So, I don’t quite get it when someone says "Sirius didn’t have tattoos". It's a blank slate.
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
I second, third, fourth, fifth, ♾️ this
hello. here's my opinion of the day. i hate the nickname "siri" for sirius. no particular reason, i just hate it.
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chef-hagrid · 3 months
Beware good people of Godrics Hollow, the guys are in town!
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Or when Harry takes quality time with his father and godfather...
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