chengranx · 9 days
Blog 10:Work to date
Until now, I've only used jump cuts to emphasis visual effect, but in the coming videos, I will try to diversify the style with the help of other editing fights. During my next edits, I plan to include dissolves, slow motion sequences, and gentle audio backgrounds (e.g., wind and water sounds) to smoothen various transitions that help relieve viewer fatigue. By integrating jump cuts with a more discreet technique, I will probably succeed in making a video with a rhythm variety and a more dynamic process.
The outcome will be constituted of the photographic work and the short documentaries, combined on the information that is meant to be a visual story that is taking the viewers to Lake Hamilton as a natural site, ecological reserve, and cultural place for the local community. Through this creation, the audience's reaction will connect to environmental protection, and the resulting vivid display of the diverse world of nature together with humankind will visually express the extremely diverse world of nature hunting and the peaceful coexistence of all creatures.
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chengranx · 11 days
Blog 9: Visual Style and Artistic Inspiration
Artistic Inspiration:
Edward Burtynsky: I draw a great deal of inspiration from his landscape photography, especially when it comes to capturing the relationship between nature and human activity. His work often shows grandiose scenes, rendering the magnificence and delicacy of natural landscapes through wide-angle lenses. This led me to specialize in using a wide-angle lens to capture panoramic views of Lake Hamilton when photographing the lake.
Burtynsky has mentioned that his works make people think about the fragility of nature by showing the impact of human beings on nature. I borrowed this expression from him, hoping to reflect the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature by showing how the lake changes from early morning to night. David Liittschwager: His macro photography demonstrates the complexity and diversity of tiny organisms and plants in nature. Inspired by his work, I decided to use a macro lens when photographing Lake Hamilton to capture the details of the plants and aquatic life around the lake. With the macro lens, I was able to reveal beauty that is usually not easily noticed, such as tiny ripples in the water or dew drops on the plants.
Liittschwager's work emphasizes the delicacy and diversity of nature, and in a similar way I hope to show the small but important details of the lake's ecosystem.
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chengranx · 11 days
Blog 8: Supplemental Shooting Notes
Motivation for additional shooting:
After completing my initial shoot of Lake Hamilton, I realized that capturing just the lake's mornings and community activities was not enough to show the diversity of the lake in different weather conditions. As a result, I decided to do supplemental shoots that would specifically capture the unique sights of the lake during windy and rainy days. With these new shots, I hope to show how Lake Hamilton changes in different weather conditions, allowing viewers to see that the lake is not only different from one time of day to the next, but also has its own unique beauty and atmosphere in different weather conditions.
Shooting Notes:
WINDY DAY: I returned to Lake Hamilton on a windy morning to capture a scene of the lake in choppy waters. In stark contrast to the previously calm lake, the high winds rippled the lake and the water lapped against the shore, giving it more movement and power. Showing the vigor and dynamic beauty of the lake area in the wind.
RAINY DAY: Another shoot took place on a rainy day, with the atmosphere more mysterious and serene as the lake was shrouded in rain and mist around it. What makes this shoot special is the documentation of the critters moving around in the rain. Moments were captured when the animals flung the rainwater from their bodies. These shots show how the animals adapt to the rainy conditions in a way that is both natural and full of life.
Shooting Challenges and Solutions:
Windy Day Shooting Challenge: When shooting on a windy day, the lens is easily disturbed by the wind, so I used a tripod to keep the lens steady. At the same time, the use of a polarizer reduces the interference of light reflected from the water surface and ensures the clarity of the image.
Rainy Day Shooting Challenge: Rain is another challenge, and to protect my equipment, I added a waterproof cover to my camera. When shooting, I tried to choose to shoot under the cover as much as possible, the
Results and Reflections: Through this additional shoot, I further enriched the material for the project by not only showing how Lake Hamilton changes at different times of the day, but also by successfully capturing the visual effects of changing weather. These new shots add variety to the project, showing the lake's versatility and vivid natural forces. The next step will be to integrate this footage with the previous sunny day footage to create a more complete and layered short documentary.
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chengranx · 11 days
Blog 7: Finally a Sunny Day
Preparation: After more than half a month of cloudy and rainy days, we finally started shooting on a clear morning with soft morning light, perfect for capturing the calm waters of the lake. The goal of the shoot was to capture the nature of the lake at sunrise, as well as the early morning activities of the people in the community.
Shooting Process:
Sunrise: The shoot began at 6:30am, with the rising sun reflecting off the lake, a gentle breeze, and rippling water. I used a wide-angle lens to capture the vastness of the lake and a slow shutter speed to record the tiny ripples on the surface. Community activities: At about 7 o'clock, residents started to come to the lake for a walk and a run. I used a handheld camera to capture dynamic footage of people running along the lake and by documenting pedestrians, dogs. Initial Results: The first shoot successfully captured the calm and energy of Lake Hamilton in the early morning. I was particularly pleased with the changing colors of the sky reflected in the lake and the scenes of people interacting with nature.
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chengranx · 11 days
Blog 6: Shooting Vision and Practicalities
Showcasing the Changing Face of the Lake: Showcasing Lake Hamilton from morning to night through the lens of photography, capturing the different states of the lake throughout the day. This includes the serenity of the early morning, the busy activity of the community during the day, and the calm and natural beauty of the evening.
Recording ecological details: in addition to photographing expansive landscapes, I plan to go deeper in capturing the ecological details of the lake. In particular, the changes in plants, animals and the lake's water surface, showing the subtleties of nature through a macro lens, and allowing viewers to experience the complexity and diversity of the lake's ecosystem.
Explore the interaction between lakes and communities: through photography and short documentaries, show the impact of lakes on community life. Lakes are not only part of the natural landscape; they are also places for community members to exercise, recreate and socialize. This interaction presents a picture of nature and people living in harmony as well as reflecting the importance of the lake in the local culture.
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chengranx · 22 days
Blog 5: Theoretical Framework and Research Design
Title: constructing a theoretical framework and designing a research pathway
The theoretical framework for this project is based on two key pieces of literature to help understand the important ecological, social, and cultural roles of Lake Hamilton.
Theoretical Framework
ecological functions Hall and Stoffels (2006) discuss the challenges of balancing lake tourism with ecological conservation, particularly in the management of lakes in New Zealand. They emphasise the need to protect lake ecosystems while promoting tourism and recreational activities. Drawing on this theory, the study will examine how Lake Hamilton balances tourism with ecological conservation.
2 Wetland conservation McGlone (2009) explores the history and conservation significance of wetlands in New Zealand, noting the critical role of wetlands in maintaining water quality and ecosystems. The Lake Hamilton Wetland Conservation Project will build on this, examining their role in biodiversity and water management.
Research design
Field survey and monitoring Based on the theories of Hall and Stoffels, the study will provide an understanding of the ecological state of Hamilton Lake through water quality monitoring and ecological assessments. Wetland restoration and species habitat monitoring will provide data support for ecological conservation.
Social Survey and Interviews Drawing on McGlone's wetland conservation study, we will conduct interviews with local residents and visitors to understand their participation and attitudes towards lake conservation and community activities.
Cultural Function Study Through cultural-historical analyses, we will study the role of Lake Hamilton in Māori culture and urban history, and explore its status as a cultural symbol.
Conclusion Combining ecological conservation and social function theories, this study will demonstrate the multiple roles of Lake Hamilton in the modern city through field surveys and cultural analyses, providing guidance for lake management and community development.
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chengranx · 22 days
Blog 4: Community Activities and the Social Role of Lakes
Title: lakes and communities: theory and practice of social functioning
Lakes are not only natural landscapes, they are an important part of community life. Research has shown that lakes play a key role as public spaces in promoting residents' health, social interactions, and cultural activities. As a core natural resource in the City of Hamilton, Lake Hamilton provides an open social space that serves as an important place to promote community cohesion.
Health and Recreation The lake and its surrounding trails, parks and green spaces provide a wealth of recreational opportunities. According to Erickson (2015), regular exposure to natural environments can help reduce stress and enhance mental health. The trails around Lake Hamilton attract a large number of walkers, runners, and cyclists, providing citizens with convenient access to outdoor exercise and helping to improve the physical health of residents.
Social Interaction The lake serves as a public space that promotes social interaction among residents. The open spaces and event venues around Lake Hamilton provide a place for residents to meet and interact, especially during festivals and community events, when the lakefront becomes a hub of social activity. Literature shows that natural spaces shared by the community enhance connections between residents and improve community cohesion .
Cultural activities and symbols Lake Hamilton is also an important site for cultural events, often hosting festivals, concerts, and community gatherings. Not only is it a place for everyday recreation, but it has also become a symbol of local culture and history. Research has shown that natural resources such as lakes can reinforce residents' sense of place and enhance the value of cultural heritage through cultural activities. This dual function of Lake Hamilton enriches local cultural life and enhances residents' empathy for nature and culture.
Conclusion. Lake Hamilton serves as a community public space that promotes residents' health, social interactions, and cultural activities, and enhances community cohesion. It is not only a recreational site, but also an important natural resource that enhances social well-being.
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chengranx · 22 days
Blog 3: Research Objectives and Problem Statement
Title: setting research objectives and defining research questions
The aim of this project is to investigate the multiple roles of Lake Hamilton in terms of ecological conservation, community activities and cultural symbolism. Through fieldwork, literature analysis and data collection, we hope to reveal that Lake Hamilton is not only a natural landscape, but also an important part of community life and cultural heritage. The research will focus on answering the following key questions and exploring the importance of the lake in the modern city.
Research Objectives Ecological Conservation: To study how Lake Hamilton protects biodiversity, maintains wetlands, and helps regulate climate and maintain ecological balance in an urban environment.
Community Activism: To explore the impact of the lake as a public space on the community, including the promotion of health, recreation, and social interaction.
Cultural Symbols: To analyse the place of Lake Hamilton in Māori culture and local history, and its role as a cultural legacy in modern society.
Research Issues Ecological Issues:
How does Lake Hamilton maintain its ecological balance during urbanisation? What effect do wetland restoration projects have on the wildlife around the lake? Community and Social Issues:
How does the lake affect residents' quality of life and social interactions? How do community events enhance the cohesiveness of residents? Cultural Issues:
What is the symbolic significance of Lake Hamilton in Maori culture and New Zealand history? How can the historical and cultural value of the lake be passed on through modern cultural activities? Academic and social significance This project will not only inform urban ecological conservation, but will also demonstrate the positive impact of public space on social wellbeing. The cultural aspects of the research will also help to understand the symbolism of natural landscapes in history and culture, providing strong support for urban planning and cultural heritage.
Conclusion By exploring these key issues, this study will reveal the multiple functions of Lake Hamilton in urban life and raise awareness of the ecological, social and cultural aspects of the lake.
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chengranx · 22 days
Blog 2: Research Context and Problem Definition
Title: the role of Lake Hamilton in the modern city
Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake) is an important natural resource for the City of Hamilton, serving multiple functions in urban life, including ecological conservation, community recreation, and cultural symbolism. With increasing urbanisation, Lake Hamilton has become a key site for balancing urban development with nature conservation. This paper will explore the diverse roles of Lake Hamilton on ecological, social and cultural levels.
Importance of Ecological Conservation Lake Hamilton serves as an important ecosystem in the city, providing habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals. Ecological conservation projects in the lake and its surrounding area, including water quality monitoring and wetland restoration, help to enhance biodiversity and reduce urban pollution (Johnson & Clarke, 2017). Lakes also play an important role in regulating climate and protecting water resources, providing significant ecological benefits to the city.
Community Recreation and Leisure Activities Lake Hamilton is a major place for daily recreation for the public and is surrounded by trails, parks, and sports facilities that attract a large number of residents and visitors. The lake area often hosts community events and festivals that promote social interaction and physical and mental well-being among residents (Erickson, 2015). Water sports such as boating and fishing further enrich the recreational features of the lake, making it an ideal place for residents to relax and exercise.
Cultural Symbols and Historical Legacy Lake Hamilton is not only a natural landscape but also an important symbol of the local culture. The lake has a deep spiritual significance in Māori culture, representing the harmony between nature and people. Today, the lake remains a centre of community activity and cultural heritage, and visitors can experience local history and culture through public art and historic sites.
Combining Environmental Protection and Social Welfare Lake Hamilton combines environmental protection with social welfare. The lake provides a space for residents to engage with nature and relax, helping to reduce stress and improve mental health (Johnson & Clarke, 2017). In addition, the lake enhances community cohesion and social inclusion by facilitating various social activities.
Conclusion. Lake Hamilton plays an important role in ecological conservation, community recreation, and cultural heritage. As part of a modern city, it provides a place for urban residents to interact with nature and enjoy life, while promoting environmental protection and social harmony.
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chengranx · 22 days
Blog 1: Project Overview and Motivation for Selection
Title: exploring the natural and cultural values of Lake Hamilton: project overview
Content: Hamilton Lake (also known as Lake Rotoroa) is not only an iconic natural landscape in the city of Hamilton, New Zealand, but also an ecologically and culturally important resource in the daily lives of the community. The core objective of this project is to delve into the diverse functions of Lake Hamilton and explore its important role in ecological conservation, community activities and cultural heritage. Through photography, interviews, and field observations, we hope to demonstrate the uniqueness of Lake Hamilton as a natural landscape and its influence on the surrounding community.
Project Theme and Purpose Hamilton Lake is a large lake in the centre of Hamilton that not only boasts a stunning natural landscape, but also has a profound impact on the city's residents and ecosystem in several ways. The theme of the project aims to examine the multiple roles of the lake, including its importance as an ecological habitat, its contribution to community health and recreation, and its significance as a cultural and historical symbol. By exploring these aspects in detail, we hope to demonstrate that Lake Hamilton is not only a beautiful natural landscape, but also an important space for social and ecological coexistence.
We will showcase Lake Hamilton's ecological diversity, cultural activities, and community interactions through photography, aiming to bring the lake's important role to a wide audience. At the same time, the documentary will document the daily use of the lake in a more dynamic way, capturing the interactions between residents and nature, as well as the lake's contribution to fostering community cohesion.
Why was Lake Hamilton chosen for the study? Lake Hamilton was chosen as the subject of the study for a number of reasons. Firstly, it serves multiple social functions as an important public space in downtown Hamilton, serving as a major site for outdoor activities for citizens as well as an important site for ecological conservation and environmental education. The trails, parks, sports facilities and nature reserves around the lake provide an opportunity for citizens to get in touch with nature, and at the same time serve as a venue for cultural activities. Regular cultural festivals, community events and environmental programmes are held at the lake, making it not only part of the natural landscape but also central to the life of the local community.
Secondly, Hamilton Lake has a rich ecosystem, with the lake itself being an important habitat for numerous birds and aquatic animals. By studying the lake and its surrounding ecosystems, we can better understand how to conserve and manage natural resources, especially lakes and wetlands, in the context of urbanisation. Lake Hamilton, as a typical urban lake, can provide a valuable reference for the conservation and management of other urban lakes around the world.
Preliminary views and expectations I am looking forward to Lake Hamilton as a research subject. Firstly, I believe that the lake is not only a public place for residents' recreation, but also an important part of an ecosystem with important environmental protection and biodiversity functions. Through this project, I hope to show how the lake can maintain its ecological balance in the midst of urbanisation and provide a safe habitat for local wildlife.
Secondly, the role of Hamilton Lake in community activities and cultural heritage is also well worth exploring in depth. The public facilities, sports fields and trails around the lake attract a large number of citizens and tourists to the area, making the lake an important element of community cohesion. By examining these interactions, I hope to reveal how the natural environment is an important nexus for social relations and demonstrate the harmonious co-existence between nature and humans.
I also look forward to exploring the cultural symbolism of the lake. As part of Hamilton's history, the lake carries a wealth of cultural stories and traditions. It is more than just a geographical landmark, it is a vehicle for community memory. Through this project I hope to better present the cultural history of the lake and its unique place in the hearts and minds of contemporary Hamilton residents.
Conclusion Through the research and presentation of this project, I hope to draw attention to Hamilton Lake as an important natural and cultural resource, and help people better understand the ecological value and cultural significance of the lake. I look forward to fully demonstrating, through photography, documentary film and interviews, the important role of Lake Hamilton as an urban natural landscape and its profound impact on the lives of local communities.
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chengranx · 1 month
Building a Theoretical Framework and Design Research Path
Content Overview:
In this blog, I will integrate the main points of the first two documents, build a theoretical framework that supports my project, and explain how these theories guide my research design and methods. Through an in-depth analysis of the role of emotional support animals and guide dogs in mental health and social functions, I will show how these theories can be applied in practical research and lay the foundation for subsequent field research and case analysis.
The main points of the integrated literature:
The first two articles discuss the role of emotional support animals and guide dogs in improving mental health and social function.
The role of emotional support animals (Brooks et al., 2018):
The research of Brooks et al. (2018) reveals the multiple roles of emotional support animals in alleviating mental health problems, especially in providing emotional support, helping to establish a structured daily life, and promoting Positive impact on social interaction and emotional adjustment and stress response. The research shows that emotional support animals not only provide psychological comfort for individuals, but also enhance individuals' sense of self-efficacy and life satisfaction through daily interaction.
Blind Low Vision NZ:
By studying the guide dog program of Blind Low Vision NZ, I learned the key role of guide dogs in helping visually impaired people live independently, improve self-confidence and provide emotional support. Guide dogs not only help visually impaired people stay independent in their daily lives, but also bring them all-round support by promoting social participation and improving mental health.
The research findings of these literature provide a solid theoretical basis for my project and show the multiple roles and importance of animals in mental health and social functions.
Building a theoretical framework:
Based on the above literature, I have built the following theoretical framework to guide my research:
Mental health support theory:
Emotional support animals and guide dogs, as important parts of the mental health support system, provide emotional support for individuals in need through unconditional companionship and interaction. Psychological comfort. This kind of support can help individuals reduce psychological stress, enhance self-efficacy, and provide stable emotional support in the face of life challenges. This theoretical framework will guide me to focus on how these animals can help individuals cope with mental health problems and improve their quality of life through daily interaction and emotional connection.
Social function enhancement theory:
The role of guide dogs in helping visually impaired people maintain independence and enhance social participation is the core content of social function enhancement theory. By studying how guide dogs can help visually impaired people with daily activities in a community environment, I will explore how these animals can promote the social integration and participation of people with disabilities in a broader social context. This theoretical framework will help me understand the role of guide dogs in promoting social interaction, enhancing community cohesion and improving the life satisfaction of visually impaired people.
Research design and method:
Based on the above theoretical framework, my research design will include the following key steps:
Literature review and theoretical integration:
I will continue to deeply analyze and integrate the existing relevant literature to further refine my theoretical framework. This will include the analysis of more case studies, especially those that show the role of emotional support animals and guide dogs in different cultural and social contexts.
Field survey and case study:
I plan to conduct a field survey in the Hamilton community to interview individuals who rely on emotional support animals and guide dogs to understand their daily lives and the impact of these animals on them. By observing and recording the daily behavior of these animals, I will collect specific data on how they actually support individual mental health and social functions. Specifically, I will work with Blind Low Vision NZ to learn more about their guide dog training program and interview guide dog users for first-hand case information.
Data analysis and result presentation:
The collected data will be sorted out and analyzed through qualitative analysis methods to reveal the actual effect of emotional support animals and guide dogs in mental health support and social function enhancement. I will use the thematic analysis method to identify the recurring themes and patterns in the data in order to better understand the multiple roles of these animals in supporting human life. The final research results will be presented in the form of photographic exhibitions and short documentaries to show how these animals can help individuals achieve better mental health and social participation through daily interaction and support behavior.
By integrating the role of emotional support animals and guide dogs in mental health and social functions, I have built a comprehensive theoretical framework to guide my research design and method. This framework not only provides a clear direction for my research, but also lays the foundation for subsequent field research and data analysis. My goal is to show the important role of these animals in the Hamilton community through in-depth research and provide a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding for the public and academia.
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chengranx · 1 month
Social Function of Guide Dogs and Search Dogs
Theory and Practice Content Overview:
In this blog, I will summarize the systematic literature review of Rodriguez et al. (2020) and discuss the social function dogs (such as guide blind dogs and search dogs) The impact of psychosocial health and overall well-being. Through this document, I will show the important role of social function dogs in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, enhancing mental health, and ensuring public safety, and discuss how these findings can support my research.
Review of the research of Rodriguez et al. (2020):
The research of Rodriguez et al. analyzes the role of assistance dogs in improving individual psychosocial health and improving overall happiness through a systematic literature review. This review summarizes a number of studies and reveals how social functional dogs positively affect their owners and society in many ways.
The main findings include:
Improvement of mental health:
Rodriguez et al. pointed out that social functional dogs have significantly reduced individual anxiety and depressive symptoms by providing emotional support, companionship and help. Especially in the face of life challenges or pressure, these dogs can provide unconditional support so that individuals can better cope with psychological difficulties.
Improving the quality of life:
Social function dogs not only help individuals complete their daily tasks, but also significantly improve their quality of life by enhancing their independence and self-confidence. Through daily interaction and help, these dogs improve the convenience of the lives of the disabled and enable them to participate more actively in social activities.
Promote social interaction and reduce loneliness:
Research shows that social function dogs also play an important role in promoting social interaction. Individuals with these dogs are more likely to participate in social activities and reduce social isolation. Guide dogs and search dogs not only provide practical help, but also enhance the social confidence and participation of individuals through their existence.
Safeguarding public safety:
Although the research of Rodriguez et al. mainly focuses on the impact of auxiliary dogs on individual health, their extensive analysis of social functional dogs also shows the importance of these dogs in ensuring public safety. The search dog helps detect and prevent potential security threats through its highly trained olfactory ability, thus protecting the safety of a large number of people in public places.
The multiple roles of social function dogs in modern society:
Through the research of Rodriguez and others, we can see more clearly the multiple roles and far-reaching influence of social function dogs in modern society.
Individual support:
Guide dogs greatly improve the self-confidence and quality of life of visually impaired people by helping them live independently. They not only provide physical support, but also provide psychological comfort and stability for these individuals. Searching dogs play a vital role in ensuring public safety, especially in preventing terrorist activities and detecting dangerous goods, which bring a great sense of security to society.
Social impact:
Social function dogs play an equally important role in promoting social interaction and reducing loneliness. They not only help people with disabilities integrate into society, but also enhance the cohesion and sense of security of society through their work and interaction.
Combination of theory and practice:
The research of Rodriguez et al. provides important theoretical support for my project, especially in showing how social function dogs can improve the quality of life of individuals and ensure public safety. These findings will guide me to further explore the practical application of guide dogs and search dogs in the Hamilton community in follow-up research.
In my research, I plan to have an in-depth understanding of the role of these social function dogs in real life through field surveys and interviews, and show how they play a role in different social contexts through photography and video recordings. My goal is to further reveal the importance of social function dogs in modern society through these studies, and call for more attention and support from society for the contribution of these animals.
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chengranx · 1 month
The role of emotional support animals in mental health: a literature review
Content Overview:
In this blog, I will explore the study by Brooks et al. (2018), which systematically reviewed the role of support provided by companion animals to individuals suffering from mental health problems. By synthesising and analysing the existing literature, the authors reveal the multiple roles of emotional support animals in alleviating mental health problems and discuss the implications of these findings for the project.
Literature Background and Key Findings:
Brooks et al.'s (2018) study revealed the positive effects of emotional support animals on mental health through a systematic review. Key findings include:
Emotional support and companionship:
Emotional support animals provide important emotional support to people with mental health problems, helping them to reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety. The companionship of the animal makes the individual feel cared for, which enhances their sense of self-worth.
Structured Daily Living:
These animals help individuals establish a regular routine through daily care needs, which helps alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Facilitate social interactions:
Emotional support animals also serve as a bridge to social interactions, helping individuals connect with others, reducing social isolation and enhancing social support networks.
Emotion regulation:
In terms of emotional regulation and stress coping, the presence of animals can stabilise emotions and enable individuals to better cope with life's challenges.
Implications for the project:
Brooks et al.'s research provides important theoretical support for my project, especially in demonstrating how emotional support animals can help alleviate mental health issues in the Hamilton community. The multiple roles revealed by the study provided specific direction for the filming and documentation of the project, such as how to demonstrate the supportive role of the animals in everyday life by documenting their interactions with their owners. Additionally, the research points to the bridging role of these animals in the community, helping me to further explore their impact at the community level.
[Brooks, H. L., Rushton, K., Lovell, K., Bee, P., Walker, L., Grant, L., & Rogers, A. (2018). The power of support from companion animals for people living with mental health problems: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evidence. BMC psychiatry, 18(1), 31. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-018-1613-2]
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chengranx · 1 month
The Place and Role of Pets in Modern Society
The changing role of pets in modern society:
The role of pets has changed dramatically over the past few decades. From the traditional ‘family companion’ to today's ‘emotional supporter’ and ‘healer’, pets have become increasingly important in modern society. Traditionally, pets were seen as part of the family, providing companionship and entertainment. However, as society continues to develop, especially with the increase in mental health issues, people are beginning to recognise the unique value of pets in terms of psychotherapy and emotional support.
The fast-paced and high-stress nature of modern life has left many people facing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Against this backdrop, pets, especially emotional support animals and therapy animals, are gradually becoming an important force in alleviating these problems. Through unconditional love and companionship, these animals can help individuals reduce psychological stress, provide emotional comfort, and positively impact their daily lives. Pets are no longer simply companions, but have become guardians of mental health, bringing hope and support to people in distress.
The rise of emotional support animals and therapy animals:
The rise of emotional support animals and therapy animals reflects society's increasing focus on mental health issues. The role of these animals is not limited to traditional pet care, but is playing an increasingly important role in the medical and psychotherapeutic fields. With the generalisation of psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, society is beginning to realise the positive role that animals can play in the therapeutic process.
According to Rodriguez, K. E., Greer, J., Yatcilla, J. K., Beck, A. M., & O'Haire, M. E. (2020), in their study it was noted that emotional support animals have a significant effect in alleviating mental health problems. Their study showed that these animals were able to effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by creating a deep emotional bond with their owners. In addition, the use of therapy animals (e.g. therapy dogs) in clinical settings is gaining popularity, especially in places such as care homes, hospitals and rehabilitation centres, where they provide additional support and comfort to patients, helping them to better cope with their illness and psychological stress.
The rise of emotional support animals and therapy animals has also been fuelled by society's recognition of the therapeutic effects of animals. A growing body of research and practice has shown that these animals are able to provide targeted emotional support and therapeutic services to individuals in need through specific training. This phenomenon reflects a deepening societal understanding of mental health issues and a growing need for innovative therapeutic approaches.
Rodriguez, K. E., Greer, J., Yatcilla, J. K., Beck, A. M., & O'Haire, M. E. (2020). The effects of assistance dogs on psychosocial health and wellbeing: A systematic literature review. PloS one, 15(12), e0243302. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243302
The importance of the role and its significance in today's society:
The role of emotional support animals and therapy animals is particularly important in modern society. As the pace of life increases and social isolation grows, more and more people are facing mental health challenges, and these animals provide invaluable support and comfort.
Firstly, emotional support animals and therapy animals help to enhance mental health on a personal level. They help people feel cared for and companionable through their interactions with humans, thus reducing feelings of loneliness and anxiety. This is especially important for those who live alone, are elderly, disabled, or suffer from serious mental illness.
Secondly, these animals also enhance social cohesion on a social level. By engaging in community activities, emotional support animals and therapy animals can promote interaction and support among community members, creating a more inclusive and caring community environment. For example, in Hamilton, community pet days are not only an opportunity for people to interact, but also a great platform to showcase how these animals can make a positive impact on the community.
Thus, the role of emotional support animals and therapy animals is not only limited to individual psychotherapy, but also extends to harmony and stability at the community level. By providing emotional support, they foster human connection and help build a healthier and caring social environment.
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chengranx · 1 month
Brief description of project topic:
In modern society, pets have long since moved beyond the role of mere domestic companions to become important participants in psychotherapy and emotional support. My project aims to explore the diverse roles of pets in the Hamilton community, with a particular focus on the role of emotional support animals and therapy animals in mental health and social support. These animals not only provide emotional comfort to individuals, but also play a role in promoting harmony and enhancing social cohesion at the community level.
By photographing and documenting the daily lives of these animals, I hope to demonstrate their importance in improving mental health and supporting community well-being. Through detailed photographic exhibitions and short documentaries, the true stories and impacts of these pets will be revealed, thus triggering public attention and discussion on the diverse roles of pets in social life.
Motivation for choosing this theme:
The motivation for choosing this theme stems mainly from my concern for mental health and social harmony. In today's society, mental health problems have become more common as the pace of life and stress increases. Many people have come to rely on emotional support animals to alleviate problems such as stress, depression and anxiety. These animals provide strong psychological support through companionship and interaction, enabling people to better cope with life's challenges.
Hamilton, as a vibrant multicultural city, brings together residents of all backgrounds and a wealth of community resources. This diversity provides a unique context for studying the diverse roles of pets. In this setting, pets not only help individuals, but also enhance connections and interactions among community members through their participation in community activities. As such, Hamilton is an ideal place to study and demonstrate how these animals function in a multicultural community.
Initial Thoughts and Expectations about the Theme:
Early in the project, I was particularly interested in the role of pets in psychotherapy and emotional support. I believe that the potential of pets in treating mental health issues is far from being fully recognised and utilised. Through this project, I hope to gain insight into how these animals behave in real life and how they can help people overcome psychological barriers through everyday interactions.
Through filming and interviews, I look forward to showcasing the true stories and impact of these pets in the Hamilton community. I hope to capture them in the lives of their owners and the community, and how they play an important role in improving mental health and promoting community harmony. This is not only an exploration of the role of pets, but also an insightful look at the power of community and social cohesion.
Through these endeavours, I hope to ultimately raise awareness of the important role that pets play in modern society and encourage society to pay more attention and value to the contribution of these animals in mental health and community support.
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chengranx · 4 months
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Poster 1: Our Pets
As for the second poster Our Pets, it illustrates a pleasure and the sentiment of having a companion animal. Through detailed images of the dogs and the cats alike that are united in one heart shape that symbolizes both affection and care; this composition stresses the core idea of the writing. By playing with fonts and ornaments such as paw prints, I hope can draw the attention and create a very catchy design that will be especially appreciated by lovers of animals.I hope that my poster will create a sense of shared positivity between the ones thinking about getting a pet and adopting. As it highlights some adorable pet faces, the fact that it moves us emotionally makes viewers to consider everyone at home to thoughtfully get one and enjoy the unconditional love such animals may freely offer. This kind of aesthetic, bright and cheery, is done so that it can be accepted by the audience, and particularly the families and youths in the society.Love and togetherness is the central message communicated in the poster by placing a family of hearts with paws at the center, this is further emphasized with the use of visual aesthetics such as red and pink colors, and the use of text to explain it.
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Poster 2: Adoption and non-renunciation
The purpose of the poster titled “Adoption and non-renunciation” is to inform about the correct steps on responsible pet owning as a long-lasting commitment that includes continuous care provided for a pet acquired though a pet shelter.The visual style is clean, with a white background that enhances the uncluttered look and sets a clean home for the various pet drawings to pop out.The tagline symbol was placed on a key, drawing attention to the main point of the campaign.The design employs visual elements such as soft, pastel illustrations that have a calm, soft, and friendly feeling targeted specifically at different audience groups.The paper's QR code at the bottom provides the watchers a billboard for further engagement, so they can easily find more information available on pet adoption and care.
While stressing upon the subject of responsibility, this poster endeavour to bring people over to the sense of pet-owner-accountability and eventually reduces the number of abandoned pets.
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chengranx · 4 months
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The post-production felt very complex and slightly difficult for me, but I did the best I could. Because I really kinda like this theme of mine. I hope this theme can also bring you some help in raising pets!
Also it feels a bit like I'm playing some kind of music game when I look at the project file for this video like this
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